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maternal 发音

英:[m??t??rn(?)l]  美:[m??t??n(?)l]

英:  美:

maternal 中文意思翻译



maternal 常用词组

maternal and child health ─── 妇幼卫生;母婴健康

maternal love ─── 母亲的爱

maternal mortality ─── 产妇死亡率,母性死亡率;母死率

maternal 反义词


maternal 词性/词形变化,maternal变形

名词: maternalism |副词: maternally |

maternal 短语词组

1、maternal inheritance ─── [医] 母体 ─── [影响]遗传

2、maternal ability ─── 抚育能力

3、maternal dystocia ─── [医] 母原性难产

4、maternal mortality rate ─── [医] 产妇死亡率

5、maternal actual ─── [医] 孕产妇死亡率

6、maternal form ─── 母体类型, ─── 母本类型

7、maternal mole ─── [医] 胞衣胎块

8、maternal drive ─── 母性驱力

9、maternal cotyledon ─── [医] 母体绒毛叶

10、maternal health ─── [医] 妇女卫生

11、maternal care ─── 母爱;[医]妇女保健, ─── 母亲卫生

12、maternal language ─── [网络] 母亲的语言

13、maternal seed ─── 母亲的种子

14、maternal quality ─── 母性能力

15、maternal gene ─── [医]母体基因

16、maternal impression ─── [医] 母感印象, 母印迹

17、maternal-infant bonding ─── [网络] 母亲与婴儿的亲密关系

18、maternal custody ─── 产妇监护

19、maternal placenta ─── [医] 胎盘母体部

maternal 同义词

motherly | enatic | enate | affectionate | protective | caring | kind | devoted | gentle | guiding | parental | tender | warm | loving | paternal

maternal 相似词语短语

1、unmaternal ─── 非内部的

2、eternal ─── adj.永恒的;不朽的

3、paternal ─── adj.父亲的;得自父亲的;父亲般的

4、asternal ─── adj.不连胸骨的;无胸骨的

5、material ─── n.材料;用具;(有指明特征的)人才;素材;曲目;布料;adj.物质的;身体需要的;和推理内容有关的;重要的;(证据或事实)决定性的;客观存在的;物欲的;n.(Material)(意、美)妈特力娅丽(人名)

6、bimaternal ─── 双材料

7、materials ─── n.[材]材料;材质(material的复数);材料科学;材料费

8、fraternal ─── adj.兄弟般的;友好的

9、maternally ─── adv.母亲般地

maternal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With the electric system, safe, reliable, easy to operate, low noise, maternal and I can be assisted operation characteristics. ─── 具有不断电系统、安全可靠、操作方便、噪音低、产妇本人及助产人员皆可操作的特点。

2、About 49 per cent and 95 per cent respectively of expectant mothers and newborns attended maternal and child health centres in 2001. ─── 二零零一年,约有49%的孕妇及95%的初生婴儿前往母婴健康院接受检查。

3、The country's maternal mortality rate dropped from 94.7/100,000 in 1990 to 56.2/100,000 in 1998. ─── 孕产妇死亡率从1990年的94.7/10万下降到1998年的56.2/10万。

4、She had little maternal instinct. ─── 她几乎没有母性。

5、Having predominantly maternal hereditary traits. ─── 主要有母性遗传特性的

6、She feels very maternal towards him. ─── 她对他充满母爱。

7、The sight of the helpless little boy aroused her maternal instinct. ─── 她看见那孤苦无助的小男孩激发了她的母性.

8、Because my grandfather (maternal) is Chinese, when I went to high school, I selected Chinese as my foreign language. ─── 因为我姥爷是中国人,上高中的时候我的外语就选了汉语。

9、The Bishop was accustomed to listen in silence to these innocent and pardonable maternal boasts. ─── 主教平日常听这位做母亲的那些天真可恕的夸耀,从不开口。

10、Even so, it is hard not to feel, flicking through the catalogues, regular stabs of low maternal achievement. ─── 即便如此,在翻看这些目录的时候,我很难不时常感到自己做母亲很失败。

11、Rates of maternal and infant mortality are rising sharply. ─── 孕产妇和婴儿死亡率正在急剧上升。

12、Component A: Maternal Health and Child Development Component. ─── 妇幼卫生子项目。

13、Original world mother longevity, maternal love eternal! ─── 原天下的母亲长寿,母爱永恒!

