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10-03 投稿


mope 发音

英:[m??p]  美:[mop]

英:  美:

mope 中文意思翻译




mope 网络释义

vi. 忧郁;百无聊赖vt. 使忧郁;没精打采地度过n. 忧郁的人;消沉

mope 短语词组

mope about/around

1. 没精打采地闲荡

He moped about in the house all day.


1、mope about ─── 闷 ─── 闷不乐

2、mope around ─── 无精打采地徘徊 闷闷不乐

3、mope around anyway ─── 不管怎样,都要闷闷 ─── 不乐

4、mope-eyed ─── [医] 近视的

mope 词性/词形变化,mope变形

动词过去式: moped |副词: mopishly |动词现在分词: moping |名词: moper |动词过去分词: moped |动词第三人称单数: mopes |形容词: mopish |

mope 相似词语短语

1、mopes ─── vi.忧郁;百无聊赖;vt.使忧郁;没精打采地度过;n.忧郁的人;消沉

2、cope ─── vi.处理;对付;竞争;n.长袍;n.(Cope)人名;(英)科普;(西)科佩

3、myope ─── n.近视的人

4、Hope ─── v.希望;希望能够;n.希望;希望的东西;被寄予希望的人(或物);好的迹象;信赖感;可能性;n.(Hope)(美)奥普(人名)

5、dope ─── n.笨蛋;麻醉药物;涂料;vt.上涂料;服药;vi.吸毒;吸毒成瘾;(俚)酷毙了

6、moper ─── 闲荡的人

7、mopey ─── adj.闷闷不乐的,消沉的;无精打采的

8、Pope ─── n.蒲伯(英国诗人);罗马教皇

9、moped ─── n.助动车;机动脚踏两用车;v.抑郁不乐;生闷气(mope的过去式和过去分词)

mope 习惯用语

1、mope about [round] ─── 没精打采地东游西荡

mope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、-- Don't mope over it all day, he said ─── “不要成天为这档子事闷闷不乐。

2、mope about ─── 没精打采地闲荡

3、But when I mop, I will mope. ─── (但是当我用拖把拖地的时候,我就会闷闷不乐。

4、Go out and have some fun, child.Don't mope about in the house all day. ─── 孩子,出去玩玩吧。别总是没精打采地在屋里打转。

5、Along with the development and populization of Web,more and mope application softwares download from Web Server and run in the client side. ─── 随着 Web技术的发展和普及,越来越多的应用软件是直接从 Web服务器通过网络传递到客户端运行的。

6、Don't mope round the house like that. Go for a walk. ─── 别在家里那样闷闷不乐地闲荡,去散散步。

7、4 mope trees (not less than 7ft.) $40 each-$160 ─── 4棵枫树(不小于7英尺),每棵单价40美元,总计160美元。

8、He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet. ─── 他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。

9、This product can make soap liquid,lotion,detergent mope more effective and economical for washing. ─── 本商品使洗手液、洗洁精、沐浴露等清洁液分量点溢,节约、方便洗手或洗涤。

10、have a bit of a mope ─── 有些闷闷不乐.

11、Mope around He's been moping around (the house) all day. ─── 他整天都在(房子)周围瞎转悠。

12、mope oneself ─── 烦闷;闹情绪

13、Atlanta was more interesting than Savannah or Charleston or Tara and it offered so many strange war-time occupations she had little time to think or mope. ─── 亚特兰大比萨凡纳或查尔斯顿或塔拉都要有趣得多,它提供给了你这么许多新奇的战时消遣,以致她很少有工夫去思索去发闷了。

14、Just live your life well, take care of yourself, and don't mope too much.Love will find you. ─── 只要你好好生活,好好照顾自己,别老是闷闷不乐,爱就会来找你。

15、Boh! Madam Mope!' cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty. ─── “嘘!苦恼小姐!”约翰.里德叫唤着,随后又打住了,显然发觉房间里空无一人。

16、Miss Lin mustn't mope or be homesick here but feel at home with the old lady and her aunts. ─── "劝姑娘不要伤心想家,跟着老太太和舅母,即同家里一样."

17、"Why do you always so mope?" asked the fish lightly to the hedgehog. ─── “为什么你总是那么忧郁呢?”鱼默默地问刺猬。

18、How does a mope like that, take out 20 of our h.r.t? ─── 一个忧郁寡欢的人怎能干掉我们20个人?

19、Was there any use buying Dilcey if she was going to mope about the child? ─── 只买来迪尔茜,要是她整天惦记孩子,又有什么用?

