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10-03 投稿


menopause 发音

英:[?men?p??z]  美:[?men?p??z]

英:  美:

menopause 中文意思翻译



menopause 网络释义

n. 更年期;活动终止期

menopause 短语词组

1、menopause symptoms ─── 更年期症状

2、post-menopause ─── [医]绝经后

3、dryness during menopause ─── 更年期干燥

4、menopause age ─── 更年期年龄

5、cramps after menopause ─── 绝经后痉挛

6、menopause balance ─── 更年期平衡

7、early menopause ─── 更年期早期

8、artificial menopause ─── [医] 人工绝经

9、formication menopause ─── 更年期

10、menopause relief ─── 更年期缓解

11、male menopause n. ─── 男子更年期

menopause 词性/词形变化,menopause变形

形容词: menopausal |

menopause 相似词语短语

1、magnetopause ─── [地物]磁层顶

2、menopausal ─── adj.绝经期的,更年期的

3、menopome ─── 名称

4、mesopause ─── n.中气层顶

5、ionopause ─── 电离层顶

6、heliopause ─── n.日球层顶;太阳风层顶

7、aeropause ─── n.适航大气界层;大气上界

8、perimenopause ─── n.近绝经期;更年期早期阶段

9、menopausic ─── 更年期

menopause 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A closer look at the eidence and the way the study of menopause hormones, called the Women's Health Initiatie, was interpreted suggests the dangers may hae been exaggerated. ─── 一项证据和对更年期激素的研究在进行,她被称为妇女健康行动,它曾解释说这种危险被人们夸大了。

2、So any protein that dissolve new blood vessels may not be appropriate for younger women who have not yet entered menopause. ─── 因此,对于还未停经的妇女而言,任何足以溶解于新生血管的蛋白质或许都是不适宜的。

3、Women who did not become pregnant were themselves conceived an average of20 years before their mothers reached menopause, the team found. ─── 小组发现,自身怀不上孕的女性,其母亲怀她们时已经是绝经前20年左右了.(思是,她们母亲都是高龄怀的她们.

4、A similar nonsignificant trend was observed for total mortality but the risk of stroke was elevated regardless of years since menopause. ─── 与之相似的是,总体发病率亦有这种不明显的趋势,但无论进入更年期的年数如何,(应用激素治疗)发生卒中的风险是增高的。

5、Early menarche, late menopause, or late 1st pregnancy increases risk. Women who have a 1st pregnancy after age 30 are at higher risk than those who are nulliparous. ─── 初潮早,停经晚,或首次妊娠晚,均可增加癌症危险。30岁后怀第一胎的妇女,其危险性要高于未产妇。

6、Before menopause, when estrogen is plentiful, it beats 27HC to the receptors. ─── 在绝经前,当雌激素含量充足时,它与27HC竞争并与受体结合。

7、Perimenopause marks the interval in which your body begins its transition into menopause. ─── 围绝经期标志着人体开始过渡到绝经期的间隔。

8、impending menopause is also significant. ─── 绝经期即将到来也是很重要的原因。

9、It looked as if I'd officially entered menopause. ─── 看来我已经正式进入更年期。

10、Women run about half a degree higher after ovulation. With menopause the female thermostat imagining excess heat where none exists, generating unnecessary sweat. ─── 女性排卵后,体温约升高半度。停经后,女性的温度调节器会想像体内藏著其实并不存在的多馀热量,于是产生不必要的汗。

11、Health services should be enhanced in the periods of adolescence, pregnancy, maternity, menopause and old age so that people's living standard and their quality of life are improved. ─── 加强青春期、孕产期、更年期、老年期健康服务,提高人们的生活水平和质量。

12、Menopause, premenstrual period, veteran stage, engorged breasts before emmenia, breast mubble. ─── 妇女更年期、经前期、老年期、潮前胸胀、乳生结节等多种不适症状;

13、There is no definite age at which reproductive functions cease abruptly during life, constituting menopause or climacteric in man. ─── 人类一生中没有突然停止生殖机能,即形成绝经期或更年期的确切年龄。

