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nagged 发音

英:[n?ɡd]  美:[n?ɡd]

英:  美:

nagged 中文意思翻译



nagged 词性/词形变化,nagged变形


nagged 相似词语短语

1、nagger ─── n.爱唠叨的人;尽找岔的人

2、bagged ─── adj.松弛下垂的;喝醉的;v.收割(bag的过去分词)

3、dagged ─── v.剪(羊)后臀脏毛(dag的过去式和过去分词)

4、gagged ─── v.塞住(某人的嘴);压制……的言论自由;窒息,作呕;插科打诨(gag的过去式及过去分词)

5、fagged ─── adj.累坏了的;v.使劳累,努力地工作(fag的过去式和过去分词形式)

6、jagged ─── adj.锯齿状的;参差不齐的;v.使成缺口;使成锯齿状(jag的过去式)

7、magged ─── n.杂志(非正式);期刊(非正式);弹药库,弹药仓(非正式);镁(非正式);镁合金(非正式);永磁发电机(非正式);(星或其他天体的)星等(指星的亮度)(非正式);闲谈,闲话;聊天;n.(Mag)玛格(女子名)(Margaret的昵称);vi.不停地聊天;长聊

8、snagged ─── adj.水中多障碍的;为障碍所阻的;n.勾破;攫取(snag的过去式和过去分词)

9、lagged ─── 延迟

nagged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't nag me! That's business, the cruelt competition lasts an eternity. ─── 别在我面前唠叨,做生意就是这样,残酷的竞争永无止境!

2、Nag at: be a constant source of unease or irritation to. ─── 使苦恼不己。

3、"You can't go visiting your aunt in hospital without a collar and tie, " his wife nagged at him. ─── 他的妻子向他唠叨道:“你去医院看你姑妈,得穿得像样点。”

4、The sooner the kid learns the word, the more effectively he can remind -- or nag -- his mother to turn on the boob tube. ─── 只要孩子一学会这个词,他就能更明确地提醒妈妈--更可能是纠缠妈妈--打开会把人变蠢的电视。

5、don't nag me all day long. (You wouldn't want to be nagged for your inquisitiveness . ) Treat me as you would want to be treated. ─── 不要整天对我唠叨。(你不要总是好管闲事)象对待自己一样对待我。

6、Laic truth cries " nag " . ─── 凡人的实话叫“唠叨”。

7、Tushin gave no orders, and in silence, afraid to speak because at every word he felt, he could not have said why, ready to burst into tears, he rode behind on his artillery nag. ─── 图申未曾作出任何安排,默不作声地骑着炮兵连的一匹劣马,跟在后面走,他害怕开口,因为每说一句话自己不知道为什么总要大哭一场。

8、It nagged at me. ─── 失落感就像一位亲密朋友去了世,或者是自己的一部分丢失了。

9、There has been no less furious tooting and whistling from politicians in such places as Spain, Britain and Greece as they nag bailed-out bankers to lend first to domestic businesses and households. ─── 在西班牙、英国、希腊,政界也不乏这类激烈的声音,好似火车上的汽笛。他们不断敦促救助银行先向国内各个产业和家庭提供贷款。

10、My nephew particularly wanted to take my son's toy for his own. He nagged for quite a while, but my son still remained unmoved. ─── 小侄子特别想把儿子的那个据为己有,磨了半天,但儿子就是不为所动。

11、He nagged (at) her all day long ─── 他一天到晚地说她.

12、Specifically, A.H.A. experts recommend that American men limit themselves to 300 nag of cholesterol a day, and women to 225 mg, roughly the amount in a single egg. ─── 具体地说,协会专家们建议美国男士们一天内摄入胆固醇的量要控制在300nag内,女士们则是225毫克,大概相当于一枚鸡蛋的胆固醇含量。

13、The half-remembered quotation nagged at my mind. ─── 依稀记起的引言令我不安

14、Bad moods can be triggered by all kinds of things and often it’s something around you that ticked you off, and if you stay in the same environment it’ll continue to nag at you and play on your mind. ─── 各种情况都会触发低落的情绪。这种情绪总是纠缠着你,在你身上留下印记。如果你呆在同一个环境中,它会不断地搔扰你,留在你的脑中挥之不去。

15、Yet again I raised the question that had begun to nag at me. ─── 可是,我又再一次提出了那个早就开始使我烦恼的问题。

16、Though Clemens completed a sharp six-inning effort against the Toledo Mud Hens, a Detroit Tigers affiliate, the fatigued groin nagged all week. ─── 他对上隶属于老虎队的托利多水鸟队,从那时就被鼠蹊部伤势困扰了一整个星期。

17、Don’nag me! ─── 别在我面前啰嗦!

