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10-03 投稿


manipulative 发音

英:[m??n?pj?le?t?v]  美:[m??n?pj?l?t?v]

英:  美:

manipulative 中文意思翻译



manipulative 网络释义

adj. 巧妙处理的;操纵的,用手控制的

manipulative 词性/词形变化,manipulative变形

动词过去分词: manipulated |动词现在分词: manipulating |动词过去式: manipulated |形容词: manipulatable |动词第三人称单数: manipulates |名词: manipulability |副词: manipulatively |

manipulative 短语词组

1、manipulative electronic deception un. ─── 人为电子欺骗 [网络] 调处电子欺诈

2、manipulative capability ─── 操纵能力

3、manipulative tactics ─── 操纵战术

4、manipulative practice ─── 操纵性的练习

5、manipulative therapist ─── 操控性治疗师

6、manipulative behavior ─── 操纵行为

7、manipulative device ─── 手工工具

8、manipulative drive ─── 操作驱力

9、manipulative ability ─── 动手能力操控能力

10、manipulative I/O statement ─── [计] 控制输入输出语句

11、manipulative rationalization ─── 操纵性合理化

12、electronic manipulative deception ─── [网络] 电子操纵欺骗

13、Manipulative Communications Decepti ─── 操纵性通讯衰退

14、manipulative task ─── 操纵性任务

15、Manipulative Communications Deception ─── 操纵性通讯欺骗

manipulative 相似词语短语

1、manipulation ─── n.操纵;操作;处理;篡改

2、manipulable ─── adj.可操纵自如的;可以操作的

3、manipulated ─── v.操作(manipulate的过去分词)

4、manipulates ─── vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改

5、manipulatively ─── 操纵地

6、manipulations ─── n.操作(manipulation的复数);处理

7、manipulating ─── v.操纵;假造;手动(manipulate的ing形式

8、manipulate ─── vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改

9、manipulatable ─── 可控的

manipulative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is sometimes hard for a Sagittarian to accept the fact, they have at times been manipulative;even if that manipulation is a type of passive inattention to what is important to others. ─── 对一个射手而言,有时候要接受事实还是挺难的,他们时不时地喜欢支配别人,甚至这种支配在某种层面上忽略了那些在别人眼里很重要的事物。

2、The manipulative treatment for hemicrania and the recent development ─── 偏头痛的研究进展与推拿治疗

3、Opinions about the development of “Springs SPA” on manipulative hierarchy. ─── 对温泉SPA产品开发建造操作层面分析。

4、fixed sequence manipulative ─── 固定顺序机械手

5、In the Fuzhou dialect,there is a sarcastic saying “ Yi shun ge zhu di” which means “cheap”,“manipulative” and “unsuccessful”. ─── 在福州方言中“贻顺哥烛蒂”是一句挖苦人的话,混合了“吝啬、算计、到头一场空”等多种含义。

6、"Thus, it is evident that gossip has a strong manipulative potential." ─── “由此看来,流言显然具有很强的操纵力。”

7、Manipulative method for the treatment of humeral supracondylar fracture of straighten type with supine position of elbow flexion and traction ─── 仰卧提牵屈肘法治疗伸直型肱骨髁上骨折

8、Over time , courts have interpreted the enabling statute and its phrase "manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance" as being narrower than the rule. ─── 一段时间后,法院有解释,使规约及其短语"操纵或欺骗性的装置或玄机"作为狭义比规则。

9、Edentulous mandible traction with wired angle and manipulative reduction in treatment of temporomandibular joint longstanding dislocation in the elderly ─── 下颌角钢丝牵引加手法复位治疗老年陈旧性颞下颌关节前脱位

10、To cope with negative experiences a child learns to manipulate himself and others.These manipulative techniques are hard to give up later in life and often become set patterns. ─── 为了应对这些负面的体验,儿童学会了操纵自己和他人,这种操纵技巧在日后的生活中很难被戒除,通常会成为既定的行为模式。

11、Traditional Manipulative Reduction of Superior Tibiofibula Splintered Fracture ─── 传统手法治疗胫腓骨上端粉碎性骨折

12、cylindrical coordinate manipulative ─── 圆柱坐标式机械手

13、Operations on 13 patients proved fractures and dislocations that were found by SSD and MPR correct. 6 patients underwent manipulative reduction and plaster support. ─── 19例中13例手术结果证实了SSD和MPR显示的骨折及脱位情况,6例手法复位及石膏托固定。

14、Manipulative treatment for supracondyle extended fracture of humerus with pronative position of elbow flexion ─── 屈肘旋前位整复肱骨髁上伸直型骨折