14、An increase in weight raises the probability of having cancer in your colon and rectum, oesophagus, pancreas, kidneys and breasts even after menopause. ─── 增加体重提高了癌症在你更年期后的结肠和直肠、食道、胰腺、肾脏、心房病发的概率。

15、For women who don't go through early menopause, tamoxifen therapy can also shorten the window of opportunity to have children. ─── 对于没有提早停经的女性来说,抗雌激素治疗也会减少生育孩童的机会。

16、Medical problems such as menopause, thyroid conditions, and vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry eye problems. ─── 健康因素诸如更年期、甲状腺病症以及缺乏维他命A都可能引起干眼症。

17、Other factors may include illness, pregnancy, menopause, regular exercise or simply age. ─── 其它的因素可能包括疾病、孕、年期,定期体育锻炼,或仅仅是由于衰老。

18、But as estrogen declines after menopause, 27HC takes over. ─── 但绝经后随着雌激素含量的降低,27HC取而代之的与受体结合。

19、Many women entering menopause say their brains do not seem to work as well as they used to. ─── 许多正步入更年期的女性无不感叹,她们发觉到自己的脑部机能似乎已大不如前。

20、If you know that a close relative( parent or sibling) had diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome( PCOS), early menopause and hypothyroidism, you may be at an increased risk for some of these same diseases. ─── 如果你知道自己的直系亲属(母或者兄弟姐妹)如下疾病:子宫内膜异位症、囊卵巢综合征(COS)过早停经或者甲状腺机能减退,那么你患同样疾病的风险比别人更大。

21、Sexual contact with a partner at least once a week led to more fertile, regular menstrual cycles, shorter menses, delayed menopause, increased estrogen levels, and delayed aging. ─── 和伴侣一个星期最少一次性接触导致更强的生育能力、稳定的月经期、更短的月经、延迟绝经期、提高雌性激素水平、推延老化。

22、The prevalence of incontinence increases with age, and in women it is often associated with childbearing and the menopause. ─── 尿失禁的流行率随着年龄而增长,并在妇女往往是与生育和绝经期。

23、DISCUSSION The lower dose of Livial can defer the menopause period effectively, preventing to perimenopause syndronm. ─── [讨论]绝经前期口服小剂量利维爱可有效地延缓进入绝经期,且可预防围绝经期综合征的发生。

24、And because of the improper care owing to the menstruation taboos,the physical and mental health of the Achang ethnic women is impaired exceedingly until their menopause coming. ─── 在与经期病痛长期作斗争的过程中,阿昌族妇女在经期护理中积累了很多行之有效的地方性知识。

25、The feminine menopause is because the ovary function gradually abates to a transition period which completely vanishes. ─── 女性更年期是由于卵巢功能逐渐消退至完全消失的一个过渡时期。

26、HRT was once routinely prescribed to women as they reached menopause in the belief it would relieve unpleasant symptoms and protect against heart disease and osteoporosis. ─── HRT一度被作为女性绝经期(或更年期)的常规用药。据信该疗法可以缓解绝经期不适症状、预防心脏病以及骨质疏松症。

27、Due to problems caused gonadal axis of female aging, sagging breasts. Shape deformation, early menopause and so on. ─── 因性腺轴出现问题而引起的女性衰老,乳房下垂。身材变形、更年期提前等。

28、Using B uhrasonography and hysteroscopy union inspection is at present after the menopause the uterine hemorrhage best diagnosis method. ─── 应用B超和官腔镜联合检查是目前对绝经后子宫出血的最佳诊断手段之一。

29、To better understand their knowledge of healthcare issues relating to menopause, Eu Yan Sang has commissioned ACNielsen to undertake a telephone survey. ─── 为深入暸解她们对更年期保健问题的认识,余仁生委托ACNielsen进行了一项电话调查。

30、Supplements containing a soy compound called genistein may help increase women's bone mass after menopause, a study suggests. ─── 一项研究指出,内含大豆异黄酮、一种豆类化合物的营养补给品,将能帮助更年期后妇女增加骨头质量。

31、Despite these findings, the North American Menopause Society in 2000 recommended that 40 - 80mg of isoflavones daily may help relieve menopausal symptoms. ─── 基于以上发现,北美更年期协会于2000年建议每日40-80毫克异黄酮将帮助缓解更年期症状。