18、Don’t nag me! ─── 别在俺面前唠叨!

19、You nagged so much, I finally got fed up so I dumped you. ─── 你总是唠唠叨叨,我真是受够了,只好跟你分手。

20、They all ran out to the front porch and saw the tall grizzled old despot of Aunt Pitty's house climbing down from a rat-tailed nag on which a section of quilting had been strapped. ─── 他们一起向前面走廊上奔去,看见皮蒂姑妈家那那个头发花白的高个子老暴君,正在从一匹尾巴细长的老马背上爬下来,老马背上还捆着一块皮褥当马鞍呢。

21、His wife nagged at him all day long. ─── 他妻子整天唠唠叨叨责备他。

22、He has been nagged by the debts. ─── 他一直受到债务的困扰。

23、He also needs someone he can tell his feelings to without being snapped at or nagged or laughed at. ─── 他也需要一个会倾听他的情感,而不对厉声对他、唠叨他、笑话他的女孩。

24、And the cost of the drug nagged at him. If it worked, how long could he afford to keep taking it? ─── 药物花销也让他感到烦恼。如果见效的话,他又能负担得起多长时间的药物治疗?

25、His wife nagged at him all day long . ─── 他妻子整天唠唠叨叨责备他。

26、The levels of urinary mAlb,TRF,NAG and RBP in IGT group were all significantly higher than those in NGT group(P

27、One of the most talked about books of the Nag Hammadi Library is The Gospel of Thomas, a collection of the spiritual sayings of Jesus on gaining enlightenment. ─── 奈格汉马第图书馆中最引人注目的经典之一是汤姆士福音,是耶稣的有关如何得到开悟的灵修格言集。

28、Compared to the control animals, verapamil treated rats had a less reduction of LRBF, a lower BUN, Cr, L/R kw and HSK, a lower activities of NAG and AAP, and a higher CCr. ─── 与对照组相比,维拉帕米组之LRBF减少较小,BUN、Cr、L/R(kw)、HSK较低,NAG和AAP活性较低,而CCr较高。

29、Sarah nagged her, the more stubborn Cissie became. ─── 萨拉越是对她唠叨不休,茜茜就越是固执。

30、He nagged her into marrying him. ─── 他以不断催促逼得她嫁给他。

31、Doubts nagged me all evening. ─── 我一晚上都没有摆脱心中的疑虑。

32、The students may be whining in their hearts, thinking that I nag too much and that I am such a spoilsport to lecture them to behave themselves before they can eat. ─── 也许学生的心里正在嘀咕,嫌我唠叨,嫌我扫兴,吃东西前还要听训话守规则。

33、After several rushes about down, before on 24th 2000 Yuan “the big sickness rescue gold” has delivered the nag hospital bed, finally in the afternoon. ─── 几趟奔波下来后,24日下午2000元的“大病救助金”终于送到了老马的病床前。

34、You're not going to nag me again, are you? ─── 你该不会又要跟我唠叨了吧?

35、As a nag, he cusses and puts his wife down quite often. ─── 他是爱找别人毛病的人,经常骂太座,贬低她。

36、You are becoming an old nag. ─── 你快变成碎嘴婆了。独孤求败。

37、That they nag about eating habits and short hemlines is well known. ─── 众人皆知的是母亲对吃东西的习惯和过短的衣服贴边而唠唠叨叨。

38、The Gnostic's Nag Hamadi text "Apocalypse of Adam", for instance contains the account of the enlightenment Adam received, for which certain angels became jealous. ─── 例如,诺斯替派纳哈马地文库文献“亚当的启示”,包括了对亚当所获得的启示的记载,为此某些天使变得妒忌起来。

39、As a matter off act, I'll lay even money that this nag, Seabiscuit, couldn't even finish six furlongs. ─── 事实上,我甚至愿意出钱赌这匹小马[海洋饼干]不能跑完6弗隆的全程。

40、"Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him." ─── "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。"

