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10-03 投稿


mottle 发音

英:['m?t(?)l]  美:['mɑtl]

英:  美:

mottle 中文意思翻译



mottle 网络释义

n. 斑点;杂色;斑驳vt. 使呈杂色;使显得斑驳陆离

mottle 词性/词形变化,mottle变形

动词过去式: mottled |名词: mottler |动词过去分词: mottled |动词第三人称单数: mottles |动词现在分词: mottling |

mottle 短语词组

1、inverse mottle ─── [机] 逆麻口

2、mottle cast iron ─── 斑驳铸铁

3、carnation mottle virus ─── [医]CarMV

4、mottle virus ─── 斑驳病毒

5、reticulated mottle ─── 网状斑点

6、chill zone without mottle ─── [机] 无麻口冷硬层

7、reverse mottle ─── [机] 逆冷硬麻口

8、chill mottle control ─── [机] 冷硬麻口控制法

9、diffraction mottle ─── 衍射斑纹

10、vermiculated mottle ─── 网纹斑驳

11、chill zone with mottle ─── [机] 有麻口冷硬层

mottle 相似词语短语

1、mottles ─── 斑点

2、bottle ─── n.瓶子;一瓶的容量;vt.控制;把…装入瓶中;vi.(街头艺人演出后)收拢钱币

3、mettle ─── n.勇气;气质;耐力

4、mottlers ─── n.斑点;杂色;斑驳(mottle的变形)

5、pottle ─── n.半加仑的酒;半加仑

6、mottler ─── n.斑点;杂色;斑驳(mottle的变形)

7、mottled ─── adj.斑驳的,杂色的;v.使成杂色(mottle的过去分词)

8、dottle ─── n.烟渣,残烟丝

9、motte ─── n.丛林;n.(Motte)人名;(日)物袋(姓);(德、法、英)莫特

mottle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mbeya mottle virus ─── 树蕃茄斑点病毒

2、Soybean pod mottle virus ─── 大豆荚斑点病毒

3、Bryonia mottle potyvirus ─── 布朗尼亚斑点马铃薯Y病毒

4、In circuit of connect to IGBT, the bus bar is employed, which is important way to reduce pass-voltage and mottle inductance. ─── 为了减小杂散电感、抑制过电压,本文研究了功率母线的结构,并且应用在与IGBT直接相连的电路中,优化了主电路结构并减小杂散电感、降低过电压。

5、a ware with mottle glaze ─── 有斑点釉面的陶器

6、Cherry ring mottle virus ─── 樱桃环斑点病毒

7、Gladiolus mottle virus, Gladiolus speckle virus ─── 唐菖蒲斑点病毒

8、rice yellow mottle ─── 水稻黄斑驳病

9、Oak chlorotic leaf mottle virus ─── 栎树叶退绿斑点病毒

10、The lower part of the work wascomposed oftexture(galzed by ferric oxide),showing mottle of the mountains; ─── 我向往的是山水的静与美,象古人一样追求精神沟通的境界,追求闲淡的情怀。

11、Otherwise, the Siberia cultivar from Fujian was seriously observed for the special virus symptoms of mosic and mottle . 3. ─── 另外,福建收集的西伯利亚表现花叶扭曲等病毒病症状,发病程度较严重。

12、Blueberry leaf mottle nepovirus ─── 乌饭树叶斑点线虫传多角体病毒

13、Cherry chlorotic ring mottle virus ─── 樱桃退绿环斑点病毒

14、Ranunculus mottle virus ─── 毛茛斑点病毒

15、Hills and parks mottle the urban landscape. ─── 桂林市是首批 “中国优秀旅游城市”;

16、Pine mottle virus ─── 松树斑点病毒

17、Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid ─── ChMVd

18、Detection of Strawberry mottle virus and Strawberry mild yellow edge virus by Multiplex RT-PCR ─── 应用多重RT-PCR检测草莓斑驳病毒和草莓轻型黄边病毒

19、In tubers from such potatoes stem mottle symptoms are rarely observed. ─── 由这类马玲薯产生的块茎中茎斑驳症状不易观察到。

20、Ryegrass mottle virus ─── 多花黑麦草斑驳病毒

21、A trance as ever sighed mottle, puckered dim fell out of favor China rusty, so a few worship religious, can change time no more? ─── 一幅恍惚如昔的感叹斑驳,一皱暗淡失宠的华年锈色,那么几拜虔诚,方能换得年华不更?

