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10-03 投稿


Megara 中文意思翻译



Megara 相似词语短语

1、Gemara ─── n.犹太教的神学书Talmud中的注释篇

2、megarads ─── n.兆拉德(吸收剂量的标准单位)

3、Femara ─── 弗隆

4、hegari ─── n.非洲高粱(原产苏丹,种子为白色)

5、Angara ─── n.安加拉河

6、Megara ─── n.墨伽拉(人名,希腊神话中底比斯国王克瑞翁的女儿);迈加拉(地名,在古雅典附近)

7、megaron ─── n.中央大厅;正厅

8、megarad ─── n.兆拉德(吸收剂量的标准单位)

9、megabar ─── 兆巴

Megara 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How about Megara, Melos, Mytilene, and Miletus? ─── 麦加拉、麦洛斯、密提林和米利都呢?

2、One story says that Orsippus of Megara demonstrated that men could run faster naked than clothed. ─── 有一个故事说美伽拉人奥西普斯证明赤身露体比穿衣奔跑速度更快。

3、"Megaron: In ancient Greece and the Middle East, an architectural form consisting of a porch, vestibule, and large hall with a central hearth." ─── 正厅:古希腊和中东的一种建筑形式,为敞廊、门厅和一个中央带火炉组成的大厅。

4、He studied mathematics in the neighboring city of Megara, and then spent a decade or so traveling to various places around the Mediterranean Sea. ─── 他在邻近的城市迈加拉学习数学,然后用了十年左右的时间游历了地中海周围的各个地方。

5、OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY BANQUET LUNCH (simultaneous translation will be provided) at Zappeion Megaron ─── 开幕式午宴(提供同声传译服务)地点

6、The day after my arrival, I wandered through the ankle-high maze of the palace remains in search of the great central megaron, or throne room, where the wanax presided. ─── 到达后次日,我在脚踝高的宫殿遗址迷宫中游荡,寻找国王的中央大厅,和放有宝座的房间。

7、All free male Greek citizens were entitled to participate (参加) in the ancient Olympic Games, regardless of (不管) their social status.Orsippos, a general from Megara;Polymnistor, a shepherd; ─── 所有希腊的男性自由人都有资格参加奥林匹克运动会。

8、It decreed a trade embargo on neighbouring Megara, but the ensuing 27-year struggle left the Athenians humiliated and Megara's ally, Corinth, triumphant. ─── 当年,雅典决定对其邻邦麦哥拉实施贸易制裁,但是27年接踵而至的对抗留给雅典的却是自己的屈辱和来自对手盟友柯林斯的欢呼。

9、the beautiful nymph Deianeira, who secretly loves him. . . and the priestess Megara, who becomes his wife. ─── 暗恋着他的美丽仙女得阿涅…还有将成为他妻子的女教士玛嘉拉。

10、Brunner - Rodina (Megara vs. ─── [已翻译] Naksi vs.

11、"The megaron was found in all Mycenaean palaces and also in houses. It probably originated in the Middle East, later attaining the uniquely Aegean aspect of the open porch supported by columns. " ─── 所有迈锡尼的宫殿都有这种正厅,住宅中也采用。可能起源于中东,后来加上独特的爱琴海式由柱子支撑的开放式门厅。

12、One story says that Orsippus of Megara demonstrated that men could run faster naked than clothed. ─── 有一个故事说美伽拉人奥西普斯证明赤身露体比穿衣奔跑速度更快。

13、Unbeknownst to Hercules, however, Megara and her sons are merely tools of the vengeful Hera, plotting against him and initiating events that lead to banishment from his people. ─── 未几,海克力斯发现了玛嘉拉与她的儿子原来是希拉派来报复的工具,并成功地密谋作反及把他从人民手中放逐。

14、Fearing there is only one way to atone for his sins, Hercules agrees to tasks set forth by Megara's new husband, King Eurystheus. ─── 为了能够解除这个困境,海克力斯接受了一个艰难的任务,就是要设计杀死加害他的玛嘉拉新任丈夫--欧律斯修斯国王。

15、Exor - Moonshine (Megara vs. ─── 歌曲:Project Medusa vs.

16、Nouky - When the Rain Begins to Fall (Megara Vs. ─── DJ Lee Dub Mix)LRC歌词,边听边学唱.

17、Bass-T - On a Party Trip (Megara vs. ─── 您正在试听:Sven-R-G vs.

18、the beautiful nymph Deianeira, who secretly loves him... and the priestess Megara, who becomes his wife. ─── 暗恋着他的美丽仙女得阿涅...还有将成为他妻子的女教士玛嘉拉。

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