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10-03 投稿


mot 发音


英:  美:

mot 中文意思翻译



mot 相似词语短语

1、mote ─── n.尘埃;微粒;小错;n.(Mote)人名;(英、法、塞)莫特

2、mort ─── n.许多;通知猎物已死的号角声;n.(Mort)人名;(法)莫尔;(英)莫特

3、moti ─── n.胖女人,胖女孩;n.(Moti)(以色列、美、印)莫蒂(人名)

4、moit ─── 莫伊特,

5、most ─── adv.最;非常,极其;最多;几乎;adj.大部分的,多数的;最多的;n.大部分,大多数;n.(Most)人名;(德、俄、法、芬、捷、英)莫斯特

6、molt ─── vi.脱毛;换毛;n.换毛;脱皮;换毛期;vt.脱毛;换毛;n.(Molt)人名;(德、捷)莫尔特

7、moat ─── n.护城河;壕沟;vt.将...围以壕沟

8、moot ─── adj.无实际意义的;未决议的;vt.提出…供讨论;n.大会;辩论会;假设案件;n.(Moot)人名;(英)穆特

9、moth ─── n.蛾;蛀虫

mot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once the atoms are precooled in the mirror-MOT, loading them into the chip trap is easy: the MOT is switched off, and the current through the wires on the chip switched on. ─── 一旦原子在镜面MOT先行冷却,要注入晶片阱就很容易:先把MOT关掉,然后将流经晶片导线的电流打开。

2、Acceptable driving record (proof of driving record from MOT will be required). ─── 可接受的驾驶纪录.

3、Quand on parle de la France, quel est le premier mot qui vous arrive? ─── 当谈到法国时,您想到的第一个形容法国的词是什么?

4、China has put many efforts in establishing a law system to attract foreign investors, but it is mot yet perfected. ─── 中国在吸引外国投资的法律制度的建立方面,虽然做出了努力,但仍没有建立起完善的法律体系。

5、He did mot come till five o'clock. ─── 他一直到五点钟才来。

6、The heart could mot be taken out of action for mare than four minutes-very little time to repair a heart defect. ─── 心脏停止跳动不得超过四分钟——只有很少时间来修补心脏的毛病。

7、She took her car in for its MOT. ─── 她把汽车开去作年检了.

8、Normally,it is mot easy to treat the waste water which have a functinnal group of-SO 3H,most coagulates can not be used to treat this kind of waste water. ─── 带磺酸基的染料及其中间体废水是一大处理难题,通常大多数絮凝剂不适用。

9、An essential element of a MOT is an array of six laser beams that bathe the atoms on all sides and from above and below. ─── MOT的主要部份是六道雷射光束所形成的阵列,从上下四方照射在原子云上。

10、How can one implement a MOT when a chip surface gets in the way? ─── 但是当晶片的表面挡在光束中,MOT要怎麽作用?

11、Convey belts of different types, different specifications and different number of layers are mot allowed to be connected with each other. ─── 不同型号、不同规格、不同胶布层数的输送胶带不可以相互串接起来使用。

12、taking students as the mot of education ─── 以人为本

13、I am mot sure about that. ─── 关于那事我不清楚。

14、Shares gainers in Q3 included (AAPL), Samsung and LG; Nokia(NOK),Motorola (MOT) and Sony Ericsson all lost ground. ─── 其中苹果、三星和LG份额上升,诺基亚,摩托罗拉和索尼爱立信份额下降。

15、Keywords Liangruntongluo Recipe;motilin(MOT);cholecystokinin(CCK);somatostatin(SS);rats; ─── 凉润通络方;胃动素;胆囊收缩素;生长抑素;大鼠;

16、If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would mot be without friends. ─── 哪怕全世界的都恨你,都认定你坏,只要你的良心赞许你,问心无愧,你也不会没有朋友的。

17、Adding A Moving Time-Window to Accelerate the MOT Arithmetic in TD-MOM EFIE ─── 一种加快时间步迭代的加窗技术

18、He tried to press more things into the box, but there was mot enough room. ─── 他试图将更多的东西装进盒子里,但塞不进去了。

19、He ran from the opening of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground . 'Sirs,' he said, ' if I have deserved your favor, do mot pass by my humble self without a visit. ' ─── 他就从帐篷门口跑过去接他们,他深鞠一躬说:“先生们,如蒙不弃,就请到敝舍小坐。”

20、That is mot a concert, but moer of a rehears. ─── 与其说那是一场音乐会,倒不如说是一次排演。

21、Starting with Noah and his three sons, God begins to repopulate the world.But since the mot of sin has not been removed, the fruit of sin soon becomes apparent again in proud, disobedient actions. ─── 从挪亚和他的三个儿子开始,上帝又使世上的人增多,然而由于人罪性的根源始终未除,以致罪的结果很快的又表现在骄傲、悖逆的行为上。

