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10-03 投稿


nelumbo 发音

英:[n??l?mbo?]  美:[n??l?mb??]

英:  美:

nelumbo 中文意思翻译



nelumbo 短语词组

1、nelumbo essence ─── 莲藕精华

2、nelumbo sp nelumbo ─── 公司

3、genus Nelumbo ─── [网络] 莲属

4、nelumbo essence cleanser ─── 莲藕精华洁面乳

5、Nelumbo nucifera ─── [医] 莲

6、nelumbo w ─── 荷兰w

7、nelumbo nucifera gaertn ─── 中国莲

8、Nelumbo lutea ─── [网络] 美洲黄莲;美洲莲;黄莲花

9、nelumbo nucifera leaf ─── 莲叶

nelumbo 词性/词形变化,nelumbo变形


nelumbo 相似词语短语

1、Columba ─── n.[天]天鸽座;鸽属

2、Bembo ─── n.本博(安哥拉地名)

3、nelumbos ─── n.莲属(nelumbo的变形)

4、Colombo ─── n.科伦坡(斯里兰卡首都)

5、nelumbium ─── n.莲属植物

6、bumbo ─── n.羼入糖酒的

7、Gumbo ─── n.秋葵;加有秋葵的浓汤;坚硬黏土;adj.粘土的;n.(Gumbo)人名;(津)贡博

8、unplumbs ─── 不伦不类,

9、replumbs ─── 回复

nelumbo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lotus Nelumbo nucifera is a very old water flower plant originated from China . ─── 莲是一种原产于我国的古老的宿根水生花卉,为多年生挺水草本植物。

2、Definition: Lotus Seed is the dried ripe seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Fam.Nymphacaceae). ─── 本品为睡莲科植物莲 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 的干燥成熟种子。

3、Investigation of pest insects of Nelumbo nucifera from Fujian Province ─── 福建省建莲虫害调查

4、The karyotype of Nelumbo nucifera during meiosis zygotene was established in this study,which would help the studies of meiosis and molecular cytogenetics in lotus. ─── 本研究建立了中国莲偶线期染色体的核型,为研究莲的减数分裂过程及分子细胞遗传学研究提供基础。

5、An aquatic plant (Nelumbo nucifera) native to southern Asia and Australia, having large leaves, fragrant, pinkish flowers, a broad, rounded, perforated seedpod, and fleshy rhizomes. ─── 荷,莲一种水生植物(莲属莲),生长在南亚和澳大利亚,具有硕大的叶子,香味,粉色花,并有宽,圆而且带孔的心皮,有多肉的块茎

6、Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase cDNA from Nelumbo nucifera ─── 莲铜锌超氧化物歧化酶cDNA的克隆和序列分析

7、Chemical constituents in volatile oil from plumule of Nelumbo nucifera ─── 莲子心挥发油成分分析

8、Isolation, Purification of Glycoproteins from Seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. Fujian and its Effect on Scavenging Free Radicals ─── 建宁莲子糖蛋白的分离、纯化及清除自由基作用

9、Observations on Growth Trends of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. ─── 莲藕生长动态观察。

10、Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on The Iaolated Secondary Wall of Leaf Stalk Tracheary Elements in Nelumbo nucifera ─── 莲叶柄管状分子离体次生壁的扫描电镜研究

11、Abstract The cotyledons of Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifeva) accumulate abundant storage reserves, including storage proteins in protein bodies, starch and DNA in amyloplasts, during seed development. ─── 摘要 莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质, 主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。

12、The development of the radicle and the study of the sieve element of the seedling of Nelumbo nucifera ─── 莲幼苗的胚根发育及其筛分子研究


14、Isolation, Purification of Glycoproteins from Seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.Fujian and its Effect on Scavenging Free Radicals ─── 建宁莲子糖蛋白的分离、纯化及清除自由基作用

15、[Latin] Nelumbo uncifera ─── 莲荷

16、The lotus originated in India.It is cultivated extensively in Taiwan and Southeast China.Lotus root is the fat root of a freshwater plant Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn (lotus). ─── 莲藕原产印度,现在大陆南方诸省与台湾均有栽培,它属于睡莲科多年水生草本植物莲的根茎。

17、Changes of Endogenous Hormones, Polyamines and Salicylic Acid Content during Rhizome Development of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn ─── 莲藕膨大过程中内源激素、水杨酸和多胺含量的变化

18、in some classifications considered an independent family of water lilies; comprises the single genus Nelumbo ─── 在一些分类中认为是独立的莲科;包含简单的莲属

19、Lotus Nelumbo nucifera is a very old water flower plant originated from China . ─── 莲是一种原产于我国的古老的宿根水生花卉,为多年生挺水草本植物.

