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10-04 投稿


massage 发音

英:[m??sɑ??]  美:[?m?sɑ??]

英:  美:

massage 中文意思翻译




massage 网络释义

vt. 按摩;揉n. 按摩;揉

massage 常用词组

foot massage ─── 足部按摩;脚底按摩

massage chair ─── 按摩椅

massage oil ─── 按摩油

massage 词性/词形变化,massage变形


massage 短语词组

1、Cederschiold's massage ─── [医] 塞德邵耳德氏节奏按摩 ─── [法]

2、heart massage ─── [医]心脏按摩

3、breast massage ─── 乳房按摩

4、hydropneumatic massage ─── [医] 水气按摩

5、massage parlor n. ─── 按摩院, (挂 ─── 按摩院招牌的)妓院

6、green massage ─── 绿色按摩

7、anointing massage ─── [医] 涂油按摩

8、auditory massage ─── [医] 鼓膜按摩

9、Gate Massage

10、active massage ─── [医] 主动按摩

11、massage oil ─── 按摩油

12、introducing massage ─── [医] 诱导按摩

13、dental massage ─── [医] 牙 ─── [科]按摩 ─── [法]

14、massage parlour ─── 按摩院

15、electrovibratory massage ─── [医] 电震颤按摩

16、douche massage ─── [医] 冲洗按摩法

17、gingival massage ─── [医] 龈按摩 ─── [法]

18、cardiac massage ─── [医] 心脏按摩, 心脏挤压

19、inspiratory massage ─── [医] 吸气按摩 ─── [法]

massage 相似词语短语

1、brassage ─── n.铸币费

2、massages ─── n.[临床]按摩;窜改(massage的复数);v.谄媚;对…按摩(massage的单三形式)

3、message ─── n.消息;差使;启示;预言;广告词;vi.报信,报告;[通信]报文;vt.通知

4、embassage ─── n.大使;大使的使命(等于embassy)

5、ambassage ─── 大使

6、passage ─── n.一段(文章);走廊;通路;通过;旅程,行程;船费;vi.通过通道;n.(Passage)(美)帕西奇(人名)

7、massacre ─── n.大屠杀;惨败;彻底破坏;v.屠杀;彻底击败;彻底破坏;(非正式)搞砸;(非正式)笨拙地演奏;n.(Massacre)(俄、泰、马、尼)马萨克尔(人名)

8、massager ─── n.按摩器;按摩师

9、massaged ─── v.按摩;揉(massage的过去式和过去分词)

massage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is really quite skilled in doing massage. ─── 他的按摩技术确实不错。

2、Massage manikin with venation points,model:T005!! ─── 带睫毛美容化妆按摩练习头,型号:T005!!

3、Could you massage my shoulder? They're sore. ─── 您能为我按摩一下肩膀吗?它们很酸。

4、How much do they charge for a foot massage? ─── 他们做一次足底按摩收多少钱?

5、GRAPE SEED can also be used directly as massage oil. ─── 也可以直接作为按摩油。

6、People use massage to relieve stress and anxiety. ─── 人们用按摩来减轻紧张和焦虑。

7、Relax in the Jacuzzi, and then enjoy a Classical Thai Massage. ─── 在极可意浴里放松,然后享受典型的泰国按摩。

8、Massage manikin with venation points,model:T006!! ─── 带睫毛美容化妆按摩练习头,型号:T006!!

9、Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage. ─── 做放松按摩可以减轻肌肉疼痛。

10、Your ningbo massage heart time you pass that wire," Fortunato said. ─── 大多不能承受较高的水压力。

11、Would you say that he wants a massage and then a quickie? ─── 你说他会做个按摩,然后做推油吗?

12、Start with an aromatic massage and finish with a refreshing facial. ─── 从香熏按摩开始,以清爽的面部按摩结束。

13、Great as decongestant chest rub, massage oil or bath soak. ─── 可作为解充血药、舒缓药膏、按摩油或浴精使用,效果显著。

14、Crabtree &Evelyn Almond Massage Oil - 200 ml. ─── 产品类别:按摩油香精售价:$650重量:0.75磅

15、There is a very good massage department in our hospital. ─── 我们医院的推拿科很好。

16、Lecture On Chinese Foot Massage. ─── 中国足疗保健讲座。

17、She is having a facial massage. ─── 她正做脸部按摩。

18、Make sure you massage his cIoven hoof! ─── 希望你们多按摩按摩他的厚猪皮!

