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10-03 投稿


monocracy 发音


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monocracy 中文意思翻译



monocracy 同义词

monocracy 反义词


monocracy 词性/词形变化,monocracy变形

名词: monocrat |名词复数: monocracies |形容词: monocratic |

monocracy 相似词语短语

1、doulocracy ─── 双重统治

2、mobocracy ─── n.暴民统治;暴民

3、ethnocracy ─── n.一族统治

4、monocracies ─── n.独裁政治

5、monocrat ─── n.独裁主义者;独裁者

6、gynocracy ─── n.妇女政治

7、demonocracy ─── n.魔鬼统治;魔鬼统治集团

8、nomocracy ─── n.法治;依法成立的政府

9、pornocracy ─── n.淫妇政治

monocracy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The national monocracy is dealing with the national relationship based on the consummate national laws. ─── 摘要民族法治是指制定完备的民族法律制度,并以其作为处理民族关系的基本依据。

2、The citizen politics is a kind of monocracy politics, and the law is the body of people's will. ─── 国民政治是法治政治,法律是人民意志的体现;国民政治的实现、维持和运用。

3、The citizen politics is a kind of monocracy politics, and the law is the body of people's will. ─── 国民政治是法治政治,法律是人民意志的体现;国民政治的实现、维持和运用。

4、In order to add brick and tiles to the construction of criminal monocracy in our country, we need to construct character evidence rules in our country. ─── 因此,需要在我国建立品格证据规则,以为我国的刑事法制建设添砖加瓦。

5、On one side, national monocracy is the base and guarantee of the national harmony; ─── 一方面,民族法治是民族和谐的基础和保障;

6、Law Monocracy ─── 法治

7、Reforming the relations between higher institutes and undergraduates is the needs of modern monocracy in the direction of rights. ─── 以权利为导向重塑高等学校与大学生之间关系是现代法治的要求。

8、To implement university non-administration reformation, the first thing is to realize its autonomy and monocracy. ─── 推行高校非行政化改革,首先要实现高校的自治化和法治化;

9、National monocracy is one of the fundamental laws in China. ─── 民族法治是我国依法治国的基本内容。

10、On the Juristic Governance to Executive Responsibility of Monocracy ─── 论法治政府行政执法责任制的法律规制

11、On the Juristic Governance to Executive Responsibility of Monocracy ─── 论法治政府行政执法责任制的法律规制

12、The Monocracy Culture and Man's Comprehensive Development ─── 对法治文化与人的全面发展问题的若干思考

13、Monocracy isn't a disaster, tyranny and corruption are. ─── 独裁并不可怕,可怕的是暴政和腐败。

14、Everywhere US Army goes, it will overthrow monocracy. ─── 凡是美国对外动武,叫做推翻专制,

15、on the other hand, national harmony is the ideal and goal of the national monocracy. ─── 另一方面,民族和谐是民族法治的理念和目标。

16、The equity of the justice isn’t a simplicity theory or panorama, strict procedure justice can radically ensure the justice equity, it also the basic request of the monocracy country. ─── 司法公正不是单纯的理论概念或理想,它需要有现实的裁判标准和程序维护,严格的程序正义能从根本上保证司法公正,这也是法治国家的基本要求。

17、The monocracy Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society ─── 社会主义和谐社会的法治构建

18、the idea of monocracy ─── 法治精神

19、national monocracy ─── 民族法治

20、The idea of state "ruled by law" is in association with a constitutional state but it is in opposition of such states not ruled by law as monocracy, autocratic state, as well as state ruled by police. ─── 法治国家与人治国家、专制国家、警察国家等非法治国家相对立,与宪政国家相联系。

21、National monocracy and national harmonious are dialectical unification. ─── 民族法治与民族和谐是一个辩证统一的关系。

22、The monocracy Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society ─── 社会主义和谐社会的法治构建

23、For the influence of long time tradition of stressing substance and neglecting procedure, the civil action system of china could not embody the new ideal of modern monocracy. ─── 由于长期受到传统的只注重实体 而忽视程序的影响,中国的民事诉讼制度不能体现现代法治新理念。

24、Moderately Off Society and Monocracy Civilization ─── 小康社会与法治文明

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