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10-04 投稿


mote 发音

英:[m??t]  美:[mo?t]

英:  美:

mote 中文意思翻译



mote 网络释义

n. 尘埃;微粒;小错n. (Mote)人名;(英、法、塞)莫特

mote 短语词组

1、folk mote santa barbara ─── 人们喜欢酒吧之歌

2、folk mote music santa barbara canon perdido ─── 圣塔芭芭拉失去佳能

3、folk mote music ─── 民谣音乐

4、Jones-Mote reaction ─── 嗜碱性粒细胞聚集反应

mote 词性/词形变化,mote变形

形容词比较级:moter 过去分词:moted 名词复数形式:motes

mote 相似词语短语

1、moste ─── v.(古语)可能,也许(mote的过去式);n.(Moste)(美)莫斯特(人名)

2、emote ─── vi.夸张地表现感情

3、motel ─── n.汽车旅馆;n.(Motel)人名;(德)莫特尔

4、monte ─── n.三猜一牌戏(起源于墨西哥,用三张牌,类似三牌猜皇后);n.(Monte)(美)蒙特(人名)

5、moted ─── adj.充满尘埃的

6、motet ─── n.圣歌,赞美诗;赞歌

7、motes ─── n.微粒(mote的复数);n.(Motes)人名;(英)莫茨

8、motte ─── n.丛林;n.(Motte)人名;(日)物袋(姓);(德、法、英)莫特

9、motey ─── 汽车旅馆

mote 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I believe our future depends powerfully on how well we understand this Cosmos, in which we float like a mote of dust in the morning sky. ─── 我相信我们的未来很大程度上依赖于我们对宇宙的理解,在宇宙中,我们就像漂浮在清晨空气中的一粒尘埃。

2、When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul? ─── 人格模拟什么时候感受到了痛苦...发自内心的痛苦?

3、Mote Carlo simulation method ─── 蒙特卡罗模拟法

4、” Running an operating system known as TinyOS, each mote links up with its neighbors from the moment it is turned on. ─── 每颗尘粒都执行TinyOS作业系统,只要一启动,就会与周遭的其他尘粒相互连结。

5、Keywords second hards;dry spinning process;mote cleaning technology; ─── 亚麻二粗;干纺工艺;除尘技术;

6、Facing to the sharp competition, Chinese enterprises sale the goods by trustworthiness and the management of the accounts receivable is mote important. ─── 摘要面对激烈的市场竞争,我国企业大量运用赊销方式销售产品,由此产生的应收账款管理问题日益突现。

7、Keywords mote sensing application;Geochemistry;Metallogenic prognosis; ─── 遥感应用;地球化学;成矿预测;

8、5Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. ─── 5假善人哪!先从你眼中取出大梁,然后你才看得清楚,取出你兄弟眼中的木屑。

9、and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. ─── 你这假冒为善的人,先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。

10、Learn to abandon the loneliness, learn to scrupulously abide by touch, filtrate the mote in the past, sharpen the color tomorrow or in the future. ─── 学会抛弃寂寞,学会恪守执着,过滤往日的尘埃,加重明天与未来的色彩。再也无须做色彩的矫饰,再也不会做年轻的游戏,再也不会逃避疼痛,再也不会感到悲伤。

11、Keywords Butyl rubber stoppers for infusion bottles;Ordinary natural rubber stoppers;Infusible mote; ─── 丁基橡胶输液瓶塞;普通天然胶塞;不溶性微粒;

12、re mote signal ─── 远动信号

13、mote of thinking ─── 思维范式

14、Yet as immense as the libraries built out of these are, they are only a dust mote in the meta-library of all possible libraries. ─── 然而[尽管]与由这些基因所构建的“书库”一样漫无边际,它们也不过是包含了所有可能存在的书库的“元书库”中的一粒尘埃。

15、Mote was spinning Christian hip hop, and I was "smitten" (LOL) so I sat down at a table and started sketching in my black book. ─── 尘埃纺基督教徒嬉蹦舞曲,我“重击”(LOL)我坐在一张桌子并且开始在我的很糟的书内素描。

16、The mote negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind will be. ─── 你的消极思想越多,你的思想就越沉重。

17、so mote it be ─── 善哉,心愿如此

18、Hepatobiliary cystadenoma (HBC)was very seldom seen in clinics in the past.But it has been reported more and mote in our country in the 1980s. ─── 肝胆管囊腺瘤(HBC)临床少见.但80年代我国报导渐多,结合我院收治一例,检索国内9例,并复习国外文献做一临床分析.

