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monist 发音

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monist 中文意思翻译



monist 相似词语短语

1、cornist ─── 玉米

2、monism ─── n.一元论;一元发生说(等于monogenesis)

3、bonist ─── n.主张世善的人

4、Zionist ─── n.犹太复国主义者;adj.犹太复国主义者的

5、demonist ─── n.信仰魔鬼的人;对鬼怪的崇拜的人;魔鬼学家(demonism的变形)

6、monish ─── 劝告;告诫

7、simonist ─── (提倡)买卖圣职者;(提倡)买卖圣物者

8、monistic ─── adj.一元论的

9、agonist ─── n.收缩筋;兴奋剂

monist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、thing-in-itself,nirvana, no-two state, noumenon, ultimate reality, mind-matter monism ─── 物自体,涅槃,不二境界,本体,最后实体,心物一元论

2、We used torationally judge our culture with monism and ultimatism, together with intellectual idealism. ─── 以往我们对文化的理性判断是一元的和终极性的,同时也是非常知识分子化和精英化的。

3、For Jung, dualism and monism were not mutually contradictory and exclusive, but complimentary aspects of reality. ─── 作为容格,二元论和一元论并不是互相地对立和排外的,而是实相的连续外貌。

4、Carrying out the perception monism through to the end must break uniform thinking finally and realize the plural axiology which the postmodernists are asking for. ─── 把感性一元贯彻到底最终必然要打破整齐划一的总体性思维,实现多元价值观,也即是实现后现代的价值主张。

5、Nietzsche surely wants to improve the ways that he judges yes and no within life by virtue of that monist insight. ─── 尼采肯定想,通过一元视角的美德来,提高他判断是否的方式。

6、The article tries to probe the opposition and unity of monism and pluralism on intelligence. ─── 文章试就多元智力观与一元智力观的对立与统一问题作一粗浅的探讨。

7、128 Logical forms are without number. Hence there are no preeminent numbers in logic, and hence there is no possibility of philosophical monism or dualism, etc. ─── 1274问一个形式概念是否存在是无意义的,因为不可能有一个命题是对这个问题的回答。(因此,例如,不能提问“是否存在不可分析的主谓式命题?”这种问题。)

8、From the literature known so far, we can take Anaximenes' philosophy as one that uses air monism to explain everything in terms of air. ─── 摘要根据已知的文献资料,可以把阿那克西米尼的哲学看作以气为最高根据去说明一切的气一元论哲学。

9、From the rational monism of illuminative modernity to the plural axiology of postmodernity, the perception monism of aesthetic modernity serves as a bridge. ─── 从现代性的理性一元论到后现代的多元价值观,审美现代性的感性一元充当了桥梁、过渡的作用。

10、The point that materialized labor and living labor from the value together is the monism of labor theory of value,so all the merchandises and sevises are all peoples's product of labor. ─── 既然是劳动价值论的一元论,一切商品和劳务都是人们的劳动成果。

11、geographical view of monism ─── 一元论地理世界观

12、From Duality to Monism: the Policy Orientation of Transforming the Social Structure of the City and Country ─── 从二元到一元:城乡社会结构转换的政策取向

13、Marx was a monist. For him there was one explanation for any social, personal or political problem: the class struggle. ─── 马克思是一元论者,在他看来,任何社会、个人或者政治问题都只有一个解释:阶级斗争。

14、JIN Yue-lin holds that there may be pluralistic logic systems, but logic can be monistic only, and hence is a monist in theory, but a pluralist in reality. ─── 因此,从理论层面上看金岳霖是个一元论者,而从事实层面上讲他则是个多元论者。这种逻辑眼界对逻辑科学的发展有着极其重要的意义。

15、This neutral monism, as it is called, resembles property dualism. ─── 另一个可能的一元论形式说的是那唯一存在的实体是精神。

16、Though Honneth hesitates between critical theory and post-critical theory, idealism and realism, monism and pluralism, he has finally achieved the turning from critical theory to post-critical theory. ─── 尽管霍氏徘徊于批判理论与后批判理论、理想主义与现实主义、一元主义与多元主义之间,但是最终从批判理论走向了后批判理论。