15、Treatment of supracondylar fracture of humerus with manipulative reduction and modified fixation of plaster slab ─── 手法复位与改进石膏托固定治疗肱骨髁上骨折

16、Without such a crisis, however, the stranglehold of manipulative media on the minds of the voters is too strong to be broken. ─── 可在没有那样的危机时,精通此道的媒体对选民们的头脑操控如此强大,因而难以打破。

17、grip type tilting manipulative ─── 夹辊式翻钢推床

18、Direct to the shortcomings, discuss on the actual coal mine safety technological manipulative regulations. ─── 围绕现行煤矿安全技术操作规程中的不足之处,对现行煤矿安全技术操作规程进行探讨。

19、The other party is being manipulative, dishonest and employing undermining tactics. ─── 对方很是奸诈狡猾,不诚恳,且运用了一些卑鄙的挖墙角手段。

20、But in the process of manipulative machines have the haphazardness and unsteadility because the referee's choice of serve techmical norm are based on whose experience. ─── 但在发球机的操作使用过程中,是依主考人员凭经验选择供球技术指标,因此具有一定的随意性和不稳定性。

21、Keywords Regional economic development;Human capital structure;Interrelation;Manipulative mechanism;Manipulative mode;Countermeasure; ─── 区域经济发展;人力资本结构;关系;调控机理;调控模式;对策;

22、2.Beyond false forms of pietism or manipulative assistance, fasting makes it possible to share our daily bread with those who are without. ─── 再说,禁食也使人真心诚意地与缺乏食物的人分享食品,而不是出于娇柔造作的怜悯行为或虚伪的救济行动。

23、To perform directly or indirectly any other manipulative acts to influence the trading prices of securities traded on the centralized securities exchange market. ─── 七、直接或间接从事其他影响集中交易市场有价证券交易价格之操纵行为。

24、A manipulative and evil creature, Phobos murdered many of her rivals in her bid for power. ─── 作为一个灵巧而邪恶的生物,佛伯斯在对力量的渴望中杀死了她的许多对手。

25、Treatment of periarthritis of shoulder with "manipulative method for wrenching shoulder" ─── "扳肩疗法"治疗肩关节周围炎

26、ROBOT: A robot is a machine which can be programmed to Perform some tasks which involve manipulative or locomotive actions under automatic control. ─── 即机器人是一种可编程的,能执行某些操作或移动动作的自动控制机械。

27、He must be scared to death;he must be thinking I'm this manipulative mean woman. ─── 他一定害怕死亡,他一定会觉得我就是那个自私失控的女人。

28、So it's necessary to integrate curricula and teaching materials, strengthen object teaching, foster students' manipulative ability and reform the test methods. ─── 同时要根据实践性强、知识更新快的特点,加强直观教学,培养学生动手能力,改革考试方法。

29、Junior middle school students'character and manipulative ability in physics experiment ─── 初中生物理实验操作能力及品质的比较研究

30、Effect of Breathing on Manipulative Stress of Palm Pressing Manipulation for Thoracic Vertebrae ─── 呼吸对胸椎掌按压法施力的影响

31、castle manipulative ─── “城堡”式机械手

32、People assume that office politics involves some manipulative behavior," says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. ─── 大学的管理学助理教授黛博拉·科默说:“人们认为办公室政治涉及一些操纵行为。”

33、Keywords Femoral neck fracture;Intertrochanter fracture of femur;Manipulative reduction;Intracutaneous fixing; ─── 内固定;股骨胫骨折;股骨粗隆骨折;手法整复;

34、Keywords chemical teaching experiment;students in normal university;the new curriculum;manipulative skill;intelligential skill;training strategy; ─── 化学教学论实验;高师学生;新课程;操作技能;智力技能;训练策略;

35、The Effect Observations of Chinese Medicinal Herbs Combined with Manipulative Therapy in Treatment of the Cervical Spondylosis with the Vertebral Artery Type ─── 中药内服配合手法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病疗效观察

36、Dynamic Modeling, Control and Coordination for a Man-friendly Dual-arm Manipulative Service Robot ─── 宜人化双臂操作型服务机器人建模、控制和协调

37、As the important tache, substation is the main surveillant and manipulative point of the electric network. ─── 作为输配电系统中的重要环节,变电站是电网的主要监控点。

38、If you're like us, you probably felt sorry for your hard-working (and sometimes manipulative) dogs and helped them up the hill. ─── 如果你和我们一样,也许你会觉得有点对不起你的辛勤工作(有时甚至操控)狗,并帮助他们上山.

