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10-03 投稿


Modenese 中文意思翻译



Modenese 短语词组

1、modenese gastone ─── 现代加斯通

Modenese 相似词语短语

1、modernises ─── vi.现代化(等于modernize);vt.使…现代化(等于modernize)

2、moderniser ─── 现代主义者

3、Dodecanese ─── n.多德卡尼斯群岛(希腊)

4、modernism ─── n.现代主义;现代思想;现代作风

5、Soudanese ─── n.苏丹人;adj.苏丹的;苏丹人的

6、modernised ─── adj.现代化的;v.使……现代化(modernise的过去式和过去分词)

7、modernise ─── vi.现代化(等于modernize);vt.使…现代化(等于modernize)

8、modernist ─── n.(尤指艺术的)现代主义者;adj.(尤指艺术)现代主义的

9、modernness ─── 指“现代的”、“近代的”

Modenese 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords moden offest press;front lay mechanism;optimal design; ─── 高速印刷机;前规矩机构;优化设计;

3、Some Thoughts on the Metric Rules of Moden Chinese New - Style Poetry ─── 现代汉语新诗格律探索

4、The moden house life is a kind of free style, a comfortable and warm feeling, also a kind of optional beauty. ─── 现代家庭,应是一种自由的方式,一种舒适的温暖感觉,同时也是一种随意的美丽。

5、Keywords Balance of Microecology;Pathogenitic Theory of Vital Enengy;Multi-Studies Researches of Moden TCM; ─── 中医现代多学科研究;微生态平衡;邪正发病学说;

6、Keywords manager's year salary system;distributive system of salary;moden enterprise system;encouraging system; ─── 经营者年薪制;工资分配制度;现代企业制度;激励机制;

7、This paper describes the effect of analogical method in moden physics by using some examples in atomic physics,atomic nucleus physics and particle physics. ─── 以原子物理、原子核物理以及粒子物理中的一些实例,论述了类比方法在近代物理发展中的作用。

8、SmartPhone U moden. ─── 然后就连接。

9、Implementing Moden Teaching Concepts to Improve Experimental Teaching of General Physics ─── 贯彻现代教学理念改革普通物理实验教学

10、It is a very moden house,so it looks strange to some people. ─── 它是一栋非常现代化的住宅,因此在有些人看来很古怪。

11、Gathering and Handling of Remote Sensing Information in Moden Agricultural Charting ─── 现代农学制图中的遥感信息采集与处理方法

12、moden legal govern ─── 现代法治

13、The paper instruduces the construction,the law of airflow and calculation methodof Laval Nozle were,which was used in the double pipes positive pneumatic conveying systen of moden flour mill. ─── 介绍了在现代专用粉厂气力压运复式系统中使用的拉伐尔喷管的结构、气流运动规律及计算方法。

14、Guangzhou is a beautiful and moden city. ─── 广州是一个美丽而又现代的城市.

15、In a moden company,UUM(Unified Users Management) system has been becoming more and more important. ─── 当今的企业越来越有必要建立一个统一的IT用户(主要是本企业员工 )管理系统。

16、SO(IO) moden ─── so(10)模型

17、Mental damage compensation, or simply called mental compensation, which is to compensate mental damage materially is the tendency for moden civil law development. ─── 精神损害赔偿,简称精神赔偿,即用物质赔偿精神损害,已成为现代民法的发展趋势。

18、A Madman's Diary, written by Lu Xun, was the first short story in moden Chinese literature. ─── 鲁迅的《狂人日记》是现代中国文学的第一部短篇小说。

19、We must study them, improve the management of stateowned coal corporation, promoto the establishment of moden corporation system. ─── 我们必须对此加以研究,改善我国国有煤炭企业集团的公司治理,促进其现代企业制度的建立。

20、China tourism geography teaching should pay attention to unifying teaching purpose and media character, moden media and traditonal media, scientificity and interest. ─── 但在中国旅游地理教学过程中应注意教学目的与媒体特点、现代媒体与传统媒体、科学性与趣味性的统一。


22、 双语使用场景

23、We are faced with the problems of moden public arts in chu culture has less number.The themes are blankness is also a problem.It is damnify for develop chu cultrue and public art. ─── 在当前,楚文化环境下的当代公共艺术创作除了数量过少外,主要还存在着题材单一等问题,这对楚文化的弘扬和当代公共艺术发展都是一个损失。

