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10-03 投稿


nasalize 发音

英:[?ne?z?la?z , ?ne?zla?z]  美:[?ne?z?la?z , ?ne?zla?z]

英:  美:

nasalize 中文意思翻译



nasalize 词性/词形变化,nasalize变形

动词第三人称单数: nasalizes |动词现在分词: nasalizing |名词: nasalization |动词过去式: nasalized |动词过去分词: nasalized |

nasalize 短语词组

1、nasalize vowels before nasals ─── 鼻音前 ─── 鼻音化元音

nasalize 相似词语短语

1、nasalise ─── 鼻化

2、banalize ─── vt.使……陈腐;使……庸俗

3、vassalize ─── 使成为仆人;使成为附庸

4、canalize ─── vt.在…开运河;将…导入水道;修改成运河

5、nasalised ─── 鼻腔

6、nasalized ─── v.(尤指元音)使鼻音化,用鼻音发声

7、nasalizes ─── v.(尤指元音)使鼻音化,用鼻音发声

8、nasalises ─── 鼻的;鼻肌

9、casualize ─── 将(正式工)转为临时工

nasalize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Primary nasal tuberculosis is rare. ─── 摘要鼻部结核症非常罕见。

2、It probably blocks his nasal passages, because he opens his mouth. ─── 他可能是挡住了鼻孔,因为他张开了嘴。

3、Your parents know how to launch nasal projectiles. ─── 你的父母知道怎么发鼻音。

4、Common aderse reactions included headache, nose bleed and nasal sores. ─── 常见的副作用反应包括头痛、鼻出血和鼻子痛。

5、Promoting or inducing nasal discharge. ─── 催嚏的促使或导致打喷嚏的

6、Total nasal reconstruction by the improved Italy method. ─── 改良的意大利法全鼻再造术

7、He sprayed some nasal spray into the nose to make breathingeasier. ─── 他往鼻子里喷了些鼻雾喷剂,让呼吸畅通些。

8、Nasal Aspirator --- very useful for us. ─── 我们买的是一个小包,里面有指甲刀、梳子。

9、He sprayed some nasal spray into the nose to make breathing easier. ─── 他往鼻子里喷了些鼻雾喷剂,让呼吸畅通些。

10、Chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps are both chronic nasal mucosa inflammation. ─── 慢性鼻窦炎和鼻息肉是鼻粘膜的慢性炎症性病变。

11、Models of Stop, Nasal, and Fricative Consonant Production. ─── 停止式、鼻音式和摩擦式的子音产生模型。

12、DNT is packed loosely into the nasal (nose) cavity. ─── DNT可被松弛地填充在鼻腔中。

13、The external nasal valve exists at the level of the inner nostril. ─── 外鼻阀位于鼻孔内侧面。

14、If only one nostril is involved,it could signal a deviated septum or a nasal polyp. see your doctor for a checkup. ─── 如果只有一个鼻孔受影响,则可能意味着鼻腔畸形或鼻腔内生了息肉,你应该找医生做一次检查。

15、CRS can produce inflammation of the lining of the nasal sinus. ─── 慢性鼻窦炎可以产生鼻窦腔内的炎症。

16、Ciliary beat frequency measurement of cultured human nasal epithelial cellsSONG Xiao-hong, et al. ─── 体外培养的人鼻腔黏膜纤毛摆动频率的测量。

17、They were confirmed by nasal endoscopic or sinus CT scanning and treated by partial middle turbinectomy. ─── 28例病变均通过鼻内镜、鼻窦CT确诊,采用中鼻甲部分切除术,21例头痛消失,5例头痛缓解,3例无改善。

18、He spoke with a nasal twang. ─── 他讲话时带着鼻音。

19、A shrill, nasal tone strikes your listener like chalk screeching on a blackboard. ─── 尖锐的鼻音会让你的听众感觉粉笔划过黑板一样刺耳。

20、Move finger smoothly toward nasal bridge; watch for pupil constriction and convergence. ─── 手指平稳地向鼻柱移动,观察瞳孔收缩会聚情况。

21、A surgical airway should be performed if oral or nasal intubation is contraindicated or cannot be accomplished. ─── 如果患者有插管禁忌或是插管术不成功,则需要外科的手段实现气道的开放。

22、Gently place the nasal prongs into your nostrils with their curved ends facing down. ─── 将支管顺着耳轮绕到脖子底下,再将调节圈调到合适的位置,系紧吸氧管。

23、The main clinical findings included cheese-like tenacious discharge, nasal obstruction, and nasal region pain. ─── 主要临床表现包括奶酪状黏涕、鼻阻塞感及鼻区痛。

24、A nasal spray to help lose weight? ─── 一个喷鼻帮助减肥吗?

