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10-04 投稿


morphosis 发音

英:[m??r?fo?s?s]  美:[m???f??s?s]

英:  美:

morphosis 中文意思翻译



morphosis 网络释义

n. [动] 形态形成

morphosis 词性/词形变化,morphosis变形


morphosis 短语词组

1、morphosis games ─── 变形小游戏

2、rigor morphosis ─── 僵硬形态

3、morphosis cells ─── 形态细胞

4、meta morphosis n. ─── 变形; ─── 变质

morphosis 相似词语短语

1、diorthosis ─── n.矫正术

2、morphoses ─── n.形态形成(morphosis的变形)

3、anamorphosis ─── n.[光]歪像;畸形;[电子]失真图像

4、epimorphosis ─── n.表变态;变形再生

5、orthosis ─── n.整直法,矫正法

6、gomphosis ─── n.[解剖]嵌合;[解剖]钉状关节

7、morphotic ─── 形态的

8、morpholines ─── n.[有化]吗啉(用于溶剂和乳化剂等的吸湿性液体)

9、morpholinos ─── 吗啉

morphosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experimental study on changes of serum TNF content and brain morphosis and ultrastructure in rats with focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury treated with Aspirin ─── 阿司匹林对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤TNF含量及脑组织形态结构的影响

2、Videomicroscope,SIAscope and photoacoustic probe can detect the morphosis of dilated blood capillary. ─── 观察PWS形态结构的技术有体视显微镜、分光光度计皮内分析、光声探测技术等。

3、Left ventricular morphosis and function of dog model with volume overload ─── 犬容量负荷模型左心室形态与功能变化规律

4、Keywords foundational discipline in materials science;AFM;glutathione;WO3;molecular morphosis; ─── 材料科学基础学科;原子力显微镜;谷胱甘肽;三氧化钨;分子结构形态;

5、Media ecology theory projects the characteristics of media morphosis and their constructive impacts on people and society. ─── 摘要媒介环境学彰显媒介形态的特性及其对人和社会的结构性影响。

6、Effects of Sports Loads on the Morphosis and Function of the Left Ventricle of Male Speed Skiers ─── 运动负荷对男子速滑运动员左心室形态和功能的影响

7、Progress in the study on biological behaviour of fibroblasts effected by surface morphosis of titanium materials ─── 钛材料表面形态对成纤维细胞生物学行为影响的研究进展

8、Objective To compare the contents of Ferulic Acid and Polysaccharide in Angelica Sinensis oliv. with Lotiform Angelica sinensis because of the morphosis related to lateral bud of Angelica Sinensis. ─── 目的探讨当归侧芽发育发生形态变异后是否引起多糖及阿魏酸含量显著的变化。

9、Influence of weight and height on peak bone mass and lumbar morphosis ─── 体重、身高对峰值骨量及腰椎形态的影响

10、CONCLUSION: Verapamil and NGF have obvious synergistic effect on promoting the recovery of both the morphosis and the function of the peripheral nerve. ─── 结论:维拉帕米与神经生长因子对促进周围神经形态结构和功能的恢复均具有明显的协同作用。

11、Morphosis study on the permeability of the mesothelium of parietal pleura in rat ─── 大鼠壁胸膜通透性的电镜观察

12、In the aspects of morphosis, physiological functions and characters, as well as psychology, the constitution of female is mainly deficient in Yin and blood, and depressed in Qi. ─── 在形态结构、生理功能以及性格、心理方面,女性以阴虚、血虚、气郁为主。

13、It has better morphosis and function of cartilage tissues which come from chondrocyte cultured in dynamic pressure and composited with macromolecu-lar materials. ─── 在动态压力下培养软骨细胞,与高分子支架材料复合培养形成的软骨组织具有更好的形态和功能。

14、Relationship between change of morphosis and function of left ventricl e and pathologic changes of myocardium after mitral valve replacement with rheum atic heart disease ─── 风湿性心脏病二尖瓣置换术后左室形态及功能改变与心肌病变的关系

