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10-04 投稿


naiad 发音

英:[?na??d]  美:[?na??d]

英:  美:

naiad 中文意思翻译



naiad 词性/词形变化,naiad变形


naiad 短语词组

1、Edible naiad ─── 食用奈德

2、Alabama lamp naiad ─── 亚拉巴马兰普奈德

3、naiad family ─── [网络] 奈亚德家族

naiad 相似词语短语

1、nailhead ─── n.钉头;钉头状装饰

2、nailed ─── adj.用钉钉牢的;v.钉住(nail的过去式)

3、Faial ─── n.(Faial)人名;(葡)法亚尔

4、Canad ─── 加拿大人

5、Gaia ─── n.盖亚(希腊神话中的大地女神,等于Gaea)

6、naiant ─── adj.平游的

7、naiads ─── n.女游泳家;水中的仙女

8、nairas ─── n.奈拉(尼日利亚货币名)

9、naiades ─── n.女游泳家;水中的仙女(naiad的变形)

naiad 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Naiad Graph has been so successful that other companies have approached Exotic Matter about licensing the GUI for completely different products and applications. ─── 该奈德图是如此成功,以至于其他公司曾向有关授权为完全不同的产品和应用的图形用户界面外来物质。

2、Those who meet the naiad, must consider it of good omen and must trust the favorable solution of his problems. ─── 遇见水域女神的人,是个吉祥的徵兆,并相信对问题的解决有很大的帮助及好的结果。

3、Naiads are river spirits taht manifest themselves as incredibly beautiful women.Few mortals would dream of harming a Naiad. ─── 宁芙是河流的精灵,是美貌惊人的女子,大部分人甚至连作梦都不会想象去伤害她们。

4、Preliminary study on biology of newborn, naiad, and scrod sterlets and larval breeding technology ─── 小体鲟仔、稚、幼鱼生物学及苗种培育技术初步研究

5、Author Zhao Dewen;Liu Xianghua;Wang Gooding;Shi Naiad;Wang Rui; ─── 作者赵德文;刘相华;王国栋;史乃安;王睿;

6、Naiads are river spirits that manifest themselves as incredibly beautiful women. Few mortals would dream of harming a Naiad. ─── 宁芙是河流的精灵,是美貌惊人的女子,大部分人甚至连作梦都不会想象去伤害她们。

7、Even if Naomi had kept echoing like an empty cistern, this naiad dyad would probably have ended. ─── 即便Naomi不断像空水池一样不断做echo,这种二元体式的关系大概也会终结。

8、The caster goes to river and makes a deal with a Naiad. ─── 施法者进入河流,与一位宁芙完成协定。

9、Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs, have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome ─── 你水仙花的头发,古典的脸,水神的风华,把我带到古希腊的辉煌古罗马的壮丽

10、Take the quiz if you suspect that one of your friendships is actually a naiad dyad. ─── 做个小测验看看自己的某段友谊是否是这种二元体。

11、This simple turn-taking is what naiad dyads lack, and it leads to catastrophic failure. ─── 这种简单的轮流正是”二元体“所缺乏的;它将导致巨大失败。

12、Take the quiz if you suspect that one of your friendships is actually a naiad dyad. ─── 做个小测验看看自己的某段友谊是否是这种二元体。

13、On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece, And the grandeur that was Rome. ─── 致海伦埃特加.爱伦.坡你的美貌对于我,就像古老的尼色安帆船,它载着风尘仆仆疲惫的流浪汉,悠悠荡漾在芳馨的海上驶向故乡的海岸。

14、Status Offline This is how naiad dyads often end. ─── 这是"水中仙女二元体"通常的结局。

15、As she bends, she look as if she's going to break, like a naiad after the school of Bernini. ─── 在她弯腰的时候,她看起来就像是快要崩溃,就像贝尔尼尼画派(theSchoolofBernini)之后的一个水中仙女(naiad,那伊阿德)。

16、Euryalus, son of Mecistaeus, exterminates Dresos and Opheltios, Esepius, and that Pedasus whom the naiad Abarbarea bore to the blameless Bucolion; ─── 墨西斯特的儿子于利亚除掉了特来梭斯、奥菲提奥斯、埃赛普以及河神阿巴巴莱和无可非难的布科里奥怀孕后生下的儿子贝达希斯;

17、Naiad holds the cornflower and smiles in soundless. ─── 水神无声地拈花微笑。

18、Status Offline What the Hell's a Naiad Dyad? ─── 到底什么是“水中仙女二元体”?

19、The caster goes to river a deal with a Naiad. ─── 施法者进入河流,与一位宁芙完成协定。

20、Thy Naiad airs have brought me home, ─── 汝水神之姿,已携我返家,

21、The Naiad is a night spirit whose appearance clears the sky of the clouds revealing all the starry vault. ─── 水域女神、水精:水域女神的特质是星空晴朗的黑夜,具有夜晚精神。

22、This simple turn-taking is what naiad dyads lack, and it leads to catastrophic failure. ─── 这种简单的轮流正是”二元体“所缺乏的;它将导致巨大失败。

23、Thy hyacinth hair , thy classic face , Thy Naiad airs , have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome. ─── 你水仙花的头发,古典的脸,水神的风华,把我带到古希腊的辉煌古罗马的壮丽。

24、a description of a simulation expressed as a graph: the Naiad Graph - a very familiar "Shake-like tree" - ─── 作为一个图形表示模拟描述:奈德图-一个非常熟悉的“摇般的树”

25、Thy Naiad airs have brought me home. ─── 你仙女般的神韵把我带回家乡。

26、On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome. ─── 在绝望的海面、亘古波涛无边, 你飘飘的秀发,你典雅的脸庞, 你水中仙女般的丰姿让我想见 希腊的荣光、 罗马的庄严。

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