14、Maternal transmission (94%) is the most important route of transmission of HBV infection in HCC children. ─── 94%的肝细胞癌儿童的母亲为B型肝炎表面抗原带原者。

15、On the maternal side his inheritance was a happy one. ─── 他从母方接受的遗传是良好的。

16、She does not exude maternal warmth. ─── 她没有散发出母性的温暖。

17、Why didn't 2 many months come to my great maternal aunt now? Be normal! ─── 为什么我的大姨妈现在2个多月没有来了啊?是不是正常啊!

18、Iron and folate supplements should be given routinely during pregnancy to prevent maternal anaemia. ─── 妊娠期间应当定期补充铁和叶酸以预防孕产妇贫血。

19、They hatch and they have no paternal care or maternal care at all, you know, these little chicks and they're all by themselves from day one. ─── 母鸟孵化后,没有喂养小鸟的义务,你知道,这些雏鸟们从出生那天后,就靠自己生存。

20、It provides a new method for quick detection of IBD maternal antibody. ─── 具有灵敏、特异、快速、简便等优点,为IBD母源抗体的快速检测提供了一种新的方法。

21、How can the above information be used to explain the different O2 affinity of fetal and maternal hemoglobin? ─── 如何用上述信息解释胎儿与母体血红蛋白对氧的不同亲和力?

22、In women, oxytocin stimulates birth contractions, lactation and maternal bonding with a nursing infant. ─── 对女性而言,催产素能在分娩时刺激收缩、刺激泌乳,甚至有助于在养育婴儿时增强“母胎连结”。

23、The results indicated that kernel genetic performance was quite largely controlled by maternal genotypic effect. ─── 可见,籽粒性状的遗传特点是受多套遗传系统控制,其中以母体基因型的作用最大。

24、He inherited the honorary title from his maternal grandfather. ─── 他从外公那里继承了荣誉头衔。

25、But up to present, in the global scale can appreciate to this piece also is only “Bunde's maternal home person”. ─── 但截至目前,全球范围内能够欣赏到该片的还只是“邦德的娘家人”。

26、In the world of Patrick White's novels, women are the maternal archetype. ─── 在怀特的小说世界中,女人是母性原型的象征。

27、The hospital prepared for the maternal thing can be said to be very intimate, including: from clothing to use, all disposable items. ─── 这家医院为产妇准备的东西,可以说是很贴心的,包括:从穿到用,各种一次性物品。

28、People's governments at various levels shall exercise leadership in the work of maternal and infant health care. ─── 各级人民政府领导母婴保健工作。

29、For the rest of the time, he is being subjected to English sounds by his busy parents and his most devoted maternal grandparents. ─── 其他时候,他所听到的全是他忙得不可开交的父母,还有非常疼爱他的公公和婆婆所说的英语。

30、The service operates through 50 Maternal and Child Health Centres and three Woman Health Centres. ─── 家庭健康服务部辖下有50间母婴健康院及三间妇女健康中心。

31、The deputation was led by Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, Prophet Muhammad's maternal uncle. ─── 代表团由萨阿德.伊本.阿比.瓦卡斯,先知穆罕默德的娘舅带领。

32、Her maternal instinct either to worry or boast puts my slightest failing or smallest triumph on the public stage. ─── 她作为母亲的本能要么担心我,要么夸耀我。我点滴的失败或成功都被公之于众。

33、Carnation it means the maternal love or the love to the mother. ─── 它表示母亲的爱或是对母亲的爱。

34、The maternal antibody at that point generally prevents any reaction to the vaccine. ─── 1日龄雏鸡的母源抗体一般可阻止雏鸡对疫苗产生应答。

35、Relationship between maternal hepatic function and fetal prognosis in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. ─── 妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症孕妇肝功能指标与围生儿预后的关系。

36、The risk of dying in a botched abortion isonly part of a broader problem of maternal health in poor countries. ─── 在贫困的国家,在糟糕的流产手术中死去的风险还仅是母亲健康问题中的一部分。

37、Research the cultural surrounding-in which Taoism"s Tao philosophy conception been created: maternal cloture. ─── 对于道家“道”概念自古便有许多见解、学说。

38、Detection of Fetal SRY Gene from Maternal Blood by a Nested PCR. ─── 利用套式PCR技术检测母血中胎儿SRY基因的研究

39、Maternal health is protected by the state. ─── 中国妇女的生育健康受到国家的保护。

40、Klauser is a fellow in maternal and fetal medicine at the University of Mississippi in Jackson. ─── 下一步将要进行更大型的研究,以便对这些发现进行确认。

41、I'm not very maternal. ─── 我不太像个母亲。

42、She seized Fanny with maternal fierceness and eagerness, and uttered some rapid abuse to the girl in an undertone. ─── 她带着做母亲的严厉和焦急,抓住芬妮,压低了嗓音,连声责备女儿。

43、Not surprisingly, maternal infanticide is mainly a crime of poor, single women. ─── 一点也不奇怪,杀婴母亲主要是贫穷、单身者。

44、James Bond: I must have appealed to her maternal instincts! ─── 占士邦:我一定激发了她的母性!

