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10-03 投稿


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Decalogue 网络释义

n. 摩西的十诫(等于decalog)

Decalogue 词性/词形变化,Decalogue变形

Decalogue 相似词语短语

1、eclogue ─── n.牧歌;田园诗

2、aeglogue ─── 狭槽

3、Decalog ─── 十诫

4、demagogue ─── n.煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家

5、dialogue ─── n.对话;意见交换;vi.对话;vt.用对话表达

6、analogue ─── n.类似物;类似情况;对等的人;adj.类似的;相似物的;模拟计算机的

7、recatalogue ─── 重新分类

8、Decalogue ─── n.摩西的十诫(等于decalog)

9、specialogue ─── 特辑

Decalogue 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The traditional explanation is on the right track: the Decalogue is clearly set apart from the rest of the Mosaic legislation. ─── 传统的解释是正确的:十诫与摩西律法其余的部分显然是分开的。

2、Decalogue n. ─── 摩西的十诫 ...

3、One very interesting set of resolutions is the “Daily Decalogue” of Pope John XXIII, who was Pope from 1958-1963 and was known as “The Good Pope. ─── 一组很有趣的决意出自曾在1958-1963年担任教皇、有”好教皇“之称的约翰二十三世”每日十戒“。

4、But how do we then account for the unique typological elements in the Decalogue: the promise of long life in the land; ─── 但是我们如何解释十诫中独特的预表元素:应许在迦南地的长寿;

5、Through the Decalogue he prepared man for friendship with himself and for harmony with his neighbour. ─── 祂透过十诫准备人与祂为友,与人和谐相处。

6、law of nature is substantially identical to the decalogue and was revealed in Eden and is known naturally by all humans such that all are without excuse before God. ─── 自然律法与十诫在本质上是相同的,自然律法在伊甸园中它就被启示出来了,全人类都天生有着这样的认知,因此,所有的人在神的面前都没有借口。

7、"The best idea I had in Decalogue was that each of the ten films were made by a different lighting cameraman... It was fantastic." ─── 《十诫》最精彩的意念是:每一诫由不同的摄影师操刀......真是美妙极了。

8、Identity Reconstruction: Interpretation of the Confucian Catholics to the Decalogue ─── 身份的重构:儒生天主教徒对“十诫”的诠释

9、the moral precepts of the Old Law, especially the Decalogue, belongs to the Natural Law; ─── 旧法的道德条规特别是十诫本身属于自然法;

10、He has no problem with the rest of Christendom, because their doctrine already belittles the Decalogue, but he needs some incredibly deceptive approach to make Adventists look lightly upon the law. ─── 他对付基督教界其余之人,已毫无问题了,因为他们的教义已经轻视了十条诫命;然而他却需要一些不可思议的欺骗手法,来使复临信徒轻看律法。

11、Decalogue 1 is closest to my temperament, but I like all of them, wonderful performances by all the actors, great camerawork and music, all these elements are phenomenal. ─── 通过所有演员们的精彩表演,出色的摄影工作,音乐所有这些都是出众的。

12、The law of nature is substantially identical to the decalogue and was revealed in Eden and is known naturally by all humans such that all are without excuse before God. ─── 自然律法与十诫在本质上是相同的,自然律法在伊甸园中它就被启示出来了,全人类都天生有着这样的认知,因此,所有的人在神的面前都没有借口。

13、J: Which part of The Decalogue is most important to you? ─── 《十戒》哪部对您来说最重要?

14、Especially his later stage movies: The Decalogue, The Double LifeofVeronique, Three Colours: Blue, White, Red demonstrate the characteristics of "author movie" perfectly even more. ─── 特别是他的后期影片:《十诫》、《维罗尼卡的双重生命》、《三色》更是完美地呈现出“作者电影”的全部特征。

15、One interesting aspect of this Daily Decalogue is its emphasis on taking each day as it comes. ─── 每日十戒“的一个有令人有趣方面是它强调了按每一天来执行。

16、Decalogue, which is often called the ritual Decalogue, so it's listed on there in Exodus 34, bans intermarriage with Canaanites less they entice the Israelites into worship of their gods. ─── 诫常被称作礼节十诫,记录在《出埃及记》第34章中,在发给你们的材料中有列出,它禁止与迦南人联姻,以防以色列人被怂恿信仰他们的上帝。

17、It had been made known to man in Eden, and, like the other precepts of the Decalogue, it is of imperishable obligation. ─── 在伊芳甸园中,上帝已经使人明白安息日与十诫的其他各条一样,同为神人之间永远的约。

18、To add to the confusion, there is also another set of 10 commandments called the Ritual Decalogue which includes laws such as “Do not cook a kid in its mother’s milk”. ─── 更让人困惑的是,还有另外一系列十诫称作摩西的十诫,其中包括“不可用山羊羔母亲的奶煮山羊羔”。

19、So that even a text like the Decalogue, which is represented as being the unmediated word of God, can appear in more than one version. ─── 因此,即使像十诫这种被认为是,直接来自上帝的话语也可以以不止一种版本出现。

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