19、Enjoy massage and foods,or get rest at home. ─── 喜欢去享受按摩和美食,或者在家里休息。

20、Only paraffinotherapy and massage were given for controlled group. ─── 对照组采用蜡疗和按摩。

21、Chinese traditional massage includes back rub. ─── 中国传统推拿包括背部按摩。

22、At the bottom of your note, attach homemade coupons that she can cash in for a free massage whenever the mood strikes her. ─── 在字条的底部附上自制的免费票,这样不管何时,只要她心情不好呢,都可以免费的享受到一个按摩。

23、We gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage. ─── 我们对他进行了口对口复苏救治和心脏按摩。

24、Oh,by the way,there is a telephone massage for you. ─── 噢,对了,有你一个电话口信。

25、Alex asked me if I wanted a massage. ─── 亚历克斯问我是否需要一次按摩。

26、Several nights later he returned to her room and instructed her to massage his chest. ─── 几天后,他又来到她的房里,让她给自己按摩胸部。

27、"Give him a heart massage, "says someone else. ─── “给他一点治心脏病的药.”另外一个人说.

28、The blind woman and her massage clinique. ─── 山东青岛女盲人和她的按摩诊所。

29、Cylindrical handle let we can rotate brush to massage gums. ─── 圆形握把设计,可旋转刷毛按摩牙床。

30、How much do you charge for lunch? This fellow charges $100 for a massage. ─── 午餐你要价多少?;这人一条信息就要价100美元。

31、Putting on some sexy music, getting the lighting right and starting out with a massage will get her to loosen up literally and figuratively. ─── 播放一些性感音乐,散发着合适的光线,说一些性爱的话语,会使她身心放松。

32、I'm not sure. Can I take a massage? ─── 我不敢肯定。我替你捎个口信,好吗?

33、Would you like a scalp massage? ─── 头皮按摩?

34、Miss a well-coordinated hand to massage my little brother. ─── 小姐很配合地用手按摩我的小弟弟。

35、UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Maybe it is a massage for a polar bear. ─── 女被访者也许它只是为北极熊按摩。

36、Either you should walk around, or else begin massage. ─── 你该在周围走动,或者开始按摩。

37、Gentle massage of the muscle may help. ─── 对抽筋部位轻柔的按摩会有帮助。

38、The following are the benefits of infant massage. ─── 以下是幼儿按摩的益处。

39、Through treatment by massage of TCM, it has particular advantage. ─── 中医按摩治疗肥胖有着独特的优势。

40、Massage through rubbing/pinching to remove fatigue. ─── 以揉捏方式按摩,消除疲劳。

41、oils used as carriers in aromatherapy and massage. They are referred to as fixed oils as they do not evaporate. ─── 底油是用于香熏治疗按摩裹作为媒介稀释精华油的菜油。

42、He usually likes to massage. ─── 他常常喜欢去按摩。

43、Massage manikin with venation points,model:T004!! ─── 带穴位按摩练习头,型号:T004!!

44、Massage the cream into your skin. ─── 将护肤霜揉擦到皮肤上。

45、You need the massage treatment. ─── 您需要做按摩治疗。

46、this is often the case of those who are healers, counselors, doctors, herbalists , massage therapists or other associated careers. ─── 这常常发生在那些是疗愈者、顾问、医生、药草医师、按摩师或其他相关职业的提升者中。

47、They use essential oil in the body massage. ─── 他们用精油来做全身按摩。

48、Massage will help the pain. ─── 按摩能减轻疼痛。

49、After a vigorous massage, he felt like a new man. ─── 一次强劲的按摩使他感觉彻底恢复了元气。

50、You can solve this problem by massage and eye-care cosmetic. ─── 你可以通过按摩和使用眼部护肤品来解决。

51、Use gimmick: Use finger tip or make up cotton daub, try to massage. ─── 使用手法:用指尖或化妆棉涂抹,并加以按摩。

52、They managed to revive the injured driver with cardiac massage. ─── 他们通过心脏按压使受伤的司机苏醒了过来。

53、He started to ask Flora, the nurse, for a relief massage. ─── 他开始要求护士弗洛拉给他按摩。

54、I'd like a body massage. How much is it for one session? ─── 我想做做全身按摩。多少钱一次啊?

