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10-03 投稿


mulls 发音

英:[m?lz]  美:[m?lz]

英:  美:

mulls 中文意思翻译






mulls 短语词组

1、mulls over ─── 仔细考虑

2、Unna's mulls ─── [医] 乌纳氏药膏布

mulls 词性/词形变化,mulls变形

s 原型:mull

mulls 常用词组

mull over ─── 仔细考虑

mulls 相似词语短语

1、gulls ─── n.[鸟]鸥;气球假目标雷达反射器;笨人;易受骗之人(gull的复数形式);v.诈欺,骗(gull的第三人称单数形式)

2、malls ─── abbr.多角度激光散射仪(Multi-angleLaserLightScattering)

3、bulls ─── n.公牛队(美国篮球队名);布尔斯(地名)

4、mullas ─── n.毛拉(伊斯兰国家的敬称);n.(Mulla)人名;(阿拉伯、哈萨、塔吉、吉尔、乌兹)穆拉

5、culls ─── v.挑选;部分捕杀,选择性宰杀;(诗、文)采集(花果);n.选择性宰杀;被选出宰杀的体弱(或过剩)动物;n.(Cull)(美、英)卡尔(人名)

6、fulls ─── n.滩脊(等于beachridge)

7、hulls ─── n.[植]外壳(hull的复数);可控点;v.[粮食]去壳(hull的第三人称单数);n.(Hulls)人名;(法)于尔斯

8、dulls ─── adj.钝的;迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的;阴暗的;vt.使迟钝;使阴暗;缓和;vi.减少;变迟钝;n.(Dull)人名;(罗、匈)杜尔;(柬)杜;(英)达尔

9、lulls ─── v.使平静;使安静;哄骗;平息,减弱,停止;使(人)放松警惕;n.间歇;暂停,暂时平静;n.(Lull)(美、西、德、加、英、法)勒尔(人名)

mulls 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mull v. Mull sth over think about or consider sth long and carefully ─── 思索或思考某事物

2、A CLUTCH of billionaires and anti-poverty campaigners gathered this month in the Tanzanian bush to mull over Africa's development. ─── 为了琢磨如何发展非洲,本月一群大款们与扶贫游说家在坦桑尼亚的一灌木丛中举行了一次聚会。

3、Something for Mr Kloppers to consider as he mulls over the $290m paid to BHP's panoply of high-octane advisers over the past 18 months. ─── 在高瑞思反思过去18个月支付给必和必拓牛气十足的庞大顾问团队的2.9亿美元时,这是他要考虑的。

4、As you mull these questions over in your mind, Brown-Volkman reminds professionals, "There are no right or wrong answers, It; ─── 当你对这些问题深思熟虑的时候,布朗-沃克曼提醒人们:“没有正确和错误的答案。

5、RICHARD BILTON: South of Mull, environmentalists say they have been watching what fish farms can do. ─── 在穆尔岛南部,环境保护者们说他们一直在观察鲑鱼养殖场的举动。

6、He did not mull the seduction over in his mind.He did not flirt with the idea of fun and games with Potiphar's wife. ─── 他不容让诱惑的思想在脑海中盘旋,也拒绝与波提乏的妻子调情作乐。

7、Under such circumstances, we had to declare this agreement mull and void. ─── 在这种情况下,我们不得不宣布这份协议无效。

8、printed mull ─── 印花麦尔纱

9、multi mull ─── n. 双碾盘连续混砂机

10、AFTER nigh on three decades of abuse-filled estrangement, two spouses mull a reconciliation. ─── 将近30年来,这对冤家谩骂声不断,形同陌路,这下在盘算着和解的事了。

11、Dai Yuguang A Study On the Application Of Xiao Chaihu Plus Longgu Mull Tang ─── 小柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤应用探讨

12、mull dressing ─── [医] 软布敷料

13、A region of southwest Scotland. The Mull of Galloway, a promontory on a peninsula on its southwest coast, is the southernmost point in Scotland. ─── 加洛韦苏格兰西南部一地区。其西南海岸一半岛上的海角加洛韦角是苏格兰的最南角

14、Don't mull over your breakfast. ─── 别磨磨蹭蹭地吃早饭。

15、a region of southwest Scotland. The Mull of Galloway,a promontory on a peninsula on its southwest coast,is the southernmost point in Scotland. ─── 加洛韦苏格兰西南部一地区。其西南海岸一半岛上的海角加洛韦角是苏格兰的最南角。

16、swiss mull ─── 上浆薄细布

17、Before they talk or respond, they first silently "mull over" or think about what they have heard or experienced. ─── 他们在谈论或回答之前,就先慎思熟虑一番,或思考他们所听到或经历过的。

18、Unna's mulls ─── [医] 乌纳氏药膏布

19、Indian mull ─── 印度高支无浆细纺

20、Having had two days for our readers to mull over the first list of influential scientists, we are now presenting part two. ─── 已经有两天供读者们细细咀嚼本系列第一部分了,现在我们献上第二部分。

21、In another story, robotic automation has rendered jobs a thing of the past, and one human mulls what to do with his free time. ─── 在另一篇小说中,机器人自动化宣布工作成为明日黄花,一个人类琢磨如何打发空闲时间。

22、China mulls exit of proactive fiscal policy. ─── 中国考虑退出经济刺激政策。

23、This topic reminds me the book wrote by famous American blind authoress Helen Keller ,Today`s topic is indeed extremely meaningfull that I should mull it over well. ─── 开始看到题目的时候让我想到了美国盲人女作家海伦凯勒写的这本书.今天的主题是非常的有意义,我得好好的想想.