39、No manipulative choice or distortion of the cultural-loaded images is allowed in the translation practice. ─── 在诗歌翻译中,对原作的文化意象进行任意取舍或扭曲都是不当的。

40、Manipulative upper and middle cervical vertebra in the treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome at earlier period ─── 中上段颈椎推拿治疗早期胸廓出口综合征的临床观察与探讨

41、"I was only trying to help" is a subtle, manipulative form of control. ─── “我只是想去帮助他”只是一种托辞,一种占为己式的掌控。

42、Treatment of Monteggia'fractures by manipulative reduction and external fixation ─── 手法整复加外固定治疗孟氏骨折

43、manipulative reduction and close hollow nail ─── 手法复位加闭合空心钉

44、You are not the pawn or puppet of a manipulative Creator, or the by-product of an accidentally created world. ─── 你不是造物主操纵的棋子、木偶,也不是世界无意制造的副产品。

45、Manipulative reduction and splinting for treatment of Colles fracture ─── 手法复位夹板固定治疗Colles骨折

46、To study and analyze its market manipulative mode and consult to the relative experiences will certainly bring the active and prodding functions to our racing cycle development. ─── 分析、研究环湖赛的市场运作模式,借鉴相关的经验,必将为我国公路自行车赛事的发展起到积极的推动作用。

47、Treatment of fracture of surgical neck of humerus combined with dislocation of shoulder joint with manipulative reduction ─── 手法复位治疗肱骨外科颈骨折合并肩关节脱位

48、She was a conniving, manipulative bitch who deserved--. ─── 她是个暗箭伤人 诡计多端的*子。她活该受到--

49、manipulative electronic deception ─── 人为电子欺骗

50、Most Borzois are stubborn and can be manipulative. ─── 大多数猎狼非常固执难以*纵。

51、In the process of the website establishment, a lot of planning work should be done first, and then we must continue to finish the technical and manipulative work. ─── 在建立过程中,既要做好前期的规划和大量的外围工作,又要切实做好技术性和操作性的工作。

52、Nursing Care for Patients with Calcaneal Fractures Treated by U-shaped External Fixator in Combination with Close Manipulative Reduction ─── U形外固定架结合闭合手法复位治疗跟骨骨折的护理

53、She is devious and sly and manipulative. ─── 她阴险、狡诈,而且爱操纵他人。

54、the other is a manipulative ambiguity. ─── 另一个模棱两可是人为操纵的模棱两可。

55、Treatment of displaced intra-articular fracture of calcaneum bone with manipulative reduction ─── 手法复位治疗移位的跟骨关节内骨折

56、He's extremely manipulative, so don't let him persuade you. ─── 别听他的,他这个人很会摆布人。

57、He described Mr. Long as cold, calculating, and manipulative. ─── 他把朗先生描述为冷漠、有心计和善于操纵别人。

58、The theory of thought and diction solve the operative problem of writing, while the theory of culture, wisdom and aesthetics solve the manipulative problem of the ideal of writing. ─── 写作思维学和写作措辞学则解决了写作的操作性问题,写作文化学、写作智慧学、写作美学则解决了写作理想目标及其的控制性问题。

59、Manipulative Communications Deception ─── 可利用的伪装通信

60、It's not that your child is trying to be manipulative or malicious with his outbursts. ─── 这并不是说你的孩子正在试图用她的坏脾气操纵你或是一种恶意。

61、Unity based leadership is different form the old modalities of governance as one does not rely upon abusive or controlling and manipulative tactics to retain one's power. ─── 基于统一的领导方式和旧式的统治特征不同,因为一个人不再依靠滥用、控制、或操纵策略来保持他的力量。

62、the reality of men, often most manipulative. Women in completely read before marriage to a man, but it is not an easy thing. ─── 现实中的男人,往往大多善于伪装。女人要在婚前完全读懂一个男人,却不是一件容易的事情。

63、the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old. ─── 一个三岁小孩的早期操控技巧。

64、This article describes the principle,development and general manipulative procedure of PFGE,and elaborates the application in the molecular research of fungi. ─── 介绍了脉冲电泳的原理,发展和基本操作程序,并阐述了脉冲电泳技术在真菌分子生物学研究领域的应用。

65、Students'developmental reseach in manipulative ability of electromagnetics experiment ─── 关于电磁学实验动手能力的培养

66、Part two mainly discusses the reasons why manipulative activities shall come into being from two sides of system and man. ─── 在行为要件的论述中重点介绍了美国二十世纪二、三十年代操纵股价的“经典”方式;

67、Introduce many factors of infecting quality in hand-working SMA,and the manipulative methods were given at the same time. ─── 介绍了影响手工组装SMA的质量因素,并提出了控制办法。

