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10-03 投稿


mystified 发音

英:[?m?st?fa?d]  美:[?m?st?fa?d]

英:  美:

mystified 中文意思翻译



mystified 短语词组

1、de-mystified (de-mystify ─── 的过去分词) vt. 使非神秘化;阐明;启发

mystified 同义词

muddy | confuse | perplex | bewilder | floor | bamboozle | baffle | muddle |puzzle | cloud | vex | flummox | gravel | dumbfound | amaze | beat | nonplus | stymie | stump | stupefy | stick | addle | confound | pose | get

mystified 词性/词形变化,mystified变形

动词第三人称单数: mystifies |副词: mystifyingly |动词过去式: mystified |动词现在分词: mystifying |动词过去分词: mystified |名词: mystifier |

mystified 反义词


mystified 相似词语短语

1、demystified ─── v.使非神秘化;使(某事)简单化(demystify的过去式和过去分词)

2、mattified ─── 铺垫的

3、moistified ─── 湿润的

4、unmystified ─── 卸载

5、justified ─── adj.有正当理由的;合乎情理的;事出有因的;v.调整(justify的过去分词);证明…正当

6、mystifier ─── 神秘者

7、testified ─── vt.证明,证实;作证;vi.作证;证明

8、mortified ─── adj.窘迫的;受辱的;v.使受辱(mortify的过去式)

9、mystifies ─── vt.使神秘化;使迷惑,使困惑

mystified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The former Corinthians player told Argentinian newspaper Clarin that he is still mystified by his lack of first-team opportunities at Upton Park, under both Alan Pardew and Alan Curbishley. ─── 这位之前混克林绵阳的兄弟在接受阿根廷老家的狗崽采访时说,跟着阿兰.帕杜和阿兰.柯比什利这俩老大混,他就从来没得着在厄普顿公园亮刀子引招子的机会。

2、Dark green, which seems enigmatic to many people, often makes me sedate and mystified because this color is usually associated with the forest. ─── 深绿色对许多人来说非常神秘。它常使我深思、迷惑, 因为这种颜色通常和森林联在一起。

3、This language would lead us to many insights of Nature which at the first glance seem rather strange, such as the entangled states (EPR paradox) that so mystified Einstein. ─── 这种语言能够帮助我们更深刻地洞察自然界的内部,虽然初看起来,我们也许觉得它颇为奇异,比如,纠缠态(EPR佯谬)也使得爱因斯坦感到困惑。

4、He said he was "absolutely mystified" that the news media had perceived it as a major pledge. ─── 他表示对于新闻媒体把减税理解为一种主要的誓言感到“完全地困惑”。

5、The magician' s tricks mystified the audience. ─── 那位魔术师的把戏使观众困惑。

6、Border control personnel were mystified when the woman told them she could not comply because she did not have fingerprints. ─── 而令边境管制人员感到迷惑的是,这位女士告诉他们,她没法遵守这项规定,因为她没有指纹。

7、Acupuncture is something that has mystified and baffled scientists researchers and the public for some time. ─── 针灸是一件具有大惑不解和困惑科学家研究者和公众一段时间。

8、" He sounded both worried and mystified. ─── 他的声音听起来既担忧又迷惑。

9、With a childlike expression of mystified surprise Ahyuan asked .. ─── 阿圆用一个小孩子的神秘惊奇的表情问我说:

10、The two visitors were mystified by his antics and wondered what the "Red-tipped Match" was up to now, but they could not help laughing ─── 两位猜不透这“红头火柴”玩的什么把戏,忍不住都笑了

11、Veidt, Cabell, and the others were mystified by what they saw-or, rather, didn't see. ─── 看到这一切,又想到视线之外的景象,维特、卡贝尔等人大为惊叹。

12、Foreigners are often mystified as to why such a minimalist event can require years of training. ─── 外国人通常对茶艺感到迷惑不解,即为什么如此简单的事情需要经过多年的训练。

13、'What's so funny?' The Princess's face was full of smiles.'You can go on hitting me if you like,' she said coyly 'only not quite so hard.' Trinket was mystified. ─── 只见她眉眼如丝,满脸笑意,似乎真的十分欢畅,并非做作,听她柔声说道:“别打得那么重,可也别打得太轻了。”

14、Yet I remain mystified about this day. I feel sad yet alive with a purpose. ─── 然而我依旧对此时此刻充满疑惑,我感到伤心但是却活的很有意义。

15、His sudden disappearance mystified the police. ─── 他的突然失踪使警方大惑不解。

16、I have witnessed the conflict, the death, the civilizations, and the societies that have come before you.Yet I remain mystified about this day. ─── 我目睹了战争、死亡、人类文明还有人类社会这些曾经你所经历的种种,但我依然困惑不解。

17、I did not pause to ask him what he meant by that or how he knew that I mystified people all the time. ─── 我没有停下来问他这话的意思,也没有问他怎么知道我经常误导人。