22、She took her car in for its mot ─── 她把汽车开去作年检了

23、Clients include many multinationals such as Microsoft (MSFT), Shell (RDSB), DaimlerChrysler (DCX), Hewlett Packard (HPQ), Motorola (MOT), and Intel (INTC). ─── 客户包括许多跨国公司,诸如微软,壳牌,克莱斯勒,摩托罗拉和英特尔。

24、He recognized me, but did mot smile a greeting. ─── 他认出了我,但没有笑着打招呼。

25、Their son, Baal, is a storm god. He's depicted in mythological literature Mot as defeating both the chaotic sea god, Yam, and the god of death, Mot. ─── 他们的儿子Baal是风暴之神,在神话文学的描述中,他打败了混乱的海神 Yam 和死神 Mot

26、He was so absorbed in the research that he had mot time left for recreationalactivities. ─── 他专心致力于研究工作,连文娱活动的时间都没有了。

27、So a good writer is not measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skills in finding the "mot juste", the word that will hot the nail cleanly on the head. ─── 同理,作家不以词汇量论英雄,其行文论事,发掘”中的之语“的技能,才是衡量其卓尔不群的标准。

28、MOT (Ministry of Transport) ─── 交通运输部

29、Has your car been MOT'd/had its MOT? ─── 你的汽车作过年检吗?

30、Even if they come to drive me out, I'm mot going. ─── 你就拿棒来赶,我都不会搬的

31、You're mot going to study all weekend, are you? remember, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. ─── 你不会把整个周末周末都用于学习,是不是?要记信,有劳无逸,有害无益。

32、Despite its name it does mot directly promote abscission, but only indirectly through increasing ethylene production. ─── 尽管它被称为脱落酸可是它并不直接促进脱落,而是间接的通过增加乙烯的释放量来完成脱落的过程。

33、He often set the table a-roaring with a well-placed bon mot. ─── 他经常以恰到好处的珠玑妙语使满桌的人哄堂大笑。

34、mot d'ordre ─── 命令

35、That is to say ,compared with the real estate items,the timeshare is mot complete,and hotel product, not that piece meat. ─── 也就是说,与房地产项目相比,它将产品分割后销售,没有房地产那么完整;与饭店产品相比,它分割的份数没有饭店那么零碎。

36、Wherefore, I reprobate the phrase of parent or mot her country applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous. ─── 因此,我强烈遣责把母国这个词只用来指代英国的行径,因为这是错误的、自私的、狭隘的、不大度的。

37、UK car. Manual. Electric windows.Electric mirrors. Electric sunroof. CD/MP3 Player. 2 new tyres. Very Reliable. Full MOT and 2 Taxes. ─── 作者:六月的雨时间:2005-3-1318:55标题:本人因回国,出售爱车,有意者进来看看.....[推荐

38、In the mythical cycle, "Mot too is [now] revived and once again challenges Baal to single combat. ─── 在神话的循环里,“莫特[现在]也复活了,再一次单对单地向巴力挑战。

39、Ask mot what the country can do ton for you.ask what you can do for the country! ─── 不要问国家为你做了什么,问一问你能为国家做些会什么?要先想着奉献,再考虑索取。

40、he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the mot oblique and graceful manner. ─── 他们善于阿谀奉承,屈从于上司,维护权势,但是却不会让你察觉。

41、Un mot peut avoir plusieurs sens. ─── 一个单词可以有好多种意思。

42、The heart could mot be taken out of action for mare than four minutes - very little time to repair a heart defect. ─── 心脏停止跳动不得超过四分钟——只有很少时间来修补心脏的毛

43、MOT Directory ─── MOT目录

44、Keywords Liangruntongluo Recipe;motilin(MOT);cholecystokinin(CCK);somatostatin(SS);diabetes mellitus (DM) rats; ─── 凉润通络方;胃动素;胆囊收缩素;生长抑素;糖尿病大鼠;

45、Sometimes it is better mot to tell the truth Do you agree or Dis with the statement? ─── 很多时候最好的就是不说出实话,你同意还是不同意这个观点?