32、If you notice any vaginal bleeding after menopause or bleeding between your periods, or if you experience pelvic pain, especially during intercourse, tell your doctor immediately. ─── 如果你觉察到绝经后有任何阴道出血现象,或月经之间出血,如果你经历盆腔疼痛,特别是在性生活中,立即告诉你的医生。

33、Their emotions are not predictable but change quickly especially due to hormones, during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. ─── 她们的情绪不可预料,但是变化迅速。因为荷尔蒙的原因,在经期、孕期间和更年期这一点尤为明显。

34、So any protein that dissolves new blood vessels may not be appropriate for younger women who have not yet entered menopause. ─── 因此,任何导致软化新生血管的蛋白质对于还未停经的年轻妇女而言或许都是不适宜吸收的.

35、But the original results have been overturned because they did not take into account the age of the patient or the number of years since menopause. ─── 但是开初的结果被推翻是因为调查者未考虑受试者的年龄或是到更年期的人数。

36、Assists the body in the maintenance of both the respiratory and digestive tracts providing a soothing effect. Anise also facilitates digestion and elimination, and can improve PMS and Menopause symptoms. ─── 内服(做花茶)能帮助消化、改善胃部胀气及反胃现象,亦可改善经前症候群与更年期症状。

37、In women, reproductive medicine also covers menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy and menopause, as well as gynecologic disorders that affect fertility. ─── 在妇女生殖医学还包括月经,排卵,怀孕和更年期,以及影响生育能力的妇科疾病的研究。

38、Women may develop menstrual irregularities as well as other symptoms of early menopause, such as hot flashes, insomnia and increased irritability. ─── 女性患者可能会出现月经失调,甚至其他一些更年期早期症状,如潮热,失眠,或者易怒。

39、The “eer” used oral contracepties and use of estrogens during menopause were both associated with chronic LBP and combined chronic LBP/UEP. ─── 口服避孕药使用史和绝经期间使用雌激素都与慢性LBP和LBP/UEP有关。

40、To provide more insight into these issues, they studied the effect of oophorectomy prior to menopause onset. ─── 为更深入的了解这些问题,他们研究了绝经开始前卵巢切除的影响。

41、Women who walked deried the most benefit in terms of menopause outcomes, but yoga was also beneficial. ─── 就更年期感受来说,参加散步的妇女受益最多,而参加瑜珈锻炼的妇女也有所受益。

42、Has she gone through menopause yet? ─── 她停经了没有?

43、Effection and purpose: It is very useful to be treated for women's Menopause Syndrome and Monthly Prophase Syndrome. ─── 作用与用途:可用于治疗妇女更年期综合症及经前期综合症。

44、B.Adjust endorcrine and delay menopause, prevent premature failure of uterus and ovarian, reduce menstruation discomfort,reinforce uterus function and prevent metroptosis. ─── B、调节内分泌及延缓更年期,预防子宫、卵巢功能早衰,缓解经期不适,强化子宫机能,预防子宫下垂,延缓更年期的到来;

45、Osteoporosis is a common problem in older women once they experience a drop in estrogen levels that accompanies menopause. ─── 一旦妇女进入更年期,雌激素水平下降,骨质疏松则成为常见疾病。

46、Will menopause affect my diabetes? ─── 下面是绝经对糖尿病的影响。

47、There I will strengthen the International Menopause Society recommends officially HRT for prevention of fracture in patients who are at high risk. ─── 届时我会强调国际绝经协会官方向高风险患者们推荐的激素替代治疗方案。

48、CBS) New studies show that the use of hormone replacement therapy for symptoms of menopause may not be as dangerous as once thought. ─── CBS新闻:新的研究表明为缓解绝经期症状使用的激素替代疗法可能不如曾经所想的危险。

49、Treatment-induced menopause: Certain surgical or medical treatments can cause early-onset menopause, including oary remoal, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. ─── 医源性绝经:一些外科或内科治疗能引起早发绝经,如卵巢切除术、化疗或放疗。

50、A woman's menopause begins after age 60. ─── 女性的绝经期开始于60岁。

51、Women need Pap smears throughout menopause and for the remainder of their lives. ─── 妇女自更年期至日后一生都需要作巴氏涂片检验。

