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10-03 投稿


miscreant 发音

英:[?m?skri?nt]  美:[?m?skri?nt]

英:  美:

miscreant 中文意思翻译




miscreant 网络释义

adj. 异端的;邪道的;极恶的n. 异端;恶棍;罪大恶极之人

miscreant 词性/词形变化,miscreant变形

复数--miscreants;比较级--more miscreant;最高级--most miscreant。

miscreant 相似词语短语

1、miscreance ─── n.缺少宗教信仰;错误信仰,异教信仰

2、miscreate ─── 误造,误创,误作;错造(弄成奇性怪状)

3、miscreancy ─── 邪恶;卑劣

4、miscreants ─── adj.异端的;邪道的;极恶的;n.异端;恶棍;罪大恶极之人

5、discrepant ─── adj.有差异的;相差的;矛盾的

6、mistreat ─── vt.虐待

7、miscreating ─── 误造,误创,误作;错造(弄成奇性怪状)

8、miscreaunce ─── 错割

9、miscredit ─── 信用不良

miscreant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In contrast, Panama has not budged, reinforcing its reputation as Latin America's leading financial miscreant. ─── 相比之下,巴拿马却未作让步,不断加强其作为拉美头号金融歹徒的声誉。

2、The beak-nosed pot-bellied miscreant had a habit of breaking into a nerve-wracking cackle whenever the mood struck his flighty little brain. ─── 这个尖鼻子、圆肚子的无赖习惯于随心所欲地爆发出令人头疼的尖笑。

3、These were certainly on the mind of one miscreant as he broke into a home in Lanzhou, a city in northwest China, in May of 2010. ─── 当2010年5月他破门而入一个兰州房间时,顶上这些想法,肯定出现在下面这个恶棍的脑海中过。

4、But " hobby " if be united in wedlock with influence photograph,lose control, can walk up miscreant. ─── 但“爱好”若与权力相结合并失去控制,便会走上邪道。

5、And the miscreant Rastoptchin was punished by the order to set fire to his houses.On the administrative side, Moscow was presented with a constitution. ─── 对坏蛋拉斯托普钦,下令烧掉他的住宅,以示惩罚。

6、They are joined by two other miscreant monsters in human form, Sandy and Pigsy. ─── 他们还有另外两个同伴:也是不听话犯了事的妖怪(人形):沙僧和猪八戒。

7、In contrast, Panama has not budged, reinforcing its reputation as Latin America's leading financial miscreant. ─── 相比之下,巴拿马却未作让步,不断加强其作为拉美头号金融歹徒的声誉。

8、“Monster, miscreant!” ─── “木头人,坏蛋!”

9、When something happens to a woman, the kneejerk reaction is to assume that she is the miscreant, the breaker of rules. ─── 一有案件的受害人是女性,第一反应就是受害者是个坏女人,是个不守道德的家伙。

10、In theory, almost everyone in the treaty except Iran (and Syria, another alleged miscreant) supports the idea of tightening the rules. ─── 理论上,几乎所有成员,除了伊朗(和叙利亚,另一个传说中的私藏核武器国家)支持加强规则。

11、And as for riding down that black, atrocious miscreant, I regard it as an act of virtue, sir, like stamping on a cockroach. ─── 至于你骑马踩死那个十恶不赦的坏蛋,我认为是件好事,就像踩死一只蟑螂一样。

12、Pierre felt it as praiseworthy and as beneficial as ever to slay the miscreant; ─── 皮埃尔依旧认为杀死这个恶人是有益的值得的,不过他现在觉得他干不成了。为什么?

13、A pirate and smuggler, Baba was an obnoxious miscreant with a penchant for fisticuffs. ─── 作为海盗和走私者,巴巴喜欢动拳头,是一个令人讨厌的恶棍。

14、None of the miscreant programs released so far for smartphones capitalize on the devices' ability to send e-mail. ─── 目前已经出现的智慧型手机恶意程式,并未使用到手机上的电子邮件功能,但这只是时间问题。

15、The shots were emailed direct from his handset to a Sunday newspaper's newsdesk, and (in time-honoured tabloid alliterese) the immoral miscreant's extramarital malarkey was all over the media in a matter of minutes. ─── 这些照片立刻从他的手机被传到一家小报的编辑台上,没过多久,这则花边新闻就传遍了各大媒体。

16、The two halt and glower at each other before one, always the miscreant, collapses to the ground dead. ─── 之后,挥舞长剑的英雄与恶棍不可避免的白刃相见,杀作一团;最终,倒在地上死掉的总是那位恶棍。