20、Effects of Improved CTAB Methods on Genomic DNAs Extraction from Nelumbo nucifera Leaves ─── 改良CTAB法对碗莲叶片基因组DNA提纯效果的影响

21、Keywords Nelumbo nucifera;Nymphaea tetragona;Microcystis aeruginosa;growth;inhibitory effect; ─── 荷花;睡莲;铜绿微囊藻;生长;抑制效应;

22、Observations on Growth Trends of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. ─── 莲藕生长动态观察。

23、Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) is planted widely in China. ─── 莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)

24、The cotyledons of Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifeva) accumulate abundant storage reserves, including storage proteins in protein bodies, starch and DNA in amyloplasts, during seed development. ─── 摘要莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质,主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。

25、The sieve element of the primary vascular system of the seedling of Nelumbo nucifera was sieve tube element. ─── 莲幼苗初生维管系统中的筛分子为筛管分子。

26、The double-season Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn is one of the advantaged industries for market with higher economic benefit in Liujiang County. ─── 双季莲藕是柳江县目前最具市场优势的产业之一,具有较高的经济效益。

27、Construction of the DNA Fingerprinting in Nelumbo ─── 莲藕品种DNA指纹图谱的绘制

28、Quantitative Chromosome Map of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn ─── 中国莲的定量染色体图

29、Nelumbo nucifera ─── n. [植]荷花

30、Lotus (Nelumbo spp) ─── 莲

31、Definition: Lotus Leaf is the dried leaf of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Fam.Nymphaeaceae). ─── 本品为睡莲科植物莲 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.的干燥叶。

32、Neferine (Nef) is a dibenzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from a Chinese medicinal herb ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn ). ─── 甲基莲心碱是一种双苄基异喹啉类生物碱。

33、Keywords Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn;Starch granule;AAC;RVA; ─── 莲藕;淀粉粒;表观直链淀粉含量;RVA;

34、genesis and development of Nelumbo nucifera root and root system in ontogeny and their adaptation were studied in this paper. ─── 本文研究了莲根和根系在个体发育中的发生与发育及其适应。

35、double-season Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn ─── 双季莲藕

36、Lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. ) ─── 藕莲

37、Photosystem Development in Dark-grown Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Seedlings ─── 莲胚芽暗萌发过程中的光合系统发育研究(英文)

38、And China has the most lotus varieties resources and Nelumbo nucifera appreciation attractions. ─── 中国又是拥有荷花品种资源最多、赏荷景点最多的国家。

39、Nelumbo nucifera cultivars ─── 荷花品种

40、Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was applied to germplasm accessions in 29 flower-lotus cultivars (including both Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. and N. lutea Pers.). ─── 摘要利用17个随机引物对来自中国和美国的29份花莲种质资源材料进行了RAPD分析。

41、in some classifications considered an independent family of water lilies; comprises the single genus Nelumbo. ─── 在一些分类中认为是独立的莲科;包含简单的莲属。

42、Inhibitory Effects of Liquor Cultured with Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphaea tetragona on the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa ─── 荷花和睡莲种植水对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用研究

43、Abstract: There is a very long history of lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) cultivation and appreciation in Yangzhou garden. ─── 摘要:扬州园林,有悠久的种荷赏荷用荷的历史。

44、Advances in the Systematics of Nelumbo Adans.and the Establishment of Nelumbonaceae[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡光万,刘克明,雷立公.

45、Nelumbo nucifera planted in Fujian GAP base was selected, the development of the microspores, and the dynamic of the endothecium and tapetal cell were observed by paraffin section. ─── 摘要以建莲GAP基地栽培的太空莲为实验材料,通过石蜡切片观察到了从小孢子母细胞到成熟花粉的发育过程,以及花药的药室内壁、绒毡层细胞的变化特点;

46、Key words: landscape plants; Nelumbo nucifera cultivars; component analysis; cluster analysis; biological character ─── 关键词:园林植物;荷花品种;主成分分析;聚类分析;生物学性状

47、Analysis of respective chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 20 varieties of genus Nelumbo. ─── 莲属20个品种染色体数目及其核型分析.

