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10-03 投稿


mechanizing 发音

英:[?mek?na?z??]  美:[?mek?na?z??]

英:  美:

mechanizing 中文意思翻译



mechanizing 词性/词形变化,mechanizing变形

动词过去分词: mechanized |动词过去式: mechanized |名词: mechanization |动词现在分词: mechanizing |动词第三人称单数: mechanizes |

mechanizing 短语词组

1、mechanizing reasoning ─── 机械化推理

2、mechanizing the world ─── 使世界机械化

mechanizing 相似词语短语

1、Germanizing ─── 日耳曼化

2、melanizing ─── 黑化

3、unmechanising ─── unmechanising

4、merchandizing ─── n.商品化形象;商品化;推销;v.经营;推销(merchandize的ing形式)

5、mechanicians ─── n.机械学者,机械技师

6、Grecianizing ─── 希腊化

7、mechanising ─── v.(使)机械化;(使军队)机械化;(使)变得像机械;用机械操作(mechanise的现在分词,mechanise等于mechanize)

8、unmechanizing ─── 不机械化

9、cyanizing ─── 氰化

mechanizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Photochromic mechan ism has been stud ied by means of laser photol ysis time-resolved spec-troscopy and the decay kinetics of intermediates. ─── 通过激光光解技术、时间分辨光谱和反应中间体的衰减动力学深入研究了光致变色机理。

2、We are mechanizing rapidly. ─── 咱们正在迅速机械化。

3、We are mechanizing rapidly. ─── 我们正在迅速机械化。

4、Author Wang Chongsheng;Yao Shufang(Hebei Institute of Mechan Elect.Engineering); ─── 作者王重生;姚书芳;

5、Ceramic pigtail coil is used for coiling machine and spinning and weaving fault silk location in mechanizing, is fault silk another piece in common use. ─── 本产品用于绕线机和纺织机械化中的过丝部位,是常用的过丝另件.

6、Conclusions It solves an interchange between the patients,the doctors and the mechan ics ,it comes true the individual character design in the porcelain fu sed -to -crown. ─── 结论:解决患者、医生、技师之间的信息交流,实现了烤瓷全冠的个性化设计。

7、The Present Conditions Analysis of the Rice Producing and Mechanizing in Yunnan Province ─── 云南省水稻生产机械化的发展现状分析

8、DESC; By mechanizing the procedure inside the slaughterhouse the handling was sped up and output increased. ─── 通过屠宰机械化,肉类处理速度提高,产出增加了。

9、This paper also holds that in order to strengthen the anti-te r rorism action, it's important to deepen the understanding in the aspect of terro rism-proof coordination mechan... ─── 提出在软课题方面进行深化研究,在协调体制上展开充分探讨,以完善轨道交通防恐体系。

10、GUO Dong-ming,KANG Ren-ke,SU Jian-xiu,et al.Future development on wafer planarization technology in ULSI fabrication[J].Chinese J Mechan Eng,2003,39(10):100-105 (in Chinese). ─── [3]郭东明,康仁科,苏建修,等.超大规模集成电路制造中硅片平坦化技术的未来发展[J].机械工程学报,2003,39(10):100-105.

11、This article discusses non-destructive methods for testing fruit quality, mechanizing and automatic technologies for fruit classification. ─── 该文论述了国内外果实品质的无损伤检测技术,果实分级的机械化与自动化技术;

12、Think about mechanizing rice harvesting in Panjin ─── 关于盘锦稻谷收获机械化的思考

13、Step 3 I selected the bridle with Pen Tool and copied it to a new layer before mechanizing the horse. ─── 第3步我选择的缰绳与钢笔工具和复制到一个新层机械化之前的一匹黑马。

14、3. Ceramic pigtail coil: is used for coiling machine and spinning and weaving fault silk location in mechanizing, is fault silk another piece in common use. ─── 文摘:为满足电动机生产实际的需要,提出定子绕组的绕线和嵌线新工艺,并据此设计出定子绕组嵌线机。收藏指正

15、{0>2.The arable land not suitable for expanding or for mechanizing. ─── 二耕地散碎不利于扩大农场经营规模或应用机械耕作者。