17、The days of a judge telling a miscreant to join the Army or go to jail are over ─── 由法官判一名无赖不当兵就坐牢的日子过去了。

18、The bean passed from miscreant to miscreant during the day,and,at the end of the day,the child in possession of the bean was caned. ─── 如果一个孩子讲了方言,那么他就会得到一粒豆子。这粒豆子会传给下一个说了方言的孩子。到这一天结束时,手里有豆子的孩子会遭到老师的鞭打。

19、“but I will stake my life on it that the miscreant will never enter Moscow. ─── “可以少点恐惧,少点传闻,”传单上说,“但是我以生命担保,那个凶手决到不了莫斯科。”

20、But their forces seem no less accountable than, say, the miscreant UN contingents serving in Congo, and they would certainly be more effective. ─── 事实上,他们的法律职责并不比那些在刚果的联合国恶棍少,而且他们的工作效率更高。

21、"So the character issue -- I'm like, 'What the hell did you do in college?' They're calling my child a miscreant? ─── “所以每次别人怀疑他是不是性格有问题,我就会问‘那你们在大学里又做过什么好事?’

22、and suddenly transforms her behaviour from a miscreant to that befitting a little lady! ─── 小贝贝的举止忽然瞬间从大皮蛋转变成气质小美女!

23、Get your little miscreant butt over here. ─── |来啦, 就是这个小无赖.

24、There is no obvious means to force a miscreant out, since euro membership is designed to be irrevocable. ─── 这并不显而易见的意味着强令惹麻烦的而你出局了,因为欧元区成员资格被设计成是不能撤销的。

25、There is no obvious means to force a miscreant out, since euro membership is designed to be irrevocable. ─── 这暗含对逼迫恶棍出局的意味,自从欧元区成员被制定为不可改变的。

26、The obsession with housing spilled over from Britain, a serial miscreant when it comes to house-price booms. ─── 对房产的狂热屡屡使英国房价大涨,此次的房产热又是从英国蔓延开来。

27、Yet even the day of worship can not normally slow down the spate of killings, shootings, stabbings and other miscreant turns that often transform the streets of major cities into battlefields. ─── 但即便在祷告日里,那些杀戮、枪战、刀阵和流氓殴斗也不曾放缓脚步,大城市的街区一下子变成了战场。

28、There is no obvious means to force a miscreant out, since euro membership is designed to be irrevocable. ─── 这并不显而易见的意味着强令惹麻烦的而你出局了,因为欧元区成员资格被设计成是不能撤销的。

29、In theory, almost everyone in the treaty except Iran (and Syria, another alleged miscreant) supports the idea of tightening the rules. ─── 理论上,几乎所有成员,除了伊朗(和叙利亚,另一个传说中的私藏核武器国家)支持加强规则。

30、and suddenly transforms her behaviour from a miscreant to that befitting a little lady! ─── 小贝贝的举止忽然瞬间从大皮蛋转变成气质小美女!

31、The days of a judge telling a miscreant to join the army or go to jail are over. ─── 由法官判一名恶棍不当兵就坐牢的日子过去了。

32、In recent corruption cases miscreant bosses have been spared prison on the basis of their importance to the economy, provided they donate some of their ill-gotten gains to charity. ─── 最近几宗贪污案件表明,如果他们把非法所得的一部分捐献于慈善事业的话,那几个罪大恶极的大老板将会鉴于他们在经济体系的重要地位而被释放。

33、I appeased the mob by giving them a victim, and I punished a miscreant. ─── 为了保持安定,我让民众处置牺牲品,惩罚了坏人。”

34、How easy it has been in this febrile atmosphere to point the finger at miscreant journalists. ─── 在目前这股热潮中,对那些不道德的记者指指戳戳是多么的容易。

35、But more could be done to forestall the day when miscreant engineers can create novel pathogens that resist antibiotics or that wreak havoc by tricking the immune system into attacking the body. ─── 恶棍生物工程师迟早能创造出新奇的病媒,不是抗生素对付不了,就是能诱使免疫系统攻击身体。不过我们可以先发制人,及早防范。

36、These, in their turn, cursed back at the blind miscreant, threatened him in horrid terms, and tried in vain to catch the stick and wrest it from his grasp. ─── 这下惹得其他人也破口大骂那瞎眼恶棍,并用不堪入耳的言语威胁他,还想把瞎子手中的拐杖夺走,但没有成功。

37、Excessive deviation from the way of the clan is met with derision, and the miscreant will certainly get clobbered by any Boss Ork who comes his way. ─── 而任何胆敢别出心裁的家伙铁定会发现自己面临着同伴的耻笑和老大的痛打。

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