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10-03 投稿


nubble 发音

英:[['n?bl]]  美:[['n?b?l]]

英:  美:

nubble 中文意思翻译



nubble 词性/词形变化,nubble变形

形容词: nubby |

nubble 短语词组

1、nubble light nubble ─── 灯

nubble 相似词语短语

1、bubble ─── n.气泡,泡沫,泡状物;透明圆形罩,圆形顶;vi.沸腾,冒泡;发出气泡声;vt.使冒泡;滔滔不绝地说

2、nobble ─── v.(非正式)赛马前用毒药等使马不能获胜;收买,要挟;(通过不正当方法)阻挠,使遭受挫折;诈骗,窃取;(有违意愿)抓住,引起注意;(为了说服某人)搭话

3、nubbly ─── adj.块状的;多瘤的

4、nubile ─── adj.适婚的;n.(Nubile)人名;(意)努比莱

5、nybble ─── 半字节

6、Hubble ─── n.哈勃(姓氏)(天文学)

7、nubbles ─── n.小块,小疙瘩,小瘤

8、knubble ─── 查布尔

9、nibble ─── vi.细咬;一点一点地咬;吹毛求疵;vt.细咬;一点一点地咬;吹毛求疵;n.轻咬;啃;细咬

nubble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And study the reason that leading to a lot of nubble in the Laval nozzle between the spraying discourse. ─── 探讨了超音速火焰喷枪拉伐尔管的结构参数对喷涂粒子速度、温度场和压力场的影响规律及喷涂过程中引起堵枪的原因。

2、Staring from where the beach begins at the point where Nubble Road meets the ocean, there is little beach at any tide. ─── 海滩是从纳布尔大街与大海接壤的地方开始的,潮起的时候几乎没有了沙滩的痕迹。

3、The historic lighthouse, also called Nubble Light after a small rocky island off the cape's eastern point, was first illuminated in 1879. ─── 这座历史悠久的灯塔也被称为努博尔灯,因为在1879年的时候,海角东边的一个小岩石岛第一次被注明。

4、There are lenticel hydathode in the structure of leaves of Rhizophora stylosa and Rhizophora apiculata, and cork nubble in the structure of ─── 纬度、土壤理化因子、盐度和完全营养液与秋茄叶片结构数量特征的关

5、The historic lighthouse, also called Nubble Light after a small rocky island off the cape's eastern point, was first illuminated in 1879. ─── 这座历史悠久的灯塔也被称为努博尔灯,因为在1879年的时候,海角东边的一个小岩石岛第一次被注明。

6、Keywords HVOF;OC equipment;spraying technical parameter;Laval nozzle;nubble; ─── 超音速火焰喷涂;氧氯化反应器;燃气工艺参数;拉伐尔管;堵枪结瘤;

7、nubble n. ─── 小节;小块;

8、The fruit is about 450g in weight, shiny and blue-green pericarp, alternating with straight stripe and nubble. ─── 瓜长15厘米左右,单瓜重450克左右,皮色青绿有光泽,条圆瘤相间,条瘤粗直,肉厚,品质优。

9、Keywords dark mark;nubble on skid rail;all-hot sk id rail; ─── 加热黑印;滑道结瘤;全热滑轨;

10、In the 40 failure frames,18 were incomplete,16 were anamorphic,2 frame s hole were contractive,1 had pit hole,2 frame s surface were coarse,and 1 was metal nubble. ─── 结果380件铸件中失败40件,其中铸造不全18件,铸件变形16件,缩孔2件,砂眼1件,裂缝2件,金属瘤1件。

11、The fruit is 450g in weight, 13-16cm in length, 8-11cm in width of fruit shoulder, thick flesh, green and glossy pericarp, alternating with straight stripes and nubble. ─── 单瓜重450克,果长13-16厘米,肩宽8-11厘米,肉厚、质优,皮青绿色有光泽,条圆瘤相间,瘤条粗直。

12、Results In the 400 patients, 210 cases had vocal nodules, 150 cases were vocal polyps, 30 cases were vocal cord cysts and other throat mastoid nubble. ─── 结果400例中声带小结210例,声带息肉150例,声带囊肿30例,喉乳头状瘤10例,治愈386例,治愈率96.78%,其中间接喉镜下手术治愈率60%,纤维喉镜下手术治愈率96.27%,支撑喉镜下手术治愈率97.78%。

13、beach begins at the point where Nubble Road meets the ocean, there is little beach at any tide. ─── 海滩是从纳布尔大街与大海接壤的地方开始的,潮起的时候几乎没有了沙滩的痕迹。

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