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10-03 投稿


myopathy 发音

英:[ma??ɑ?p?θi]  美:[ma???p?θi]

英:  美:

myopathy 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 肌病


myopathy 短语词组

1、mitochondrial myopathy ─── 线粒体性肌病 ─── 线粒体肌病

2、spheroid body myopathy ─── 球体肌病

3、nemaline myopathy ─── 丝状体肌病

4、thyrotoxic myopathy ─── [医] 甲状腺机能亢进性肌病

5、mitochondrial myopathy in adults ─── 成人线粒体肌病

6、nemaline rod muscular myopathy ─── 向列线杆状肌肌病

7、distal myopathy ─── [医] 远端肌病

8、mitochondrial myopathy raw data ─── 线粒体肌病原始数据

9、alcoholic myopathy ─── [医]酒精性肌病

10、mitochondrial myopathy treatment ─── 线粒体肌病治疗

11、carcinomatous myopathy ─── 癌性肌病

12、Congenital myopathy ─── 先天性肌病

13、fatal infantile mitochondrial myopathy ─── 致命性婴儿线粒体肌病

14、endocrine myopathy ─── 内分泌肌病

15、nemaline rod myopathy ─── 向列线杆状肌病

16、myopathy hypotonia ─── 肌病张力减退

17、mitochondrial myopathy encephalopathy ─── 线粒体肌病脑病

18、primary mitochondrial myopathy ─── 原发性线粒体肌病

myopathy 词性/词形变化,myopathy变形


myopathy 相似词语短语

1、myopathic ─── 肌病的

2、homeopathy ─── n.[临床]顺势疗法;同种疗法

3、cytopathy ─── n.细胞病

4、dyspathy ─── 厌恶

5、mazopathy ─── 麻风病

6、zoopathy ─── 动物病

7、sympathy ─── n.同情;慰问;赞同

8、gammopathy ─── n.丙种球蛋白病

9、myelopathy ─── n.脊髓病

myopathy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unlike with other drug-induced myopathies, serum CK concentration does not markedly increase with steroid myopathy. ─── 与其他药物诱导肌病不同的是,类固醇肌病不引起血清CK浓度明显升高。

2、toxic myopathy ─── 中毒性肌病

3、Therapeutical Observation on Nursling Chronic Peptic Diarrhea by Nursing Mothers'Health to Treat Infantile Myopathy ─── 婴病调母法治疗乳婴慢性消化性腹泻疗效观察

4、A study of quantitative tissue velocity imaging, strain and strain rate imaging in hypertrophic cardiac myopathy and essential hypertension ─── 定量组织速度成像、应变和应变率显像评价肥厚型心肌病与高血压心脏病左室心功能的对比研究

5、Laboratory Investigation of Peripheral Neuropathy and Myopathy in Children ─── 小儿周围神经和肌肉疾病的实验室检查

6、Congenital myopathy with abnormal subcellular organelles ─── 先天性肌病伴异常亚细胞结构

7、Keywords Diabetes mellitus;type 1;Diabetic myopathy;Muscle;skeletal;Apoptosis;Tree shrew; ─── 1型糖尿病;糖尿病肌病;骨骼肌;细胞凋亡;树鼩;

8、Luft's hypermetabolic myopathy ─── Luft高新陈代谢性肌病

9、primary cardiac myopathy ─── 原发性心肌病

10、Dropped Head Syndrome and Axial Myopathy ─── 头颅下垂综合征和轴性肌病

11、Keywords heart failure;congestive;myopathy;cardiac pacing;artificial; ─── 关键词心力衰竭;充血性;心肌病;心脏起搏;人工;

12、Myopathy and the concurrent administration of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blockers are well described in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. ─── 在ICU,肌病与同时给予皮质类固醇和神经肌肉阻滞剂被详细记录。

13、congenital myopathy ─── 先天性肌病

14、Severe x-linked myotubular myopathy ─── 严重伴性肌管性肌病

15、A higher incidence of acute myopathy has been reported in patients with acute severe asthma, especially those paralyzed with neuromuscular blocking agents. ─── 急性肌肉病变常发生在病患有严重气喘,且合并使用神经肌肉阻断剂者。

16、Myopathy in Cushing's disease ─── Cushing病肌病

17、X-linked myotubular myopathy ─── X-连锁的肌小管性肌病的

18、Keywords primary carnitine deficiency;lipid storage myopathy;mitochondria; ─── 原发性肉碱缺乏;脂质沉积性肌病;线粒体;

