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10-03 投稿


mandragora 发音

英:[m?n'dr?g?r?]  美:[m?n'dr?g?r?]

英:  美:

mandragora 中文意思翻译



mandragora 短语词组

1、Mandragora officinarum ─── [网络] 药用茄参;曼德拉草;茄参属植物

2、mandragora scream ─── 曼陀罗尖叫

3、atropa mandragora ─── 曼德拉阿托帕

4、mandragora caulescens ─── 曼陀罗

5、genus Mandragora ─── [网络] 曼陀罗属

6、Mandragora officinalis ─── [医] 毒参茄

7、mandragora autumnalis ─── 秋曼陀罗

mandragora 相似词语短语

1、manducatory ─── 强制性的

2、Pandora ─── n.潘朵拉

3、mandragoras ─── n.曼陀罗草

4、bandora ─── n.班多拉琴

5、mandatory ─── adj.强制的;托管的;命令的;n.受托者(等于mandatary)

6、angora ─── n.安哥拉;安哥拉山羊;安哥拉猫;安哥拉呢

7、Chandernagore ─── 钱德纳戈尔

8、mandora ─── n.大型曼陀琳

9、mandator ─── n.命令者;委托人,托管人

mandragora 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mandragora officinalis ─── [医] 毒参茄

2、Mandragora caulescens Clarke ─── 茄参

3、Mandragora:Another word for Mandrake. ─── 曼德拉草根,曼德拉草的别名。一种强效恢复剂。

4、Mandragora chinghaiensis ─── n. 青海茄参

5、the mandrake root: or mandragora, forked like the lower part of the male body; ─── 其实,“劈开魔鬼的双蹄”我也有些疑问,难不成魔鬼的双蹄是并在一起的吗?

6、Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state. ─── 魔苹果,又名曼陀罗草,通常是用来帮助被石化的人,使他们能够恢复原形。

7、A southern European plant(Mandragora officinarum) having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root. This plant was once believed to have magical powers because its root resembles the human body. ─── 曼德拉草一种产于欧洲南部的植物(茄参属药用茄参),开有黄绿色花朵并生分叉的根。这种植物曾被认为具有魔力,因为它的根与人体形似

8、Mandragora caulescens ─── n. 茄参

9、Now all the hopes of the Nature Spirits rest on a human with the power bring back the sacred Mandragora Tree, from which life springs eternal. ─── 常青大陆在几个世纪内都是一片繁荣的土地,神奇魔法树生长在此,它是力量的源泉,人们在这里安逸快乐的生活。

10、Not poppy, nor mandragora, Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou owedst yesterday. ─── 伊阿古罂粟、曼陀罗或是世上一切使人昏迷的药草,都不能使你得到昨天晚上你还安然享受的酣眠。

11、Mandrake,or Mandragora is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state. ─── 曼德拉草或者叫曼陀罗草是被用来使被石化的人到回复到其原始状态的.

12、The Mandragora is represented as a humanoid with roots instead of feet. Has the power of plants. ─── 描绘着拥有人形的植物魔物:曼陀罗的卡片。拥有树木的力量。

13、"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative," said Hermione, ─── 又看了一下,其实就是同一种东西的不同名字。

14、1) A southern European plant (Mandragora officinarum) having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root. This plant was once believed to have magical powers because its root resembles the human body. ─── 曼德拉草:一种产于欧洲南部的植物(茄参属药用茄参),开有黄绿色花朵并生分叉的根。这种植物曾被认为具有魔力,因为它的根与人体形似

15、A southern European plant (Mandragora officinarum) having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root. This plant was once believed to have magical powers because its root resembles the human body. ─── 曼德拉草一种产于欧洲南部的植物(茄参属*用茄参),开有黄绿色花朵并生分叉的根。这种植物曾被认为具有魔力,因为它的根与人体形似

16、Riddle of Otis Kaye's Masterpiece", a book-length study of this work, has just been published in Italian and English editions by Mandragora. ─── 奥提斯凯作品之谜》对他的作品做了大量细致的考证,最近由曼陀林出版社发行英意两个语言版本。

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