24、Since its establishment, Senyuan Furniture Factory has always been engaging in design and production of furniture in accordance with fine combination of moden design originality and traditional aesthetics. ─── 沧海横流,方显英雄本色;日月如梭,诉说岁月沧桑。森缘家具厂自创业以来,一直致力于家具设计、造。并将现代设计理念和传统美学相融合,用高科技手法营造出绝世精品。

25、Attractive appearance Moden clipper-built designation., With elegant and attractive appearance ─── 外观美观最新的流线型设计美观大方

26、Book online the cheapest hotels in Fiorano Modenese - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Fiorano Modenese 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

27、Study of the Russian Moden University Art Education ─── 俄罗斯当代高等美术教育研究

28、From this angle, we not only can find a special angle of view for this great master but also grasp Huang Binhong's value and significance in moden Chinese art history and learning history. ─── 追溯黄宾虹作为史家和学者的主要学术生涯,可以为解读他提供一个独特的视角,有助于我们更全面地认识和更准确地把握黄宾虹在中国现代美术史和学术史上的价值和意义。

29、Jin Merchants'Guild Hall and the Moden Shanxi Commercial Association ─── 晋商会馆、公所与近代山西商会

30、MSE cooperate with European moden technology companies and products thier OEM products too. ─── 莫顿测控与欧美高科技公司合作紧密,产品销往世界各地。

31、The village is equipped with moden water irrigating system and a central building where meeting room, sauna center, night club and 300-sits dinning rom can be enjoyed. ─── 度假村内配备现代化的净水设施,中心大楼设有一流的会议室、桑拿、夜总会等,宽敞的餐厅能同时容纳300人用餐。

32、the study of Moden Chinese Literature ─── 中国现代文学研究

33、It is an important matter that performance of security investment funds is appraised in moden finance. ─── 对证券投资基金的绩效评估一直是现代金融理论的一个重要问题。

34、Power optimization is the key technology of moden VLSI design. ─── 功耗优化是现代VLSI设计的关键技术。

35、Discuss on the Characteristic Some Problem and Countermeasure in Moden Times Study on Insuficiency of the Spleen Syndrome ─── 论脾虚证现代研究特点与存在问题及对策

36、He likes various music programs including classic and moden music. ─── 他欣赏包括古典与现代之多样性音乐节目。

37、In moden society , people have the freedom to choose --------- or --------- . Although they normally coexist peacefully , they deserve some close examination . ─── 在现代社会,人们有选择-------或--------的自由。虽然它们一般会很好地共存,但是它们值得仔细的思考。

38、The risking management for moden company ─── 现代企业风险管理

39、WANG Deng-hong,FU Xiao-fang,YING Han-long.The discovery and study of gold mineralization related to moden hot springs in western Sichuan Province[J].Geological Review,2003,49(3):311-315. ─── [1]王登红,付小方,应汉龙.四川西部现代热泉型金矿化的发现和初步研究[J].地质论评,2003,49(3):311-315.

40、Chinese traditional administrative culture plays double roles in the construction of moden Chinese characteristic culture. ─── 中国传统行政文化对构建中国特色社会主义现代行政文化有双重作用。

41、Weber thinks that moden art,including literature,have the function of redeem to these negative consequences. ─── 韦伯则认为现代艺术(包括文学)具有对这种后果进行“救赎”的功能。

42、Mixed Feelings About Urban Society Reflected in Moden Chinese Literature ─── 都市文化心理在中国现代文学中的复杂表现

43、Meanwhile, our bath-ing room achived in market, where multiple star-grade hotel, guesthouse, moden House ect. ─── 我们的产品现已出口到欧美国家、港澳地区,真正成为高品位家居级现代酒店、宾馆喜爱之选。

44、moden Chinese teaching ─── 现代汉语教学

45、Wet-spraying concrete in pipelines dense conveyance technology is the developing directon of spraying concrecte in moden time. ─── 湿喷稠流输送混凝土是现代喷射混凝土的发展方向,其管道稠流输送的机理对使用材料和配比提出了新的要求。

46、Not only for clothes,if anything is done with a brand consciousness,that will be the moden consciousness. ─── 不光是穿衣服,做任何事情都要有一种品牌意识,那就是一种现代意识了。

47、moden physics ─── 近代物理

48、The Moden Value of the Ancient Chinese Thoughts on Wealth ─── 中国古代财富思想的现代价值

49、moden sehool system ─── 现代学校制度

50、Gold and jade, dominated by monarchs and regarded as a symbol of fortune and power centuries ago, reunite perfectly as a sign of nobility and luck in moden times and become a flourishing vivid exotic flower in Chinese jade article history. ─── 现在二者终于又被完美的结合在了一起,作为尊贵吉祥的象征,成为了中国玉器史上一朵正在盛开的娇艳的奇葩!