19、familial visceral myopathy ─── 家族性内脏肌病

20、myotublar myopathy ─── 小管肌病

21、hypertrophic cardio myopathy ─── HCM

22、Unlike with other drug-induced myopathies, serum CK concentration does not markedly increase with steroid myopathy. ─── 与其他药物诱导肌病不同的是,类固醇肌病不引起血清CK浓度明显升高。

23、inclusion body myopathy ─── 包涵体肌病

24、congenital non-progressive myopathy ─── 先天性非进行性肌病

25、Keywords Lipid storage;Muscle biopsies;Myopathy; ─── 关键词脂质沉积;肌肉活检;肌病;

26、Ragged red myopathy ─── 不调和红色肌病

27、Myopathy in Addison's disease ─── Addison病肌病

28、trabecular fiber myopathy ─── 小梁纤维肌病

29、familial and hereditory inclusion body myopathy ─── 家族性遗传性包涵体肌病

30、endocrinic myopathy ─── 内分泌性肌病

31、Keywords tropomyosin;genic mutation;isoform;myopathy; ─── 原肌球蛋白;基因突变;异构体;肌病;

32、The figures for high-risk men were similar, except for myopathy, with an extra 110 cases. ─── 这些数据对男女来说是相同的除了心肌病,它用了超过110个案例。

33、They compared the 98 patients who developed myopathy with 98 patients who did not. ─── 他们比较了98位出现肌病和98位没有出现肌病的患者。

34、critical illness myopathy ─── 危重病性肌病

35、The most serious form of myopathy is called rhabdomyolysis. ─── 肌病最严重的形式被称作横纹肌溶解。

36、Minimal change myopathy ─── 微小改变肌病

37、Pathology showed abnormal lipid metabolism in muscle fibers. These characters accorded with stating-associated myopathy. ─── 病理学表现为肌纤维脂质代谢障碍的特点,符合他汀类相关肌病。

38、Patients with myopathy remained in the ICU longer than unaffected patients or controls. ─── ICU里的肌病患者比不受影响患者或对照者保持时间长。(不通顺啊!?)

39、megaconial myopathy ─── 大锥状颗粒肌病

40、metabolic myopathy ─── 代谢性肌病

41、Sicca syndrome /diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome (DILS)and myositis were found in 11(11.22%)and 9(9.18%)cases respectively,the later including 1 case of zidovudine induced myopathy. ─── 11例Sicca综合征和/或弥漫性淋巴细胞浸润综合征(DILS),占11.2%;

42、megaconical myopathy ─── 巨圆锥状肌病

43、Cerebral palsy and Fibrosis of gluteals muscle represented 88% and 2.8% respectively, the rest 5.4% included spinal injury, myopathy, congenital deformity, congenital hip dislocation, amputation etc. ─── 在所有病人中,一侧下肢肌肉麻痹最多,共有2,303例(32.9%)、两侧下肢肌肉麻痹者2,024例(28.9%)、两侧下肢并有躯干肌肉麻痹者979例(14%)、一侧下肢及躯干肌肉麻痹者138例。

44、primary myopathy ─── 原发性肌病

45、thyrotoxic myopathy ─── [医] 甲状腺机能亢进性肌病

46、distal myopathy ─── [医] 远端肌病

47、Keywords Central core disease;Malignant hyperthermia;Ncmaline myopathy; ─── 中央轴空病;恶性高热;杆状体肌病;

48、The Mtm1 knockout mice recapitulate the histopathological signs of XLMTM and show a progressive myopathy starting a few weeks after birth while muscle histology appears normal at birth. ─── Mtm1基因敲除的小鼠表现出XLMTM组织病理学的体征并在出生后数周表现出递增的趋势,而在出生时却表现出正常的肌肉组织学体征。

49、Keywords congenital myopathy;central core disease; ─── 先天性肌病;中央轴空病;

50、Such myopathy appeared within an age range of 40 to 60 years. ─── 原发性的轴性肌病,病因不明,十分罕见。

51、hypokalemic myopathy ─── 低钾性肌病

52、Although the heart is usually structurally normal, there may be an associated myopathy in up to 10% of cases (6). ─── 虽然心脏结构上并无异常,但仍有10%以上的病例可能有相关性的心肌病变[6]。

