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naturalism 发音

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naturalism 中文意思翻译



naturalism 网络释义

n. 自然主义;本能行动;自然论

naturalism 短语词组

1、what is naturalism ─── 什么是自然主义

2、economic naturalism ─── 经济自然主义

3、naturalism is evolved from ─── 自然主义是从

4、christianized naturalism ─── 基督化自然主义

naturalism 相似词语短语

1、naturals ─── adj.自然的;物质的;天生的;不做作的;n.自然的事情;白痴;本位音;n.(Natural)人名;(西)纳图拉尔

2、naturalize ─── vt.移植;使入国籍;采纳;vi.归化;加入国籍

3、naturalists ─── n.[法]自然法学派,博物学家;[法]自然法学家;自然主义者(naturalist的复数)

4、naturalist ─── n.自然主义者;博物学者;(英)动物标本剥制者;买卖玩赏动物的商人;adj.自然的(等于naturalistic);自然主义的;博物学的

5、naturalised ─── v.(使)入国籍;(外国人)被接纳入籍;(使)外来词语归化;适应异域生长环境;(使)适应自然环境;在自然环境中存活;把……视作自然;用自然道理解释(naturalise的过去式及过去分词,等于naturalized)

6、naturalises ─── vt.使入国籍;使归化;vi.加入国籍;归化(等于naturalize)

7、naturalise ─── vt.使入国籍;使归化;vi.加入国籍;归化(等于naturalize)

8、nagualism ─── n.守护神(墨西哥和中美洲印第安人供奉的)(nagual的变形)

9、naturism ─── n.对自然现象的崇拜;裸体主义

naturalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But religious naturalism does not necessarily mean atheism or agnosticism. It simply rejects the idea of a supernatural God. ─── 但宗教自然主义不一定是无神论的或不可知论的,它只是不接受一个超自然的神。

2、Whether one is a romanticist,a rationalist,a classicist,or one in the hold of naturalism,he accepts words describing each as holding the same range of meaning for all views,even including that of existentialism. ─── 书上的翻译:不管是浪漫主义者,理性主义者,还是冷酷的自然主义者,他都认可描述所有这些人生观的语言,甚至包括存在主义人生观所使用的语言。

3、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie?'Tain't in natur'. ─── 我想,这骨头架子的姿势可真奇怪,不太自然。”

4、Sister Carrie is one of the classics of naturalism while ethical literary criticism is an important literature study method newly proposed nowadays. ─── 《嘉莉妹妹》是自然主义的经典作品,而文学伦理学批评是最近时兴的重要文学批评方法。

5、Strictly speaking, naturalism has no ontological bias toward any particular set of categories of reality: dualism and monism, atheism and theism, idealism and materialism are all compatible with it. ─── 严格地讲,自然主义对任何具体的现实类别没有本体主义的偏见:二元论和一元论、无神论和有神论、观念论和唯物论都与自然主义相容。

6、His thoughts, when examined in the background of knowledge sociology, have bearing on the then current scientific naturalism and the evolution of litigation system. ─── 在知识社会学背景下考察,吉尔波特的思想是与当时的科学自然主义和诉讼制度的变迁相联系的,因此他的理论既有开拓性的一面,但也存在着时代的局限性。

7、Among his belief in naturalism,the most conspicuous one is his theory of ethics relativity,which is shown unsystematically in his novels,especially in Sister Carrie. ─── 小说主人公嘉莉先后做过两个男人的情妇,不仅没有受到惩罚,最终还成为了一个有钱的明星。

8、The concept of deconstruction implies criticism, negative, subversion, opening, motivation, which reject structure, Logos centralism, naturalism, rationalism and the presence. ─── 摘要“解构”概念意味着批刹、否定、颠及、开放、动态,意指对结构主义、逻各斯中心主义、本质主义、理性主义、在场主义的批判、否定。

9、Rousseau's Educational Thought of Naturalism and Its Practical Significance ─── 卢梭自然主义教育思想及其现实意义

