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10-03 投稿


nymphae 中文意思翻译



nymphae 相似词语短语

1、nymphaeum ─── n.罗马式建筑;水道口

2、nymphaeas ─── 若虫

3、nymphal ─── adj.蛹的;幼虫的

4、lymphad ─── n.单桅单甲板平底船;单桅平底帆船的纹章

5、nymphean ─── adj.少女的;少女似的

6、nympha ─── n.小阴唇;幼虫;n.(Nympha)人名;(葡)宁法

7、hyphae ─── n.菌丝(hypha的复数形式)

8、nymphaea ─── n.睡莲属

9、nymph ─── n.女神;居于山林水泽的仙女;美丽的少女;蛹

nymphae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、development of the nymphae, whereas it slightly affected the relationship between the growth velocity and the consumption as well as the oviposition. ─── 南方小花蝽若虫的发育速率有显著的抑制作用,但对发育速率与取食量的线性关系无明显影响,而且对存活个体成虫期的产卵量无显著影响。

2、The nymphae which living through the winter climb to the steam or branches to eat the juice of the leaves in the middle of March. ─── 该虫在湖南省1年发生1代,3月中旬,越冬若虫爬行上竹群集竹秆、竹枝取食毛竹汁液;

3、15 Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. ─── 15请问老底嘉的弟兄和宁法,并他家里的教会安。

4、Pitta nympha ─── n. 蓝翅八色鸫

5、[NIV] Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. ─── 15[和合]请问老底嘉的弟兄和宁法,并他26家里的教会安。

6、Araneus nympha ─── n. 妮园蛛

7、“Slave Gabriel cuius nomine tremunt nymphae subter undas ludentes. ─── (至福!迦百列啊。你的威名能够震动水下的精灵。)”

8、The nympha of my right is red return smartly scratchy. Is department of gynaecology excuse me ill? How should solve? ─── 我右边的小阴唇红肿刺痛还发痒.请问是不是妇科病啊?要怎么解决?

9、The nympha always occurs together with the young shoot stages. There are two peaks of the nympha amount in a year. ─── 若虫发生总是与新梢抽发期紧密相连,一年有两个高峰期,第一高峰期主要为害春梢和早发的夏梢,第二高峰期主要为害秋梢。

10、FemaleHappen at mouth of vestibule, nympha, vagina and uric road junction all round. ─── 女性则发生于前庭、小阴唇、阴道口及尿道口周围。

11、Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. ─── 请问老底嘉的弟兄和宁法,并他家里的教会安。

12、Objective To study the surgical method and effect of nympha hypertrophy anaplasty. ─── 目的:探讨小阴唇肥大整形术的手术方法和术后效果。

13、nympha stage ─── 幼虫发育期

14、The leucorrhea sticks to the inside of nympha and vaginal mucosa , when massaging,, it will be easy to bleed. ─── 白带粘附于小阴唇内侧及阴道粘膜,磨擦易出血。

15、(Wet wart of 3) false sex says againFemaleVilliform nympha, inFemalethe roe shape, proliferous thing that arranges regulation appears on nympha. ─── (3)假性湿疣 又称女性绒毛状小阴唇,在女性的小阴唇上出现鱼卵状、排列规则的增生物。

16、Locust Nymphae ─── 亚洲小车蝗蝻虫

17、The results also showed that applying thiamethoxam WG could effectively control the nymphae of B. tabaci and be safe for tomato plants. ─── 试验结果表明,阿克泰WG对烟粉虱的若虫也具有较好的杀伤效果。 施用阿克泰WG对番茄植株安全。

18、Young plants of the wheat and the grass were the best to feed the nymphae. ─── 幼嫩小麦苗和稗草不仅是灰飞虱若虫喜食的饲料,还可以有效控制白粉病的发生;

19、The nympha of my right is red return smartly scratchy. Is department of gynaecology excuse me ill? ─── 我右边的小阴唇红肿刺痛还发痒.请问是不是妇科病啊?

20、oedaleus asiaticus nymphae ─── 亚洲车蝗幼虫

21、nympha elongation ─── [医] 小阴唇展长, 阴门帘

22、nympha queen ─── 蜂王幼虫

23、Keywords isoprocarb;buprofezin;rice-planthopper nympha;toxicological test.; ─── 异丙威;噻嗪酮;稻褐飞虱若虫;毒力测定;

24、From place for, basically happen in the side outside big labium, nympha of Yi Ke drag in, monsveneris, diffuse anus also is common. ─── 从部位来说,主要发生在大阴唇外侧,亦可累及小阴唇、阴阜等,扩散到肛门也是常见的。

25、nymphae secretion ─── 若虫分泌物

26、Both its nymphae and adult are noctural, favor darkness and thus hind in all kinds of crevices. ─── 成、若虫均喜黑暗,隐藏在各种缝隙内。

27、Its chest is wider than the abdomen, and the abdomen gradually narrows from the base to the end.Its nymphae is identical to adult in shape, but smaller in size, and infant nymphae has no scales. ─── 主要出现在有淀粉的场所,除危害各种粮食、食物外,常啮食图书、期刊、纸张、档案等。

28、Effect of Killing Oedaleus Asiaticus Nymphae Using Laser[J]. ─── 引用该论文 姚明印,周强,牛虎力.

29、Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea and also Nympha and the church that is in her house. ─── 西4:15请问老底嘉的弟兄和宁法、并他家里的教会安。

30、Method Afyer the central ellipse-shaped or diamond-shaped part of nympha longititudinally-exsised,put and stitch the inner and outside parts together. ─── 方法:于小阴唇中部沿其纵轴设计一椭圆形或长菱形切口,并作全层切除,形成以小阴唇上、下部为蒂的双蒂组织,横向拉拢,分层缝合。

31、15Greet the brothers and sisters of Laodicea, and don't forget Nympha and the church that gathers in her house. ─── 请你们问候劳狄刻雅的弟兄,也问候宁法和她家里的教会。

32、nympha of Krause ─── 阴蒂

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