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10-03 投稿


luffed 发音

英:[l?ft]  美:[l?ft]

英:  美:

luffed 中文意思翻译





luffed 短语词组

1、luffed stalled ─── 变幅失速

2、luffed up ─── 顺风行驶

luffed 词性/词形变化,luffed变形

动词过去分词: luffed |动词过去式: luffed |动词现在分词: luffing |动词第三人称单数: luffs |

luffed 相似词语短语

1、bluffed ─── n.吓唬;绝壁;断崖;vt.吓唬;愚弄;vi.吓唬;adj.直率的;陡峭的

2、pluffed ─── 加厚的

3、fluffed ─── n.绒毛;错误;无价值的东西;vt.念错;抖松;使…起毛;vi.起毛;出错;变松

4、duffed ─── n.水果布丁;(非正式)屁股;(森林地面上的)半腐层;(非正式)怀孕;v.(非正式)痛击,毒打;把(偷盗物)改头换面;偷盗并更改(牛身上的)烙印;误击,没把(球)击好;adj.(非正式)蹩脚的,无用的;错误的,不正确的;n.(Duff)(美、加、英)迪夫(人名)

5、fuffed ─── 气急败坏的

6、huffed ─── v.生气地说;把……吹胀,吹气;发怒,激怒;蔑视;恫吓;嗅(汽油、溶剂)作为兴奋剂;(国际跳棋中)取掉(对方本可吃棋的棋子);n.发怒,恼怒;n.(Huff)(美)胡夫(人名)

7、cuffed ─── v.用手轻快地拍打;给……戴上手铐(cuff的过去式和过去分词)

8、sluffed ─── 邋遢的

9、buffed ─── adj.健壮的;肌肉发达的;v.擦亮;抛光(buff的过去式)

luffed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Last year the second session of evaluation's winner was Iraqi Chief Eunice - Mohammed - Luff, he led in chaos caused by war's Iraqi team to obtain Asian Cup champion great honor. ─── 去年第二届评选的获得者是伊拉克队长尤尼斯-穆罕默德-哈勒夫,他带领战乱中的伊拉克队取得了亚洲杯冠军的殊荣。

2、Therefore party chief accuses Luff not to respect the old member, this has also initiated a German Soccer world's great unrest. ─── 因此队长指责勒夫不尊重老队员,这也引发了德国足坛的一场轩然大波。

3、After newspaper news Balac this week criticize openly Luff, because Balac was even advanced with the Luff its behind training set's contradiction the keenest struggle. ─── 本报讯巴拉克本周公开批评勒夫后,巴拉克因和勒夫甚至其背后教练组的矛盾被推到了风口浪尖。

4、new double-link luff mechanism ─── 新型四连杆变幅机构

5、31. So he issued his commands, which I breathlessly obeyed; till, all of a sudden, he cried, 'Now, my hearty, luff!' ─── 他就这样发布命令,而我则不歇气地执行着,直到他突然喊道:“好了,伙计,转舵向风

6、Sheltered side, side out of the wind or protected from the current. Opposite of luff. ─── 下风掩蔽的侧边,从风或遮蔽水流的侧边。相对于逆风。

7、Final Balac chose apologized to Luff, Fulinsi also indicated on Sunday, he still could be the German national sports team's member. ─── 最终巴拉克选择了向勒夫道歉,弗林斯也在周日表明,他仍然会是德国国家队的成员。

8、double rigging luff ─── 2-1与2-1复绞辘

9、By now, Balac stood “speaks out from a sense of justice”, he said: “if you (Luff) no longer needed somebody, you should say publicly. ─── 这时,巴拉克站出来“仗义执言”,他说:“如果你(勒夫)不再需要某个人了,你应该公开说出来。”

10、But he luffed the boat less delicately, spilling the wind shamelessly from the sail so as to prolong the tack to the north shore. ─── 他巧妙地驶着船,老远便放慢了速度,没有引起几位还在争论不休的人的注意。

11、The wind is too strong,we shall have to luff up. ─── 风太大了,我们得抢风行驶。

12、Although Balac is the German most major suit active duty player, Luff also has the enough energy to punish him, but this matter has involved the senior player and the training set two groups. ─── 虽然巴拉克是德国最大牌的现役球员,勒夫也有足够的底气来处罚他,但这件事已牵扯到了老球员和教练组两个集团。

13、we have been invited to attend the reception to launch The Training Gateway's new web portal with a representative of our Chinese partners, by Lord Sainsbury and Peter Luff MP. ─── 日前,在恩斯伯里爵士和英国议员彼得.拉夫共同主持下,“培训通途”举行了招待会,戴雨果教授应邀参加,并发表演讲向来宾推广政府、企业与大学间的合作。

14、with illustrations by Vanessa Luff and Jake Tebbit. ─── 作者声明: John Woodward and Peter Luff ;

15、First has Chief Balac to mass-criticize the event, latter has Kulanyi to leave the ranks the disturbance, Luff in the authority who leads in the position receives challenges blatantly. ─── (this article originates: Net easy sports) 尽管德国队在上周末主场惊险拿下同组主要竞争对手俄罗斯,并稳坐小组头把交椅,但兴奋之余,的离队还是在德国上下引起轩然大波。

16、Luff since has held the post of Kelinsiman the assistant, to becomes commander in chief, has obtained result and so on World Cup third place and European Cup second place, his position is stable. ─── 勒夫从担任克林斯曼副手以来,到成为主帅,取得了世界杯季军和欧洲杯亚军等成绩,他的位置非常稳固。

