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10-03 投稿


menstruums 发音


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menstruums 中文意思翻译



menstruums 词性/词形变化,menstruums变形

名词复数: menstruums |

menstruums 相似词语短语

1、menstrual ─── adj.月经的;每月的;一月一次的

2、menstrua ─── (尤指药用的)溶媒,溶剂(menstruum的名词复数)

3、estrums ─── n.动情期(等于estrus)

4、menstruates ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

5、mens rooms ─── 更少的房间

6、menstruum ─── n.溶剂;溶媒

7、menstruous ─── adj.行经的,月经来潮的

8、menstruate ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

9、monstruous ─── 畸形的

menstruums 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Process Control of the Temperature at the Top of Tower of Fermented Glutinous Maize of Menstruum ─── 溶剂醪塔顶温的过程控制

2、RESULTS: Of the total prescriptions reviewed,762 were irrational as in the use of menstruum,dosing interval,choice of drugs,drug combination,repeated administration,etc. ─── 结果:不合理处方762张,分别在溶媒使用、给药间隔、选择药物、合并用药以及重复用药等方面存在问题。

3、Methods With different menstruum and macroporous adsorption resin to extract p-comaric acid in Oldenlandia diffusa(willd.) Roxb,and the contents were scaned by hplc,to select the best method. ─── 方法采用有机溶酶提取与大孔树脂动态吸附相结合的方法,用高效液相法测定所得的样品中对香豆酸含量,最终确定最佳工艺。

4、Choice of Menstruum and Other Advice for Clinical Application in Injection ─── 注射剂临床应用的溶媒选择与其他注意事项

5、Chong and Ren channels and menstruum in physiology, pathology,meridian and clinic symptoms.Introduce the clinical experiences to this treatment method.The results showed good effect... ─── 介绍采用针刺调和冲任法治疗本病的临床体会和初步研究结果,提示本法对调节雌、孕激素失衡状态,恢复乳腺组织正常增殖和复旧过程起着良好作用。

6、The study of the stability of etimicin in different menstruums ─── 依替米星在不同溶媒中的稳定性研究

7、Pitkin's menstruum solution ─── 皮特金(氏)溶媒液:肝素溶媒

8、The result demonstrated that the stability of etimicin in these menstruums was good. ─── 结果表明依替米星在上述溶媒中的稳定性较好。

9、menstruum (premenstrua) ─── 经前期

10、OBJECTIVE To investigate the influence of menstruum on solubility of protoberberinium alkaloids in the couple of Rhizoma Coptidis and Fructus Evodiae. ─── 目的对比研究水和盐酸甲醇两种溶媒对黄连吴茱萸药对中小檗碱型生物碱溶出率的影响。

11、oil menstruum ─── 石油溶剂

12、Menstruum crystal is widely used in cephalosporin production in view of its stability and high purity. ─── 溶媒结晶由于其稳定性和纯度高被广泛用于头孢菌素生产中。

13、The time having inspected different menstruum , the temperature , reaction , impact of oxidant dosages over oxide reaction. ─── 考察了不同溶剂,温度,反应时间,氧化剂用量对氧化反应的影响。

14、Keywords crystal;menstruum dissolved matter;filter; ─── 结晶;溶出物;过滤;

15、The report of separation recycle of the several kinds of menstruums is still unseen in present. ─── 目前尚未见到把这几种溶媒全部分离回收的报道。

16、menstruum dissolved matter ─── 溶出物

17、Pitkin's menstruum ─── 皮特金(氏)溶媒:注射肝素用溶媒

18、RESTLUTS:The quantity of menstruum and the extraction times of gentiopicrin had significant influence in the gentiopicrin extraction(P

19、Studies on antimicrobial of extracts of propolis in different menstruum ─── 蜂胶各种溶剂提取物的抑菌效果比较

20、3.Tincture:The alcohol solution, is to take alcohol as menstruum , to digestion plant raw material gains under the room temperature or warmup condition. ─── 浸膏:是一种含精油和植物蜡等呈膏状的浓缩的非水溶剂萃取物,先用挥发性有机溶剂浸提香料植物,再蒸馏回收,残留物即为浸膏