15、Observation under electron microscope in effects of fluorine on morphosis in culture bone and osteoblast in vitro ─── 氟对体外培养长骨及成骨细胞影响的电镜观察

16、Changes of cholinergic nerve morphosis and density in the left ventricle of rats after acute ischemic injury induced by myocardial infarction ─── 大鼠心肌缺血性损伤后胆碱能神经形态及密度观察

17、Flos daturae to influence rat's electrostimulus-induced cerebral cortex convulsant threshold and its hippocampal neuron morphosis ─── 洋金花对电刺激大鼠皮层惊厥阈值及海马神经元形态结构的影响

18、Relative investigation between anaerobic power and morphosis index in ordinary male college students ─── 普通男大学生的无氧功与某些形态指标的相关调查

19、Objective To explain the routes of absorbing particulates in the pleural cavity by observing the morphosis structure of the mesothelial stomata. ─── 目的观察鼠壁胸膜间皮孔的形态结构,阐明胸膜腔内物质的吸收途径。

20、Morphosis study on the permeability of the mesothelium of parietal pleura in rat ─── 大鼠壁胸膜通透性的电镜观察

21、Taking MS as basic media, we studied the effect of two combination of hormones on morphosis of kiwifruit tube-seedling. ─── 以MS为基本培养基,试验探讨了两种不同的激素组合对猕猴桃试管苗形态发生的影响,对组织培养中试管苗形态发生的激素效应作了初步研究。

22、The changes of morphosis of nucleus, mitochondrion and Golgi body in cortical cells were earlier than in pericycle cells. ─── 根的皮层细胞中细胞核、线粒体和高尔基体的形态结构变化时间均早于中柱细胞,且细胞核变形、染色质凝聚并边缘化、线粒体与高尔基体外膜结构变化程度也明显大于中柱细胞。

23、Objective:To display the disposition of human fascia concentration by 3D reconstruction,and to ex plore the morphosis of Jin-Muo by comparing 3-D models with images of Jin-Muo. ─── 目的:利用三维重建的方法显示人体筋膜聚集区分布,与经络图对比研究经络形态结构。

24、Observation under electron microscope in effects of fluorine on morphosis in culture bone and osteoblast in vitro ─── 氟对体外培养长骨及成骨细胞影响的电镜观察

25、Influence of weight and height on peak bone mass and lumbar morphosis ─── 体重、身高对峰值骨量及腰椎形态的影响

26、Abstract : Objective To observe the characteristics of morphosis parameter of the optic disc of physiologic large cup. ─── 摘要 : 目的 观察生理性大视杯视盘的结构参数特征。

27、Experimental Study on Effect of Shexiangbaoxin Pills on Morphosis and Function of Left Ventricle after Myocardial Infarction in Rat ─── 麝香保心丸对心肌梗塞后左室形态和功能影响的实验研究

28、After 6-month scanning electron microscope showed that surrounding tissue cells and stent valve fibrous are normal in morphosis. ─── 电镜观察示周围组织细胞形态结构正常,支架内瓣膜纤维组织形态结构正常。

29、Conclusion: SSD and MPR have special advantages in image displaying and can demonstrate lesions stereoscopically in any plane, which is helpful to the understanding of the morphosis of the lesion. ─── 结论:SSD和MPR在影像显示上有独特的优势,可立体或任意平面观察病变,改变了影像思维方式,有助于影像与实际解剖相结合。

30、It may be that morphosis is more of a PvP skill, but what PvP ality it has gutting too, with the duration of stun and snare duration being removed. ─── 当你爱上一个女子的时候,一定要大声的告诉她。女孩很矜持,同时容易没有安全感。如果你爱她,就告诉她,多说几遍也没有关系的。"我爱你"三个字,女孩是永远都不会听厌的。

31、[2]Zhang JB,Wang YW,Liu WY,et al.Left ventricular morphosis and function of dog model with volume overload[J].J Fourth Mil Med Univ,2002,23(14):1277-1280. ─── 张近宝,王一苇,刘维勇,等.犬容量负荷模型左心室形态与功能变化规律[J].第四军医大学学报,2002,23 (14):1277-1280.