48、Keywords emulsion liquid membrane;Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.;alkaloid;extraction rate;modernization of traditional Chinese medicines; ─── 乳状液膜;荷叶;生物碱;萃取率;中药现代化;

49、Methods: The lipophilic components in the seed of Nelumbo nucifera were extracted by supercritical CO2 way, and were assayed with GC - MS method.Results: The total extraction rate was 2. 5%. ─── 方法:采用超临界CO2萃取技术从莲子心中提取亲脂性成分,并用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)计算机连用技术分离鉴定其中的化学组成,计算其相对含量。

50、Methods Various extracts were prepared from Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn,and the the minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) and inhibitory circle of the extract were determined. ─── 目的通过初步筛选发现石莲子提取具有较好的抑菌活性,探讨石莲子不同溶剂提取物的抑菌作用。

51、OBJECTIVE To research the substitute of lotus seed of "Jian lotus" and to Evaluate the quality of lotus seed (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) of "Tai-Kong lotus 36". ─── 目的为了综合评价“太空莲36号”质量,探讨“建莲”的替代品效果。

52、8. An aquatic plant(Nelumbo nucifera) native to southern Asia and Australia, having large leaves, fragrant, pinkish flowers, a broad, rounded, perforated seedpod, and fleshy rhizomes. ─── 荷,莲一种水生植物(莲属莲),生长在南亚和澳大利亚,具有硕大的叶子,香味,粉色花,并有宽,圆而且带孔的心皮,有多肉的块茎收藏指正

53、An aquatic plant(Nelumbo nucifera) native to southern Asia and Australia. having large leaves. fragrant. pinkish flowers. a broad. rounded. perforated seedpod. and fleshy rhizomes. ─── 荷.莲:一种水生植物(莲属莲).生长在南亚和澳大利亚.具有硕大的叶子.香味.粉色花.并有宽.圆而且带孔的心皮.有多肉的块茎

54、Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) ─── 中国莲

55、North American aquatic plant (Nelumbo lutea) related to the lotus and the water lilies and having large shield-shaped aerial leaves, large pale-yellow flowers, and edible nutlike seeds. ─── 黄花莲:与莲花和睡莲近缘北美水生植物(美洲莲藕),生有大的盾状漂浮的叶片,大的灰黄色花朵和可食用的坚果状种子

56、Definition: Lotus Rhizome Node is the dried node of Nelumbo nucifera Gaerln. (Fam.Nymphaeaceae). ─── 本品为睡莲科植物莲 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 的干燥根茎节部。

57、Keywords ion pair RP HPLC;liensinine;seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.; ─── 离子对反相HPLC法;莲心碱;莲子心;

58、Nelumbo mucifera ─── 莲花

59、lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. ) ─── 莲藕

60、The karyotype of Nelumbo nucifera during meiosis zygotene was established in this study, which would help the studies of meiosis and molecular cytogenetics in lotus. ─── 摘要本研究建立了中国莲偶线期染色体的核型,为研究莲的减数分裂过程及分子细胞遗传学研究提供基础。

61、Keywords NELUMBO NUCIFERA;ALKALOIDS;Chromatography;High Pressure Liquid;Spectrum Analysis;Mass;Dietary Supplement; ─── 关键词莲;生物碱;色谱法;高压液相;光谱分析;质量;营养保健品;

62、Key words :Landscape Plant; Nelumbo nucifera; Research; Variety; Winter Lotus; Selection and Cultivation; Lotus Root; Breed ─── 关键词:园林植物;荷花;研究;品种;冬荷;选育;藕鞭;繁殖


64、Nelumbo nucifera Gaerth. ─── 荷叶

65、Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn seed ─── 莲心

66、Embryo Of nelumbo nucifera gaertn ─── 莲子心

67、Systematic Cluster Analysis of Some Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.Germplasm Resources and Its Application on Breeding ─── 莲藕部分种质资源数量性状的聚类分析与育种应用

68、Abstract: The double-season Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn is one of the advantaged industries for market with higher economic benefit in Liujiang County. ─── 文章摘要: 双季莲藕是柳江县目前最具市场优势的产业之一,具有较高的经济效益。

69、Flower-lotus cultivars (Nelumbo) ─── 花莲(Nelumbo

70、Nelumbo nucifera planted in Fujian GAP base was selected,the development of the microspores,and the dynamic of the endothecium and tapetal cell were observed by paraffin section. ─── 以建莲GAP基地栽培的太空莲为实验材料,通过石蜡切片观察到了从小孢子母细胞到成熟花粉的发育过程,以及花药的药室内壁、绒毡层细胞的变化特点;

71、Nelumbo nucifera has a long history in our country. ─── 荷在我国有着悠久的历史。

72、Karyotype Analysis for Zygotene Chromosome of Nelumbo nucifera ─── 中国莲的偶线期核型分析

73、Nelumbo nuclfera ─── 荷花

74、in some classifications considered an independent family of water lilies; comprises the single genus Nelumbo. ─── 在一些分类中认为是独立的莲科;包含简单的莲属。

75、Progress in Studies of Ingredients with Health-Beneficial Effects in embryo of the seed of nelumbo nucifera Gaertn ─── 莲子心中保健成分的研究概况

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