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10-03 投稿


mazarine 发音

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mazarine 中文意思翻译




mazarine 相似词语短语

1、balzarine ─── 群青印花薄纱

2、marine ─── adj.船舶的;海生的;海产的;航海的,海运的;n.海运业;舰队;水兵;(海军)士兵或军官;n.(Marine)人名;(西)马里内;(英)马林

3、acarine ─── adj.蜱螨类的,蜱螨的

4、Nazarene ─── n.拿撒勒人;拿撒勒教徒

5、mazarinade ─── 马扎里纳

6、Mazarin ─── n.(Mazarin)人名;(法)马萨林

7、Nazarite ─── n.修行者;拿撒勒人;古代希伯来的修行者

8、azurine ─── n.[鱼]青背雅罗鱼;蓝黑色染料;可可碱醋酸钠

9、margarine ─── n.人造黄油;人造奶油

mazarine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jules Mazarin [France, 1602-1661] ─── 马萨林[法]

2、His coffin is mazarine. ─── 他的棺材是深蓝色的。

3、His Mazarin Bible is believed to be the first book printed with such type. ─── 他的马萨林圣经被认为是用这种印刷术印刷的第一本书籍。

4、This experiment applied photo-electric -catalyzed to treat substantive mazarine (L) wastewater. It researched the relative factors which affected the decolorized degradation of dye wastewater. ─── 本实验将光、电协同催化应用于直接深兰L废水的处理上,研究了影响染料废水脱色(降解)的有关因素。

5、the mazarine robe ─── (伦敦市政会成员所穿的)深蓝色长袍

6、Indeed the head of Mitterrand's surveillance unit admitted that his top priority was to protect Mazarine from the journalists and opposition figures who wanted to reveal her name. ─── 不久前,12名前警察局高官和密特朗生前的副官因涉嫌一宗电话窃听案而被警方审讯。至此,有关密特朗在生前竭力保护其私生女的秘密才被公开。

7、This experiment applied photo-electric-catalyzed to treat substantive mazarine wastewater. ─── 本实验采用光电催化法处理大量马扎林废水。

8、Pingeot and Mazarine publicly attended Mitterrand's funeral in 1996. ─── 1996年潘若和马扎里娜公开出席了密特朗的葬礼。

9、mazarine blue ─── 深蓝色

10、This experiment applied photo - electric - catalyzed to treat substantive mazarine (L) wastewater. ─── 本实验将光、电协同催化应用于直接深兰L废水的处理上,研究了影响染料废水脱色(降解)的有关因素。

11、With its close proximity to the international airport at Orly, Stars Chilly Mazarin offers comfortable, convenient hotel accommodation to both business and leisure travellers. ─── Stars Chilly-Mazarin酒店临近奥利国际机场,舒适方便,适合商务和旅游休闲人士。

12、From the refectory the names had passed to the boarding-school, and there served as in the old College Mazarin to distinguish four nations. ─── 下面这句是个五岁的孩子一天在那四道惨不忍睹的墙里说出来的:“妈!

13、German printer who is traditionally considered the inventor of movable type. His Mazarin Bible(c.1455) is believed to be the first book printed with such type. ─── 谷登堡,约翰1400?-1468?德国印刷工人,传统上认为是他发明了活字印刷术。他的马萨林圣经被认为是用这种印刷术印刷的第一本书籍

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