10、In the arts there was a broad movement beginning in the 19th century, realism (which led to naturalism), which sought to portray characters, scenes, and so forth, realistically. ─── 在文学里存在更加广泛运动开始于19世纪,现实主义(其导致自然主义),它实际上寻求描绘特征,感觉以及如此往前。

11、Yet to discuss the novel as an example of naturalism is to miss its mood ─── 如把这部小说当作自然主义作品的范例来看待,那就误解了它的情调。

12、Traditional pedagogy had the understanding of knowledge natur e by other subjects as the conclusion of pedagogy,but never examined the nature o f knowledge from the perspective of pedagogy. ─── 传统教育学以其他学科对知识性质的认识作为教育学的结论,而未从教育学的视角对知识的性质进行考察,因而,传统的教育学没有形成本学科对知识的独特认识。

13、Religious naturalism says two things. ─── 宗教自然主意有两个重点。

14、Naturalism Education Thought of Jean Jacques Rousseau ─── 卢梭的自然主义教育思想

15、The authors propose that it is a modest kind of epistemic naturalism that deserves appreciation. ─── 作者认为,值得提倡的是一种温和的自然主义。

16、2 Textiles like brocaded silks,carpets and loom-patterned shawls all reciprocated the naturalism in the growth of a peculiarly Mughal design language. ─── 2 锦缎、地毯、纱巾等织物不无流露出独特的莫卧尔设计语言所表现出的自然主义 。

17、Today,we try to avoid the confusion outside and go to his world of literature critic inside.we should go into the debate which brings him bad reputation and try to grasp the inner feature and natur... ─── 今天我们试图撩开各种外部的纷扰,走进梁实秋的文学批评世界,从学理层面上去把握论争的内在特质。

18、Has not twentieth-century art shown that naturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predetermined sequence? ─── 二十世纪的艺术不是已经表明,自然主义不一定遵循某种既定顺序的抽象了吗?

19、Cooperative naturalism is eked out by a hermeneutic account of experience and thus benefited.It somewhat fills the gap between analytic philosophy and continental philosophy. ─── 协作的自然主义接受了解释学对经验概念的挹注,弥合了分析哲学和大陆哲学之间的裂痕。

20、This suggestion will be further elaborated, in order to throw some light on the dispute between naturalism and antinaturalism ─── 为了说明自然主义和反自然主义之间的论争,我将把这个看法作进一步阐明。

21、a long await spectacular natur wonder,Eclipse. a chanc of million, will seem to be veil with heavi cloud or even dampen in rain. What a centuri disappointment! ─── 一个期待已久的自然奇观,日全食。一个百年难遇的机会,似乎将会被厚厚的云层所掩盖,甚至在雨水中“湿”去。唉,真是世纪之憾哦。

22、Mainwhile, local colourism, psychological realism, and naturalism consisted of the diversity of the literature. ─── 同时,美国19世纪现实主义文学呈现了多元化景观况,产生了乡土文学、心理现实主义、自然主义等流派。

23、The twentieth century is a flourishing period for the development of American literature, whose main characteristics is irrationalism presented in modernism and post-modernism accompanied with naturalism and post-realism. ─── 摘要20世纪美国文学以反理性的现代主义和后现代主义为基本特徵,伴随自然主义和后现实主义,是美国文学繁荣发展的历史时期。

24、The use of documentary elements in novels is associated with literary naturalism ─── 小说中采用纪实成分与文学自然主义有联系。

25、Hence it follows that it inherits the spirit of naturalism of the period of the saga novel on theone hand, and points to the social dreams of the four Gospels on the other. ─── 它一方面承继了家族史小说时期的自然主义精神,另一方面又直接指向了《四福音》的社会梦想。

26、Sie werden kommen, die Zeichen der Natur, ─── 他们将要到来,自然的征兆,

27、Schon unsere physische Natur stellt sich oft drohend entgegen, und ihre Rechte wage keiner zu verspotten. ─── 我们的体质常常威胁我们,可是任何人也不敢藐视它的存在。

28、All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel, and I could not read enough of them. ─── 所有我的生活已经使我形成了现实主义,现代小说的自然主义,我读它们从没有感觉已经足够了。