51、Moden solid-state fermentation ─── 现代固态发酵

52、How Does a Traditional Road Transportation Enterprise Transfer to a Moden Logistics one ─── 珠三角传统公路货运企业如何切入现代物流业

53、Moden and artifical diys Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. ─── 现代、人造的染料都是很昂贵的。

54、Bicycles always remind me of my computer's moden. ─── 自行车总是让我想起我电脑上的调制解调器.

55、moden offest press ─── 高速印刷机

56、It must be the only moden house in the district. ─── 它肯定是这个地区唯一的一栋现代化住宅。

57、Would you please tell me the way to the Moden Plazza Shopping Center? ─── 你能告诉我怎么去当代商城购物中心吗?

58、A Discussion on the Cultivation of Students'Positive Emotions--Humane Conception in Moden Foreign Language Teaching ─── 调动学生健康情感--现代外语教学中的人文理念

59、In a moden company,UUM(Unified Users Management) system has been becoming more and more important. ─── 当今的企业越来越有必要建立一个统一的IT用户(主要是本企业员工)管理系统。

60、The Application of DDS in Moden Radar System And ECM ─── DDS在现代雷达和电子对抗中的应用

61、A moden mordant helps mix fix the dye to the material. ─── 一个用煤处理剂能帮助染料附着上原料。

62、4.This paper describes the effect of analogical method in moden physics by using some examples in atomic physics, atomic nucleus physics and particle physics. ─── 摘要以原子物理、原子核物理以及粒子物理中的一些实例,论述了类比方法在近代物理发展中的作用。

63、Like Wei Yuan and Gong Zizhen, he played an important role in the period from ancient times to moden in Chinese history. ─── 他和魏源、龚自珍等人一样,是对中国由古代走向近代发挥了重要作用、又有典型意义的思想家。

64、Practice of the Official Ethics in Ancient China and Construction of the official Ethics in Moden Times ─── 中国古代官德实践与现代官德建设

65、Moden livings lead to generation of rubbish in great quantity. ─── 摘要现代文明生活产生很多垃圾。

66、Olympic is an harmonious, free, health, positive moden ethic. ─── 奥林匹克运动是一种人类文明的共同遗产。

67、2).There are sveveral similarites between the traditional and the moden family. ─── 那在什么情况下是可数的,什么情况是用不可数了?

68、Tonight we should dress up because we will go to a moden restrautant. ─── 今晚要盛装打扮,我们要去一家很时髦的餐厅。

69、Moden logistics is becoming a new professional division, a new industry and a pillor of the national economy. ─── 现代物流正在成长为一个新型的产业部门和国民经济的重要支柱。

70、The Construction of Moden Academic Report Hall ─── 现代化学术报告厅的构建

71、Waht upsets Pausanisa about the moden Winter Olympic Games?Why does Pausanisa think Athens,Greece and Beijing,should feel proud? ─── 经过一读课文及完成表层信息捕捉问题后,学生对文章有了肤浅的认识,阅读速度也得到训练。

72、Author CHEN Wan-Dong;ZHU Shou-Rong;LIN Hua-Kuan;LIN Chun-Chen LIN Mei-Rong;CHEN Rong-Ti (Department of Chemistry;Moden OPtics Institute;Nankai University;Tianjin;300071); ─── 作者陈万东;朱守荣;林华宽;林春晨;林美荣;陈荣悌;

73、Study on Finance Management System of Chinese Moden Commercial Banks ─── 我国现代商业银行财务管理体系研究

74、The 3rd Japan international SAMPE symposium is introduced. The moden development of research and technology in titanium alloy is reviewed. ─── 以第3届日本国际先进材料学术会议为背景,综述了当前钛合金研究和工艺技术的最新进展。

75、Experience and Reflections on Using Multimedia Moden Chinese Teaching ─── 多媒体辅助现代汉语教学的实践与思考

76、Moden Chinese ─── 现代汉语

77、Non-public owned forestry is a necessary trend of moden forestry development and a feasible approach to the realization of developing forestry industry through social investment. ─── 摘要非公有制林业是现代林业发展的必然方向,是实现全社会投资兴办林业的一个较好途径。

78、Large quantifies of chemical fertilizer are used by moden agriculture. ─── 现代农业使用大量化肥。

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