20、Don't mope round the house like that - - go for a walk. ─── 别在家里那样闷闷不乐地闲荡——去散散步。

21、mope one's time away ─── 闷闷不乐地过日子

22、stability of Mope ─── 边坡稳定性

23、He is no mope only thoughtful and quiet. ─── 他不是那种忧郁的人只是好思考不多说话。

24、In the aftermath of the Detroit downer , Damon didn't mope around his Orlando home. ─── 在底特律的惨败之后,戴蒙并没有在奥兰多的家中消沉度日。

25、You may mope around for days, weeks, months, years, over a breakup, and expect everyone to pity you, but eventually, people have to move on. ─── 你也许会在几天,几周,几个月,几年,在分手闷闷不乐,并希望每个人都同情你,但最终,人们必须继续前进。

26、Why do you always so mope?' asked the fish lightly to the hedgehog. ─── “为什么你总是那么忧郁呢?”鱼默默地问刺猬。

27、Time waits for no man.You may mope around for days, weeks, months, years, over a breakup, and expect everyone to pity you, but eventually, people have to move on. ─── 并且这就是真理:时间从不等待任何人.你也许会徘徊几天,几星期,几个月,几年,一辈子,没有人会惋惜你,但到最后人们不得不离开。

28、there any use of buying Dilcey if she was going to mope about the child? ─── 如果她惦记孩子,买来迪尔茜有什么用呢?

29、Why do you wait and mope? ─── 为什么要闷闷不乐的等?

30、Am I mope?'the hedgehog smile and reply. ─── “我忧郁吗?”刺猬轻轻地笑了。

31、Air conditioning in coal mines involves more complicated cooling load calculation,mope frequent variation in system configuration and higher investment than that of ground buildings. ─── 矿井空调具有负荷计算复杂、系统变动大、投资高等特殊性。

32、just now i was watching TV. but the stone gave me mope. ─── 真是晕倒了...已经是第三次砸我的窗子了.看你们还敢有第四回...

33、mope v. ─── 觉得郁闷;

34、so you and your sister can mope around the house and your mother and i can . . ─── 这样你跟妹妹可以在家里闲荡而我跟妈妈可以。。

35、Don't sulk, mope or brood. ─── 不要生气或焦虑。

36、4 mope trees (not less than 7ft.) $40 each-$160 ─── 梅闶

37、I think you know that why I mope. ─── 我想你们明白我为什么忧郁。

38、"Am I mope?"the hedgehog smile and reply. ─── “我忧郁吗?”刺猬轻轻地笑了。

39、Don't mope around the house like that go for a walk. ─── 别这么没精打采地在家里打转,出去散散步吧。

40、When my dad lost his job, he would just mope around the house all day. ─── 如果我爸爸丢了工作,他就整天呆在家里闷闷不乐。

41、When I have no date on Saturday, I just stay home and mope about in the house. ─── 星期六晚上,如果我没有约会,我只好呆在屋子里闷闷不乐。

42、The mope of accepting cases is a hot issue in Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China. ─── 摘要行政诉讼受案范围是我国行政诉讼法中一个热点问题。

43、mope pole ─── 支撑管道杆圆木杆

44、bird doesn't mope around because it isn't an eagle, or because another bird discovers tasty food. ─── 小鸟不会因为自己不是雄鹰,或是因为别的小鸟发现了美食而闷闷不乐。

45、young women, smile or simper or smirk or grin, glower or glare, or just mope about if you like, but for the love of God, please put away the duck face. ─── 年轻女性们,求你们了,微笑、傻笑、假笑或露齿而笑,怒视或瞪视,或者如果你愿意,漫无目的地闲逛都行,看在上帝的份上,别摆那张鸭子脸了。

46、A little bird doesn't mope around because it isn't an eagle or because another bird beat it to a tasty seed. ─── 小鸟不会因为自己不是雄鹰,或是因为别的小鸟发现了美食而闷闷不乐。

47、Colour psychologist thinks, use blue completely to be able to bring about melancholy, and often also can say when describing a mope " he is blue " . ─── 色彩心理学家认为,完全使用蓝色会导致忧郁,而在形容一个忧郁的人时也往往会说“他是蓝色的”。

48、feel depressed; mope ─── 悒悒不乐

49、Madam Mope!' ─── 苦恼小姐!”

50、When my dad lost his job, he would just mope around the house all day. ─── 如果我爸爸丢了工作,他就整天呆在家里闷闷不乐。

51、"He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet." ─── "他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。"

52、“Boh! Madam Mope!” cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty. ─── “嘿!烦闷小姐!”约翰里德的声音在叫唤,跟着他沉默了一会儿,发现房间里显然是空的。

53、She is a mope that she has so much word to say but to no people. ─── 她是个多愁善感的人,总觉得满腹闲愁无处诉说。

54、It’s a magic you are just right to me when I strait and mope. ─── 当我困难和不开心的时候,你就会恰恰好出现在我面前。这真是不可思议。

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