24、They would rather mull over something academic about a problem rather than ship on time. ─── 对他们来说,与其准时完成工作,还不要去反覆思索某个问题的学术性。

25、The move will help give Palin a large audience for her views as she mulls whether to run for president in 2012. ─── 据悉,佩林正在考虑是否角逐2012年总统大选,此举可以帮助她向大批观众阐释自己的政治观点。

26、duff mull ─── 半腐解腐殖质

27、WorldCom creditors Mull over Providing a Secured Loan of 3 Billion US Dollars ─── 世界通讯债权人考虑提供三十亿美元担保融资

28、made a mull of ─── v. 弄坏(把 ... 搞得一塌糊涂)

29、If so, give yourself a few extra days to mull things over before finalizing anything. ─── 假如这样的话,给自己些时日加以思考再做决定。

30、And did you know that those big things are getting rather dusty while you pour yourself another cup of coffee, and decide to mull things over rather than do them? ─── 你知不知道在你喝一杯咖啡或者做些无意义事情的时候,这些使命又蒙上了一层灰尘?

31、This I found to be another catechist, but of a different order from the blind man of Mull. ─── 我发现他也是一位传教士,不过跟姆尔岛的那个瞎子不属于一个教派。

32、"There are always things to mull over if you are playing a team like Chelsea but I am a very optimistic person. ─── “如果你是和切尔西这样的俱乐部比赛的话,总会有一些事情需要你去仔细考虑的,但我是一个乐观的人。

33、Italy mulls pizza protection law ─── 意大利起草新法律 那不勒斯匹萨受保护

34、As you mull over your previous partnerships, try thinking about relationship as a verb rather than a noun. ─── 在你抱怨你以前的伴侣的时候,试着把关系做为一个动词而不一个名词。

35、Mull over what i have just said, and pray for you; ─── 人家没对你提出毁谤已经很客气了!!

36、I nearly made a mull of the business. ─── 我几乎把生意弄得一团糟。

37、Bluerlily: China mulls new curbs on realtors ─── 中国考虑控制房地产经纪人的新举措

38、Blood group antibody Mull ─── Mull血型抗体

39、As you mull these questions over in your mind, , "There are no right or wrong answers. ─── 当你对这些问题深思熟虑的时候,没有正确和错误的答案。

40、I need some time to mull it over before making a decision. ─── 在做出决定之前我需要一些时间来认真琢磨一下。

41、Blood group antigen Mull ─── Mu11血型抗原

42、Later, Li mull over colleagues changed their mind and feel that the deduction for one month rent deposit is found, he proposed that compensation for his loss of colleagues can have rejected the other. ─── 事后,李某想来想去都觉得因同事变卦而被扣除1个月的房租押金有点冤,他提出要那位同事赔偿他的损失,可对方却拒绝了。

43、He tried to mull things over in his mind. ─── 他试图在他的脑海中思索事情。

44、Make a mull of sth. ─── [口]把事情弄糟

45、Jeffries can mull the qualifying offer until October. He also could be packaged in a sign-and-trade agreement, something the Wizards don't seem anxious to do. ─── 他的限制性自由球员,奇才可以选择跟金其他球队的报价来留住他,但是现在大部分球队都没了合适的薪金空间,只有山猫,老鹰,猛龙还有不到530万的空间

46、The value of oil absorption, viscosity of Nujol mull, specific surface area, contact angle, distribution of particle size and dispersivity of the calcium carbonate particles were also characterized. ─── 对改性前后碳酸钙粉体的接触角、吸油率、石蜡糊粘度、粒度分布、分散性等性能进行了比较。

47、Something for Mr Kloppers to consider as he mulls over the $290m paid to BHP's panoply of high-octane advisers over the past 18 months. ─── 在高瑞思反思过去18个月支付给必和必拓牛气十足的庞大顾问团队的2.9亿美元时,这是他要考虑的。

48、make a mull of ─── vt. 弄坏(把 ... 搞得一塌糊涂)

49、9. This I found to be another catechist, but of a difficult order from the blind man of Mull. ─── 我发现他也是一位传教士,不过跟姆尔岛的那个瞎子不属于一个教派。

50、He's asked for a bit more time to mull over my proposal. ─── 他要求给他点时间来考虑我的提议。

51、Analysts continue to mull over how and what the BoJ can deploy in terms monetary policy to calm the Yen’s rise of late. ─── 分析家继续分析日本央行将如何应对最近日元升值的压力,已经会做出什么相应的决策。

