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10-03 投稿


managership 发音


英:  美:

managership 中文意思翻译



managership 词性/词形变化,managership变形

副词: managerially |

managership 相似词语短语

1、manageresses ─── n.(英)女经理;(英)女管理人

2、ministership ─── 部长的职务(或官职)

3、rangership ─── n.皇家园林管理人的职务;皇家园林管理人的任期

4、manages up ─── 管理上司;向上管理

5、amateurship ─── n.资格;业余者的资格或身份

6、mastership ─── n.熟练;主人身份;控制

7、wranglership ─── n.争论者;口角者;牧人(wrangler的变形)

8、managers ─── n.管理者,经理(manager复数)

9、stage managership ─── 舞台监督(stagemanager的变形)

managership 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One, the legal representative that enterprise managership, action and individual quality manager are an enterprise, central position is in in the enterprise. ─── 一、企业经理的地位、作用及个人素质 经理是企业的法定代表人,在企业处于中心地位。

2、In market economy condition, construction company managership and action basically are behaved in the following respect. ─── 在市场经济条件,建筑企业经理的地位和作用主要表现在以下方面。

3、Problems in hospital culture building were discussed.Based on the demands of modern medical model and keep pacewith the times, six sigma manag ement theory in hospital culture building was analy zed. ─── 简述目前医院文化建设中存在的问题及探讨在当今的医学模式下,按照与时俱进的时代要求,六西格玛管理理论对医院文化建设的作用。

4、After six years, he is offerred the managership of a branch in Scotland. ─── 六年后任命他为英格兰分支机构的经理。

5、Job DescriptionJob Title OCM Administration ClerkDepartment Shanghai HCI Laboratory Report To OCM Project Manag...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海东方天祥检验服务有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-13

6、After six years,he is offerred the managership of a branch in Scotland. ─── 六年后,他被任命为英格兰分支机构的经理。

7、Marc Faber, publisher of the "Gloom, Boom &Doom Report," and John Alkire, chief investment officer at Morgan Stanley Asset and Investment Trust Manag... ─── 麦嘉华,在“暗,动臂和毁灭的报告”和John Alkire,摩根士丹利资产投资信托基金的首席投资官Manag出版者...

8、Pass study, oneself had certain knowledge to project managership and action. ─── 通过学习,本人对项目经理的地位和作用有了一定认识。

9、Keywords Sichuan and Chongqing area Natural gas pipeline Security manag ement Gas transmission and distribution Problem Countermeasures; ─── 川渝;天然气管道;安全管理;输供气;问题;对策;

10、There were three parts of reasons of patient arrear as well as low income, malicious arrear and hospitalill manag ement. ─── 通过调查发现欠费的主要原因是患者经济困难;其次是患者恶意欠费和医院管理不善所致。

11、Developing for Diesel Eng ine Manag ement System and Study on Design Methodology ─── 柴油机管理系统开发与设计方法的研究

12、"I would like to place on record the board's great appreciation for Mr Shankly's magnificent achievements over the period of his managership. ─── "我想说的是委员会对香克利先生在他执教时期的伟大成就表示强烈感激。

13、The separation of ownership and managership, which is the typical characteristics of modern firm systems, causes the difference of targets between the owner and manager, hence the agency problem. ─── 所有权与经营权相分离这一现代企业制度的典型特征客观上导致了企业所有者与经营者目标的不一致,代理问题也随之产生。

14、Main Responsibility:1.Perform monthly and quarterly variance analysis;2.Assist in preparation of quarterly manag...... ... ─── 公司名称:尚德太阳能电力有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-10

15、Managership and leadership are often thought of as the same thing. ─── 管理者和领导者通常被看作是同样的事情。

16、9. This is why an understanding of motivation is so important to leadership and managership. ─── 这就是为什么了解激励对于领导者和管理者来说是如此重要的缘故。

17、Keywords food safety objectives;manag ement;norm; ─── 食品安全目标;管理;标准;

18、Head of Bancassurance Manager Client Integration, Payment and Cash Manag ─── 经代业务主管

19、In view of these questions,through the informationalized transformation to the coal mine light house and strengthening the management of the miner's lamp using,it can realize effective manag... ─── 针对这些问题,通过对煤矿灯房进行信息化改造,加强矿灯使用过程的管理,能够实现对煤矿合法用工、安全生产的有效管理和控制。

20、fire prevention manag ─── 消防管理

21、using MSW incinerated ash[J ] . Waste Manag , 2001 , 21 : 443 - 449. ─── 阎常峰,林伯川,陈恩鉴,等.垃圾焚烧灰渣的熔融的熔融物理化

22、This article mostly introduces the function of the USG,and the manag ement of users making use of the USG in the hotel . ─── 本文主要介绍了USG(通用用户网关)的功能,及其在宾馆中对用户的管理。

23、After discussion of three kinds of mechanism,we analyse various manag ement methods.This is useful for selecting suitable method,to gain the premier g oal of MSW management,the environmental benefit. ─── 针对一定的管理目标、管理对象,使用不同的手段达到的效果是不同的。

24、Data Mining Technology and Its Application in Manag ement of BBS ─── 数据挖掘技术及其在BBS管理中的应用

25、Pass study, oneself had certain knowledge to project managership and action. ─── 通过学习,本人对项目经理的地位和作用有了一定认识。

26、Keywords brand;image communication;hospital manag ement; ─── 品牌;形象传播;医院管理;

27、To provide scicentific technology support for destination of summation control about atmosphere pollution, unloading licence system and environmental planning and manag... ─── 为城市大气污染物排放总量控制目标、排污许可证制度的落实、环境保护规划和管理提供了科学的技术支持。

28、Chernew ME, Smith DG, Kirking DM. Decomposing pharmaceutical cost growth in different types of health plans. Am J Manag Care 2001;7:667-73. ─── 程馨,谢启端.全民健保药品政策与药品费用的经济分析.经社法制论丛2005;35:1-42.

29、This is why an understanding of motivation is so important to leadership and managership . ─── 这就是为什么了解激励对于领导者和管理者来说是如此重要的缘故。

30、for as I had manag'd my self before, I was in a perfect Enclosure, whereas now I thought I lay expos'd, and open for any Thing to come in upon me; ─── 因为以前,我总是把自己围起来,密不透风。而现在,我感到空荡荡的,什么野兽都可来偷袭我。

31、Keywords honesty;brand;hospital manag ement; ─── 诚信;品牌;医院管理;

32、Results Sixteen cases of ocular injury were demonstrated in 96 patients with midfacial fractures, and the most of symptoms and signs were resolved after manag... ─── 结论对面中份骨折的患者,应注意眼损伤的检查,行开放复位固定术时应同时将眶周移位的软组织复位,修复骨组织缺损。

33、Meigs JB. Epidemiology of the metabolic syndrome. Am J Manag Care,2002, 8 (11 Suppl): S283-S292; quizS293-S296. ─── 脑卒中、冠心病发病危险因素进一步研究协作组,吴桂贤.11省市队列人群代谢综合征的流行病学研究.中华预防医学杂志,2002,36:298-300.

34、This MBA programme has been developed and set up in close cooperation with the Baltic Business School of Kalmar (Sweden). The MBA at the Graduate School of Manag... ─── 这个MBA课程,并制定了一套与波罗的海商学院的卡尔马(瑞典)密切合作了。位于布列塔尼的研究生院管理学院MBA敞开大门的机会一生。

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