46、Just because someone doesn't love you wish , it doesn't mean you're mot loved with all his/her being . ─── 只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味著你不被别人所爱。

47、She could mot bring herself to tell him about it. ─── 她感到不好跟他讲这事。

48、Arrive avant le mot fini ─── 在结束之前到达

49、TC and LDL-C level in MOT of middle dosage is significantly reduced than those treated with oolong tea (p

50、Effect of Liangruntongluo Recipe on MOT and CCK in rats with diabetes mellitus ─── 凉润通络方对糖尿病大鼠胃肠MOT、CCK的影响

51、Personally , I am mot Interested In packaged goods . ─── 就个人言,我对包装货物不感兴趣。

52、Just remember that what the people say is mot not always false fair or turetrue. ─── 只要记住,人们说的并不一定都是公平的或者是正确的。

53、Every night as I look out and wish upon a star, I wish you were here and mot out and afar. ─── 每晚当我望窗外,对着星星祈祷时,我希望你就在我的身边,而不是相隔万里。

54、That feminine consciousness appeared in the history announces the progress of the human civilization, and feminine"s self-expression has contributed the mot essential part of the literature. ─── “女性”被认识并逐步形成的“女性意识”,标志着人类文化的一大进步,随之,有关女性的自我书写亦成为文学在现代时空中的重要的审美构成。

55、Using triangle patches discretizing an arbitrarily 3-DPEC body surface and utilizing spatial RWG and temporal triangular bases, theTD-MFIE, EFIE, and CFIE are solved by MOT algorithm. ─── 对任意三维导体散射体表面用三角贴片离散,采用RWG空间基函数和三角型时间基函数,运用时间步进算法(MOT)求解了时域磁场、电场和混合场积分方程。

56、His daughter would mot have taken apart his watch if he had come home a little earlier yesterday . ─── 要是昨天他早一点回到家,他的女儿就不会把他的手表拆了。

57、Application of MOT in DRM Broadcasting System ─── MOT在DRM广播系统中的应用

58、Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding between our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily.However, this is mot enough. ─── 中美建交以来,我们两国人民之间的相互交流与了解在逐渐扩大和加深,但还不够。

59、controlled mot ready signal ─── 受控的未准备就绪信号

60、What he said does mot matter. ─── 他所讲的没有什么要紧的。

61、MOT may modulate the lipid level through increasing feces excretion and elevating fecal content as well as depressing HL and LPL activity. ─── 3.复合乌龙茶调节血脂代谢可能与增加大鼠粪便排泄,增加排泄粪便的脂肪含量,降低脂蛋白酯酶和肝脂酶的活性有关。

62、bon mot ─── n. 珠玑妙语

63、MOT(Multimedia OBject Transfer) ─── 多媒体目标传递

64、And a burnt child dreads the fire, so now Rose stays close to her mot her when they are downtown. ─── 不过吃过苦头的孩子学乖了,所以现在她们在闹市区时,她一定紧跟着她的母亲。

65、It is mot being in love that makes me happy,but is being in love with you. ─── 不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福,而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。

66、e chi uoc mong co mot deu la dc o ben a thoi! ─── 亲爱的,虽然我们已暂分隔,但只要我们两个心心相印就没什麽可以把我们分开,你知道吗?

67、Confused: Then wouldn't itye a commensal existenc? For they coexists yet-their existence does mot interfere with one another. ─── 惑儒:我的"并立"就是这个意思:同时存在但不互相影响

68、He felt that he did mot deserve to be given such a great honour. ─── 他感到自己不配得到这样大的荣誉。

69、Smith wants to change the way company sells its goods, but the profits were very large last year and he's been told mot to rock the boat. ─── 史密斯想改变公司的销售方式,但他们去年盈利很可观,所以人们告诉他不要无事找事。

70、Do mot blame your food because you have no appetite. ─── 不要以为你的胃口不好,而抱怨你的食物。

71、I've got to take the car in for its MOT. ─── 我得把车开去进行车检。

72、Half the animals could switch off the current by turning a wheel in their enclosure, while the other half could mot. ─── 一半的动物可以通过在笼子里转动轮子来切断电流,而另一半可以不动。

73、He was so absorbed in the research that he had mot time left for recreational activities ─── 他专心致力于研究工作,连文娱活动的时间都没有了。

74、Transformation of l from slug shape to tube shape by the impact extrusion process does mot involve any assembly of parts in the fabrication of collapsible tubes. ─── 在制作(装)膏状物小(金属)管过程中,将条状(或是块状)的金属通过冷挤压转化为管状的工序并不包含任何零件的装配。

75、But even one of the mot theocratic governments in the world, the US government, is in favour of the death penalty. ─── 但连世界最神权政治的政府之一美国都支持死刑。

76、In fact ,the total throughput of the Internet was mot going to double every 30 days and all of this talk about unbridled needs and capability was absurd. ─── 事实上,互联网业务处理总量不可能每30天翻一番,所有关于需求和容量的说法都是荒唐的。