19、Mote:Figures in the table was the average of 10 flowers. ─── 注:表中数据为刚开放的10米花测量数据的平均值.

20、The mote can conserve power by storing and aggregating sensor readings, rather than sending them out immediately. ─── 与其把数据立刻传输出去,尘粒可先储存并汇整感测器的读数,藉此节省电力。

21、The applications of these high and new technology shall be paid more attentions to pro mote researches and speed up the development. ─── 作者认为,应当特别关注这些高新技术的应用,以应用来带动其研究,加速发展这些重要的先进成形制造技术。

22、And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye? ─── 为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢。

23、The paper analyses the effects of dra fting on CAD and the integration of CA D with drafting in teaching and clarifies the interrelationship between the two so as to pro mote their mutual development. ─── 本文通过制图对CAD的影响、CAD和制图在教学上的结合二个方面的论述,阐明了CAD和制图在教学中互相促进、相辅相成的关系,旨在促进CAD和制图的共同发展。

24、A heat-sensitive circuit could take readings once a minute and trigger a camera or other power-hungry sensors on the mote to start recording whenever the burrow warms rapidly. ─── 我们可以让热感应电路每隔一分钟读取一次读数,只要洞穴内快速变暖,就启动尘粒内的照相机或其他较为耗电的感测器,开始进行记录。


26、5 At the center of almost every snow crystal is a tiny mote of dust, which can be anything from volcanic ash to a particle from outer space. ─── 5几乎每个雪晶的中心都是一个微小的尘埃颗粒,它可能是从火山灰到外太空颗粒的一切东西。

27、Mote Carlo Simulation in Bose- Einstein Condensation in an Ideal Gas ─── 理想玻色气体的凝聚及其蒙特卡罗模拟

28、Mote and beam ─── 微尘与梁;他人之小缺点与自己之大缺点

29、Mote Runner USES an 8-bit processor, 8 KB of RAM and a tiny 64 KB of flash memory storage. ─── Mote Runner使用一个8位处理器,8 KB的RAM和一个微型的64 KB的闪存。

30、The boat itself stirs only when I break This drowse of heat and solitude afloat To prove if what I see be bird or mote, Or learn if yet the shore woods be awake. ─── 扁舟轻荡,我用桨儿划破 沉沉的炎热,和迷离的寂寞;为了辨认:望见的是鸟抑或是纤尘, 为了探明:湖畔树林是否苏醒。

31、Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote that is in thy brother's eye. ─── 你这伪善的人,先把你眼中的大梁移去,你才能看得清楚,去把弟兄眼中的木屑挑出来。”

32、The aquarium has partnered with Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, to conduct long-term studies of its biology and habitat. ─── 该水族馆已和佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市摩太海洋实验室联手,制定长期研究计划,研究其生物特性和生活习性。

33、Colors with the function of trademark have gained more and mote attention among producers and dealers. ─── 摘要能够起到商标作用的颜色受到越来越多生产经营者的关注。

34、Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye. ─── 你这假冒为善的人,先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你兄弟眼中的刺。

35、Photos are reminding us of our remembrance by crossing over the time and mixing them in mote. ─── 彦彰的照片说明了属于照片的那些属性。

36、I'm a tomb when it comes to my personal life. I never give even a mote of dust of that away. ─── 我的私人生活其实就像睡在坟墓里那么闷,我甚至都不会去把上面的一粒灰尘檫掉。

37、With natural olive oil quintessence, vitamin E, and levorotation VC to efficiently avoid the hurt from sun and mote, and repair them. ─── 蕴含天然植物橄榄油萃取精华,配以维生素E、左旋VC等成分。有效隔离阳光紫外线及空气中尘埃对皮肤的伤害,并及时修复受伤的肌肤。

38、Development of a New Type Carbonic Mote Filter Regenerator on Diesel Vehicle ─── 一种新型柴油车碳烟过滤再生器的研制

39、"I consecrate and purify thee, creature of steel, by Divine authority, that thou may be a tool in my practice of the magical art and an extension of my will, so mote it be. ─── 接下来点燃香精,把魔杖带过燃烧香精时冒出来的烟,视觉化魔杖上不纯静的东西全都随著烟飘走.当然,其他的物品,可以根据这个方法改动!

