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10-03 投稿


mouthing 发音

英:[?ma????]  美:[?ma????]

英:  美:

mouthing 中文意思翻译



mouthing 短语词组

1、mouthing off ─── 粗暴地讲话;顶嘴; ─── 粗鲁地说

2、bad-mouthing ─── 苛刻批评(bad-mouth的现在分词) 说坏话的

3、mouthing the words ─── 说出这些话

4、mouthing words ─── 口齿不清的话

5、mouthing the word ─── 说出这个词

6、mouthing platitudes ─── 老生常谈

7、mouthing read ─── 口读

8、mouthing the word and smiling ─── 嘴角含笑

9、smart mouthing ─── 油嘴滑舌耍贫嘴

mouthing 词性/词形变化,mouthing变形

现在分词:mouthing 名词复数形式:mouthings 原型:mouth

mouthing 相似词语短语

1、smoothing ─── n.[电子]滤波;平滑化;v.使…光滑;变平滑(smooth的ing形式)

2、-mouthing ─── n.苦相;怪脸

3、smouching ─── v.接吻;n.接吻

4、bemouthing ─── 口齿不清,

5、Worthing ─── n.沃辛(地名)

6、loathing ─── n.嫌恶;adj.厌恶的;vt.讨厌(loathe的ing形式)

7、southings ─── n.南;(罗盘的)南方;adj.位于南方的;(风)来自南方的;南部居民的;adv.向南,朝南;v.朝南移动;(天体)穿过子午线;n.(South)(美)苏(人名)

8、moulding ─── n.模制;浇铸;v.塑造(mould的ing形式);用模子制作

9、southing ─── n.南;(罗盘的)南方;adj.位于南方的;(风)来自南方的;南部居民的;adv.向南,朝南;v.朝南移动;(天体)穿过子午线;n.(South)(美)苏(人名)

mouthing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jim closed his mouth, but his eyes stayed open. ─── 吉姆闭上了嘴,却睁着眼睛。

2、Open your mouth wider when you produce the sound. ─── 发这个音时,把你的嘴张大一些。

3、She can't stop bad-mouthing other people. ─── 她总是不断地在说别人坏话。

4、A slow sly smile was creeping around the corners of his mouth. ─── 他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡异的微笑。

5、The beginner should be mounted upon a quiet horse that is light in the mouth. ─── 初学骑马的人应该骑一匹容易驾驭的性情温和的马。

6、Something forced into or put over the mouth to prevent speaking or crying out. ─── 塞口物,口衔强塞进嘴里或压在嘴上防止出声的东西

7、The mouth of the wound was engorged with blood. ─── 伤口充满了血。

8、You should not speak with your mouth full. ─── 嘴塞满食物时你不该说话。

9、The doctor put a thermometer in my mouth to see if I had a fever. ─── 医生把一只温度计放进我嘴里,看看我是不是发烧了。

10、I really get tired of hearing Sally's bad-mouthing her mother and father. ─── 我已经厌倦了听萨利说她爸妈的坏话了。

11、The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus. ─── 产位,(胎儿)先露位置分娩时胎儿在子宫中相对于子宫口的位置

12、Cover your mouth when you cough. ─── 咳嗽时要捂上嘴。

13、A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at over 600 m.p.h. ─── 从你口中打出的喷嚏速度可达每小时600里。

14、Shanghai plants at the mouth of Changjiang River. ─── 上海位于长江口。

15、He is spit blood after is hit in the mouth. ─── 他嘴上挨了打之後, 吐出血来。

16、A tramp came and made a poor mouth to Mrs Robeson. ─── 一流浪汉走来向罗伯逊夫人叫穷诉苦。

17、Clark's mouth was freezed with the turnbuckle. ─── 克拉克的嘴跟螺丝扣冻住了。

18、Abel: You know what, watch your mouth little missy! ─── 亚伯:你知道吗,小姑娘,管好你的嘴!

19、Once he opens his mouth, he never stops. ─── 他打开话匣子就没个完。

20、Doctor: Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue. Say, "Ah". ─── 医生:吉米,把嘴张开。让我看看你的舌头。说“啊”。

21、He was spit blood after being hit in the mouth. ─── 他嘴上挨了打之后,吐出血来。

22、Every time he open his mouth he put his feat in it. ─── 他一开口就自吹自擂。

23、He put them both into his mouth. ─── 他把两个小硬币全都放进了嘴里。

24、He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth. ─── 他嘴上挨了打之後,吐出血来。

25、The pies in the store window made Dan's mouth water. ─── 商店橱窗里的馅饼使丹垂涎欲滴。

26、He was foaming at the mouth because of his daughter's rudeness. ─── 他女儿的粗暴态度使他暴跳如雷。

27、He cupped his hands around his mouth and called. ─── 他将手掌在嘴边弯成杯形喊叫。

28、He put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming. ─── 他伸手捂住她的嘴,不让她叫喊。

29、Matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth. ─── 呕吐物通过嘴从胃中喷出的物体

30、Crossing9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube river. ─── 多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的9个国家,在罗马尼亚汇入大海。

31、He was reading the newspaper, gum in mouth. ─── 他一边嚼著口香糖一边看报。

32、He who really wants to be King will fight for it with his hands instead of mouthing it in words. ─── 而且真想做王的人,他将用他的手去打天下,决不会放在口里说的。

33、Seeing how some people view Linda as an eyesore and bad mouthing her all the time, this angers me. ─── 看到一些人总是将嘉欣视为眼中钉,并且无时无刻的在抹黑她,这使我很生气。

34、He knows how to keep his mouth shut. ─── 他知道怎样保持沉默。

35、She is always bad-mouthing her husband to me; I cannot bear the thought of it. ─── 她常在我面前说她老公坏话,这种做法,我真受不了。

36、Is to find countermeasures, for the benefit of disadvantaged, the transfer of the crisis, or a passive response, self-bad- mouthing ? ─── 是寻找对策,化不利为有利、化危机为转机;还是被动应对、自我唱衰?