52、Think commonly, its are businesslike after the patient after menopause uses estrogen control for 30 % . ─── 一般认为,绝经后的病人用雌激素后其有效率为30%左右。

53、Doing well the hygienic health care of menses, gestation period, childbirth time, nursing time and menopause for woman. ─── 做好妇女经期、孕期、产期、哺乳期、更年期的卫生保健。

54、Women, after the onset of menopause - generally, men are at risk at an earlier age than women, but after the onset of menopause, women are equally at risk. ─── 妇女,绝经期开始后:一般,男人比妇女在较早的年龄在危险期,但是绝经期开始后,妇女在相同的危险中。

55、Experts say a half of women haing a hysterectomy and others haing a premature menopause before the age of 50 could benefit from testosterone therapy. ─── 专家称,一半的子宫切除妇女和其他50岁以前更年期提前到来的妇女,可通过应用睾酮治疗而受益。

56、She added, "We hope to continue studying the female offspring to see if they enter the mouse version of menopause earlier than mice whose mothers were not exposed to PAHs. ─── 她补充道:“我们希望继续对其雌性后代进行研究,看她们是否比未暴露于PAH的小鼠的后代更早进入绝经期。

57、No intense uptake was observed in the 17 patients (19 examinations) presenting remarkably irregular menstrual cycle, 112 patients (136 studies) in menopause for 3 months to 39 years, and 2 patients without menstruation yet. ─── 17例(19次PET)月经明显不规律、112例(136次PET)停经和2例尚未开始来月经者均无子宫、卵巢高摄取。

58、Higher breast cancer rates have been reported in older women who took estrogen-progestin pills for menopause. ─── 在更年期服用雌激素孕丸老年妇女有报告称有较高的乳癌发病率。

59、Menopause, then, poses a bit of a riddle: in a handful of species, including humans, females cease breeding decades before they die. ─── 正因为如此,更年期的存在便显得有些奇怪:对包括人类的少数物种来说,更年期是指雌性在死亡前停止繁殖的一段时间。

60、She will bear her first child about 5 months earlier and enter menopause 10 months later (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0906199106). ─── 同时女性怀第一胎的年龄将提前5个月,进入更年期的时间则将推迟10个月。

61、A.Perimenopause is defined as the two to eight years preceding menopause and the one year after the last menstrual period. ─── 围绝经期是指绝经前2-8年到最后一次月经后的1年这段时间。

62、Fibrocystic changes account for the majority of "breast lumps" that are found in women of reproductive years, particularly between age 30 and menopause. ─── 大多数发现于生育期妇女尤其是在30岁到绝经期之间的“乳腺肿块”是由纤维囊性变引起的。

63、No relationship between subjective assessment of urinary incontinence and pad test weight gain in a random population sample of menopause women. ─── 咳嗽试验阴性时,不能盲目排除压力性尿失禁,须进一步做护垫试验。

64、Estrogen Not Effective After Menopause. ─── 停经后补充服用雌激素没有多大效果。

65、They found four common mutations in FGFR2 associated with the breast cancer in women after menopause who do not hae known relaties with breast cancer. ─── 他们发现,FGFR2的四种常见突变与女性绝经期后乳腺癌有关,这些女性无乳腺癌家族史。

66、Estren was even more effective than estrogen in rebuilding bone in female mice whose ovaries had been removed to simulate menopause. ─── 他们将雌性小鼠的卵巢移除以造成停经,结果发现estren比雌性素更能重建小鼠的骨质。

67、The 7.2% decline came a year after a big federal study linked menopause hormones to higher risk of breast cancer. ─── .这下降了7.2%的结论是在一份对绝经期产生的激素与乳腺癌高发(病)率之间的联系的大范围调查后一年而得来的.

