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10-03 投稿


achillea 发音

英:[[??k??li:?, ??k?li:?]]  美:[[??k??li?, ??k?li?]]

英:  美:

achillea 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 蓍属


achillea 短语词组

1、achillea wilsoniana Wilsonian achillea ─── 公司

2、Achillea millefolium L. ─── [医] 千叶蕃

3、Achillea millefolium ─── [网络] 西洋蓍草;欧蓍草;千叶蓍

4、genus Achillea ─── [网络] 蓍属

5、tendinitis achillea ─── [医] 跟腱炎

6、achillea lanulosa ─── 羊毛膜壳

7、Achillea L. ─── [医] 蓍属

8、achillea millefolium l ─── 千叶阿喀琉

9、Achillea sibirica Ledeb. ─── [医] 蓍

10、achillea ligustica ─── 川芎

11、Achillea ptarmica ─── [网络] 长舌蓍属;珠蓍;珍珠蓍

achillea 词性/词形变化,achillea变形


achillea 相似词语短语

1、achilleas ─── [植]蓍属

2、Schiller ─── n.席勒(姓氏,德国诗人及剧作家)

3、chiller ─── n.制冷机;恐怖电影或书籍

4、rachilla ─── n.[植]小穗轴;[植]小花轴

5、rachillae ─── n.小穗轴;小花轴(rachilla的变形)

6、chilled ─── adj.(人)感觉冷的;放松的,不担心的;v.使变冷;使震惊;(非正式)镇静下来;消磨时光(chill的过去式和过去分词)

7、Achilles ─── n.阿基里斯

8、rachillas ─── n.[植]小穗轴;[植]小花轴

9、Achillean ─── adj.勇敢的;刀枪不入的

achillea 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、- Achillea ptarmica.Goosetongue; ─── 拙劣墙草属植物。

2、Bouquet of Orange Rose, Lambada Rose, Orange Spray Rose, Bouvardia, Achillea, Alchemilla, Small Pittosporum, Salal ─── 橙玫瑰,粉橙玫瑰,橙小玫瑰,十字花,梦幻草,小菜花,小海棠叶,沙巴叶

3、Achillea sibirica Ledeb. ─── [医] 蓍

4、Experimental Study of Achillea Millefolium L. Extract on Hepatic Injury and Chronic Hepatic Fibrosis ─── 蓍草提取物预防慢性肝损伤、肝纤维化的实验研究

5、Yellow Gerbera, Limona Rose, Orange Spray Rose, Achillea, Alstroemeria, Koala Fern ─── 黄太阳菊,青黄玫瑰,橙小玫瑰,梦幻草,小百合,树熊草

6、Achillea of the composite family, especially A. millefolium, native to Eurasia, having finely dissected foliage and flat corymbs of usually white flower heads. ─── 蓍草一种菊科蓍属的植物,尤指欧蓍草,原产于欧亚大陆,有美丽的裂成数片的叶子和通常为白色花头的平头伞房花序。

7、Achillea L. ─── [医] 蓍属

8、Achillea alpina ─── n. 高山蓍

9、Bouquet of Yellow Calla Lily, White Tulip, Purple Hyacinthus, Achillea, Salal ─── 黄马蹄兰,绿白郁金香,紫风信子,咖哩,沙巴叶

10、Achillea millefolium L. ─── [医] 千叶蕃

11、Achillea wilsoniana ─── n. 云南蓍

12、Achillea impatiens ─── n. 褐苞蓍

13、Any of several plants of the genus Achillea of the composite family, especially A. millefolium, native to Eurasia, having finely dissected foliage and flat corymbs of usually white flower heads. ─── 欧蓍草一种菊科蓍属的植物,尤指欧蓍草,原产于欧亚大陆,有美丽的裂成数片的叶子和通常为白色花头的平头伞房花序

14、Achillea ledebouri ─── n. 阿尔泰蓍

15、Orange Spray Rose, Porcelina Spray Rose, Red Achillea, Alchemilla, Pittosporum ─── 橙小玫瑰,香槟小玫瑰,梦幻草,小菜花,海棠叶

16、Red Rose, White Tulip, Plumosus, Achillea, Salal in Vase ─── 红玫瑰,绿白郁金香,文竹,咖哩,沙巴叶

17、Code:: Blocks from pure C + + language developed, which uses a graphical interface Achillea library of wxWidgets (2.6.2 unicode) version. ─── Code::Blocks由纯粹的C++语言开发完成,它使用了蓍名的图形界面库wxWidgets(2.6.2 unicode)版。

18、Microscopic Identification of Mongolian Drug Achillea alpina L. ─── 蒙药蓍草的显微鉴别研究。

19、Sect. Achillea ─── n. 蓍组

20、Identification of Yizhihao(Artemisia rupestris) and Its Confusable Material Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) ─── 一枝蒿与混淆品千叶蓍草的鉴别