40、September 15th is Maryland University Day in Peking University, President of Maryland University Clayton Daniel Mote JR made a speech at Ying Jie Communication Center that afternoon. ─── 9月15日是北京大学的马里兰大学日。当天下午三点,马里兰大学的校长莫特教授在英杰交流中心阳光大厅发表了演讲。

41、These characteristics seem to be antagonistic to the return of maternal home in pre-oedipus phase, but actually, they share the essential similarity with western ideas and show mote local Chinese specialty. ─── 表面看来,这一特征与西方女性主义回归前俄狄浦斯阶段的母性家园的精神指向相对立,从本质上说却与它殊途同归,并更具中国本土特色。

42、Ideas derived from conversation, observation and experience are in general mote valuable, or at least more vital, than those from books. ─── 受谈话启发和来自观察及经验的思想通常比来自书本的思想更有价值,至少更有生命力。

43、mote node ─── Mote节点

44、To cope with these limitations, a mote might beam its sensor readings to a mote on a higher limb. ─── 为了克服这些限制,尘粒可能把感测器的读数发射给位于高处树枝的另一颗尘粒。

45、So mote it be! We are the people, we are the power, and we are the change! Merry meet and merry part, Until we merry meet again! ─── 这个圈已经打开,但永不会破坏。善哉,心愿如此我们是人类,我们是力量而且我们是变更愉快的相聚,愉快的分别直到我们再次相会!

46、The biologists are asking a lot of the technology: to work well for this application (and many others like it), each mote must carry a suite of sensors. ─── 生物学对这项技术的要求很高:想在这项应用(及其他许多类似的应用)中发挥良好的功效,每颗尘粒必须带有一组感测器。

47、In reality, an individual's glory or disgrace, when compared against the evolutionary history of humankind, is only a tiny cross-section of a mote of dust.Why should we be so concerned about it? ─── 其实,个人的荣辱,在人类进化史里,只是横切面的一尘沙点,有什么值得计较的呢?

48、Self-love is a mote in every man's eye ─── 自负是人人都有的小缺点

49、The rq mote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. ─── 您要连结的网络服务器或网络可能发生故障。请稍后再试。

50、Kelmar, if he was unconscious of the beam in his own eye, was at least silent in the matter of his brother's mote. ─── 尽管凯尔马尔没有意识到自己的大缺点,至少他对他的兄弟的小缺点也是不加指责的。

51、As I will so mote it be! ─── 当我将微如尘埃!

52、The small mote on her forehead distinguishes her from her twin sister. ─── 她额头上的这个小斑点是她与其双胞胎妹妹的区别。

53、it is always good to feel there is someone there. thanks, mote... ─── 好久没来看你,想念你。希望你好,所有一切都是。

54、COMPARED WITH a handheld PDA, an individual mote is a computational weakling [see box on page 87]. ─── 相较于手持式个人数位助理(PDA),单独一颗尘粒在计算上只称得上弱者(参见87页〈解剖新一代的尘粒〉)。

55、Reliable to connect,mote fixed way,canadopt the perching up type and the bottom supporting type. ─── 连接可靠,固定方式多种,可以采用吊挂式安装,也可以采用底部支撑式固定和电缆槽道固定安装。

56、labour mote ─── 劳动货币,劳动券

57、At the center of almost every snow crystal is a tiny mote of dust, which can be anything from volcanic ash to a particle from outer space. ─── 5几乎每个雪晶的中心都是一个微小的尘埃颗粒,它可能是从火山灰到外太空颗粒的一切东西。

58、Hitting a dust mote-sized particle would impart the same kinetic energy as slamming head on into a speeding freight train. ─── 与尘埃级别的颗粒相撞,都可能得到与高速货车迎面相撞的能量。

59、Chen H,Mote C D,Jr.On parellel hybrid guide bearings under combined sliding and small amplitude vibration with pressure-regulated lubricant supply.WEAR.1994,176 ─── 张冠坤,钟洪,何活.动静压油膜轴承计算中的几个问题.润滑与密封,1981(5

60、This writing tries to discuss the questions on the mote cleaning technology and the usage and the safety prevention and the accident protection of second hards dry spinning process. ─── 本文试对亚麻二粗干纺工艺的除尘技术与应用和安全预防及事故防护方面的有关问题进行探讨。

61、I had seen my aunt give the person money in the moon-light, who then(=and then he)stunk away and was seen no mote. ─── 月光下,我看见我姑妈把钱给了那个人,那个人就偷偷溜走了,再也没见过。