68、And a man can understand a woman's desire to talk without feeling it is a manipulative intrusion. ─── 男人则要理解女人聊天的需要,别把它当成被人控制,也不是什么心灵入侵。

69、MEEM 2 Human Factors Engineering Workshops Manipulative movement involves a combination of elemental movements with emphasis on finger and manual dexterity. ─── 人类工程学工作坊操纵活动是一系列的自然运动组合而成,取决于在手指和手工灵巧度。

70、This is not good. You both have totally different goals in life. You are far too humanitarian to live with the Goat's manipulative, ambitious ways. ─── 你们不太合适。完全不同的生活方式很难将你们系在一起。热爱自由的你很难接受控制欲强的山羊座的伴侣。

71、Remember again: this is a controlling, manipulative person who will say anything to win, and that is all this contact will be about. ─── 还是记住:这是一个控制型、操纵的人,会做一切事情获得胜利,…

72、Intend to move out of the manipulative dance, even if it occurs unconsciously, and transcend to becoming simply a conduit for another's soul to heal their own form. ─── 意愿移出操控之舞,即使它发生在无意识里,并超越去成为只是做为其他人的灵魂管道来疗愈他们自己的形体。

73、chinese manipulative reduction ─── 中医手法复位

74、Other detractors take a more respectful but darker view: they see Bush as intelligently cynical and manipulative, with a great talent for feeding the wishful thinking of the American public. ─── 另一些恶意批评者对布什持较为尊重但也更阴暗的看法,即将布什看作很有城府的视民众为傻瓜而操纵民众的人,极其善于迎合美国公众意向的人。

75、He was widely seen as a mental lightweight who allowed his manipulative wife to make all the family decisions. ─── 大家都认为他是一个懦弱之人,他家凡事都由他那好支配人的妻子做主。

76、manipulative compression joint ─── 手工压接

77、Do other people accuse you of being manipulative? ─── 别人指责你控制欲很强?

78、Tris-dimension traction combined with manipulative reduction for the treatment of flexion compressive fractures of thoracolumbar vertebral body ─── 三维牵引并手法复位治疗胸腰椎屈曲型压缩性骨折

79、Treatment of fracture of calcaneus with manipulative reduction and fixation with self-designed steel wiring supporting pad ─── 手法复位自制压垫钢丝托板固定治疗跟骨骨折

80、If I was subjecting you to articles that were just my manipulative way to give myself permission to use people, you should well feel used. ─── 如果我逼着你看这篇文章,只是我的一种让自己能够利用别人的接口,那你的确该觉得被利用。

81、Nursing care of patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disk treated via three-dimensional centrum- balanced technique manipulative reduction ─── 三维椎体平衡手法复位术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的护理

82、However, only by improving the techniques of interpreters, is it possible to solve some problems of semantic fuzziness such as "instantaneity", "shift of manipulative power". ─── 实际上从口译的动态过程和特征来考察,仅仅把口译者作为研究的对象是不全面的,也不可能解决口译中的所有问题,因为人不可能是百科全书。

83、Manipulative reduction and external fixation for the treatment of the trimalleolar fracture of postrotatory extorsion ─── 手法整复外固定治疗旋后外旋型三踝骨折

84、But even in a business culture such as this, socialization can be more of a manipulative technique than a business necessity. ─── 但是,即使在这样的商业文化中,社交只能是一种谈判操作的技巧,而不是商业不可缺少的东西。

85、Clinical experience in correcting 171 cases of fetal head in wrong position by manipulative reduction ─── 徒手旋转纠正胎头异常171例临床体会

86、Complicated Barton Fracture Treated by Manipulative Reduction and Plaster External Dication ─── 手法复位石膏外固定治疗复杂型桡骨远端骨折12例小结

87、We are sad to see that our own souls fell into such manipulative practices and participated with dark forces upon the physical plane in manifesting such magic through certain humans. ─── 我们感到悲哀,来看到我们自身的灵魂跌入到这样的操控行为中,并和黑暗力量一起参与在物理层上透过某些人而来显化这类魔法。

88、The experiment result proves that the system is possesses the features of multi-parameter testing and high precision and manipulative convenience. ─── 实验台的测试结果表明,测试参数多、精度高、直观、操作方便。

89、As mentioned previously in the section “Creating a Database,” the manipulative component of SQL is called Data Manipulation Language (DML). ─── 像前面“创建数据库”部分所讲的,SQL的控制部分叫做数据控制语言,简称“DML”。


MS是mobile suit的简称,一般翻译为机动战士,全称是Manipulative Order Build and Industrial Labors Extended Space Utility Instruments Tactical,即“可操控规则构造的工业劳动力扩展型宇宙战术机动机械”。

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