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10-03 投稿


mediae 发音


英:  美:

mediae 中文意思翻译



mediae 短语词组

1、venae meningeae mediae ─── [医] 脑膜中静脉

2、plexus arteriae cerebri mediae ─── [医] 大脑中动脉丛

3、sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae ─── [医] 颞中动脉沟

4、venae rectales mediae ─── [医] 直肠中静脉

5、lymphoglandulae colicae mediae ─── [医] 结肠系膜淋巴结

6、venae thyreoideae mediae ─── [医] 甲状腺中静脉

mediae 相似词语短语

1、media ─── n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉

2、mediates ─── vi.调解;斡旋;居中;vt.调停;传达;adj.间接的;居间的

3、mediad ─── adv.[解剖]向中;朝着中线

4、medicate ─── vt.用药治疗;加药品于

5、rediae ─── n.雷蚴;雷迪幼虫(redia的变形)

6、mediate ─── vi.调解;斡旋;居中;vt.调停;传达;adj.间接的;居间的

7、medial ─── adj.中间的;平均的;普通的;n.[语]中间字母

8、mediated ─── v.调停;调解;减轻(mediate的过去式及过去分词)

9、median ─── adj.中值的,中间的;中位数的;在中央的,通过中点的;n.中值,中位数;(三角形的)中线;梯形中位线;n.(Median)(美、罗马尼亚、西)梅迪安(人名)

mediae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His flamboyance earned him instant media attention. ─── 他的浮夸招摇立即引起了舆论界的注意。

2、Fine. I'd like a medium sized carp steamed. ─── 好的,给我来一条大小中等的清蒸鲤鱼。

3、Beijing Golden Skyway Media Co., Ltd. ─── 北京紫金长天传媒文化有限公司。

4、The major media are rapidly becoming the glue. ─── 主要的传播媒介正迅速地变成一条纽带。

5、We get good media coverage for the launch of the new model. ─── 传播媒介对我们的新型产品投放市场作了有利的报导。

6、The place of the media in a free society. ─── 媒体在言论自由社会中的地位

7、Long, medium and short overcoats. Winter wear, jacket, coat, long, medium and short jumpers. ─── 大,中,短大衣,防寒服,茄克衫,上装,中长短马甲。

8、A hard rubber disk used in ice hockey as the playing and scoring medium. ─── 冰球冰球比赛中用于击打和得分的硬橡皮盘状物

9、The trial was fully reported in the media. ─── 媒体对这次审判进行了全面报道。

10、In word processing, the reproduction of the entire recorded text from one element of recording medium to another. ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,一个完整记录的文本从记录媒体的一个单元到另一个单元的复制过程。

11、Can you name some of the local media in Beijing? ─── 你能说出一些北京当地媒体的名称吗?

12、But for the media,it was a golden bonanza. ─── 但是对于媒体来说,这却成了他们的致富之源。

13、She chose the medium of print (eg published a book) to make her ideas known. ─── 她选择出版手段来表达思想。

14、To distribute(particles)evenly throughout a medium. ─── 使粒子分散(粒子)均匀分散在介质中

15、Describes mirrored backup media sets. ─── 介绍镜像备份媒体集。

16、Which types of media do you use? ─── 你使用的媒体类型?

17、Media credentials were requested from outlets all over the world. ─── 世界各地的媒体纷纷要求采访比赛。

18、In a stockpot, heat oil over medium heat. ─── 取一只汤锅,倒油,中火加热。

19、Medium MS did good to callus proliferation. ─── ms是比较适合愈伤组织增殖的基本培养基。

20、A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he's putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program. ─── 一位身份数百万的媒体大亨,坦诚地告诉他全体员工他将暂时搁置他的事业以便参加戒酒班,令员工大为惊愕。

21、Semidouble-double medium pink pansy/ white edge. ─── 半重瓣到重瓣的中粉红色堇型花,白色镶边。

22、Appending can occur only at the end of the media. ─── 只能在媒体的结尾处追加备份。

23、Beer Industry Media Monitoring Report. ─── 啤酒行业监测报告。

24、The media are (NOT is) often accused of being biased. ─── 传播媒介常遭指责,认为有偏见(英文句中不可用is).

25、The media bombard people with advertisements. ─── 媒体中充满了各样动人心弦的广告。

26、The mass media tends to personalize politics. ─── 大众传媒往往把政治个人化。

27、In a shoe store, shoes of medium width turn over quickly, but a pair of narrow shoes may not be sold for years. ─── 在鞋店里,中型鞋卖得特别多特别快,可是一双窄型鞋也许好几年也卖不掉。

28、In a character string, to reduce the space taken on a data medium by repetitive characters. ─── 减少字符串中由于字符的重复出现而占据的数据媒体空间。

29、An ASCII control character, end of medium. ─── 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。

30、In the theater of the media there are economic slights of hand. ─── 传播媒介在经济上又耍了一个大花招。


32、Which of the new media above is the most reliable? ─── 以上的新闻媒体中那一种最可靠?