52、Calico and Mull: calico and mull are used for testing either a part or the whole of a pattern. This is then referred to as a toile. ─── 印花布和细软布:它们是用来检验样板的一个部分或整个样板是否合身。我们把它们的成品称为样衣。

53、She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling. ─── 她閒躺在沙发上,而藉加料温啤酒来给自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃们,那些美娃胆敢把头閒靠在她真正的爱人的肩膀上。

54、China mull ─── 中国薄绸

55、mull buro ─── n. 轮碾式移动混砂机

56、medium mull ─── 中腐熟腐殖质

57、3.Shanghai mulls raising rush hour taxi fare. ─── 上海考虑是否增加高峰时间出租车价格。

58、To help get you started, here are some questions to mull over: ─── 为便于您尽快进入本文的这项试验,这里有一些问题不妨认真思考:

59、mull something over ─── 思考

60、WWW Conference Mulls Web as Personal Memory Store ─── 大会宣称网络将是个人回忆仓库

61、Over at the offices of Capital Partners, former Deputy Finance Minister Doukas fiddles with a pencil and mulls the worst-case scenario. ─── 在合伙人的办公室,前财政部副部长Doukas随便摆弄着手里的铅笔,考虑着最坏的情况。

62、A smart new road could be just the thing, so it continues to mull the offer. ─── 一条漂亮的新路也许就是其政绩的体现,所以它还要再掂量掂量中国开出的条件。

63、The Sentinels were adamant about their departure schedule, despite the council's demand for time to mull it over. ─── 尽管委员会强调他们需要更多的时间去考虑,哨兵同盟依然坚持他们原先的计划。

64、He mulls this question for a long time, confers with his sinister sidekick at the next table, then with the translator, then spends some minutes staring out the window, looking for the answer. ─── 他仔细考虑了这个问题很久,与他临桌一个阴险(?)的伙伴讨论,然后再跟翻译商量,接下来的几分钟,他直盯着窗外,寻找答案。

65、salve mull ─── [医] 油膏药布剂, 膏药

66、E-type medium speed coal grinding mull ─── E型中速磨煤机

67、Shanghai mulls overseas investment program. ─── 上海考虑允许个人可投资海外房地产。

68、mull over ─── 仔细考虑

69、Barack Obama should keep Ball in mind as he mulls John McCain's suggestion of a joint visit to Iraq. ─── 当巴拉克·奥巴马在费心琢磨麦凯恩拟联合访问伊拉克的建议时,应当时刻牢记乔治·鲍的话。

70、You should also mull over the shipping cost because who knows if you are merely paying for the same price compared of getting the product from local shops. ─── 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。

71、Mull it over, Mamba. ─── 好好想想吧,曼巴。

72、Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water. ─── 就带着你的蛋在热水中去思考一下吧.

73、An impartial commission could be appointed to mull them over. ─── 可以指派一个公正的委员会,反复思量这些问题。

74、It is designed to trace back to the tradition of distilled whisky on the Isle of Mull. ─── 它旨在追溯传统的蒸馏威士忌的马尔岛。

75、I sat there and tried to mull things over in my mind. ─── 我坐在那儿,尽量把事情仔细考虑一下。

76、And her analysis is based on first-hand accounts: About 30 architects stream through her office every week, to mull their options, up from three a week a year ago. ─── 她的分析数据来自亲身体验:大约每周30名建筑师川流来往于她的办公室深思他们的选择,远远大于一年前每周3名左右。

77、Our curiosity often impedes our reading of the Scriptures, when we wish to understand and mull over what we ought simply to read and pass by. ─── 我们的好奇心经常阻碍我们好好读经,因为本来只需稍稍过目的,我们却反而要去深思明辨。

78、The report comes as Huawei mulls a possible initial public offering in the US market. ─── 报告中提及,华为正在考虑是否在美国市场进行首次公开募股。

79、America mulls an atomic revival, it should look not just to Japan, but also its own past. ─── 美国正在酝酿核电复兴,这个时候,它不仅应该看看日本的福岛,还应该看看自己的历史。

80、In short, in addition to mull over the money not paid. ─── 总之,想来想去除了赚没的赔。

81、As politicians mull such questions in the capital, workers across the state are confronting their own dilemmas. ─── 州首府的政客思考这些问题时,全州的工人正在面对自己的困境。

82、5.China mulls draft on climate change. ─── 中国积极研究应对气候变化决议草案。

83、10.China mulls renewable energy development fund. ─── 中国拟设立可再生能源发展基金。

84、China mulls new curbs on realtors ─── 中国限制房地产经纪人的新举措

85、As you mull these questions over in your mind, you reminds yourself, "There are no right or wrong answers. ─── 当你对这些问题深思熟虑的时候,你要提醒你自己:“没有正确和错误的答案。

86、crumb mull ─── 团块状细腐殖质

87、If you want to nest, tidy up and mull things over, on Wednesday evening or towards the end of the workweek when the stars favor it. ─── 如果你想在家休息,收拾家务,那么从星座指示上来说星期三一直到周末都是合适的。

88、plaster mull ─── [医] 硬膏布

89、mull sth over ─── 仔细考虑某事

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