25、Well, this little girl has some bleeding from the nasal cavity and ears. ─── 唔,这个小姑娘双耳和鼻腔出血。

26、Both your nasal passage are blocked by polyp-like tissues. ─── 你的两个鼻道都被息肉状组织所堵塞。

27、To make nasal or produce nasal sounds. ─── 使成为鼻音或产生鼻音

28、You a speaking with a nasal twang, you must have a cold today. ─── 你今天是不是感冒了?你的声音好象有点齆鼻哦!

29、Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) can injury the nasal epithelium, the contain of ECP may show the activity of Eos. ─── 嗜酸粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)对鼻黏膜上皮具有破坏作用,其含量代表Eos的活性。

30、Squeezing method and cellophane tape method were used to detect nasal Demodex infection in the same population. ─── 应用挤压刮取涂片法与透明胶纸粘贴法对同一人群进行蠕形螨检查。

31、Produce a chemical vapor to be inhaled in order to relieve nasal congestion. ─── 制造为了减轻鼻子充血的供吸入的化学水蒸气。

32、The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed. ─── 临床常以鼻塞流脓涕及鼻衄为主要症状。

33、Method: One hundred and fifty patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyp were treated by FESS and the outcome was analyzed. ─── 方法分析150例慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉患者性功能性鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术治疗后的疗效。

34、CBPP is manifested by anorexia, fever and respiratory symptoms, such as dyspnoea, cough and nasal discharges. ─── CBPP的症状表现为厌食、发热和呼吸道症状,如呼吸困难、咳嗽和流鼻液。

35、By means of a long self-sustain nasal speculum, 936 cases of vidian nerve cauterization have been performed. ─── 应用自撑式长鼻镜,经鼻腔行翼管神经电灼术936例。

37、We encountered a case of primary nasal tuberculosis in October 1990. ─── 患者为52岁男性,主诉长期单侧鼻塞、脓性鼻漏及偶有鼻?现象。

38、To speak in a strongly nasal tone of voice. ─── 带鼻音说话或发音

39、CK 7? CK 19 are the one of the essential assembly type of cytokeratin in epithelium of nasal polyp. ─── :CK7、CK1 9是鼻息肉上皮细胞最基本的角蛋白组合之一 ;

40、Method: The clinical data of nasal sinus imaging of263 patients were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析263例患者前组筛窦的影像学资料,对前组筛窦相关解剖变异进行统计和评估,并进行年龄相关性比较。

41、The volunteers were given nasal drops containing one of two types of rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. ─── 在这些人的鼻中滴入会引发普通感冒的两种鼻病毒中的一种。

42、He was suffering from nasal catarrh. ─── 他正患鼻粘膜炎。

43、I have caught cold. Flow the nasal mucus. Sneeze. The throat hurt. ─── 我感冒了。流鼻涕。打喷嚏。嗓子疼。

44、Articulated through the mouth only, with the nasal passages closed. ─── 口腔发音的只通过嘴、唇发音的,发音时鼻腔紧闭

45、The nasal spray treatment would retail at $500 to $1,000 a year. ─── 应用该鼻喷雾剂治疗,每年零售额将达到500至1000美元。

46、He recognized the flat nasal voice of Herbie Chandler. ─── 他听出是赫比·钱德勒的低沉而带有鼻音的声调。

47、Cytopathic effect (CPE)was found in three nasal swab specimens inoculated in Vero cells. ─── 3例接种Vero细胞孔的鼻拭子标本发现细胞病变效应(cytopathiceffect,CPE)。

48、SR-A protein may be used as a biomarker in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of nasal NK/T lymphoma. ─── SR-A可能在鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断中有一定的参考价值。

49、He talked to me with a nasal voice. ─── 他带着鼻音和我说话。

50、He speaks quietly, with a slightly nasal New England twang, and with a calm self-assurance. ─── 他讲话声音不大,略带新英格兰味道的鼻音,还有一股子沉着自信。

51、Mild silver protein nasal drops can be used for chronic rhinitis. ─── 弱蛋白银滴鼻液可用于慢性鼻炎。

52、There is abrasion of your nasal mucus membrane. ─── 您的鼻粘膜有擦伤。

53、Nasal process of premaxialla forms the whole posteior margin of the naris. ─── 前上颌骨背突构成整个外鼻孔的后缘。

