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metaphysic 发音

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n. 形而上学;玄学

metaphysic 词性/词形变化,metaphysic变形


metaphysic 相似词语短语

1、metaphysical ─── adj.形而上学的;超自然的;玄学派诗歌的

2、metaphysicize ─── v.形而上学地思考或写作

3、metaphysicise ─── 形而上学

4、metaphys. ─── 干骺端。

5、metaphytic ─── 干骺

6、metaphysicist ─── n.玄学家,形而上学学家(metaphysics的变形)

7、metaphoric ─── 隐喻的

8、metaphysician ─── n.精神疗法家;形而上学者

9、metaphysics ─── n.玄学,形而上学

metaphysic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Furthermore, Kant successfully set " pillar of Hercules" for the metaphysic of experience, saving human's reason from plunging into mire. ─── 另一方面通过直观的奠基,为“经验形而上学”体系设置了“赫拉克勒斯之柱”,以免理性误入歧途。

2、A very important step was undoubtedly made, when the terms of the old metaphysic were subjected to scrutiny. ─── 对于旧形而上学上的范畴加以考察,无疑地是一步很重要的进展。

3、Keywords Metaphysic;Metacarpus and phalange fracture;Titanium mini-plate;Internal fixation; ─── 干骺端;掌、指骨骨折;微型钛接骨板;内固定;

4、Physic of Metaphysic begs defence. ─── 医学乞求玄学的庇护。

5、Humanity - Emotion - Literature--On the Metaphysic in Wei and Jin Periods and Literature ─── 人·情·文--魏晋玄学与文学漫议

6、poetry in metaphysic style ─── 玄言诗

7、How do teacher have the metaphysic wisdom? ─── 摘要教师形上的智慧何以可能?

8、If you still find that feng shui formulas are conflicting with each others, it just simply means that you have not fully comprehended the Yijing principles as the core value of Chinese metaphysic. ─── 如 果您仍发现风水公式彼此相冲突,它只是意味着你还没有充分理解的以易经为原则与核心的价值观的形而上学。

9、Literary Causes of Metaphysic Poems ─── 论玄言诗产生的文学原因

10、Firstly, it deconstructed the traditional dualistic contradiction of philosophy/ literature, and put an end to the precondition of poetic metaphysic. ─── 它首先是解构了哲学/文学的传统二元对立,终结了诗学的形而上学预设;

11、But, as we have already seen, this is by no means the case with the metaphysic of understanding, if it conform to its principle. ─── 但我们已经知道,在知性形而上学里,按知性的原则来说,却并不是这样。

12、Metaphysic has three core conceptions of logos, truth and justice, on the basis of which metaphysic built it"s own system and affected the traditional poetic. ─── 逻各斯、真理和正义是形而上学的三个核心概念,形而上学就是以这三个概念建立起自己的体系并影响到传统诗学的。

13、Metaphysic is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe on instinct. ─── 形而上学是我们为相信直觉而找到的坏理由。

14、Marxism also breaks away from metaphysics, but adopts dialectics, the reasonable core of Hegel's philosophy, namely, of metaphysic tradition. ─── 马克思主义不仅颠覆了形而上学,而且还从黑格尔那里(亦即从形而上学传统那里)接受了辩证法的合理内核。

15、It has four characteristics, as below: 1. philosophic characteristics, metaphysic World diagram and usage of the scientific methods in all field; ─── 它具有以下四个方面的特点:1、哲学特点:形上的世界图景和科学方法的泛化;

16、On the metaphysic features of the reclusion poems and songs in two Jin dynasties ─── 论两晋隐逸诗、赋的玄言色彩

17、Life is simple the piles of events without mystery imagination and metaphysic meaning. ─── 生活是简单的事件组成没有神秘想象空间和玄学含义。

18、With the perception the usefulness of metaphysics in the present, the paper redefines the nature of "metaphysics" and furthers its depth in this age, thus calls on the coming of a "metaphysic age". ─── 本文通过对“形而上学”本质的考察,挖掘其深刻的时代意义,呼唤新的“形而上学”时代的到来。

19、John Donne is one of the most original English metaphysic poets, whose poetry, famous for its conceit, wit, and novelty , sets up a new style of writing developing from Petrarch tradition. ─── 英国玄学派代表诗人多恩的诗歌巧智、奇喻、清新,宛如一株奇葩,怒放在英国的诗坛上。

20、The site of predilection is at the metaphysic of long bones, especially of the low limbs. ─── 最常犯部位是长骨的骨干骨后端,尤其是下肢。

21、A Metaphysic Investigation of the Aesthetic Machanism ─── 审美机制与生命略论

22、Metaphysic is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe on instinct. ─── 形而上学是我们为相信直觉而找到的坏理由。

23、There is no metaphysic-world beyond these different metaphysic worlds because there is no necessary super-linguistic. ─── 这些不同的形上世界之上并不存在基于逻辑抽象的更高更统一的一个形上世界,因为并不存在必备的超级语言。

24、In the case of Gretchen, Goethe also showed us the whole underlying "metaphysic. ─── 在Gretchen这个例子中,歌德也向我们展示了整个基本的“形而上学”。

25、The paper does its best to analyse the metaphysic of humanism. and disposes heidegger's critic on the humanism, so descripts the nature of man, that is, man is the shepherd of being. ─── 对于形形色色的人道主义的形而上学特性,海德格尔进行了人道主义的批判,从而显现出人的本性:人是存在的邻居。

26、the intergrafion of confucian and metaphysic ─── 儒玄并综

27、The beauty of metaphysic is flexibility of the knowledge, yet it should be bound by certain metaphysical principles. ─── 最美丽的是形而上学是灵活的知识,但它应该约束缚在某些形而上的原则上!