77、a bon mot ─── 俏皮话; 妙语

78、See yourself mot as a person who has problem, but as a person who crates value out of difficult situations. ─── 不要把自己看成困难重重的人,而是要认定自己是从困境中发掘价值的创造者。

79、If the truck is mot out, we 'll let you have it. ─── 如果卡车没开出去,我们可以借给你。

80、double magneto-optical trap ( double MOT) ─── 双磁光阱

81、H & N mot. ─── (=head and neck motion) 头颈运动

82、Keywords cycloconverter;vector control;synchronous mot; ─── 交交变频;矢量控制;同步电机;

83、The beauty of a woman is mot in a facial mode,but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. ─── 女人的美丽不在于外表,真正的美丽折射于一个女人的灵魂深处。

84、The would be so embarrassed that women one saw them fall that they would mot try again. ─── 因为有人看到他们摔倒了,他们认为这很丢面子,就不再尝试了;或者,因为摔倒了,他们就认定自己不是那块料。

85、Has your car been MOT'd? ─── 你的汽车作过年检了吗?

86、The chip will inevitably block at least one of the beams, and the MOT no longer works. ─── 晶片必然至少会遮掉一道光束,使得MOT无法作用。

87、Because humor can foster better communication and understanding,and therefore mot only brings happiness to oneself,but also,and perhaps more importantly gratifies others. ─── 因为幽默能更好的沟通和理解,因而他不仅把快乐带给自身,而且更重要的是还能让别人感到高兴。

88、The results showed that MOT and CCK levels of pain with diarrhoea group was higher than that of pain with constipation group and of the normal group respectively, ( P < 0.05 ). ─── IBS痛泻组血浆MOT和CCK值明显高于IBS痛秘组和正常对照组 ,差异有显著性 (P

89、OBJECTION: Discussion of a simple and practical production technology of Pro- mot ing Hepatocyte Growth Factors. ─── 目的:探讨一种简单、实用的促肝细胞生长素溶液的生产工艺。

DotA/Dota 2里的装备有什么来历?



DotA/Dota 2里的装备有什么来历?

谢邀请,有喜欢关注我,每日推荐好玩新游。作为一个dota粉,从冰蛙刚做DOTA就开始玩,到D2TI10一直在玩,对里面有些装备来历还是了解一二。有次在跑团时翻团长的规则书,发现了一个技能说明叫“克敌机先”。然后我很惊喜,突然意识到金箍棒的效果应该也是借鉴了这个技能(或者翻译?)然后又想到dota1那些装备的描述原力法杖:结合这个名字和装备的效果,比较容易发现出自星球大战。恢复指环(叫做回5,又叫875。实际效果回6,实际售价850):描述是从一只胖乎乎的半身人身上扒下来的,明示魔戒。魔力法杖:中文描述是禁止通行。只看中文描述会觉得莫名其妙,但是我作为一名魔戒粉,一眼就看出是甘道夫那句“YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”以上这几个都是我高中刚开始打dota时发现的。那次在dnd也发现“克敌机先”之后,突然想到了瓶子。作为一名从小学就开始粉塞尔达传说的老玩家,高中开始沉迷dota的鱼塘锦鲤,竟然从未想过dota和塞尔达传说也会有联系对,我认为dota里的瓶子就是在致敬塞尔达传说。因为瓶子在塞尔达传说中是一件很重要的道具(当然,最新一作荒野之息没有瓶子),存在感还挺强的,可以反复使用,可以用来装水装牛奶装药水装小精灵。证据没有,全靠yy。1弗拉迪米尔(vladmir)的祭品:主要的效果是吸血光环,而说到吸血大家就一定会想到著名的吸血鬼德古拉,而德古拉的原形即罗马尼亚的瓦拉几亚大公弗拉德(vlad)三世。vladmir即vlad的变体。ps;巧合的是dota2里祭品的装备效果和fgo英灵大公的技能几乎如出一辙,都有加攻、加防和回蓝(滑稽2斯嘉蒂(skadi)之眼:看名字基本就能猜到了,斯嘉蒂就是fgo里的斯卡蒂,来源于北欧神话中的冬之女神。(不过我一直没搞懂斯嘉蒂的故事里眼睛有代表什么特殊的含义,希望有大手子来解答_(?_`」 ∠)_3虽然跟装备没关系,但是补一个不一定靠谱的冷知识吧,dota中的英雄幻影刺客本名茉崔蒂(motred),推测原形是圆桌骑士中著名的叛逆骑士莫德雷德(Modred),motred似乎就是modred的阴性变体。而莫德雷德因为身份问题。

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