17、anomalous monism ─── 无律则一元论

18、monism philosophy ─── 一元论哲学

19、The school of Li Jia graph in classical economics holds to a model " monism of labor theory of value " . ─── 古典经济学中的李嘉图学派坚持典型的“劳动价值论一元论”。

20、In philosophy, first, to develop and improve the vitality of one dollar to the Eastern Han dynasty since the pre-Qin to ontological materialism highest strength level, set strength of Dacheng monism. ─── 在哲学方面,一是发展并完善了元气一元论,达到了自先秦到东汉唯物主义元气本体论的最高水平,集元气一元论之大成。

21、abstract monism ─── 抽象一元论

22、The alternative view that we're going to consider is not dualist, but monist. ─── 另外一个我们将要顾及的观点不是二元学说,是一元论学说。

23、Human medical science only changed the awakening in the " monism " thinking that the disease was caused from the human body at last. ─── 人类医学终于从人体变化只有疾病引起的“一元论”思维中觉醒。

24、As for the "fact" and "must" in "the issue of Hume", Marx holds a dialectical viewpoint of monism and dualism, and thus persists in dialectics in historical determinism. ─── 对“休谟问题”中的“事实”与“应当”,马克思持一元论和二元论的辩证观点,由此坚持了历史决定论中的辩证法。

25、A Research into the Modern Enterprise Ethics through "Monism of Righteousness and Benefit" of the Mohism ─── 从墨家"义利一元"论探讨现代企业伦理

26、We need further research on how to unite monism and pluralism on intelligence. ─── 多元智力观与一元智力观如何统一还需作进一步研究。

27、Berlin confronted a theoretical paradox between Monism and Pluralism. ─── 伯林提出了自由主义一元与多元化的价值悖论。

28、Arnold Toynbee compliment them and the twenty-first century's version, in addition to prattle about the past and predict the future of different things, its history monism, there is no different. ─── 它们和汤恩比的恭维二十一世纪中国人的说法,除了有侈谈过去与预测未来的不同外,其为历史一元论,并无两样。

29、Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies. ─── 唯心主义通常都与唯物主义想对立,与二元论或多元论相反,两者皆属于一元论。

30、The present article attempts to measure all kinds of translation criteria by using two criteria, so as to find that only monism is correct translation criterion. ─── 本文就由来已久的翻译标准的讨论,提出尝试用两个标准来衡量一下各种“翻译标准”,只有一元翻译标准才是正确的翻译标准。

31、Chen xujing's monism of sovereignty and pluralism of sovereignty is dialectics.Wu conclude his the thought of sovereignty state that both demands for sovereignty and human rights. ─── 但是,陈序经的主权可分论与主权一元论不是对立的,他对国家主权也是极力维护的,可以把陈序经的主权思想表述为对主权与人权的双重诉求。

32、In the history of positivism, Mach's ideology on element and the elemental monism has always occupied a very important position. ─── 摘要在实证主义哲学的发展史上,马赫的要素及要素一元论思想始终占有非常重要的地位。

33、heart-object monism ─── 心物-元论

34、one monist starting system ─── 一元机制

35、fulfillment monism ─── 实践一元论

36、pluralism and monism ─── 多元论和一元论

37、methodological monism ─── 法学方法一元论

38、Monism is a kind of absolutism. ─── 一元论是一种绝对论。

39、In 1970s, Donald Davidson put forward solving this problem under anomalous monism and argument by three principles as premisses. ─── 70年代,唐纳德·戴维森提出在无律则一元论的纲领下解释心物关系,并运用三个前提性原理辅之论证。

40、The division of the building ownership is the production of the development of high-rised dwelling buildings,and the content of it has gone through three stages: monism,dualism and so on. ─── 建筑物区分所有权是多层建筑物发展的产物,其内容经历了一个从一元论到二元论再到三元论的演变过程。

41、An ideological study as a pre-solution of materialist monism ─── 意识问题:唯物主义一元论的解决前景

