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10-04 投稿


mirza 发音

英:  美:

mirza 中文意思翻译




mirza 短语词组

1、mirza mirror ─── 米尔扎镜

2、mirza ali ─── 仅限镜像

3、mirza teletovic ─── 米尔扎·特列托维奇

mirza 相似词语短语

1、micra ─── n.微米

2、Tisza ─── n.提萨河(多瑙河支流)

3、miha ─── n.尚未开放的年轻的蕨类植物叶子;abbr.(MiHA)次要组织相容性抗原(minorhistocompatibilityantigen)

4、mica ─── n.[矿物]云母;n.(Mica)人名;(意、罗、赤几)米卡;(英)迈卡;(塞)米察

5、mirzas ─── n.(波)殿下;阁下(用在波斯高级官员、英雄、学者等著名人物名字前,用作尊称);n.(Mirza)人名;(阿拉伯、土、意、巴基、哈萨、塔吉、吉尔、乌兹、阿塞、土库、英)米尔扎

6、Liza ─── n.莉莎(女子名)

7、matza ─── 文本

8、Giza ─── n.吉萨(地名);吉萨棉;吉萨金字塔

9、forza ─── n.力量;(意)加油

mirza 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Babur longed to be a great poet, writing admiringly of the fame of his unfortunate cousin Baysunghur Mirza. ─── 巴布尔渴望成为一名伟大的诗人,他写到他羡慕那个不幸的表弟拜桑格赫?米尔扎(BaysunghurMirza)的名望。

2、Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib ─── 迦利布(1797-1869),印度人,波斯语和乌尔都语诗人、散文作家。

3、Abe Mirza had to provide a lot of information. ─── 企业足够大到准备出口它们的产品。

4、MIRZA, Mohammed Farhad ─── 穆罕默德·法尔哈德·米尔扎

5、Hanna Y G, Mirza M S. Post-cracking Behaviour of Planar Concrete Structures. Proceedings of Canadian Structural Concrete Conference.Ottawa, 1983 ─── 陈万吉,李勇东.带旋转自由度的精化非协调平面四边形等参元.计算结构力学及其应用,1993(2

6、Mirza has a strong confidence, given that exchanges between China and Korean in a variety of aspects have been increasing considerably. ─── 酒店大宴会厅及多功能会议厅,配置完善的先进设施,可满足各类规模的会议、社交宴会或派对之需求。

7、Bhupathi and Mirza could not make any inroads into their opponents' serve,winning just seven receiving points for the match,and were under constant pressure. ─── 布帕迪和米尔扎在对手发球中毫无斩获,只得到了七个接发球得分,压力激增。

8、Anthony Mirza is a seasoned international hotelier, having been active in the hospitality industry over the past 28 years. ─── 当笔者仍然沉醉于温暖的气息时,酒店的总经理安德礼先生热情地走向了我们,并给予了我们真诚的问候。

9、Akhtar Mirza Bawre Nain, movie Bawre Nain, Kidar Nath Sharma Bawre Nain.Simon Relph Camilla, movie Camilla, Hume Cronyn Camilla. ─── Javier Baigorri Blanca o la luna, movie Blanca o la luna, Jos茅 Mar铆a Lara Blanca o la luna.

10、Abe Mirza says he did a lot in his years as a business man, but nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction he got from his short time in Ghana. ─── 说在他是商人的时候,他做过很多事,但是没有任何事可以与他在加纳所度过的短暂时间中获得的满足感相比。

11、Local senior police officer Saud Mirza (Saud Mirza) said they found this morning in these new bodies of the victims. ─── 当地高级警官萨乌德·米尔扎(SaudMirza)称,他们是在今天早上发现了这些新的遇难者遗体。

12、Abe Mirza says he did a lot in his years as a businessman, but nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction he got from his short time in Ghana. ─── 为其提供了大量信息。他认为这就像把4年大学的课程都放到一周来学、他不仅告诉企业家怎么样上报财务报表,还要告诉他们怎样看这些信息及其原因。

13、Tasneem Mirza is the Managing Partner of Exquisite Rugs LLC. ─── 塔斯尼姆米尔扎是 经营合伙精美地毯链路。

14、Filmmaker Aziz Mirza, who cast Shah Rukh in four out of five of his movies, said, "Shah Rukh has always believed in quality cinema. ─── "制片阿齐兹米尔扎,谁投沙阿Rukh在五分之四的电影,他说, “沙阿Rukh一直认为电影的质量。

15、Abe Mirza had to provide a lot of information.He says it was like learning everything for a four-year college degree in one week. ─── 这些商业足够大并且已经做好准备出口他们的商品,但是他们还没达到可以让他们与银行有良好借贷关系的良好的几张水平。

16、When Salman recovered he got involved with Diya Mirza and returned back to his old place to unearth the truth. ─── 当萨勒曼收回,他参加了与迪亚米尔扎和返回他的旧的地方,挖掘真相。

17、On the scene, General Mirza Mohammad Yarmand, the director of the Interior Ministry's criminal investigation department, told reporters the shots were fired from inside the DHL office. ─── 在事发现场,内政部刑事调查部门主任雅曼德将军对记者说,子弹是从DHL办公室里面发射出来的。

18、Mirza Ghulam Moinuddin Muhammad, Javaid Jah Bahadur, was born on the 16 May 1946 in Delhi the eldest son of Shahzada Muhammad Khair ud-din Mirza, Khurshid Jah Bahadur (1914-1975). ─── 米尔扎.古拉姆于1946年5月16日在德里出生,是沙扎达的长子。古拉姆于1975年继承其父为帖木儿家族的家长。

19、In September, the International Executive Service Corps paid for Abe Mirza to travel to West Africa. ─── 九月,国际行政服务公司付费让AbeMirza到西非去旅行。

20、Laxman Kapur Bawre Nain, Download Bawre Nain movie, Akhtar Mirza Bawre Nain.Paul Quarrington Camilla, movie Camilla, Ronald Gilbert Camilla. ─── Jos茅 Mar铆a Lara Blanca o la luna, Download Blanca o la luna, Julia Juaniz Blanca o la luna.