62、Research and Realization of Mote Wireless Sensor Network ─── Mote无线感知网络的研究与实现

63、And built a castle with a mote ─── 用砂粒堆起城堡

64、Compared with conventional organic dyes, nanoparticle probes have better spectral features and are mote photochemically stable. ─── 纳米粒子探针与传统的有机染料相比有更好的光谱特性和光化学稳定性。

65、New means for transnational operation for China to pro mote development and its opening to the outside ─── 跨国经营辟新路扩大开放促发展

66、A tiny particle; a mote. ─── 微粒,尘埃很小的颗粒;细屑

67、And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? ─── 太7:3为甚麽看见你弟兄眼中有剌、不想自己眼中有梁木呢。

68、bearded mote ─── 带纤维籽屑

69、mote in someone's eye ─── 他人眼中的小刺

70、Mote-to-mote communications are coordinated by an operating system on each mote as well as by an application program that can run in pieces, with different pieces on different nodes in the network. ─── 尘粒与尘粒之间的通讯,由每颗尘粒内的作业系统,以及可分段运作的应用程式负责协调。应用程式的各个片段,分别存在网络中不同的节点内。

71、the mote in a person's eye ─── 他人眼睛里的微尘; 他人的小缺点 [小过失]

72、Milton, a chaster and mote unerring master of the art than Shakespeare, reveals no such lovable personality. ─── 弥尔顿以其文风论,是一位比莎士比亚更为简洁朴实和精确无误的大师,但却未必具有这样可爱的性格。

73、In the contemporary society of the rule by law,the legal education without doubt, is attached mote and more mportance. ─── 在现代法治社会,法律教育越来越受到重视。

74、see a mote in thy brother's eye ─── 只见到他人眼中的刺

75、“Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love,Erase imperfection as I rub,Bring to me the face I see,As I will so mote it be!!!“ ─── 注视镜中你的脸及脸上的缺陷,想像你的脸变为你渴望的样子,用瑰色石英轻轻摩擦你想改变的地方,并吟诵:

76、sensor mote ─── 传感器

77、Kart, if he was unware of the beam in his own eyes, was at least, silent in the matter of his brother's mote. ─── 如果卡特不知自己有很大的缺点,至少他对他的弟弟的小缺点也是不加指责的。

78、Is Mote Carlo in Monaco or Morocco? ─── 蒙特卡洛在摩纳哥还是在摩洛哥?

79、Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. ─── 你这假冒为善的人,先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。

80、A mote is not a miniaturized PC; every aspect of the system, from the way it runs programs to the way it communicates data, must be optimized to conserve power, space and cost. ─── 尘粒并不是缩小的电脑,从执行程式到传递数据的方式,这个系统的每个层面都必须最佳化,才能够节省能源、空间与成本。

81、In Tu Wei-yueh's bedroom, an elated Kuei Chang-lin said, "Mote than three hundred girls back at work! Just listen to those machines! ─── 在屠维岳的卧室里,桂长林很高兴地说道: “三百多工人开工了,你听那丝车的声音呀!

82、Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. ─── 假善人哪!先从你眼中取出大梁,然后你才看得清楚,取出你兄弟眼中的木屑。

83、5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. ─── 5你这假冒为善的人,先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。

84、Reliable to connect, mote fixed way, can adopt the perching up type and the bottom supporting type. ─── 连接可靠,固定方式多种,可以采用吊挂式安装,也可以采用底部支撑式固定和电缆槽道固定安装。

85、Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? ─── 你不见自己眼中有梁木。怎能对你弟兄说,容我去掉你眼中的刺呢?

86、Time synchronization is a crucial role for many sensor-network applications,for example,mote location, low-power sleep,data fusion, sensor data time stamp, TDMA and so on. ─── 时间同步作为无线传感器网络中一项支撑性技术,在节点定位、低能耗睡眠、数据融合、传感数据时间标记以及时分多路系统等场合都具有广泛的应用。

87、The common kestrel population density of Zhuqiao Town, Jichang Town, Chaoyang Farmland of Shanghai was studied with a transect count method sampling on a fixed mote from July, 2002 to June, 2004. ─── 摘要2002年7月到2004年6月对上海郊区祝桥镇、机场镇和朝阳农场及其附近区域的红隼种群密度进行了计数调查。

88、Man comes as wind and rain but goes like mote. ─── 人生来如风雨,去如微尘。

89、Adsorption coefficient of solid mote in suspending fluid ─── 悬浮液中固相微粒吸附系数的研究

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