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10-03 投稿


misjudgment 发音

英:[?m?s?d??d?m?nt]  美:[m?s?d??d?m?nt]

英:  美:

misjudgment 中文意思翻译



misjudgment 网络释义

n. 估计错误;判断错误(等于misjudgement)

misjudgment 词性/词形变化,misjudgment变形


misjudgment 短语词组

1、misjudgment on the influence ─── 对影响的误判

misjudgment 相似词语短语

1、misjudge ─── vi.判断错;vt.对…判断错误

2、adjudgment ─── 宣告

3、misjudged ─── vi.判断错;vt.对…判断错误

4、dislodgment ─── n.移动;赶出

5、misjudgement ─── n.判断错误;判断不公

6、forjudgment ─── 以待判断

7、judgment ─── n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力

8、misjudgements ─── n.判断错误;判断不公

9、misjudgments ─── n.估计错误;判断错误(等于misjudgement)

misjudgment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Syrian referee Basi Ma - Mu Hanxin competition in several significant benefit Qatar's misjudgment of the Chinese team very angry. ─── 叙利亚裁判巴斯玛-穆罕辛比赛中多次明显的有利于卡塔尔队的误判让中国队非常愤怒。

2、misjudgment failure ─── 从属故障

3、All it takes is one misjudgment and the boat could be upside down on account of a large wave or a sharp turn. ─── 但是只要一个错误的判断,快艇就会因为一个大波浪或者一个急转弯而整个翻过来。

4、6.Yet the misjudgment and misadventure in Iraq will forever soil a record that could have been so much better. ─── 但在伊拉克问题上的错误判断和不幸遭遇,将永远玷污他本应更好的政绩。

5、After the beginning of autumn the weather gradually turned from warm to cold, early autumn due to misjudgment of summer heat, the temperature remains high. ─── 立秋之后天气由热渐凉,初秋由于盛夏余热未消,气温仍然很高。

6、Sir James felt with some sadness that she was to have perfect liberty of misjudgment. ─── 詹姆士爵觉得,只能眼睛睁着她走上歧途,未免有些伤感。

7、The manager was guilty of an important misjudgment. ─── 经理犯了一个重大的判断错误。

8、misjudgment ratio ─── 误判率

9、Only in hindsight is it clear what a crucial misjudgment that was. ─── 事后才我们才明白这是一个多么关键的错误判断。

10、Driver misjudgment leads to some tremendous incidents on the track losing not only podium bids but also piles of cash... ─── 司机误判导致一些重大的事件在赛道上不仅失去登上领奖台的出价,而且还成堆的现金...

11、He had little enough to hide: a clutch of Utopian left-wing views, and one dismaying brush with Holocaust denial which seemed the mere misjudgment of old age. ─── 他也没有什么需要隐瞒的:他有一些乌托邦的左翼思想,还和那些否认犹太人大屠杀的人发生过一次冲突(这多少让人有些沮丧,不过这多半只是由于年老导致的判断错误)。

12、Earlier this year, the Shanghai property market suddenly enlarged to double the volume of transactions, many articles for the price rises again misjudgment. ─── 今年初,上海楼市交易量突然放大一倍,好多文章误判为房价上涨卷土重来。

13、In fact, we believe, these kinds of argument are derived from a misjudgment of the nature of colonial power. ─── 事实上,我们认为这种说法基本上是起源于对殖民权力本质上的误判。

14、Oedipus’ identity crisis is caused by the predestination of god while Lear’s is caused by his misjudgment of man. ─── 由此可见,人在自我认识之旅中的决定性因素已经由不可抗拒的神意转移到人类自身。

15、Many accidents were due to pilot misjudgment. ─── 许多事故都是由于飞行员判断失误造成的。

16、Seven-day holding vice president of throwing millions of shares, "Yin Yu misjudgment," the new joint Kerry (002,188) 6 executives to sell shares January 55, "re-board the front." ─── 七喜控股副总裁一日抛股百万“余音未消”,新嘉联(002188)6高管一月卖股55次“再登前台”。

17、Besides, misjudgment of oneself and external impacts can also lead to a sense of crisis inside of a person. ─── 这种危机感有时转瞬即失,有时持续甚久,甚至令人绝望。

18、On the one hand avoid the vagaries of the market in the trading volume and follow the trend of a misjudgment, on the other hand, it provides a space for their intervention rate. ─── 第一步是保持人民币汇率收盘价的稳定,避免继续上扬。第二步是适当让人民币贬值,并走出持续下跌的曲线,让汇率超调。

19、Cold winter this misjudgment, Beijing yesterday it began to drizzle, to the people by virtue of the inconvenience of travel. ─── 冬日寒气未消,北京城昨天竟然下起了蒙蒙细雨,给人们的出行凭增不便。

20、An Analysis of the Reasons for Neglection and Misjudgment on making Use of Personnel ─── 造成用人失察失误的原因分析

21、The penny stocks fiasco was the result of poor communications, misjudgment and the imperfect system, an independent panel report said. ─── 独立调查报告认为,细价股事件,是沟通不足、判断上的错误和制度上有瑕疵所致。

22、During a power system fault, a great deal of unprocessed alarm messages is generated by EMS or SCADA system.It is too difficult for the operator to cope with and it may cause misjudgment. ─── 在电力系统发生故障时,能量管理系统(EMS)和远程监控和数据采集(SCADA)系统产生大量未经处理的报警信息,对调度员工作压力过大,易发生误判。