68、More women are starting to take calcium supplements after menopause. ─── 愈来愈多女性开始在更年期来临后服用钙片。

69、The International Menopause Society adds, "Such manipulation of data can only cause unnecessary distress to the many women who are benefiting from HRT. ─── 国际更年期协会补充说:“这种对数据的处理方法仅会给许多受益于HRT的妇女带来不必要的苦恼。”

70、If you are a woman in midlife, it could be related to the hormonal changes of menopause. ─── 如果你是一个中年女性的话,那么这有可能和更年期体内激素的改变有关。

71、Reporter: No, but there is bleeding seen from vagina since she has menopause for40 days. ─── 报警者:没有,但阴道有少量出血,流汗,停经40天了。

72、The influences of sex and age on the sc ar,especially menopause,hints at t he role of the sex hormones in scar formation. ─── 不同性别、年龄之间,尤其是女性绝经期前后,瘢痕的形成都有所不同,提示性激素在瘢痕的形成过程中发挥着一定的作用。

73、She is now in early menopause and infertile herself. ─── 她现在是早期绝经,并且不孕。

74、Effection and purpose: Fight tumour, prevent bone loose, reduce cholesterin, protect heart and relaxed women's Menopause Syndrome. ─── 作用与用途:抗肿瘤、预防骨质疏松、降胆固醇、保护心脏、缓解妇女更年期综合症。

75、As peri-menopause begins, fat tends to accumulate around the waist and chest, increasing our risk of heart disease. ─── 在这个十年期间,增加的脂肪主要积累在胸部和腰部,这使发生心脏病的几率加大。

76、Middle-aged and older women, after intercourse vaginal bleeding, or usually have irregular vaginal bleeding, or a few years after menopause to menstruation, leukorrhea increased. ─── 中年以上的妇女,性交后阴道有少量出血,或平时有不规则的阴道出血,或是停经数年后又来月经,白带明显增多。

77、Of or relating to the years or the stage of life immediately before the onset of menopause. ─── 停经前的绝经前不久的那些年或生命阶段的或与之相关的

78、She concedes that exercise probably does hae a beneficial impact on other menopause symptoms, such as sleep disturbance and anxiety. ─── 她勉强说道,锻炼或许真的对更年期的其他症状有所裨益,如睡眠不好和焦虑。

79、Dong Quai contains rich vitamin E and a chemical ingredient that is similar to our hormone, which helps maintain hormonal balance and relieve menopause discomfort. ─── 当归含有类似贺尔蒙的化学成份及丰富的维他命E,可调节人体贺尔蒙及缓解更年期的不适症状;

80、Women: When a woman reaches menopause, she goes through a variety of complicated emotional, psychological, and biological changes. ─── 女人:当一个女人进入更年期,她会经历一系列复杂的情绪、心理和生理变化。

81、For women, this might be especially true after menopause, when body fat tends to shift from the arms, legs and hips to the abdomen. ─── 对于更年期之后的女性而言更为普遍,她们的脂肪从手臂、腿部、臀部逐渐游移到小腹上。

82、After two months of two groups, their clinical symptoms of menopause measured, two more obvious differences (P

83、When women go through menopause and their prolactin level drops, a lot of women develop problems with dry eyes or not enough tears. ─── 妇女绝经时,其催乳素就下降,因而很多人会出现干眼病或眼泪不足的毛病。

84、Restoration of estrogen levels after menopause helps to mitigate some of the more harmful side effects of hormone loss that generally occur during aging. ─── 在绝经后恢复雌激素水平有助于缓解一些由于激素丢失(常见于老年)而产生的更有害的副作用。

85、The7.2% decline came a year after a big federal study linked menopause hormones to higher risk of breast cancer. ─── .这下降了7.2%结论是在一份对绝经期产生的激素与乳腺癌高发()之间的联系的大范围调查后一年而得来的.

86、Stop fretting about global warming Mother Nature is going through menopause, but her hot flashes won't last forever. ─── 不要为全球变暖而烦恼了。自然母亲要到更年期了,不过她的热度不会持续很久的。

87、"After menopause, when estrogen levels plummet, some women become forgetful. ─── 几周之后,她的肺功能减弱,而且肾脏衰竭。

88、Motherhood, pregnancy, menstruation and menopause have traditionally been seen as working in conflict with business. ─── 传统观点认为,抚养孩子,怀孕,月经,更年期都会影响女性的工作。

89、Unlike menopause, it is possible for POF to be temporary. ─── 不同于更年期,卵巢早衰很可能是一个暂时期。

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