41、The debt nagged at his conscience. ─── 债务让他的良心痛苦不己。

42、"You can't go visiting your aunt in hospital without a collar and tie, " his wife nagged at him. ─── 他的妻子向他唠叨道:"你去医院看你姑妈,得穿得像样点。"

43、Force us to register products and/ or nag us until we capitulate. ─── 不断叫他注册,叫丫的摇小白旗。

44、In 1941 my seven-year-old daughter was in bed with pneumonia.Every night, when I sat by her bed, she nagged me the way children do: "Please, mummy, tell me a story". ─── 1941年我七岁的女儿得了肺炎的时候卧病在床,每天晚上我守候在她床边,她都提同一个要求:行行好,妈妈,给我讲一个故事吧!

45、After finding out the situation, the warm-hearted wool wintersweet plum then comes to the city related department for the nag, has reimbursed the nearly 20,000 Yuan medical services. ─── 了解情况后,热心的毛冬梅便替老马来到市相关部门,报销了近2万元的医疗费。

46、Because, inter alias, radiation protection management nag training have not fully followup, theaware of radioactive protection and appropriate approach have tot fully meet the development and ... ─── 为此,告诫职业受照的医学工作者,在用辐射技术造福于病人的同时,要关注自已的安全和健康,加强防护,接受完整的个人剂量监测。

47、be nagged by the shortage of energy ─── 为能源短缺所困扰

48、Do not nag me! ─── 别在我面前唠叨!

49、Women complain, criticize and nag too much. ─── 女人牢骚过剩,批评无度,还总是唠叨。

50、Don't nag me like an old woman. ─── 别像个老太婆似的唠唠叨叨烦我。

51、To let go is not to denby, but to accept.To let go is not to nag, scowl, ort argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them. ─── 也许是讽刺,在刚刚从平行班转入理科实验班时,我自以为什么都可以做到,不顾别人的感受。

52、They couldn't be more than fifteen miles from home, but at the rate this old nag traveled it would take all day, for she would have to stop frequently to rest him. ─── 他们距离塔拉可能不过十五英里了,但是以这匹老马行走的速度,就还得花一整天,因为她不得不时常停下来让它休息。

53、JM Robinson, The Nag Hammadi Library (1977). ─── jm罗宾逊,拿哈玛图书馆( 1977年) 。

54、Somewhere far away an automobile started, nagged and failed, nagged and failed, fell still. ─── 不知在远处的什么地方,一辆汽车一会儿起动,一会儿熄火,一会儿起动,一会儿熄火,终于无声无息了。

55、My girlfriend nagged me to cut my hair. ─── 我女朋友唠叨着催我去理发。

56、Hear the nag of cummer, liang Saiming and cummer produce conflict, hold a knife to go to Deng Mou cervical thorn. ─── 听到女友的唠叨,梁思明与女友发生争执,持刀向邓某颈部刺去。

57、A feeling of unease nagged at her. ─── 一种不安的感觉一直困扰着她。

58、Compared with CM group,the Scr,NAG activity,MDA concentration and iNOS activity in renal cortex were less and Ccr,SOD and CAT activity in renal cortex were higher in ARB group. ─── 与CM组比较,ARB组注入造影剂后Scr、NAG下降,Ccr升高,肾皮质MDA含量下降,SOD、CAT活性升高,iNOS活性下降。

59、He nagged at her all day long. ─── 他整天指责她。

60、The levels of activity of ALP, AAP and NAG were the highest during 14 d after operated. ─── ALP、AAP和nag活性在术后14d最高。

61、Don't nag him all the time because he likes to be free as a bird. ─── 别老是挑剔他,他希望象鸟儿一样自由。

62、Nag's Head Covered Market on Seven Sisters Road (next to Morrisons) is a proper, rough-round-the-edges retail experience. ─── 听起来这个市场蛮有的逛,主要是还没去过,要找时间去逛逛...

63、However, consider the final optional step, as your phone might otherwise nag you every time you use if for dialup. ─── 你可以跳过这一段。当然,这一步,是你的计算机和手机每次拨号连接都所必须的。

64、He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears. ─── 他唠唠叨叨,不停地抱怨,使路易斯不禁堕泪。

65、Don"t nag me! ─── 别在我面前唠叨,.!

