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10-02 投稿


mericarp 中文意思翻译



mericarp 相似词语短语

1、pericarpic ─── 心包

2、epicarp ─── n.[植]外果皮

3、mesocarp ─── n.[植]中果皮

4、mericarps ─── n.双悬果

5、Americano ─── n.美式咖啡;美国佬;阿美利加诺(人名)

6、pericarp ─── n.果皮

7、Americans ─── n.美国人(American的复数形式)

8、Americana ─── n.美国文物;美国文献

9、pericarps ─── n.果皮

mericarp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、vittae solitary in each furrow, 2 on commissure, clavate, extending to 3/4 length of mericarp. ─── 油管1在每棱槽,在合生面上2,棍棒状,延伸到分果爿3/4长度。

2、vittae solitary in each furrow, clavate, slightly exceeding 1/2 length of mericarp, commissure without vittae. ─── 油管1在每棱槽,棍棒状,稍微地超过1/2段分果爿,没有油管的合生面。

3、Fruit ovoid or subglobose, slightly flattened laterally, mericarp pentagonal in cross section, densely pubescent with clavate-tipped bristles; ─── 果卵球形或近球形的,稍扁平侧面,分果爿横截面五边形,密被短柔毛具棍棒状端部刚毛;

4、This variety differs from the typical variety by the much smaller flowers and fruits and the shorter and more acute mericarp awns. ─── 这一变种不同于典型变种处为,小得多的花和果,及短和更锐尖的分果爿的芒。

5、Seed 1 per mericarp. ─── 每分果爿种子1。

6、vittae reaching to the base of mericarp. ─── 油管伸到分果爿的基部。

7、mericarp flattened dorsally, orbicular in cross section. ─── 分果爿背面扁平,球状的在横断面上。

8、Seeds 1-3 per mericarp, 1 in proximal cell and usually 2 in distal cell, pubescent (seed in proximal cell more densely so). ─── 每分果爿种子1-3,下部室1和上部室通常2,短柔毛(在下部室的种子更密)。

9、The style and stylopodium develop along with cremocarp body, persist on the mericarp body, and form a complex with mericarp body. ─── 花柱及花柱基伴随果体发育并宿存于果体,形成果体与花柱基-花柱的复合体。

10、Seeds 8-12 per mericarp, in 2 rows, elliptic, with endosperm; ─── 每分果爿种子8-12,2排,椭圆形,有胚乳;

11、Keywords Angelica acutiloba (Sieb. et Zucc.) Kitag.;mericarp;anatomy;morphology; ─── 东当归;分生果;解剖;形态;

12、vittae extending to base of mericarp, commissure vittae shorter than dorsal. ─── 分果爿的油管延伸至基部,合生面油管短于背部。

13、vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure, filiform, usually extending to the base or at least to 3/4 length of mericarp. ─── 油管每棱槽1,在合生面上2,丝状,通常延伸到基部或者至少达分果爿的3/4。

14、dorsal ribs filiform, lateral ribs broadly winged, wings less than width of mericarp body; ─── 背棱丝状,侧棱具宽翅,翅分果爿不到身体的宽度;

15、Fruit ovoid-oblong or ellipsoid, slightly flattened laterally or dorsally, usually terete; mericarp pentagonal in cross section; all ribs equal or subequal. ─── 背的果卵球形长圆形或椭圆形,侧面稍扁平或,通常圆柱状;分果爿横截面五边形;全部棱等长或近等长。(43

16、vittae extending to base of mericarp, commissure vittae shorter than dorsal. ─── 分果爿的油管延伸至基部,合生面油管短于背部。

17、This variety differs from the typical variety by the much smaller flowers and fruits and the shorter and more acute mericarp awns. ─── 这一变种不同于典型变种处为,小得多的花和果,及短和更锐尖的分果爿的芒。

18、Fruit globose to ellipsoid, rounded at both ends, slightly compressed laterally, mericarp nearly rounded in cross section, commissural face constricted, glabrous; ─── 果球状到椭圆形,在两末端圆形,侧面稍压扁,分果爿近圆形在横断面上,接合面缢缩,无毛;

19、Calyx teeth conspicuous; styles elongate; only one mericarp developing in fruit. ─── 萼齿明显花柱拉长;只有一分果爿在果期发展。

20、lateral ribs broadly winged, wings ca. 1.5 mm wide, wider than width of mericarp body; ─── 侧棱具宽翅,翅约1.5毫米宽,宽于分果爿身体的宽度;

21、Fruit suborbicular, dorsal and lateral vittae 2 per mericarp in total. ─── 近圆形的果,背面和侧面油管2每分果爿全部。

22、vittae solitary in each furrow, 2 on commissure, about 2/3 length of mericarp. ─── 油管1在每棱槽,在合生面上2,大约2/3倍分果爿。

23、Ovary usually sterile, occasionally only 1 mericarp develops in a few flowers. ─── 通常不育的子房,偶有只在几花内发育的1分果爿。

24、vittae filiform, extending to 1/2 or 2/3 of mericarp, solitary in each furrow, 2 on commissure. ─── 油管丝状,延伸到1/2或者2/3的分果爿,1每棱槽,在合生面上2。

25、Comparative anatomical study on structural features of mericarp of 5 type species introduced into China in Apiaceae ─── 中国伞形科5个引种栽培的模式种果实比较解剖学研究

26、Definition: Caraway fruit consists of the whole, dry mericarp of Carum carvi L. ─── 本品为伞形科植物葛缕子Carum carvi L.的完整干燥的双悬果。

27、styles short. Mericarp reniform, mostly spiny tuberculate, sometimes also some smooth, surrounded by persistent tepals. ─── 花柱短肾形的分果爿,多刺具瘤,有时也有一些平滑,被宿存花被包围。

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