16、I selected the bridle with Pen Tool and copied it to a new layer before mechanizing the horse. ─── 我选择的缰绳与钢笔工具和复制到一个新层机械化之前的一匹黑马。

17、mechanizing circuit ─── 机械计算电路

18、agricultural mechanizing and the scale of the running is not well. ─── 农业机械化、规模经营的程度不够等问题。

19、Goog Outlook about the Mechanizing Technology of the Cotton-Seedling's Replanting Which is Raised in Bulrush-tube ─── 棉花芦苇管苗机械化移栽技术分析

20、Ceramic pigtail coil: is used for coiling machine and spinning and weaving fault silk location in mechanizing, is fault silk another piece in common use. ─── 猪尾圈:猪尾圈用于绕线机和纺织机械化中的过丝部位,是常用的过丝另件.

21、mechanizing sugar cane harvesting ─── 甘蔗的机械化收获

22、This article discusses non-destructive methods for testing fruit quality, mechanizing and automatic technologies for fruit classification. ─── 该文论述了国内外果实品质的无损伤检测技术,果实分级的机械化与自动化技术;

23、The mathematical model of optimal plan of complete sets of equipment in the mechanizing construction of coal shaft is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. ─── 煤矿立井施工机械化最优配套方案的数学模型,属于混合整数非线性规划问题,变量多,参数复杂,难以用一般的优化方法进行求解。

24、1. We are mechanizing rapidly. ─── 我们正在迅速机械化.


26、Problem and Development Countermeasure about Mechanizing of Straw's Returning Farmland in Hebei Province ─── 河北省秸秆还田机械化的存在问题与发展对策

27、mechanizing launching ─── 机械化下水

28、The arable land not suitable for expanding or for mechanizing. ─── 我们正在迅速机械化。

29、I selected the bridle with Pen Tool and copied it to a new layer before mechanizing the horse. ─── 我选择的缰绳与钢笔工具和复制到一个新层机械化之前的一匹黑马。

30、The Rice Producing and Mechanizing and Its Development Analysize in Yunnan Province ─── 云南省水稻生产机械化的发展分析

31、This paper expounds the actual practice and the existed problems in Yunnan Province.It puts forward the proposals for developing the rice producing and mechanizing. ─── 本文分析了云南省水稻生产机械化的现状与存在的问题,提出了加快发展云南水稻生产机械化的措施。

32、Based on the rheological properties of the magne tic rheological fluid,this paper carries out analysis on its transmission mechan ism. ─── 介绍磁流变液传动现象,分析了磁流变液的流变特性和传力特性,建立了磁流变液的动态屈服应力及传力的计算模型。

33、Keywords biodegradable lubricants;low erucic acid rapeseed oil;antioxidants;tribochemistry;action mechan ─── 可生物降解润滑油;低芥酸菜籽油;抗氧剂;摩擦化学;作用机理;

34、Present Situation and Countermeasures of Agricultural Mechanizing Development County Level in China ─── 我国县级农业机械化发展的现状及对策

35、Armore cabl is requir for these instal to provid mechan strength dure instal and rodent and chemic protect after installation. ─── 这些装置要求使用铠装光缆,以便在装置过程中提供机械强度,并且在装置后提供侵蚀维护和化学保护。


37、It owns advanced technology, superb arts &crafts, mechanizing equipment of whole set, advanced management system and consummate meshwork of after-sales service. ─── 公司建立了太阳能生产基地,主要生产“德立珑”品牌太阳能工程模块、城市阳台集热器等。

38、The sum will cover expenses such as collecting and analyzing hydrological, geological and meteorological data as well as linking a production unit up to the electricity network and mechanizing it. ─── 这笔资金还将包括其它方面的支出:如收集并分析水文、地理、气象数据,连接电网以及机械动力的支出。

39、Problem and Development Countermeasure about Mechanizing of Straw's Returning Farmland in Hebei Province ─── 河北省秸秆还田机械化的存在问题与发展对策

40、The Present Conditions Analysis of the Rice Producing and Mechanizing in Yunnan Province ─── 云南省水稻生产机械化的发展现状分析

41、DESC; By mechanizing the procedure inside the slaughterhouse the handling was sped up and output increased. ─── 通过屠宰机械化,肉类处理速度提高,产出增加了。

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