42、Therefore meaning in the history of literature of Zhang Ailing is that it exposes obturation of monism and possibility of creating literate history generation. ─── 因而,张爱玲在文学史上的意义就在于暴露一元史观的闭锁性和显示文学史空间开创的可能性。

43、Value " monism " and " pluralistic " contend for long-standing, the understanding that core is pair of value regulation sexes is different. ─── 价值“一元论”和“多元论”之争由来已久 ,核心是对价值规定性的理解不同。

44、From Discretionary Dualism to Discretionary Monism ─── 从裁量二元论到裁量一元论

45、Thus, it is imperative that a unified distribution system and monism be established in line with socialist market economy. ─── 因此,必须建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的统一的分配制度即收入分配一元论。

46、Traditional marriage idea has been impacted,from conservative to open,from monism to pluralism. ─── 传统的婚姻受到猛烈的冲击,中国人的婚姻呈现出从保守到开放、从一元到多元的变化。

47、From Monism to Pluralism: Research on the Origin of Chinese Civilization ─── 从一元到多元:中国文明起源研究的心路历程

48、is mad the monism ─── 气一元论

49、Starting from distinguishing subjectivity and objectivity of values, this paper discusses the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, monism and pluralism of values to the point. ─── 从厘清价值的主体性和客观性出发,扼要地探讨了价值的主体性和客观性、样化与一元化的统一。

50、Milton rather late in his life has become a monist. ─── 弥尔顿晚年成了个一元论者。

51、Based on the monism of external idealism, Hegel organized aesthetics categories to be an integrated system according to the principle of unifying the history and logic. ─── 摘要黑格尔在客观唯心主义的一元论基础上,把美学的各种主要范畴按照历史与逻辑相统一的原则组织成为了一个完整的体系。

52、Xu Zhimo's poems are characterized by western Romanticism in the form, while traditional Chinese monism in thoughts. ─── 摘要徐志摩的新诗在形式上具有西方浪漫主义诗歌的特征,但在思维方式上却体现了中国传统的一元模式。

53、Hayek believed that the crisis of liberalism was not the internal paradox between monism and pluralism, but the crisis that False Liberalism challenge True Liberalism. ─── 他认为,自由主义的危机不是自由主义内在的一元价值与多元论的危机,而是伪自由主义对真自由主义的挑战的危机。

54、of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of monism. ─── 属于、关于哲学上一元论的。

55、The article thinks that he must be on the foundation that holds to value source monism, the labor axiology that develops a Marxism says. ─── 本文认为必须在坚持价值源泉一元论的基础上 ,发展马克思主义的劳动价值学说。

56、It also utilizes the Brahman/Atman terminology and concepts that are found in the Upanishads, thus breaking from the Samkhya school by adopting concepts of Vedantic monism. ─── 奥义书上也利用婆罗门/阿特曼(灵魂)的术语和概念,从而通过采用吠陀的一元论而从数论学派中分裂出来。

57、concrete monism ─── 具体一元论

58、Still later, in Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zai and Wang Fuzhi in Ming and Qing Dynasties, they start from the gas monism regard "ens" of "nonexistence" as different states of gas. ─── 再后来,北宋张载、明清之际的王夫之等人则从气一元论的学说出发,将有或无都看作是气的不同状态。

59、This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism, from monism to pluralism, from dogmatism to liberalism. ─── 它从以往提倡的绝对论转向相对论、从一元论转向多元论、从独断论转向自由论。

60、In philosophic field, the dualism of consciousness and body has changed into monism. ─── 哲学界意识与身体的“二元论”过渡到“一元论”;

61、Behaviorism: An objectivist and monist perspective with regard to individual actions and decisions. ─── 行为主义:一种客观主义的、一元论的观点,关注个体的行为和判断。

62、The dynamical mechanism that the technology innovates rises from monism development above all, develop what in-house element turns from exterior element again after n duality and pluralistic; ─── 技术创新的动力机制首先是从一元论发展起来的,进而发展到二元和多元论;