29、The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natur... ─── 中下侏罗统烃源岩为一套优质烃源岩,但由于分布范围所限,贡献仅限于北缘山前带。

30、Naturalism is pursued throughout the western art history prior the twentieth century, which points to various goals, and has numerable representation. ─── 摘要十五世纪的尼德兰在绘画的自然主义发展上作出了卓越的贡献,首先开拓了对于光的独立价值的研究。

31、Like other open ideological system,since the formation of Taoists naturalism,the ideas and the intension of aesthetics are constantly enriched and developed. ─── 和其他开放的思想体系一样,道家自然观自形成以后,其思想内容和美学内涵不断得到充实和发展。

32、History determinism is a theoretic fable made by naturalism,we should clean it out from law. ─── 历史决定论是自然主义制造的一个理论神话 ,应将其从法学中彻底清除出去。

33、All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel ─── 我的全部生活使得我适合于现代小说所表现的现实主义和自然主义。

34、THE SHORT STORY MAGAZINE and Japanese Naturalism in 1920s ─── 20世纪20年代《小说月报》与日本自然主义

35、Naturalism: n. A literary trend that practice describing precisely the actual circumstances of human life in literature; ─── 一种精确地描述人类现实环境的实践的文学流派;自然主义;

36、In the Descent of Man, Darwin attempted to explain this kind of ethical consciousness of the conscience in terms of naturalism completely. ─── 在《人类的由来》中,达尔文试图彻底地从自然主义的角度对良心这种道德意识进行阐释。

37、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie? Tain't in natur.' ─── 不过,这骷髅的姿势有点古怪,很不自然。”

38、Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism. ─── 德莱塞被认为是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表。

39、In one sense, Mao Dun was influenced by naturalism in both his theories and works.In the other sense, for quite a long historical period, he himself denied this point. ─── 一方面茅盾在理论和创作上都受着自然主义的影响,另一方面茅盾本人在很长的历史时期又不愿意承认这一点。

40、Ethical Naturalism and the Modern World-View.By E.M.Adams. ─── 亚当斯:《论理自然主义和现代世界观》

41、Theodore Dreiser, an outstanding American novelist of the 20th century, a pioneer of naturalism in American literature, played an important role in introducing a new realism into American fiction. ─── 德莱塞是二十世纪美国杰出的小说家,自然主义文学的先驱,也将现实主义新风引领入美国文学。

42、Naturalism is pessimistic realism with a philosophy that sets man in a mechanic world and conceives of him as victimized by that world. ─── 自然主义是悲观的现实主义。自然主义者将人类置于一个机械化的世界并将其视为这个世界的受害者。

43、It views the rescue of nature as the way of rescuing man, thus unifying naturalism and Humanism at a new height. ─── 它把自然的拯救看作人的拯救的途径,在一个新的高度上实现了自然主义与人本主义的统一。

44、So, only on the precondition of the protection of naturally occurring drugs resource and ecological environment, can we try to achieve sustainable development of natur... ─── 在保护天然药物资源和生态环境的前提下,实现天然药物的可持续发展,实现民族医药产业与经济社会的协调发展。

45、Is It Harmful for Anti - scientism? --Investigation and Debate Based on Naturalism ─── 反科学主义是有害的吗--基于自然主义的考察与辩护

46、The two go together very well because...humanism provides the values that naturalism lacks, and religious naturalism provides the religious and spiritual aspect that humanism has lacked. ─── 两者相辅相成,因为人本主义提供自然主义所缺乏的价值观,而宗教自然主义则补充人本主义缺少的宗教及灵性层面。

47、Sartre was led to this disquieting position because of his rejection of the theory known as ethical naturalism. ─── 萨特否定所谓的伦理自然主义理论,因此得出了这一使人不安的结论。

48、Probing into American Naturalism from the perspective of Sister Carrie ─── 从《嘉莉妹妹》看德莱塞的美国自然主义