45、She felt that he had escaped her, and was in the maternal nest no more. ─── 她觉得他与她越来越疏远,不再靠在母亲的怀抱中了。

46、The people praise the maternal love frequently selflessness. ─── 人们经常赞美母爱的无私。

47、The rate of the indemnity system of maternal and child health care was 41.4%. ─── 参加孕期保健保偿的比例为41.4%;

48、But he added a strong maternal bond offered the greatest protection against developing drug habits. ─── 但是他还补充说其中母亲的监督是最能有效防止青少年滥用禁用药品的。

49、Hence a writer feels a maternal affection toward his literary product as a mother feels toward her baby. ─── 发表之后,又自诵自喜,如母牛舐犊。

50、Is the greatest human maternal love, the most selfless love is maternal love, the most commendable is motherly love. ─── 人间最伟大的就是母爱,最无私的爱也是母爱,最值得赞扬的更是母爱。

51、Maternal bisphenol-A levels at delivery: a looming problem? ─── 分娩时产妇的双酚A水平:一个迫在眉睫的问题?

52、Maternal post-natal stewing hens to eat, why would it lead to less milk? ─── 产妇产后吃炖母鸡,为什么会导致奶水不足呢?

53、Parturition is defined as the physiologic process by which the pregnant uterus delivers the fetus and placenta from the maternal organism. ─── 分娩的定义是妊娠子宫将胎儿和胎盘从母体排出的过程。

54、Maternal and newborn health status could be improed by simply reinforcing the use of folate-enriched diet. ─── 可简单通过补充富含叶酸饮食提高母亲和新生儿健康状况。

55、Who is more closer, maternal or paternal granny? ─── 奶奶和外婆谁更亲?

56、As the Empress, Sophia shows us the power of the maternal instinct in men and women. ─── 如同皇后,苏菲亚像我们展现存于男人和女人中的母性力量。

57、She didn't have any maternal instincts. ─── 她没有一点做母亲的天性。

58、The risk of dying in a botched abortion is only part of a broader problem of maternal health in poor countries. ─── 在贫穷国家,因拙劣的堕胎技术而死亡的风险只不过是妇女健康这个广泛的问题的一部分而已。

59、It seems necessary to evaluate the maternal prescreening program regarding the quality of serological testing to HBVMs. ─── 孕妇乙肝感染标记筛查质量有必要进行评价。上述表明,我国乙肝疫苗免疫已取得显著的阶段性成果。

60、Her maternal aunt from the beginning sweet to the foot, of toenail besmear red fingernail. ─── 她姨妈从头香到脚,脚趾甲涂红指甲的。

61、She showed her daughter rs picture with maternal pride. ─── 她怀着作为母亲的自豪感拿出女儿的照片给人看。

62、Those RNAs are produced only from the allele on the maternal chromosome. ─── 同时,只有来自母系染色体上的对偶基因才会制造这些RNA。

63、Through Him she satisfied her unassuaged maternal love, cooking for Him, feeding Him, bathing Him, and putting Him to bed. ─── 她通过他而满足自己未能满足的母爱,包括为他煮食,喂养他,为他洗澡,把他放上床。

64、The place thunders with a cacophony of hissing espresso machines, screaming infants and soothing maternal tones. ─── 咖啡店里充满着咖啡机的嘶嘶响声、婴儿的哭叫声以及妈妈们安抚孩子的声音。

65、Clare's late enthusiasm for Tess had infected her through her maternal sympathies. ─── 克来上一次把苔丝夸得那样天花乱坠,把她作母亲的同情心都激起来了。

66、A little apart from the rest sunk in deep maternal bliss, lay the largest sowof the lot. ─── 在跟猪群稍隔开一点的地方,躺着猪群中最大的一头老母猪,眼下正沉浸在无比的天伦之乐当中。

67、Late maternal age has certainly been implicated in mongolism. ─── 先天愚型就与高龄生产有关。

68、She didn't have any maternal instincts. ─── 她没有一点做母亲的天性。

69、She did not know how to answer her mother's shrill, meaningless questions, put with the furious affectation of maternal concern. ─── 她不知怎样回答母亲带着一种极为虚假的母爱向她提出的那些哀哀切切、一点意思也没有的问题。

70、Generally speaking, paternal side is closer as compare to the maternal side. ─── 一般来说,父系家族比母系家族要亲得多。