17、to luff ─── 抢风行驶

18、”In has made the intense response after the media, Luff approximately Balac is speaking face-to-face as soon as possible. ─── 在对媒体发表了激烈的回应后,勒夫正在约巴拉克尽快面谈。

19、After related the Kulanyi not fruit several times, loses the patience Commander in Chief Luff announced that its dismissal national sports team, forever no longer will use. ─── 在数次联系库兰伊未果之后,失去耐心的主帅勒夫宣布将其开除国家队,永不再用。

20、The team is also so, sometimes the human many not necessarily is a good deed, Kelinsiman initially only then Luff assisted but actually in the German training set, the effect instead is much better. ─── 球队也是如此,有时人多未必是一件好事,倒是克林斯曼当初在德国教练组只有勒夫一人辅佐,效果反而好得多。

21、luff a sail ─── 抢风时使前帆稍微飘动

23、He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives. ─── 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。

24、9. a triangular topsail with its foot along the gaff and its luff on the topmast. ─── 根部在船的斜桁并且其转舵在上部的三角形的上桅帆。

25、luff of the bows ─── 船首尖部

26、 双语使用场景

27、and Silver himself saying, in a kind of song 'Here's to ourselves, and hold your luff, plenty of prizes and plenty of duff.' ─── 希尔弗却像唱歌一样说道:“为我们自己干杯,祝大家万事如意、财源滚滚、大富大贵。”

28、double luff tackle 3-2 ─── 绞辘

29、No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff. ─── 没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。

30、Has the German media to think that Luff “bullies the weak and fears the strong”, does not dare to take Kulanyi to operate likely such copes with Balac. ─── 有德国媒体认为勒夫“欺软怕硬”,不敢像拿库兰伊开刀那样对付巴拉克。

31、3. Luff the helm! ─── 转舵向风!

32、luff mechanism ─── 变幅机构

33、This Wednesday, Balac mass-criticizes Luff's article publication on famous German media, this has caused the great unrest in the German soccer circle. ─── 本周三,巴拉克炮轰勒夫的文章刊登在一家著名的德国媒体上,这在德国足球圈引起了轩然大波。

34、luff up ─── 船侧受风而行

35、However, Mr Luff said the letter showed that the MG Rover study was "expensive" as the two other inquiries had cost ─── 不过,勒夫认为,从这封信里可以看出MG罗孚的调查费用较为“高昂”,因为上述两项调查的费用分别为350万英镑和770万英镑。

36、In the future I also hoped can do this, national sports team Head Coach Luff after the European Cup also agreed. ─── 未来我也希望能这样做,国家队主教练勒夫在欧洲杯之后也同意了。

37、Dive recovery might have been affected by unattached VG, which did not engage the luff-lines compensator, i.e. luff lines did not work. ─── 更多的重心移动,或者能帮助这次的俯冲解出,但它没有和后沿钢绳配合,产生调节功能,换句话说,后沿钢绳没发挥作用.

38、I only am want to let Luff and his team knew that in the future will have my performance. ─── 我只是想让勒夫和他的球队知道,未来会有我的表演。”

39、(Soloist singers) Jeffie Leung, Eugenia Yau, Cynthia Luff, Oliver Lo, Brian Montgomery and Edmund Kwan. ─── (歌唱家)梁静仪、丘爱恩、严仙霞、卢思彦、孟浩文、关杰明。

40、luff the helm ─── 转舵向风行驶

41、Before Balac and group leader compare the Egyptian Hove violent debate, abandons trains to organize the player to hold a meeting, Luff turn a blind eye. ─── 之前巴拉克和领队比埃霍夫唇枪舌剑,抛开教练自己组织球员开会,勒夫都睁一只眼闭一只眼。

42、The watch was all forward looking out for the island. The man at the helm was watching the luff of the sail, and whistling away gently to himself; ─── 瞭望的人全都到船头去看那座岛屿什么时候出现,而舵手也正一面注视着船帆的动静,一面轻轻地吹着口哨。

43、"Luff, and bring her to the wind!" ─── “转舵向风行驶

44、Luff the sails and lay her in irons. ─── 抢风行驶 向他们进发!

45、Immediately, Luff started his counter-attack, he issued a statement through the German Soccer association saying:“I will telephone to Balac, is called him to meet to Germany chats well. ─── 随即,勒夫开始了自己的反击,他通过德国足协发表一份声明说:“我将给巴拉克打个电话,然后叫他到德国见面好好谈谈。

46、Based on the inverse design principle,kinematics analysis of the new double-link luff mechanism with back-rocker driving is made in this paper. ─── 论述的新型四连杆变幅机构独有的后摇杆驱动、臂架活动范围大、外观和几何形态特别等特点。

47、luff tackle ─── 纵帆滑车三倍复滑车

48、Balac this procedure incurs German Soccer world many person of criticisms, national sports team Head Coach Luff also being completely muddled which is done by this attack. ─── 巴拉克的这种做法招致德国足坛许多人的批评,国家队主教练勒夫也被这一番攻击搞的晕头转向。

49、luff of the bow ─── 艏舷;艏弯曲部

50、luff of a sail ─── 帆前缘

51、”But Luff warns sternly Balac through the German Soccer association's statement: “I will telephone to Balac, is called him to meet to Germany chats well. ─── 而勒夫则通过德国足协的声明正告巴拉克:“我将给巴拉克打个电话,然后叫他到德国见面好好谈谈。

52、But the Luff empire was then cursed by the compass, and fell into ruin... ─── 不过拉夫人的统治者被罗盘给诅咒,而陷入了遗迹中......


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