32、Morphosis of dental pulp cells were observed under phase-contrast microscope and electron one. ─── 倒置相差显微镜、透射电镜观察人牙髓细胞的形态与结构。

33、The result has shown that the cellular nuclear and nucleolar morphosis and numbers of cancer can clearly herevealed by the fast cellular staining solution. ─── 结果表明,细胞快速染液能清晰地显示癌细胞核和核仁的形态结构及数目。

34、According to a lot of observative results, the nucleolar numbers and morphosis are the windows which conjecture benign and malgnant tumor cells and definite index which ascertain cancer cell . ─── 根据大量的观察结果作者提出:核仁的数目和结构形态是推测细胞“良”“恶”的窗口,是确定癌细胞的肯定指标之一。

35、Effect of traditional Chinese medicine and exercise on the blood vessel morphosis and antiatherosclerosis in rats ─── 运动和中药对大鼠血管形态结构及抗动脉粥样硬化的影响

36、In the aspects of morphosis,physiological functions and characters,as well as psychology,the constitution of female is mainly deficient in Yin and blood,and depressed in Qi. ─── 在形态结构、生理功能以及性格、心理方面,女性以阴虚、血虚、气郁为主。

37、The study summarized the recent advances of acupuncture on the treatment of experimental ischemic cerebral in the changes of brain morphosis, blood rheology, brain microcirculation and so on. ─── 本文从针刺对实验性脑缺血在脑组织形态学改变、血液流变学、脑微循环等方面的研究进展作一综述。

38、Objective: To display the disposition of human fascia concentration by 3D reconstruction, and to explore the morphosis of Jin-Muo by comparing 3-D models with images of Jin-Muo. ─── 摘要目的:利用三维重建的方法显示人体筋膜聚集区分布,与经络图对比研究经络形态结构。

39、Regional morphosis and quantitative distribution of the index of PCNA in benign prostatic hyperplasia ─── 前列腺增生的组织形态及其PCNA表达的定量研究

40、Growth and morphosis of particle chains during fly ash loading on a single fiber ─── 飞灰在单纤维上形成颗粒链的生长和形貌

41、Keywords microscope;single fiber;filtration;particle-chain;electrostatics;morphosis; ─── 显微镜;单纤维;过滤;颗粒链;静电;形貌;

42、Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope. ─── 方法向大鼠胸膜腔内注射示踪剂,应用扫描电镜方法观察壁胸膜间皮的形态变化。

43、morphosis of left coronary artery is similar to that of human. ─── 猪心脏左冠状动脉的形态结构与人相似。

44、Morphosis of dental pulp cells were observed under phase-contrast microscope and electron one. ─── 应用倒置相差显微镜、透射电镜观察人牙髓细胞的形态与结构。

45、Wang Wei,Wan Xiao.Distribution,morphosis and formation of heavy metal in fly ash from MSW incineration system[J].Urban Environment &Urban Ecology,2003,16(suppl.):7-9. ─── [2]王伟,万晓.垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的存在方式及形成机理[J].城市环境与城市生态,2003,16(增刊):7-9.

46、No complications, such as infection, dys-morphosis of lid-margin, entropion, ectropion, trichiasis , exposure keratitis, were found. ─── 未见感染、睑缘畸形、睑内(外)翻、倒睫、暴露性角膜炎等并发症。

47、Keywords Blood salvage;Stored red cells;Erythrocyte morphosis;Membrane protein secondary structure ; ─── 输血/自体血回收;红细胞;库存;红细胞形态;二级结构;膜蛋白;

48、Keywords pyrroloquinoline quinone;hippocampus;morphosis; ─── 吡咯喹啉醌;海马;形态结构;

49、Reading the Formal Language of Morphosis ─── 墨菲西斯的形态艺术解读

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