55、Calms and relaxes. Ideal in a massage oil to promote tranquillity. ─── 含薰衣草、快乐鼠尾草、柠檬等香薰油。具镇静、舒缓压力等作用。

56、Do you like a body massage, sir? ─── 您要全身按摩吗,先生?

57、You can relax your muscles by massage. ─── 你可以靠按摩来放松你的肌肉。

58、She gave him a sensuous facial massage. ─── 她给他面部做按摩,使他感到很舒服.

59、A massage will relax those tense muscles. ─── 按摩会使紧张的肌肉松弛。

60、Then massage your front, and tummy. And knock your legs. ─── 再轻轻地按摩一下前胸、肚子,敲敲腿。

61、Do not let the massage machine get wet. ─── 不可弄湿按摩器。

62、When are you likely to spoil him with a fab meal or massage? ─── 什么情况下你会为他烹调一顿大餐或者帮他按摩?

63、Includes : cleansing, peeling, essential oil massage neck mask. ─── 包括:清洁,精华油颈部按摩,颈膜。

64、I wish someone would give me a massage. ─── 希望有人能给我按摩按摩。

65、She went to the sauna for a massage and a bath. ─── 她去桑拿室按摩和洗澡。

66、She go to the sauna for a massage and a bath. ─── 她去桑拿室按摩、洗澡。

67、Usage: Massage, fume and steam. ─── 使用方法:按摩、薰蒸。

68、Please come back when you are ready for another massage. ─── 如果下次您再做按摩时,请随时来找我。

69、Let's get back and I'll give you a massage. ─── 我们回去吧。我给你按摩一下。

70、Massage manikin head with shoulders, venation points,model:AM1!! ─── 带穴位半身按摩头,型号:AM1!!

71、It has a calming effect when used in massage oil and aromatherapy. ─── 名字这么难听的植物却有如此的功效真是不错。

72、Wife: Give me a foot massage. ─── 妻子:给我按摩脚。

73、EVOIL? ALMOND can also be used directly as massage oil. ─── 可以作为按摩油直接使用。

74、Why don't you lay down? I'll give you a massage. ─── 你何不躺下来?我帮你按摩。

75、Is acceptable for a man to climb in bed massage. ─── 局长正爬在床上接受一个小伙子的按摩。

76、A:Maybe we should try a thai massage too. ─── 可能我们还应该试一试泰式按摩!

77、It usually takes one hour for a body massage. ─── 全身按摩通常要花1个小时。

78、Such as, foot bathing, sauna, massage, aerobics and so on. ─── 例如:沐足,桑拿,推拿(按摩),健身操等等。

79、The Chinese medical massage hospital are doing good business. ─── 北京中医按摩院里顾客盈门。

80、She gave me a massage starting from the neck and shoulders. ─── 她从脖子和肩膀开始给我按摩。

81、Massage lather onto face with a gentle, circular motion. ─── 将泡沫在面部以打圈方式轻柔搓洗按摩。

82、Do you want tohave a massage for reducing weight? ─── 您需要减肥按摩吗?

83、Having a massage chair is the ultimate in office comfort. ─── 坐按摩椅是办公室里的一种极大享受。

84、No, he's giving a neck massage to a Versace model.Where you going? ─── |他在帮凡赛斯模特儿按摩脖子 你要去哪里?

85、Eat chewing gum less, do facial massage. ─── 少吃口香糖,做面部按摩。

86、Direction : Direct apply to body, gently massage till dry. ─── 使用:直接用于身体,轻轻按摩至干。

87、Two sets of programmable automatic massage cycle. ─── 二组程式自动按摩循环。

88、No, I'm going to get a facial massage. ─── 不,我要去做脸部按摩。

89、Available massage methods by kneading finger press knocking. ─── 具有揉捏指压捶打等按摩方式。










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