28、Chapter m."The deconstruction in construction", analyzing the deconstruction process inside poetic metaphysic from a broad sense of deconstruction. ─── 第三章“建构中的解构”,从广义的解构的意义上分析诗学形而上学内部的解构历程。

29、With the development of modern physics,the focus of modern realism changes from medieval metaphysic to modern realism concerning more about relation,macrocosm and cognitive behavior. ─── 随着近代物理科学的发展,当代实在论思想也发生了从中世纪的形而上学实在论向关注关系、整体与认识行为的近代实在论的转向。

30、He demonstrated the autonomy of Geisteswissenschaften in order to take a new approach to philosophy instead of a metaphysic one; ─── 他论证精神科学的自主性,目的在于开拓一条突破形而上学的途径。

31、The site of predilection is at the metaphysic of long bones, especially of the low limbs. ─── 最常犯部位是长骨的骨干骨后端,尤其是下肢。

32、Objective To investigate the methods and treatment outcome of internal fixation with Titanium mini-plate in treatment of metacarpus and phalange fracture in metaphysic. ─── 目的探讨微型钛板钉内固定治疗手部掌、指骨干骺端骨折的治疗方法及效果。

33、Internal Fixation with Titanium Mini-plate in the Treatment of Metacarpus and Phalange Metaphysic Fracture ─── 国产微型钛板钉内固定治疗掌、指骨干骺端骨折

34、Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals ─── 道德的形而上学基础

35、And Metaphysic calls for aid on Sense! ─── 形而上学叫嚣感觉应该得道!

36、Aristotle's metaphysic poetics origin theory assumption ─── 亚里士多德诗本原理论臆说

37、In a world where everything is given and nothing is explained, the fecundity of a value or of a metaphysic is a notion devoid of meaning. ─── 在一个万物皆以给出而却不加以解释的世界中,价值或形而上学的多产性只是个意义尽失的概念。

38、John Dewey's Metaphysic Experience Naturalism ─── 杜威形而上学的经验自然主义

39、World's No. 1 Feng Shui/Chinese Metaphysic Writer! ─── 全球最多著作风水学家!

40、Aristotle"s ontology is always the important content of the thought of western metaphysic. ─── 亚里士多德的存在学一直是西方形而上学思想的重要内容之一。

41、Secondly, through a series of critical practice, it deconstructed the instructional function of metaphysic in reading the text, thus deconstructed the traditional poetic. ─── 其次是通过一系列的批评实践解构了形而上学在解读文本时的指导作用,从而消解了传统诗学。

42、Opposing to traditional philosophy, technology or technology tradition has its metaphysic base. ─── 与传统哲学的主张相反,技术或技术传统有其形而上学的基础。

43、metaphysic think ─── 形上思考

44、Nevertheless,Habermas did not wholly agree the metaphysic thinking way,remolded it and formed his so-called post-metaphysic thinking way. ─── 哈贝马斯把对同一性的追求视为形而上学思维的重要特征,但哈贝马斯并不完全赞同形而上学思维,而是对它进行了改造,形成他的“后形而上学思维”。

45、The beauty of metaphysic is flexibility of the knowledge, yet it should be bound by certain metaphysical principles. ─── 最美丽的是形而上学是灵活的知识,但它应该约束缚在某些形而上的原则上!

46、Methods Forty-three cases of 54 metacarpus and phalange fractures in metaphysic were fixed with different kinds of Titanium mini-plate as to different sites. ─── 方法对43例患者54处掌、指骨干骺端骨折,采用微型钛金属板钉进行内固定治疗,并针对各种类型的骨折选用不同的接骨板固定。

47、Chapter II."Deconstruction to metaphysic of the poetic of deconstructionism", analyzing mainly how the poetic of deconstructionism joined in the deconstructing of traditional metaphysic. ─── 第二章“解构诗学对形而上学的拆毁”,主要分析解构主义诗学是如何参与解构传统形而上学的。

48、Physic of Metaphysic begs defence, ─── 玄学医术请求护卫,

49、Thereupon, Kant finally achieved Metaphysic of Morals or Moral theology while Mou Tsung-san achieved Moral Metaphysics. ─── 故康德最终只能成就道德底形上学或道德神学,而牟宗三则成就道德的形上学;

50、Instead of winning a concrete, this metaphysic stuck fast on an abstract, identity. ─── 这种形而上学未能达到具体的同一性,而只是固执着抽象的同一性。

51、Traditional development conception is a kind of historical metaphysic conception which includes moral teleology and vulgar evolutionism. ─── 传统的发展观是一种历史形而上学的发展观,包括道德目的论和庸俗进化论两种形式。

52、Keywords The self;metaphysic;ontological;logical; ─── 自我;形而上学;本体化;逻辑化;

53、Metaphysic Language and Aims and Their Difference ─── 形上的对象、语言、使命的超验性及其与哲学的差别

54、However, when it reached to the stage of the deconstructionism, Metaphysic was further deconstructed as integrity. ─── 不过,至解构主义,形而上学作为整体又遭到了解构。

55、Evolution of Wei and Jin Metaphysic Resources in the Han Dynasty ─── 论魏晋玄学思想资源在两汉时期的先期整合

56、In this respect the zero represents a domain of metaphysic: We may infinite approach it, but never achieve actually. ─── 就此而论,零代表了形而上学的领域:我们可以无限靠近它,却永远无法达到。




形而上学在不同的语境下的意义,分两个方面,一个是指:以用超验的思辨方式研究非客观或者无形世界的哲学体系,而非科学研究现实世界的现象及规律;另一个指的是:与辩证法对立的 ,用孤立 、静止 的观点观察世界的思维方式。


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