37、They bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth. ─── 他们捆住他的手脚,还用一块东西塞住他的嘴。

38、Diego: You're a little low on the food chain to be mouthing off, aren't you? ─── 你是处于食物链太底端了,闭不了嘴是吧?

39、He crept into the corner, mouthing curses. ─── 他悄悄地移到角落,嘴里喃喃地诅咒着。

40、He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic. ─── 他用杀菌剂漱口.

41、Stop mouthing and listen to what I have to say. ─── 别再装腔作势,好好听听我说的话。

42、They were both bleeding from the nose and mouth. ─── 他们两人囗鼻都在流血。

43、Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England. ─── 在英国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。

44、He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time. ─── 他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。

45、They began rowing towards the harbour's mouth. ─── 他们开始划向港湾的入口处。

46、The blood caked around his mouth. ─── 他的嘴的周围粘着血块。

47、I what to study the problem before I shoot off my mouth. ─── 在我没有发表意见之前,我想研究一下这个问题。

48、One's mouth is full of pap. ─── 乳臭未干。

49、You have taken the very word out of my mouth. ─── 你把我要讲的话抢先讲出来了。

50、His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth. ─── 他的药可以注射或口服。

51、The smell from the kitchen made my mouth water . ─── 厨房里飘来的香味使我垂涎。

52、He walked out of the room, mouthing curses. ─── 他走出房间,嘴里嘟嘟囔囔地咒骂着。

53、He watched with mouth agape. ─── 他张着大嘴注视着。

54、His mouth watered at the sight of the food. ─── 他一看到那食物就流囗水。

55、The news spread rapidly from mouth to mouth. ─── 一传十,十传百,这消息很快就传开了。

56、Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. ─── 不要对礼物吹毛求疵。

57、The farmer had a horse that had a had mouth. ─── 农夫有一匹马,很不好的驾驭。

58、His mouth watered at the sight of roast. ─── 他看见烤肉就垂涎三尺。

59、The mouthing of such words as truth, God, perfection, can have no deep significance and import. ─── 口头上谈论真理、上帝、成就不具有深刻的意义。

60、He closed up the mouth of the pipe. ─── 他把管口堵住了。

61、He received the news by word of mouth. ─── 他得到的是口头的消息。

62、At the rat-a-tat of the knocker her heart flew into her mouth. ─── 听到敲击者咚咚声她的心都悬起来了。

63、Don't talk with your mouth full. ─── 嘴里有东西时不要说话。

64、Just wait until your 3 D holographic TV won't power up or your talking toaster starts mouthing off. ─── 你就等着三维立体全息电视机不增加电力耗,或自动报话烤面包机开始张口说话吧。

65、If so, he keeps turning his head to take a breath through his mouth. ─── 即便如此,他仍然要转过他的头部,用嘴进行呼吸。

66、The burglars bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth. ─── 夜盗们捆住了他的手脚,并用东西塞住他的嘴。

67、He'd better keep his mouth shut, or else ... ! ─── 他最好保持沉默,否则 ... !

68、He was mouthing the usual platitudes about the need for more compassion. ─── 他言不由衷地说些需要更加同情之类的陈腔滥调。

69、What are you looking so down in the mouth about? ─── 你为什么这样闷闷不乐?

70、An amount of food taken into the mouth at one time; a mouthful. ─── 一口食物; 一口,少量一次吞入口的食物量; 一口的量

71、The farmers found the alluvial deposits at the mouth of the river very fertile. ─── 农民发现这条河口底下的沉积物很肥沃。

72、Extremes meet, as the whiting said with its tail in its mouth. ─── 两极是相通的嘛——当牙鳕把自己的尾巴放进口里时说。

73、He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth; he thinks he can do what he likes. ─── 他生长在富贵之家,认为凡事都可以随心所欲。

74、He was mouthing off about the high price of fish. ─── 他就鱼价的飞涨大发议论。

75、A big rock blocked the mouth of the cave. ─── 一块大石头堵住了洞口。

76、He was down at the mouth all evening, but as soon as his girl friend came in he came to life. ─── 他一晚上都垂头丧气,但他的女朋友一来,他就活跃起来了。

77、As I sat in a shadowy corner, I observed a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth. ─── 坐在一个暗角落里我观察到他的嘴慢慢而逐渐地伸长。

78、He's always putt his foot in his mouth. ─── 他说话总是笨拙而不得体。

79、A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, caused by tidal currents. ─── 三角洲海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成

80、Saliva is secreted by glands in the mouth. ─── 唾液是由口腔的唾液腺分泌出来的。

81、They're just mouthing empty slogans. ─── 他们只是在空喊口号。

82、Something held in the mouth and chewed, such as a quid of tobacco. ─── 咀嚼物,口嚼烟块放在口中进行咀嚼的东西,如烟草块

83、Avoid bad-mouthing previous employers. ─── 避免说前任上司的坏话。

84、The sight brought the water to his mouth. ─── 一看到这个,他不禁馋涎欲滴。

85、Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. ─── 不加奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味。

86、He wipes his mouth on the napkin. ─── 他用餐巾擦了擦嘴,

87、Expressed or evidenced by word of mouth; not written. ─── 口头的用口讲出或证实的; 非书面的

88、His mouth was stuffed with food. ─── 他的嘴里被食物塞得满满的。

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