22、Oak mottle virus ─── 栎树斑驳病毒

23、Old house The mottle and old house prove the rise and fall of history. ─── 《老房子》斑驳的老房子,总是印证着历史的兴衰。

24、Some seedlings were tested serological reaction by using bean pod mottle virus(BPMV)double antibody sandwich(DAS)ELISA kit. ─── 出苗后,采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法(DAS-ELISA)进行菜豆荚斑驳病毒(bean pod mottle virus,BPMV)的血清学检测。

25、Apricot moorpark mottle virus ─── 杏莫帕尔克斑点病毒

26、are caused by poor ink or uneven absorption characteristics in the paper. ─── 是由于油墨品质差,纸张具不均匀的吸收性所引至。

27、bright mottle ─── 亮日芒

28、Rice yellow mottle sobemovirus ─── 水稻黄斑南方豆花叶病毒

29、Print mottle is one of the most detrimental factors to general print quality,and to get high quality print,the most important is to resolve print mottle problem. ─── 印刷墨斑是影响印刷质量的因素中最具损害性的一个,要得到高品质的印刷品首先要解决墨斑问题。

30、It was not dull grey as distance had suggested, but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green. ─── 那其实不是从远处看起来的暗灰色,而是黄褐色、黑色和橄榄绿组成的杂色。

31、chill mottle control ─── [机] 冷硬麻口控制法

32、Keywords Variegated copperware;Emergence;Coloring;Mottle figure; ─── 斑铜;显斑;着色;斑纹;

33、Lilac ring mottle ilarvirus ─── 丁香花环斑点等轴不稳环斑病毒

34、This study together with related reports indicated that an effective way of controlling film mottle was to refrain from usmg too high tube voItage and too big intensifying screen factor which translated into too small mAs value. ─── 本研究结果并结合有关文献表明:控制X线照片斑点的主要措施是管电压不要过高,所用稀土增感因数不宜过大,即所用mAs值不宜过小。


36、Spruce mottle virus ─── 云杉斑点病毒

37、Keywords bronze;mottle;hot-tinning;annealing; ─── 关键词青铜器;斑纹;热镀锡;退火;

38、Preliminary identification of a Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus infecting pumpkin ─── 侵染观赏南瓜的黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒的初步鉴定

39、Beech ring mottle virus ─── 山毛榉环斑点病毒

40、Highly pure Vitamin C introducer, quickly penetrate into deep skin.Restrain mottle production, de-compose and fade out melanin.Leave skin fair, transparent, delicate and smooth. ─── 含高纯度维他命C诱导体,迅速渗透肌肤内层,抑制黑斑生成并使黑色素分解淡化,用后肌肤更加透明白晳,细致光滑。

41、I used various shades of red, orange and green to stamp the leaves to make them mottle, and interspersed a couple of leaves with copper inks to achieve an elegant border. ─── 以各种红橘绿色系墨色上印,加上金亮的古铜色作点缀,于是,便成就了雅致的框.

42、print mottle ─── 印刷墨斑

43、Camellia yellow mottle leaf virus ─── 山茶叶黄斑病毒

44、Natural collagen: Deeply and effectively purify skin, penetrate into skin, remove aged cutin, restrain mottle formation, instantly whiten skin, eliminate dim complexion. ─── 天然胶原蛋白:深层高效净白肌肤,迅速渗透肌肤内层,去除老化角质,抑制黑斑生成,瞬间美白肌肤,赶走暗哑肤色。

45、Papaw faint mottle ring spot virus ─── 木瓜浅环斑点病毒

46、Looking up at the sky, that touch of blue, turned into a long face, stranded in the clear rain mottle. ─── 抬头看天,那一抹微蓝,幻化成思恋的容颜,搁浅在清雨斑驳的彼岸。

47、Desmodium yellow mottle tymovirus ─── 山马蝗黄色斑点芜菁黄花叶病毒

48、Multicolored scales mottle the bark of a sycamore tree near Lake Como, Italy. ─── 树木。多重颜色的鳞屑斑点在一棵枫树的树皮靠近科摩湖,意大利。

49、Abstract: Surface mottle of BMC parts is one of common quality defects. ─── 摘 要: 不饱和聚酯树脂模塑料压制件表面颜色不均匀是常见的质量难题之一。

50、I like the stone steps in Ao Park.As a result of the years of erosion, there were mottle and vicissitudes, leaves a lot of room for imagination. ─── 我更喜欢的是鳌园里的石阶,它们因岁月的侵蚀呈现出班驳和沧桑,却给人留下了很多想象的空间。

51、chill zone without mottle ─── [机] 无麻口冷硬层

52、The Preliminary Clinical Observation of Mottle Elimination by Artificial-cultured Sphaeria sinensis ─── 人工培养冬虫夏草菌祛除色斑临床观察初报