18、And if the approach alienated some Brazilian scientists, the decision to locate the first institute in the impoverished hinterland of Natal also mystified many of them. ─── 第一个研究所设立在偏僻贫瘠的纳塔尔,虽然这种做法没有让一些巴西科学家觉得疏远,但也让许多人百思不解。

19、He was first puzzled and then thoroughly mystified as to why she has never mentioned her husband in the hundreds of diary entries she had made ─── 起初他对于她为什么在几百篇日记中从不提及她的丈夫感到迷惑不解,接着他便感到神秘莫测。

20、The latter pair say they are mystified by what has unfolded. ─── 后两者说他们对已经发生的一切困惑不解。

21、Still, Jordan is a little mystified by how it all worked out. ─── 乔丹对这一切是如何获得成功的仍然感到有点困惑不解。

22、I well remember how mystified I felt at this, for I had not thought of my feeling in that light. ─── 我清楚地记得对此感到多么迷惑,因为我没有从那个角度考虑我的感觉。

23、The magician's tricks mystified the audience. ─── 魔术师的戏法令观众大为惊奇。

24、as if lost in a thick fog; utterly mystified ─── 如堕五里雾中

25、He mystified us all by pouring his drink out of the window. ─── 他把饮料倒出窗外,使我们大为困惑。

26、The magician's tricks mystified the audience in the theater. ─── 那位魔术师的把戏使剧院里的观众困惑。

27、"Yes," said Cinderella, mystified by the request. ─── “能够,”灰姑娘说,但对要求困惑不已。

28、Still,Jordan is a little mystified by how it all worked out. ─── 乔丹对这一切是如何获得的仍然感到有点困惑不解。

29、Mary got up, much mystified, and found the cord. ─── 玛丽站了起来,有些困惑,她找到了绳子。

30、In fact it mystified me so much that it took me a while to figure out that a shoe fetish had anything to do with sexual excitement. ─── 事实上,这个问题让我感到如此的困惑,以至于让我花费了不少时间,来领会恋鞋癖和性亢奋之间的联系。

31、The dinner also mystified many ordinary Thais, who are used to dining on some of the world's tastiest street food for no more than a dollar a plate. ─── 宴会也让许多普通泰国人困惑不解,他们习惯于只花不到一美元,就能品尝一盘世界闻名的街边小吃。

32、In fact the mirage is so unpredictable and such a phantasmagoric sight that humans cannot help but be fascinated and mystified ─── 海市的奇景,变幻无穷,出现的时间,鬼神莫测,确实让人着迷。

33、Adam Lopez has mystified audiences from around the world with his virtuosic 8 Octave vocal range. ─── 亚当佛罗迷惑不解的观众来自世界各地,与他的才华8octave音域.

34、I'm mystified; I just can't see how he did it. ─── 我大惑不解, 就是不明白他是怎么做到的.

35、The day before I had learned that I won a major award for this column and I was riding a high, but I was also mystified. ─── 那是在我得知这个专栏赢得一项大奖的前一天,我显得异常兴奋,但是也很迷惑。

36、She gazed at it with a mystified expression. ─── 她带着困惑的表情凝视着它。

37、be mystified by ─── 给

38、It mystified the staff. ─── 这件事令员工们很疑惑。

39、In this manner, AIDS appeared insidiously and mystified doctors and scientists alike ─── 就这样,艾滋病不知不觉地出现在我们面前,使医师和科学家都感到迷惑。

40、She looks mystified as she tells the story. ─── 她讲起这事的时候满脸的疑惑。

41、I'm completely mystified about what happened in the hotel the other day. ─── 我对这家酒店几天前所发生的事压根儿迷惑不解。

42、The magician's trick mystified the audience ─── 魔术师的戏法使观众感到神秘。

43、I well remember how mystified I felt at this, for I had not thought of my feeling in that light. ─── 我清楚地记得对此感到多么迷惑,因为我没有从那个角度考虑我的感觉。

44、Unusual happenings also mystified the village.One night the vicar and his wife were awakended by a noise in the vicar's study and the clinking of money. ─── 村里还不可思议地发生了一些异常情况。一天夜里,牧师和他妻子被书房里的声音和钱币的叮当响声所惊醒。

45、This week's funeral brings to a close an extraordinary life story that has kept Hong Kong enthralled and mystified for years. ─── 本周的葬礼给一个困扰和迷惑了香港多年的传奇人物的一生划上了句号。

46、I'm as mystified now as when I started. ─── 我现在就跟刚开始搞音乐的时候一样摸不著头(出神,陶醉)。

47、The woman was delighted, though mystified, and other women gathered round her desk and oohed and aahed. ─── 收到鲜花的那位妇女虽然不知究竟,但仍觉得开心,其他的妇女则围到她的桌子边大呼小叫。

48、Wall Street mystified by the way IPO fees defy gravity ─── 解开华尔街IPO高收费之迷

49、“Why meteoritic oxygen isotope ratios are significantly different from those on Earth has mystified scientists for years. ─── 为什么地球上矿石中氧同位素比率会出现显著差异,这一点使科学家们迷惑许多年。”