66、but don't make a mistake and shoot the nag. ─── 不过别搞错了,把马打死。

67、She nagged continuously from the moment she opened her eyes to the moment she went to bed. ─── 她从早上一睁眼到晚上睡觉,一刻不停地在唠叨,抱怨。

68、Being one day abroad with my protector the sorrel nag, and the weat her exceeding hot, I entreated him to let me bathe in a river that was near. ─── 一天,我跟我的警卫栗色小马出游在外、天气异常地热,我请求它让我在附近的一条河里洗个澡。

69、As usual,when his parents don't like the way he dress,they begin to nag. ─── 你来设定步伐.我会努力调整来适应你。

70、The master horse ordered a sorrel nag, one of his servants, to untie the largest of these animals, and take him into the yard. ─── 大约中午时分,我看到四只“野胡”拉着像雪撬一样的一种车子朝房子这边走来。

71、"Darling" and "Sweetheart" are good. "Nag" and "Little Woman" are bad. ─── "亲爱的“和”甜心“是好词。”唠叨“和”小女人“是坏词。

72、People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be ? not what you nag them to be. ─── 人们是会受你的鼓励而达成你的期望,不会因为你的苛责而如你的意。

73、Some children complain that their parents nag at them. ─── 一些孩子报怨他们父母老是数落他们。

74、Nag's Law: the more the more the spirit of many nagging wife, the more words the less the more nagging the husband. ─── 唠叨定律:越唠叨越有精神的多是妻子,越唠叨话越少的多是丈夫。

75、The study shows the rhein can appreciably increase the survival rate of acinar cell and lower the levels of LDH,AMY and NAG in the supernatant. ─── 大黄酸可提高相应肿瘤坏死因子浓度下的胰腺细胞的细胞活率,降低培养上清中 LDH、AMY 和 NAG 的水平。

76、He is a nag. ─── 他是个爱唠叨的人。

77、Don't nag me all day long.(You wouldn't want to be nagged for your inquisitiveness.)Treat me as you would like to be treated. ─── 不要整天都对我唠叨(你也不想因你的好奇而被人唠叨)请 像你所想得到的待遇一样对待我。

78、"You can't go visiting your aunt in hospital without a collar and tie," his wife nagged at him. ─── 他的妻子向他唠叨道:“你去医院看你姑妈,得穿得像样点。”

79、Nag says the bank will be a partner and not a competitor of other development banks. ─── 但是要继续努力减少贫穷国家的贫困现象。

80、Perhaps I sound like a nag, but the fact is that human beings are mentally affected by a lack of beauty around them. ─── 也许听起来我像个爱唠叨的人,但实际上,人类周围缺少美丽其精神就会受到影响。

81、But still, the questions niggle and nag, and every so often, they rise to attention. ─── 但是,这个问题并不会就此消失,而是时时跳出来吸引人们的注意。

82、Depressed and apathetic, he resisted his wife and Matt, who nagged at him to press with an appeal against suspension from unemployment benefit. ─── 他心情很消沉无聊,不肯听他太太和麦特的怂恿去为被停止工作和不给失业津贴而积极上诉。

83、A number of ancient mystical books were discovered near the city of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt. ─── 在埃及北部的奈格汉马第城附近,人们发现了很多古老的神秘书籍。

84、VOICE: Did the Nag Hammadi collection contain any other Gospels? ─── 在納格。哈馬底的收藏中,還有其他的福音書嗎?

85、Try to stay calm, and whatever you do, don't nag. ─── 保持冷静,不管做什么,都不要抱怨。

86、A psychology student in New York rented out her spare room to a carpenter in order to nag him constantly and study his reactions. ─── 一名纽约的心理学学生将她的空余房间租给了一个木匠目的是不断地唠叨惹恼他并研究他的反应。

87、He nagged (at) her all day long. ─── 他一天到晚地说她。

88、There is no clear succession, yet the issue has nagged Egyptians (and foreigners who watch the Arab world's most populous country, 80m-strong) for a good decade. ─── 关于总统之位的继承没有定论,但这个问题整整十年来一直困扰着埃及国人(以及那些关注这个拥有高达八千万人口,即阿拉伯国家中人口最多的国度的外国人士)。

89、He likely is a nag, has not galloped the great distance, actually gradually arrived at the good peak. ─── 他就像是一匹老马,没有驰骋千里,却一步一步地到达了善良的峰顶。

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