71、Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in rural areas is 3.2 times higher than that in urban areas. ─── 农村地区的孕产妇死亡率(MMR)比城镇地区高出3.2倍。

72、Moreover, We assay ADM on serum of maternal peripheral blood using enzyme immunoassay(EIA). ─── 另外,用酶免疫测定法(EIA)测定以上各组妇女外周静脉血ADM浓度。

73、She showed her daughter's picture with maternal pride. ─── 她怀著作为母亲的自豪感拿出女儿的照片给人看。

74、Earlier this month, a special clinic opened at the Maternal and Child Care Service Centre in Beijing's Xuanwu District. ─── 北京宣武区妇幼保健院近日开设了特色门诊,为少女们免费提供关于两性方面问题的专业咨询。

75、Of, relating to, or derived from the name of one's mother or maternal ancestor. ─── 取自母亲或女性祖先名字的属于、关于或由母亲或女性祖先的名字而来的

76、Maternal consumption of great physical strength during childbirth. ─── 产妇分娩时消耗很大的体力。

77、Reduces child mortality, improves maternal health, and combats disease. ─── 减少儿童死亡率,改善孕妇健康,与疾病战斗。”

78、CSEA for PIH caesarean section has no adverse effects on maternal and neonates. ─── CSEA用于妊高征剖腹产有用药量小,麻醉起效快,效果更确切之优点,对母婴无不良影响。

79、Sensitization to inhaled allergens was also associated with high maternal intakes of deep-frying egetable fat, raw sweet pepper and citrus fruit. ─── 吸入性变应原致敏也与母体摄入油炸植物脂肪、生的甜椒和柑橘类的水果量多有关。

80、Second, the maternal culture implements and regulates the fatherhood culture and forms a dualistic ethic structure. ─── 二、母性文化对父性文化加以调节和补充从而形成了白族文化的二元伦理结构。

81、There was a dreaminess, a preoccupation, an exaltation, in the maternal look which the girl could not understand. ─── 作母亲的脸上有一种使女儿莫明其妙的神情,仿佛悠悠忽忽,仿佛满怀心事,仿佛扬扬得意。

82、Smoking exacerbates asthma, and maternal smoking during pregnancy increases the risk for the child. ─── 吸尘会加剧哮喘,怀孕期母亲吸尘会增加孩子患病的风险。

83、Postnatal day1 hours each day PND 2 until PND 14 on postnatal maternal deprivation. ─── 乳鼠出生第二天至十四天进行与母鼠隔离一小时。

84、Maternal smoking doubles the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). ─── 孕妇吸烟会使其婴儿发生猝死综合症(SIDS)的机率加倍。

85、It was found that maternal venous Aldo and ANP were higher in normal pregnant women than those in non-pregnant women. ─── 孕妇孕中、晚期和产时血浆中ANP显著高于未孕妇女,PIH患者血浆中ANP显著高于孕妇和未孕妇女。 ANP与妊娠病指数呈正相关;

86、A study showed, the children in infancy got more maternal love can be deal with stress and anxiety better after them growing up. ─── 一项研究显示,婴儿时期得到更多母爱的孩子长大后能更好地应对压力和焦虑情绪。

87、With almost maternal solicitude she urged him to let his nature open to the full. ─── 她又以几乎是母亲般地关怀,促使他毫无保留地展示自己的本性。

88、High quality maternal draff could produce full-bodied, tasteful and sweet-scented liquor. ─── 优良的母糟产酒醇厚、丰满、余香好。

89、Study on the chromosome stability in maternal and umbilical blood of PIH and its clinical significance. ─── 妊高征患者母血脐血染色体稳定性的研究及其临床意义。


uncle指父亲或母亲的兄弟, aunt的丈夫,即“伯父,叔父,舅父,姑父,姨父”,也可指无亲戚关系的成年男性朋友(尤指父母的朋友),叔叔,伯伯。

uncle 读音:英 ['??kl] 美 ['??kl]


1、bob's your uncle 用以表示工作轻而易举

2、talk like a Dutch uncle 严厉而善意地教训某人


My uncle has an apple orchard.


另:Uncle Sam是口语中的一个绰号,指美国、美国政府或美国人。



aunt 读音:英 [ɑ?nt] 美 [?nt]




习惯上人们用aunt指代了全部的伯母,姑姑,婶婶,姨母和舅母,不会特地去区别。若是在必要区分的场合时,paternal aunt(父方的)指得是伯母,姑姑和婶婶,而maternal aunt(母方的)指得是姨母和舅母。


My elder sister had a baby last month, so I am an aunt now.


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