50、The fact or condition of being mystified. ─── 迷惑,难解被神秘化的事实或状态

51、She was genuinely mystified by her success. ─── 她真的搞不懂自己为什么会成功。

52、I'm completely mystified about what happened. ─── 我对所发生的事压根儿迷惑不解。

53、She would easily be mystified, easily crushed. ─── 她很容易受到蒙蔽,受到摧残。

54、The result: A flurry of calls from around the world, as mystified guests asked her what they were supposed to wear. ─── 结果招来了世界各地无数的电话,迷惑不解的客人纷纷询问到底应该穿什么。

55、A Japanese man who was mystified when food kept disappearing from his kitchen, set up a hidden camera and found an unknown woman living secretly in his closet, Japanese media said Friday. ─── 据日本媒体周五报道,一名日本男子对他厨房中的食物不断消失感到非常奇怪,于是在设置了一个隐蔽摄像机后竟然发现在他衣橱中住着一个陌生女子!

56、Leadership-worship in "the Cultural Revolution" is an imaginary emersion of mainstream political ideology, which is embodied in the mutually mystified interaction between leaders and the mass. ─── 摘要“文革”的领袖崇拜是主流政治意识形态对自身绝对权威的想象性再现,这体现在领袖与群众之间相互神圣化的互动关系之中。

57、It mystified the most brilliant minds in the study of Egyptian artifacts and archaeology for many many centuries. ─── 很多个世纪以来,它使研究埃及古器物和考古学的最杰出的人都感到困惑。

58、Then they're mystified to find that their startup lumbers along like a World War II bomber while their competitors scream past like jet fighters. ─── 然后他们就很困惑,他们发现他们的创业行动就像第二次世界大战的轰炸机,而他们的竞争者就像喷气式飞机一样尖叫着呼啸而过。

59、So when discussions that begin as exactly that deteriorate into what seems a cross examination of your own views, you're upset and mystified. ─── 因此当在讨论开始时是正确的却逐渐恶化的那些你似乎需要交叉检查的自己的看法时,你很不安很困惑。

60、And her behavior mystifies some of her doctors in the same way patients have sometimes mystified me. ─── 并且她的行为使她的一些医生难以理解,同样地,医生有时候也会另她难以理解。

61、However, after listening attentively, I guessed what it was;the old men were sucking at the insides of their cheeks, and this caused the odd, wheezing noises that had mystified me. ─── 时间长了,我终于猜出,原来是有几个老头子嘬腮帮子,发出了这种怪响。

62、The user might be reasonably mystified. ─── 用户可能会相当迷惑。

63、They must have been totally mystified by my silence. ─── 他们一定弄不懂我为什么没有回信。

64、As if lost in thick fog; utterly mystified ─── 好像掉在大雾里。比喻迷离恍惚,辨不清方向,或弄不清是怎么回事

65、The moment I understand it there will no longer exist a telegraph for me; it will he nothing more than a sign from M. Duchatel, or from M. Montalivet, transmitted to the prefect of Bayonne, mystified by two Greek words, tele, graphein. ─── 一旦我了解了它,我印象中急报这两个字就不复存在了,它将只是一种自甲地到乙地的秘密信号通信法而已,可我却很想保全我对那只黑脚爪大蜘蛛的全部崇敬。”

66、They were totally mystified by the girl's disappearance. ─── 女孩失踪使他们大惑不解。

67、There the Lhasans, delighted and mystified, learned the art of “walking on knives”. ─── 在那里,拉萨人兴奋而又略感疑惑地学会了“在刀上行走”的艺术。

68、I'm mystified;I just cannot see how he did it. ─── 我大惑不解, 说不明白他是怎样做到的。

69、This is largely due to two reasons: 1) the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which provide the infrastructure for the technology supported education are still mystified concepts to a number of these countries; ─── 这主要有两个原因:1)作为底层支持的信息和通信技术(Information and Communication Technology,ICT)在这些国家中仍然是神秘的概念;

70、To make this discovery with Holmes is to be with a guide whose words may leave you unconvinced, sometimes even repelled, but never mystified. ─── 他或许会发现霍姆斯的话是难以令人置信,有时甚至是令人厌恶的,但是却从不故作神秘。

71、Looking back on it all, he was mystified by the barrenness of his speech; ─── 他觉得只要再碰上这种机会,他一定能够讲出一大堆“逗人”的话来。

72、Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons. ─── 但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。

73、1. I'm mystified; I just can't see how he did it. ─── 我大惑不解,就是不明白他是怎麽做到的.

74、Father Aureole watched him mystified. ─── 澄光睁大了眼,不明他的用意。

75、Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang was mystified, but from a historical perspective, we should objectively evaluate him. ─── 在三国演义当中,诸葛亮被神化,但站在历史的角度,我们更应该客观地评价他。

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