21、Abe Mirza had to provide a lot of information. ─── Abe Mirza不得不提供大量的信息。

22、Daffodil came in first, Lancelot second, Mirza third. ─── 水仙获得了第一名,兰斯洛特第二名,米尔泽第三名。

23、Sun Tian Tian and Nenad Zimonjic have claimed the mixed doubles title at Australian Open 2008 with a straight-sets success over Indian pair Sania Mirza and Mahesh Bhupathi. ─── 孙甜甜/泽蒙季奇在2008年澳大利亚网球公开赛混双决赛中直落两盘力克印度组合米尔扎/布帕蒂,勇夺冠军。

24、In September, the International Executive Service Corps paid for Abe Mirza to travel to West Africa. ─── 他在因特网上找到了一个经济发展组织,国际执行服务公司。

25、The endless hype surrounding Indian number one Sania Mirza is distracting for the country's other players, says Shikha Uberoi. ─── 印度女球员尤贝罗伊说,国内媒体太过关注米尔扎了,这对其他球员太不公平了。

26、Dia Mirza in a short, fetching dress exposing her alabaster legs at a hair oil launch. ─── 直径米尔扎在很短的,提取穿着暴露在发油推出她雪花腿。

27、Sun Tiantian and Nenad Zimonjic have claimed the mixed doubles title at Australian Open 2008 with as traight-sets success over Indian pair Sania Mirza and Mahesh Bhupathi. ─── 在2008澳大利亚网球公开赛混双决赛中,孙甜甜携手泽蒙季奇直落两盘,击败印度组合米尔扎和布帕迪夺得冠军。

28、Mirza was executed by a firing squad at Tabriz in 1850. ─── 1850年他在大不里士(Tabriz)被处以火刑。

29、Abe Mirza had to provide a lot of information.He says it was like learning everything for a four year college degree in one week. ─── 这些企业的规模都足够大以准备出口他们的产品,但是他们的记录无法使他们与银行建立借贷关系。

30、Bhupathi and Mirza took the first three points,but the momentum swung and Sun and Zimonjicwon the next six points before taking the tie-breaker 7-4 when Bhupathi netted a backhand. ─── 抢七大战中,布帕迪和米尔扎先得3分,但是孙甜甜与泽蒙季奇连得6分拿到盘点扭转局面,并在布帕迪反手球落网后以7-4赢得首盘。

31、Akhtar Mirza Bawre Nain, Download Bawre Nain, Raj Kapoor Bawre Nain.Daniel Lanois Camilla, Download Camilla, Senia Phillips Camilla. ─── Jos茅 Mar铆a Lara Blanca o la luna, Blanca o la luna, Julia Juaniz Blanca o la luna.

32、Akhtar Mirza Bawre Nain, movie Bawre Nain, Pesi Patel Bawre Nain.James Farr Camilla, movie Camilla, Ronald Gilbert Camilla. ─── Jos茅 Mar铆a Lara Blanca o la luna, Blanca o la luna, Joseba Apaolaza Blanca o la luna.

33、Tasneem Mirza has indebt knowledge of the rug industry. ─── 塔斯尼姆米尔扎已经负债而知识的地毯业。

34、Ahmadis follow most of the practices and beliefs as mainstream Islam, but consider their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a prophet. ─── 艾哈迈迪亚教派遵行主流伊斯兰做法和信仰,但是,认为他们的创始人艾哈迈迪亚是先知。

35、Tariq Mirza's son attends the Roshni Association. ─── 莫札的儿子也在这个协会。

36、(Abe Mirza) is an American.Fiftynine(Fiftynine) years old and retired.He was trained in the country(as an accoutant) . ─── 亚伯是一个59岁的已退休的美国人,他曾经经过会计师的培训。

37、Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ─── 古拉姆·阿赫默德(1839-1908),印度人,穆斯林阿赫默德派创立者。

38、Mirza is one of the most popular and recognisable sports stars in India having reached the highest ranking ever for a female player. ─── 米尔扎是印度最具影响力的运动员之一,她也创造了该国女球员的诸多记录。

39、Mirza put it, Grand Mercure Baolong Hotel offers a home where you can not only enjoy a diverse range of amenities, but receive warmth and attentiveness from the staff, as well. ─── 她们总是面带真诚的微笑,用吴侬软语般的声音向客人问好。

40、"It's a huge development, " said Mirza Baig, a Singapore-based currency strategist for Deutsche Bank. ─── “这是一个重大进展,”德意志银行(DeutscheBank)常驻新加坡的货币策略师米尔萨?贝格(MirzaBaig)表示。

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