33、Sound travels through the medium fo air. ─── 声音通过空气作为媒介传播。

34、Semidouble medium blue pansy/thin white edge. ─── 半重瓣堇型花,中蓝色,细的白色镶边。

35、He didn't like the media probing into his past. ─── 他不愿意媒体追问他的过去。

36、He heard the comments of media insensibility. ─── 他对媒体的批评充耳不闻。

37、The Taiwanese media always likes to report gossip. ─── 台湾的媒体总是喜欢报导八卦新闻。

38、A tape or disk drive that contains backup media. ─── 包含备份媒体的磁带机或磁盘驱动器。

39、If air weren't admitted into the bell jar, the electric bell in the bell jar would not ring because of a lack of a medium. ─── 如果我们不让空气进入铃罩,铃罩中的电铃一定会因缺少介质而不响了。

40、There has to be a medium between good and bad. ─── 中间状态介于好与坏之间。

41、An output unit that directly produces a hard copy record of data on a removable medium, in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation. ─── 一种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示方式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。

42、He prefers a happy medium in life. ─── 他在生活中甘居中游。

43、P-wave velocity analysis in anisotropy medium. ─── 各向异性介质纵波速度分析。

44、The media are to blame for starting the rumours. ─── 出现这些谣言, 大众宣传工具难辞其咎.

45、There is a medium in all things. ─── 凡事都有中庸之道。

46、An exact copy of data in a file transferred to another medium. ─── 图像,映像进入另一媒介中的文件里,对原有数据的完全复制

47、Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising. ─── 商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具。

48、But for the media, it was a golden bonanza. ─── 但是对于媒体来说,这桩王室婚姻却成了他们的致富之源。

49、Variegated medium green and creamy white. Standard. ─── 中绿色和奶油白组合的斑叶。标准型。

50、It is the major media for malaria and dengue fever. ─── 埃及伊蚊是登革热病的传播媒介。

51、He's of medium build with short, curly, brown hair. ─── 他中等身材,棕色短鬈发,

52、Of medium or average quantity or extent. ─── 中等的中等的或一般的数量或范围的

53、Commercial television is a medium for advertising. ─── 商业电视是一种广告媒介。

54、Duplicate data or information copied from one medium to another. ─── 从一种介质向另一种介质拷贝的复制数据或信息。

55、Beijing FengYunRenWu Media Advertising Co., Ltd. ─── 北京风云人物传媒广告有限公司。

56、Do you want your steak well-done, medium, or rare? ─── 你想吃全熟,半熟,还是生的牛排?

57、The salesperson gives Li Ping a medium size. ─── 售货员给李平一个中号试。

58、Information that concerns a person, a group, an event, or a product and that is disseminated through various media to attract public notice. ─── 公众信息为吸引公众的注意而通过各种传播媒介发布的关于个人、团体、事件或产品的信息

59、A prime goal was to suppress all media opposed to the government. ─── 他的一个主要目标是镇压一切反政府的新闻机构。

60、He's medium build, a little overweight perhaps. ─── 中等身材,好像有点儿胖。

61、The wedding got massive media coverage. ─── 婚礼得到大众传播媒介的广泛报道。

62、On dictation equipment, a device for removing a recording from the recording medium. ─── 在口述记录设备上,用来除去记录媒体上记录的一种装置。

63、In Kenya Mediae promotes civil rights with a television soap called "Makutano Junction". ─── 肯尼亚的Mediae通过电视剧《Makutano Junction》推广民权。

64、Sound travels through the medium of air. ─── 声音通过空气这一媒介传播。

65、He says the media are ravening wolves. ─── 他说媒体就如同饿狼一般。

66、He was a man of medium height with a slight paunch. ─── 他是个中等身材的人,大腹便便。

67、A site intended for the storage of data, for example, a site on a printed page or a location in a storage medium. ─── 一种准备用来存放数据的位置,例如打印页面上的一个位置或存储媒体中的一个单元。

68、The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage. ─── 他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道。

69、Which of the news media above is the most reliable? ─── 以上的新闻媒体中哪一?

70、What types of medium - size cars do you have ? ─── 中型车你们有哪些车种?

71、She claimed her problems were down to the media. ─── 她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。

72、In a stockpot, melt butter over medium heat. ─── 取一只汤锅,把黄油放入,中火加热融化。

73、A wise candidate should have the media in hand. ─── 一个明智的候选人应该把传媒控制在手中。

74、He likes to stick to a happy medium. ─── 他喜欢信守中庸之道。

75、Here's a Medium, @ says the salesperson. ─── “这儿有个中号的,”售货员说。

76、The media has given the show a huge build-up. ─── 传媒为这次演出大加造势。

77、On dictation equipment, the process of removing the recording from a recording medium. ─── 在口述记录设备上,从记录媒体上擦除记录的处理过程。

78、Bringing the acoustics in the news broadcast into full play is regarded as an important means to winning over the audience between broadcast and other mediae. ─── 努力发挥广播新闻中音响的作用是广播与其他媒体争夺受众的一个重要手段。

79、Mass media is very important for advertisements. ─── 大众媒介对广告来说很重要。

80、A select group of media influentials. ─── 一群经过挑选的媒介巨头

81、You must try to strike a happy medium. ─── 你必须设法采取折衷的态度。

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