54、Yes, my boyfriend has been having a running nose with clear nasal mucus and a lot of phlegm. ─── 对,我爱人这两天总是流清鼻涕,而且他感觉痰挺多。

55、You may also have a headache from congestion in the nasal passages. ─── 你也可能是因为鼻道堵塞而头痛。

56、As to the allergic rhinitis with sinusitis and nasal polyp, both may be the reason for smell disturbance. ─── 变应性鼻炎合并鼻窦炎和鼻息肉者,其嗅觉障碍的原因可能为机械阻塞加炎症。

57、The nasal cavity is one of the busiest dypasses for metaboly of a man. ─── 呼吸时,鼻毛先将空气中较大的杂物挡住;

58、The inhaled air is filtered, moistened and warmed by the nasal cavity. ─── 吸入的空气被鼻腔过滤,弄湿和加热.

59、A bulb syringe is often used for oral and nasal suction on infants and children. ─── 常常使用球吸引器抽吸婴幼儿的口鼻。

60、Every person has two nasal orifices. ─── 一个人有两个鼻孔。

61、There is blood in my nasal discharge. ─── 我鼻涕中带血。

62、We breathe through the nasal passage. ─── 我们通过鼻腔呼吸。

63、With the two cohorts combined, nasal bone absence had a sensitiity of 47.6% and specificity of 100%. ─── 两个参数同时考虑时,对鼻骨缺失的诊断敏感度达到47.6%,特异性达到100%。

64、Nasal symptom scores and visual analog scores (VAS) were recorded before and after the nursing. ─── 对开始时、护理一周后、护理两周后的鼻症状评分和vas进行评分。

65、The complications with HFJV occurred in 4 patients suffering from nasal dry. ─── 4例患者出现鼻咽部干燥,无其他并发症。

66、After blowing your nose, insert the tip of the nasal spray container into your nostril and spray it one or twice. ─── 擤尽鼻涕后将喷雾瓶的喷头伸入鼻孔内,喷一到两次。

67、Gelfoam is placed on the repaired site and nasal packing is inserted to hold it in place. ─── 将明胶海棉放在修补的部位再进行鼻腔填塞。

68、Quite apart from the nasal discomfort, the olfactory factor can depress property prices. ─── 且不说鼻腔不适,由于嗅觉的因素,房地产价格得以下降。

69、Position face mask or nasal mask tightly and adjust head strap until seal is maintained and client is able to tolerate. ─── 带口罩或鼻罩,调整头部绑带,以密封、病人能耐受为宜。

70、Can you write me a prescription for some nasal spray? ─── 你可以开一些鼻腔喷剂给我用吗?

71、Entrapment of free nasal mucosal remnants or inward folding of incised septal mucosa is thought to be the .cause. ─── 成因可能是手术时造成游离的鼻黏膜陷入鼻中隔或鼻中隔手术切口处的黏膜内翻长入而成。

72、Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the nasal septum is extremely rare. ─── 摘要鼻中隔腺样囊状癌为一相当罕见的疾病。

73、 双语使用场景

74、I need something to clear my nasal passages. ─── 我需要要一些能让鼻腔畅通的药。

75、Do you have a hypoallergenic one?Because otherwise I get very nasal. ─── |你有抗过敏的棉被吗?

76、An unaspirated bilabial nasal. ─── m双唇浊鼻。

77、Methods Smears of 101 cases with nasal mucous ulcer were studied. ─── 方法:鼻内镜下对101例鼻腔黏膜溃疡的涂片检查。

78、An orinasal speech sound, such as a French nasal vowel. ─── 一种鼻音化元音语音,比如法国鼻元音

79、A case of nasal heterotopic neuroglia is reported. ─── 报告1例鼻神经胶质异位。

80、Domestic poultry is infected when they come into direct/indirect contact with faeces or nasal secretion of infected wild birds. ─── 家禽与感染后的野生鸟类排泄物或鼻内分泌物直接/间接接触后也会被感染。

81、Cut polypous second half month, see there is a thing inside nasal cavity, can you be polypous recrudesce? ─── 割完鼻息肉后半个月,看见鼻腔内有东西,会不会是鼻息肉复发呢?

82、The aim of present study was to investigate clinical significance of circulating IL-3 in patients with nasal polyp. ─── 探讨鼻息肉病人循环白细胞介素-3(IL-3)的临床意义。

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