21、Leonidas Rose, Yellow Freesia, Yellow-red Tulip, Orange Ranunculus, Blue Berry, Hypericum, Achillea, Salal ─── 啡玫,黄较剪兰,黄红郁金香,橙小牡丹,蓝果子,提子,咖哩,沙巴叶

22、Any of several plants of the genus Achillea of the composite family,especially A. millefolium,native to Eurasia,having finely dissected foliage and flat corymbs of usually white flower heads. ─── 欧蓍草,一种菊科蓍属的植物,尤指欧蓍草,原产于欧亚大陆,有美丽的裂成数片的叶子和通常为白色花头的平头伞房花序。

23、Achillea acuminata ─── n. 齿叶蓍

24、Achillea alpina L. ─── 蓍草

25、BACKGROUND & AIM: To study the anti-hepatofibrotic effect of the Achillea millefolium L.(Aml) extract on experimental hepatic fibrosis and its partial mechanism. ─── 背景与目的:研究蓍草提取物对大鼠实验性慢性肝损伤、肝纤维化的预防作用,并探讨其作用机制。

26、Conclusions It is quite good to treat tendinitis achillea by acupuncturing the kidney channel.; ─── 结论从肾经论治跟腱腿炎疗效较为理想。

27、Pink Hydrangea, Negrita Tulip, Ageratum, Achillea, Bupleurum, Eucalyptus, Asparagus plumosus in Vase ─── 粉绣球,紫郁金香,法国毋忘我,梦幻草,文竹,沙巴叶

28、Abstract BACKGROUND & AIM: To study the anti-hepatofibrotic effect of the Achillea millefolium L.(Aml) extract on experimental hepatic fibrosis and its partial mechanism. ─── 摘要 背景与目的: 研究蓍草提取物对大鼠实验性慢性肝损伤、肝纤维化的预防作用,并探讨其作用机制。

29、Achillea asiatica ─── n. 亚洲蓍

30、tendinitis achillea ─── [医] 跟腱炎

31、Experimental Study of Achillea Millefolium L. Extract on Hepatic Injury and Chronic Hepatic Fibrosis ─── 蓍草提取物预防慢性肝损伤、肝纤维化的实验研究

32、any of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads. ─── 原产于欧洲的耆属中众多植物中的任意一种,在平顶的花头上具有小白花。

33、Methods 20 patients with tendinitis achillea were treated by acupunture through the kidney channel according to the differentiation principle. ─── 方法对20例跟腱炎患者,采用针灸从肾经辨证论治,观察其疗效。

34、Basket of Delilah Rose, Pink Bouvardia, Achillea, Hydrangea, Veronica, Astilbe, Small Pittosporum, Salal ─── 紫玫瑰,粉十字花,梦幻草,洋绣球,老鼠尾,飞雪,小海棠叶,沙巴叶

35、Achillea wilsoniana (Heim.) Heim. ─── 西南蓍草

36、Definition: Yarrow consists of the whole or cut, dried flowering tops of Achillea millefolium L. ─── 本品为菊科植物蓍Artemisia absinthium L.的干燥的完整或切段的开花的顶端。

37、Achillea millefolium ─── 千叶蓍

38、Achillea ptarmica L. ─── 单叶蓍 菊科 蓍草。

39、of Mongolian Drug Achillea alpina l. ─── 蒙药蓍草的显微鉴别研究。

40、Red Rose, Yellow Calla Lily, Red Anemone, Red Mini-Rose, Viburnum, Yellow Achillea, Hypericum, Euphorbia &Greens ─── 红玫瑰,黄马蹄兰,红蒙娜丽莎,红小玫瑰,绿小绣球,黄梦幻草,提子,花叶及衬叶

41、Achillea ptarmicoides ─── n. 短瓣蓍

42、Orange Spray Rose, Porcelina Spray Rose, Red Achillea, Alchemilla, Small Pittosporum ─── 橙小玫瑰,香槟小玫瑰,梦幻草,小菜花,小海棠叶

43、Achillea setacea ─── n. 丝叶蓍

44、Achillea salicifolia ─── n. 柳叶蓍

45、Objectives To explore the clinical therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment of tendinitis achillea by acupuncturing the kidney channel. ─── 目的探讨从肾经论治跟腱炎的临床疗效。

46、Study on Tissue Culture of Achillea alpina L. ─── 蓍草组织培养的研究。

47、Limona Rose, Yellow Calla Lily, Orange Spray Rose, Achillea, Bouvardia, Dille, Alchemilla, Snake, Salal ─── 青黄玫瑰,黄马蹄兰,橙小玫瑰,梦幻草,十字花,白飞香,小菜花,竹节草,沙巴叶

48、any of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads ─── 原产于欧洲的耆属中众多植物中的任意一种,在平顶的花头上具有小白花

49、Delilah Rose, Red Calla Lily, Pink Spray Rose, Stock, Pink Bouvardia, Pink Achillea, White Lisianthus, Bupleurum ─── 紫玫瑰,红马蹄兰,粉小玫瑰,狗仔花,粉十字花,粉咖喱,白桔梗,小象耳

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