63、Karl Poppor believes that the historical determinism represented by Plato, Hegel and Marx mixed "is" to "must", thus is the monism of fact and value, and is wrong in theoretical methodology. ─── 摘要波普尔认为,以柏拉图、黑格尔、马克思为代表的历史决定论把“是”与“应当”混在一起,是事实与价值一元论,在理论方法上是错误的。

64、In the succession of "labor creates value",new labor value monism emphasizes the materialized works for creating the condition function of value and relation of assigning,thus promotes the completion and development of market economy. ─── 新劳动价值一元论在继承劳动创造价值这一本原的基础上,强调物化劳动对于创造价值的条件作用及与分配的关系,从而推动了市场经济的完善与发展;

65、The traditional theoretical system of monism can not take a thorough criticism on exploitation. ─── 传统的"一元论"的理论体系对剥削的批判是很不彻底的;

66、In the history of positivism,Mach's ideology on element and the elemental monism has always occupied a very important position. ─── 在实证主义哲学的发展史上,马赫的要素及要素一元论思想始终占有非常重要的地位。

67、The monism taking the qi as the centrer ─── 气-元论

68、It is impossible for us to develop our theory if we adhere stubbornly to monism. ─── 价值论发展兼听则明,偏信则暗,固守价值一元论不可能发展价值理论;

69、It also utilizes the Brahman/ Atman terminology and concepts that are found in the Upanishads, thus breaking from the Samkhya school by adopting concepts of Vedantic monism. ─── 奥义书上也利用婆罗门/特曼(魂)术语和概念,从而通过采用吠陀的一元论而从数论学派中分裂出来。

70、After the downfall of his ideal,Plato developed his legal theory and came to the monism of law conception. ─── 在政治实践受挫后,他又发展了自己的法律理论,走向了法律概念的一元论,提出了法治乌托邦的理论,最终实现了法律理论的转变。

71、Strictly speaking, naturalism has no ontological bias toward any particular set of categories of reality: dualism and monism, atheism and theism, idealism and materialism are all compatible with it. ─── 严格地讲,自然主义对任何具体的现实类别没有本体主义的偏见:二元论和一元论、无神论和有神论、观念论和唯物论都与自然主义相容。

72、neutral monism ─── 中性一元论

73、Be accompanied, is the credibility of the overall monism shaken. ─── 与之伴随的,是一元论信誉的全面动摇。

74、Legal interest monism ─── 法益一元

75、monism of form ─── 形式一元论

76、monist view of law ─── 法律一元论

77、However, if we view them in the cultural principle of open nor conservation, complementary nor exclusivity, pluralism nor monism, every embarrassing will not be exist. ─── 然而,倘若从文化的开放性而非保守性、相济性而非排他性、多元性而非一元性去审视葛洪思想,尴尬将不复存在。

78、Labor value monism ─── 劳动价值一元论

79、monism recognized ─── 一元认同

80、On Sticking to and Developing the Proposition of Labor Value Monism of Marxism ─── 坚持和发展马克思主义劳动价值一元论

81、From the viewpoint of materialistic mind-body monism, the body of a human being (mainly the nerve system) has two functions-physiological and psychological. ─── 从唯物论的心身一元论的观点来看,人体(主要是神经系统)有两种机能,即生理机能和心理机能。

82、monism training theory ─── 一元训练理论

83、Materialistic practical philosophy or practical materialism does not lie in replacing "material ontology" with "practical ontology" , its ontology is still material monism of dialectical materialism. ─── 唯物主义的实践哲学或实践的唯物主义,并不在于以“实践本体论”代替物质本体论,它的本体论仍然是辩证唯物主义的物质一元论。

84、In classical economics, Ricardo school insisted on the typical Labour Value Monism. ─── 古典经济学中 ,李嘉图学派坚持典型的“劳动价值论一元论”。

85、of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of monism ─── 属于、关于哲学上一元论的

86、From Monism to Pluralism: Evolution of General Prevention Theory ─── 从一元到多元:一般预防论的流变

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