21、Study of analysis method on waste menstruum during antibiotic production ─── 对抗生素生产中废溶媒定性分析方法的探讨

22、Studies on antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of different menstruum extracts of raphanus seed ─── 菜菔子提取物镇咳祛痰平喘作用研究

23、Objective To achieve the better menstruum dosage for the manufacture of Jiangzhining tablets. ─── 目的为降脂宁片的生产选择适宜的溶媒量。

24、The third generation cephalosporins for injection (Menstruum Crystallization) ─── 三代头孢粉针系列(溶媒结晶)

25、Objective:Compare the effect on alkaloids of Bulbus Fritillariae thunbergii in different menstruum. ─── 目的:比较不同溶媒对浙贝母生物碱含量的影响。

26、The merits and demerits of two kinds of devices in which extracted available compositions in Ginkgo biloba leaves were compared by having used different menstruum. ─── 摘要通过使用不同溶剂比较了两种装置提取银杏叶中有效成分的优缺点。

27、Objective To discuss the effect of different heparin menstruums on heparin-free hemodialysis using hemophone and its feasibility. ─── 目的探讨不同肝素溶媒行血仿膜吸附法无肝素透析的效果及可行性。

28、pitkin menstruum ─── [医] 皮特金氏溶媒(注射肝素用)

29、The stanching activity of Zhad was assessed by studying the coagulant activity using the method of measuring the coagulation time of the mice fed with Zhad,and different menstruum extract of the drug. ─── 然后,用同样的方法,分析该药不同提取物的凝血作用,发现紫花地丁等4味药的乙醇提取物具有较强的止血作用。

30、Keywords Penicillin;orthogonal design;menstruum; ─── 青霉素;正交实验;溶媒收率;

31、In addition, alcohol is a kind of good menstruum (solvent), which may distill (extract) a higher proportion of ingredients from medical material. ─── 当然,这时人类虽然从饮酒得到了养生的好处,但他们可能并没有明确的养生目的。

32、Objective To observe the influence of menstruums degassing degree on the experiment results in the apparatus suitability test. ─── 目的探索溶出度仪的系统适用性校正方法中溶剂的脱气程度对实验结果的影响。

33、Keywords the couple of Rhizoma Coptidis and Fructus Evodiae;menstruum;alkaloid;solubility; ─── 黄连-吴茱萸药对;溶媒;生物碱;溶出率;

34、To study the new method on the racemization process of dextromisole hydrochloride.Under the specific environments,water was used to replace dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) as the menstruum. ─── 以水代替有机溶剂二甲基亚砜作为溶媒,在加热的碱性回流条件下对右旋咪唑游离碱的消旋化反应过程进行工艺改进,并找到了最佳的工艺参数。

35、Objective To observe the influence of menstruum s degassing degree on the experiment results in the apparatus suitability test. ─── 目的探索溶出度仪的系统适用性校正方法中溶剂的脱气程度对实验结果的影响。

36、This text consider the way of the consecutive distillation menstruum and more it also can solve the potential environment problem cause by the uOH-water. and make the wastewater utilizable. ─── 本文对废溶媒连续蒸馏工艺进行了研究,并对含丁醇的废水进行了有效处理,使盐酸四环素生产过程中产生的废液得到充分利用,解决了丁醇回收过程中可能带来的环境污染问题。

37、METHODS sodium hyaluronate was used as thickening agent,water as menstruum to prepare moxfloxacin sodium hyaluronate nasal drops; ─── 方法:以玻璃酸钠为增黏剂,用水为溶媒进行配制;

38、Influential factors of ways of menstruum degassing the apparatus suitability test ─── 溶剂脱气方法对溶出度仪系统适用性校正结果的影响

39、The machine is suitable is suitable to distill and concentrate liquid of Chinese herbal medicine and syrup and recycle the organic menstruum. ─── 适用于医院、药厂、食品行业对中草药液、果汁等物质的提取、浓缩以及有机溶媒的回收。

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