49、Yet to discuss the novel as an example of naturalism is to miss its mood. ─── 如把这部小说当作自然主义作品的范例来看待,那就误解了它的情调。

50、In a word, naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. ─── 总之,自然主义产生现实主义,只是在创作上更富讽刺,更加悲观。自然主义只有另一种哲学途径的现实主义。

51、Based on Laozi's naturalism and philosophy of life, this article analyzes its spirit of education objectives, interprets its view of education process, and explores its education principles. ─── 在立足于老子的自然性、生命性哲学的基础上,辨析其教育思想中的教学目的论精神,诊释其教学过程观,探讨其教学之原则。

52、The naturalism in phenomenology supporting "regress to the fields and gardens" is the end result and acme of the historical phenomenology of Marx. ─── “回归田园”赖以支撑的现象学自然主义乃是马克思历史现象学的归宿和顶点。

53、Naturalism doesn't counter to the literary imagination in common sense.Quite the other way, it will save and liberate the real literary imagination by its objection to "pure imagination". ─── 但自然主义并不反对一般意义上的文学想象,其对“纯想象”的反对,正是要拯救和解放真正的文学想象-将其从“玄奥”、“观念”的高空拽回真实生活的大地。

54、moral naturalism ─── 伦理自然主义

55、Keywords Sichuan Basin;West;Depression;Natur al gas;Carbon isotope;Jurassic Period;Late Triassic Epoch;Source rock; ─── 四川盆地;西;坳陷;天然气;碳同位素;侏罗系;上三叠统;源岩;

56、American naturalism had been shaped by the war; by the social upheavals that undermined the comforting faith of an earlier age. ─── 美国自然主义是在战争和影响人们早期信念的社会动乱的影响之下形成的。

57、Schopenhauer and Hegel's criticism of Kant philosophy represents the beginning of the modern unnaturalism and the completion of the traditional naturalism. ─── 叔本华和黑格尔对康德哲学的批判分别代表着现代非理性主义的开端与传统理性主义的完成。

58、Ich finde, dass sie recht hat. Die Natur r28;cht sich an China f徂r dessen V46;lkermorde. ─── 我认为莎朗.斯通是对的。大自然正在对中国犯下的灭绝人类的滔天大罪进行报复。

59、- Naturalism - Nothing exists but the world - there are no supernatural entities. ─── -本能行动-除了世界什么也不存在-没有超自然的实体。

60、Textiles like brocaded silks, carpets and loom-patterned shawls all reciprocated the naturalism in the growth of a peculiarly Mughal design language. ─── 像锦缎丝绸、地毯、杂色图案披肩之类的纺织品反映了处在不断发展中的独特Mughal设计风格的自然主义。

61、Stephen Crane and Naturalism in American Literature ─── 克莱恩与美国文学的自然主义

62、Although naturalism had not become an obsession among American writers by 1914, it clearly commanded the allegiance of a majority of serious young writers. ─── 到1914年,虽然自然主义在美国作家中没有成为一种固定的观念,但它明显得到多数严肃青年作者的忠诚。

63、Sister Carrie has been considered as a masterpiece of American Naturalism. ─── 《嘉莉妹妹》一直被视为美国自然主义流派的一部杰作。

64、Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation. ─── 现实主义和自然主义都是模仿的做法或者表现的习惯而已。

65、Rouse, J. ,How Scientific Practices Matter:Reclaiming Philosophical Naturalism, The University of Chicago Press ,2002. ─── 已有中译本,盛晓明等译,北京大学出版社,2004).