53、Cherry mottle leaf virus ─── 樱桃叶斑点病毒

54、Mottle : Spotty or uneven ink application, usually most easily seen and most pronounced in large solid areas. ─── 墨斑:油墨分布不均匀而出现的斑点,通常在大实地的地方,特别显著。

55、chill zone with mottle ─── [机] 有麻口冷硬层

56、Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus ─── 樱桃坏死锈斑点病毒

57、(virusoid of)velvet tobacco mottle virus ─── 光滑的烟草斑纹病毒

58、The possibility to measure the amount of print mottle (reflectance variation) may in many ways facilitate the development of printing methods. ─── 其控制方式大多仰赖微处理器为主要架构,并实现其色彩辨识之演算法。

59、A typical print mottle evaluation model was introduced and .analyzed.It was put forward that it can be applied in the print quality evaluation software helping to solve print mottle problem. ─── 介绍了一种典型的印刷墨斑计算模型,并对其进行深入分析,以便将其应用到印刷质量测试软件中,帮助解决墨斑问题。

60、backtrap mottle ─── Backtrap色癍

61、Cacao mottle leaf virus ─── 可可树叶斑点病毒

62、spray mottle ─── 橘皮麻点

63、The symptoms of the diseased trees include leaf mottle, small fruit and stunting. ─── 本病能通过组织嫁接从病柚树传染到柚健苗和芦柑健苗。

64、Elm mottle ilarvirus ─── 榆斑点等轴不稳环斑病毒

65、Identification and detection of pathogen causing mottle leaf of pomelo ─── 柚类果树叶片斑驳病的病原鉴定与检测

66、Raspberry leaf mottle virus ─── 悬钩子叶斑点病毒

67、subterranean clover mottle virus ─── 地下三叶草斑驳病毒

68、To mark or mottle with spots. ─── 有斑点,成斑驳用点作标记或使斑驳杂色

69、mottle enamel ─── 斑点搪瓷

70、Mottle: Spotty or uneven ink application, usually most easily seen and most pronounced in large solid areas. Mottle are caused by poor ink or uneven absorption characteristics in the paper. ─── 墨斑:油墨分布不均匀而出现的斑点,通常在大实地的地方,特别显著。是由于油墨品质差,纸张具不均匀的吸收性所引至。

71、Print mottle is one of the most detrimental factors to general print quality, and to get high quality print, the most important is to resolve print mottle problem. ─── 摘要印刷墨斑是影响印刷质量的因素中最具损害性的一个,要得到高品质的印刷品首先要解决墨斑问题。

72、mottle figure ─── 斑纹

73、Detection of Lily symptomless virus and Lily mottle virus by Multiplex RT-PCR ─── 应用多重RT-PCR检测百合无症病毒和百合斑驳病毒

74、mottle effect ─── 斑点样褪色

75、Cacao red mottle virus ─── 可可树红斑点病毒

76、The Cause of print mottle and the methed of prevention ─── 印刷“墨斑”成因分析与控制

77、yellow mottle decline ─── 椰子败生病

78、4. Natural collagen: Deeply and effectively purify skin, penetrate into skin, remove aged cutin, restrain mottle formation, instantly whiten skin, eliminate dim complexion. ─── 天然胶原蛋白:深层高效净白肌肤,迅速渗透肌肤内层,去除老化角质,抑制黑斑生成,瞬间美白肌肤,赶走暗哑肤色。收藏指正

79、Cotton leaf mottle virus ─── 棉叶斑点病毒

80、dark mottle ─── 暗日芒

81、Soybean chlorotic mottle virus ─── 大豆退绿斑驳病毒

82、Soybean mottle leaf virus ─── 大豆叶斑点病毒

83、Surface mottle of BMC parts is one of common quality defects. ─── 不饱和聚酯树脂模塑料压制件表面颜色不均匀是常见的质量难题之一。

84、Cherry rusty mottle virus ─── 樱桃烈性锈斑点病毒

85、Mottle in Dengying, Ambilight, and every manifestation of the “Shanghai Nights” mysterious and elegant. ─── 在灯影斑驳、流光溢彩之中,处处体现出“夜上海”的神秘与高雅。

86、single mottle yarn ─── 异色粗纱纺纱的花式线

87、Detection of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Watermelon of Introduced Seed ─── 引进种质西瓜中黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒的检测

88、Cherry Lambert mottle virus ─── 兰勃特樱桃斑点病毒

89、Lilac mottle carlavirus ─── 丁香花斑点香石竹潜伏病毒

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