23、Developers to the less fortunate, he has only himself to the reasonable market due to misjudgment of the situation, the loss is a bankruptcy should bear the consequences accordingly. ─── 开发商遭遇不幸,照理说是自己对市场形势误判所致,是亏损是破产都应该承担相应后果。

24、But if your joke seriously offends people then you were guilty of misjudgment. ─── 然而如果你的笑话很严重的冒犯了别人那么你会因为判断错误而感到内疚。

25、Du Zhenyu fell to the ground after more than we wanted this misjudgment, even the two in mind, "Blackfoot" Tishang Talei Si. ─── 倒地后的杜震宇余怒未消,连出两记“黑脚”踢伤塔雷斯。

26、There are also funds in the market's short-term turning point in making a misjudgment, in the new century, dividends rose sharply prior to the selection Jiancang become panic Jiancang example. ─── 也有基金在市场的短时转折中作出错误判断,新世纪分红则在大涨之前选择大幅减仓,成为恐慌性减仓的例子。

27、intelligent infrared devices , identifiable signal interference or misoperation , reduce misjudgment , and improving work efficiency. ─── 智能红外装置,可识别干扰或误动作信号,减少误判,提高工作效率。

28、All it takes is one misjudgment and the boat could be upside down on account of a large wave or a sharp turn. ─── 但是只要一个错误的判断,快艇就会因为一个大波浪或者一个急转弯而整个翻过来。

29、With the Treasury frantically trying to cut spending and raise debt, the disposal of the UK's bullion looks to be a misjudgment. ─── 财政部当时抛售黄金是为了削减开支和投资债券,而这一决定现在看来是错误的。

30、Wong Kwong Yu incident doubt this misjudgment, and exposed the United States and abroad will stock may be sold. ─── 黄光裕事件疑云未消,又曝出国美股权将可能被出售的消息。

31、A blatant mistake or misjudgment. ─── 明显的错误或错误判断

32、Correction of Misjudgment of Welding Stomas of Gas Pipeline at the Low Temperature and the Improvement Technique ─── 低温天然气管道焊接气孔的误判纠正和工艺改进

33、In a rare misjudgment of the public mood, Lula laughingly lamented his bad luck to be leaving just before the largesse arrived. ─── 在一次罕见的误判民众心情,鲁拉满脸笑意地悲叹自己在加薪大礼送达之前就要离别的不幸。

34、Examples for Misjudgment in Inspection of Pile Quality by Using Method of Reflection Wave with Low Strain ─── 反射波法小应变桩身质量检测中易误判的几种实例

35、As a result, the valuation of the risk before this misjudgment, even if the Government's policy to stimulate the economy frequent positive on the stock market continued to be difficult. ─── 因此,在估值风险未消之前,即便政府刺激经济的政策频出,对股市的利好也难以持续。”

36、The Senate ethics committee found Mr McCain guilty only of "misjudgment". ─── 参议院道德委员会判决麦凯恩仅仅属于“判断误差”。

37、Misjudgment of anger Changsha man then contact the local media, about injustice, "the Lao large deficit, spent nearly 10,000, then go, do not want to leave home after? ─── 怒气未消的长沙籍男子则联系上当地媒体,诉说不公,“老子这次亏大了,花了将近一万块,那么奔波,不就想让家里留个后么?”

38、The penny stocks fiasco was the result of poor communications, misjudgment and the imperfect system, an independent panel report said. ─── 独立调查报告认为,细价股事件,是沟通不足、判断上的错误和制度上有瑕疵所致。

39、five discriminant function of the average accuracy was 81.7%, the average rate for the misjudgment of 18.3%. ─── 5个判别函数的平均准确度为81.7%,平均误判率为18.3%。

40、According to the sequence in dividing the evaluating space,the incredible recognition rule is established to replace the maximum subordinate recognition rule so as to reduce the misjudgment. ─── 根据评价空间分割的有序性,建立了置信度识别准则代替最大隶属度识别准则,减少误判。

41、The Senate ethics committee found Mr McCain guilty only of “misjudgment”. ─── 参议院道德委员会判决麦凯恩仅仅属于“判断误差”。

42、Both counties now have to bear the consequences of any decisions made by US government, including misjudgment of the people of Taiwan. ─── 人们常把最高层官员未能访问当成焦点,但在任何关系中,高层出访都不是司空见惯的。

43、If sentenced it to pyrophlegm blues that need to consider carefully.Because it may have some misjudgment. ─── 若砷为痰火郁结,需慎重考虑可能有一定的误判;

44、Can not be "overheated" confused with "bubble", resulting in a misjudgment of the situation on the property market. ─── 不能把“过热”混同于“泡沫”,以致造成对房地产市场形势的误判。

45、Their misjudgment was out of their prejudice. ─── 他们判断失误是因为偏见。

46、You should know that difference a slight misjudgment of the positioning of your foot. ─── 你应该知道的差异略有误判的定位,您的脚。

47、Sir James felt with some sadness that she was to have perfect liberty of misjudgment. ─── 詹姆士爵觉得,只能眼睛睁着她走上歧途,未免有些伤感。

48、The R&D of technology of vehicle active safety, such as collision avoidance, to reduce the driver's burden or misjudgment is important to improve the traffic safety. ─── 大力研究开发如汽车防撞等主动式汽车安全技术,减少驾驶员的负担和判断错误,对于提高交通安全将起到重要作用。

49、an error in judgment; a misjudgment ─── 判断失误

50、To do otherwise, USA will continue to bear detrimental consequences from its misjudgment and the out of date "One-China Policy". ─── 简言之,战略、道德和法律上的要求,使得美国必须一直关心台湾和它的安全。

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