66、theory of war naturalism ─── 战争自然主义论

67、Next, Munro's Eastern esthetics is based on his new naturalism esthetics theory, and is the practice of his scientific esthetics method. ─── 其次,门罗的东方美学是建立在他新自然主义美学的基础之上的,具体说来,是他的科学美学方法的一次具体的运用。

68、Lukacs disagreed with irrationalism,naturalism,and all kinds of formalism, which dismembered and distorted the integrality of human beings. ─── 卢卡契反对非理想性主义创作,批判自然主义和各种形式主义对人的完整性肢解和歪曲,同时兼论了卢卡契与布莱尔特的论争;

69、one who believes in and follows the tenets of naturalism ─── 信仰和追随自然主义信条的人

70、The extraction of Syzygium aromaticum has been widely and successfully applied in food fresh keeping,such as soy sauce,vegetables,and meat product,etc.. As a natur... ─── 丁香提取物在酱油、果蔬以及肉制品应用取得了良好的保鲜效果,丁香是值得研究和开发的天然防腐资源。

71、Opposed to all forms of naturalism is legal positivism, which is roughly constituted by three theoretical commitments: the Social Fact Thesis, the Conventionality Thesis, and the Separability Thesis. ─── 与一切自然主义相对立的是法律实证主义,它大致上由三个理论命题组成:事实命题,因袭命题,分离命题。

72、His novels showed the compound of the Naturalism of France, the Naturalism of Japan and the Japanese Private Fictions. ─── 他的小说体现了法国、日本的自然主义与日本私小说的交融;

73、Intersubjectivity of ontology includes three trends in its development: naturalism, fideism, and aestheticism. ─── 摘要本体论的主体间性在其历史发生过程中包括自然主义、信仰主义和审美主义三种取向。

74、The epic of RIPPLES IN THE STAGNANT WATER and French naturalism ─── 《死水微澜》主题的史诗性与法国自然主义

75、We are the supporter and practioner of Naturalism. ─── 我们是自然主义的拥护者和实践者。

76、Therefore, the extremeness of some views also made the trend of naturalism philosophy of science to comedown and submerged by others finally. ─── 与此同时,在一些观点上的极端化使自然主义科学哲学思潮走向了衰落,最终被历史的发展潮流所淹没。

77、His naturalism shades over to obscure fantasy. ─── 他的自然主义逐渐向模糊的幻想转化。

78、Rousseau was a famous naturalism education thinker of France in the 18th century. ─── 卢梭是18世纪法国著名的自然主义教育思想家。

79、All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel, and I could not read enough of them. ─── 所有我的生活已经使我形成了现实主义,现代小说的自然主义,我读它们从没有感觉已经足够了。

80、I have many hobbies such as photographing.I love to talk to other people and help others.I love natur... ─── 我非常善于与人交流,乐于助人,热爱自然,热爱和平,听说这次夏令...

81、His interpretation of Kant's philosophy is incorrect, and when he defends his naturalism, he has presupposed an anti-naturalistic starting point. ─── 他对康德哲学的解释是错误的,他在坚持自然主义时预设了反自然主义的立场,因而罗蒂的哲学是不攻自破的。

82、As long as African American drama maintained naturalism as its dominant mode, it could only express the "plight" of African American people. ─── 只要非裔美国戏剧仍以自然主义为主导模式,它只能表达非裔美国人的“困境”。

83、Firstly this requires the reform of the current natur... ─── 三是在其它一般性税收中采取各种税收调节措施,体现环保目标。

84、Nur saemtliche Menschen erkennen die Natur; ─── 惟有民众懂得什么是真正的生活;

85、Meanwhile, a new literary movement, naturalism, was beginning in the 1890's to make its first impression on American writers ─── 与此同时,一个新的文学运动--自然主义,在十九世纪九十年代开始影响美国作家。

86、Er ist doch nicht vom Natur so keiner ist so. ─── 他又不是一生出来就是这样的,没有人是这样的。

87、Rousseau′ s sport thought embodies distinct naturalism: conform to natural law and grow naturally in body and mind. ─── 卢梭的体育思想体现了鲜明的自然主义特征:即服从自然法则,让人的身心自由协调地发展。

88、A school of painting in France in the late19th century that rejected the objective naturalism of impressionism and used form and color in more personally expressive ways. ─── 后期印象主义19世纪后半期法国的绘画流派,反对印象主义的客观自然性,以更为个人化的表现方式运用形式与色彩

89、A Struggle Against the Indifference--"The Open Boat" in the Perspective of American Naturalism ─── 在漠然中挣扎--美国自然主义视角中的"一叶扁舟"

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