53、Congenital fiber type disproportion myopathy ─── 先天性纤维型不相称性肌病

54、capture myopathy ─── 俘虏病

55、cachectic myopathy ─── 恶病质肌病

56、pleoconial myopathy ─── 多圆锥状肌病

57、Report of a case with central nuclear type myopathy ─── 中央核性肌病一例

58、Myopathy in hypopituitarism ─── 垂体功能减退症肌病

59、Juvenile myopathy and lactate acidosis ─── 幼年肌病和乳酸酸中毒

60、hyponatremic myopathy ─── 低血钠性肌病

61、acute necrotizing myopathy ─── 急性坏死性肌病

62、Malignant Hyperthermia ;Myopathy ;Central Core ;Ryanodine Receptor Calcium Release Channel ; ─── 恶性热 ;

63、Characteristics of molecular biology of tropomyosin and its correlation with the occurrence of myopathy ─── 原肌球蛋白分子生物学特征及其与肌病发生相关性的研究

64、His electrodiagnostic studies were felt to be suggestive of “inflammatory myositis” and he was referred to the Neuromuscular Clinic for further evaluation of possible inflammatory myopathy. ─── 他的电学研究被认为是暗示“炎症性肌炎” ,他提到了神经肌肉诊所作进一步评估可能的炎性肌病。

65、Keywords Semimembranous muscle;Myopathy;Strain; ─── 关键词半膜肌;肌病;劳损;

66、Uniform type Ⅰ fiber myopathy ─── 单一Ⅰ型肌纤维肌病

67、Alcohol myopathy ─── 乙醇性肌病

68、Keywords Lipid storage myopathy Muscle biopsy Mitochondria Morphometry Carnitine; ─── 关键词脂肪累积性肌肉病;肌活检;线粒体;形态计量分析;

69、Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and critical illness myopathy (CIM) are frequently found in critical ill patients and may cause muscle weakness and even respiratory failure. ─── 危重病性多发性神经病及危重病性肌病在重症监护患者中常见,两者均可引起肌肉无力,甚至呼吸肌瘫痪。

70、However, a necrotizing steroid myopathy has also been reported to occur.Proximal muscle weakness of the lower and upper extremities is significantly related to the cumulative dose of steroid. ─── 但是,坏死性的类固醇肌病也有报道。上肢和下肢近端肌无力与类固醇累积剂量有关。

71、centronuclear myopathy ─── 中央核性

72、However, chronic myopathy may persist after prolonged treatment with high doses of corticosteroids. ─── 但是,大剂量皮质类固醇激素长期治疗导致的慢性肌病可能持续存在。

73、Multi-core congenital myopathy ─── 多核性先天性肌病

74、Clinical Observation in Uterine Glands Myopathy Treated with Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines ─── 中西医结合治疗子宫腺肌病临床观察

75、All or only a few may be affected. Myotonia seems to originate in the muscles (myopathy) rather than the nervous system. ─── 可能发生于全身所有的肌肉,也可能仅发生于几块肌肉中。病变似乎是在肌肉本身,而不是在神经系统。

76、HIV-associated myopathy ─── 人类免疫缺陷病毒伴发的肌病

77、Keywords Shenmai Zhusheye;vitamine C;congestive cardio myopathy [; ─── 关键词参麦注射液;维生素C;充血性心肌病;

78、It is often misunderstood because it presents as a tumor-like mass, but histologically resembles a skeletal muscle myopathy or dystrophy. ─── 正是因为其大体酷似瘤块,所以常常被混淆,但组织学上它类似骨骼肌的肌病或萎缩性病变。

79、Eosinophilic myopathy ─── 嗜酸性肌病

80、Pathological diagnosis of congenital myopathy at molecular level ─── 分子病理学对遗传性肌病诊断的影响

81、infantile myopathy ─── 婴儿肌病

82、Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids most commonly have been reported to cause drug-induced myopathy . ─── 皮质类固醇激素是目前报道较多的能引起药物诱导性肌病的药物。

83、Laing early onset distal myopathy: Slow myosin defect with variable abnormalities on muscle biopsy ─── Laing早发性远端肌病:慢肌球蛋白缺失伴肌活检多种异常

84、Keywords hypothyroid myopathy;substitutional treatment with thyroid hormone;creatine kinase; ─── 关键词甲状腺机能减退症;甲状腺激素替代治疗;肌酸肌酶;

85、In these patients, steroid-induced myopathy may lead to additional morbidity. ─── 在这些患者中,类固醇诱导肌病有更高的发病率。

86、Steroid myopathy may be reversible with a reduction of dose or discontinuation of the steroid. ─── 停用类固醇或减量后,类固醇肌病是可逆的。

87、Keywords critical illness polyneuropathy;critical illness myopathy;pathogenesis;therapy; ─── 危重病性多发性神经病;危重病性肌病;发病机制;治疗;

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