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10-03 投稿


tangling 发音

英:[?t??ɡl??]  美:[?t??ɡl??]

英:  美:

tangling 中文意思翻译



tangling 词性/词形变化,tangling变形

动词过去分词: tangled |动词第三人称单数: tangles |形容词: tangly |动词现在分词: tangling |动词过去式: tangled |

tangling 反义词


tangling 同义词

embroil | ravel | trap | mesh | maze | sweep | snarl | disrupt | mat | labyrinth | entangle | mess | web | jungle | tousle | mass | disorder | complication | embarrass | come up against | twist |knot | difficulty | dishevel | snag | confuse | jam | drag | drag in | sweep up | jumble | involve | mix-up | complicate

tangling 相似词语短语

1、fangling ─── 捕获;

2、cangling ─── 苍岭

3、mangling ─── v.压碎,撕烂;严重损坏;使变形;糟蹋;榨干(mangle的现在分词)

4、tanglings ─── v.(使)缠结在一起;(使)乱成一团;处于混乱状态;(和……)争吵;打架;n.缠结;混乱,纷乱;争吵;打架;大型棕色海藻(尤指昆布)

5、twangling ─── 吐温

6、jangling ─── v.使发出叮当声;使争论(jangle的现在分词)

7、dangling ─── adj.悬挂的;摇摆的;v.摇晃(dangle的ing形式)

8、angling ─── n.钓鱼;钓鱼术;v.调整…的角度;斜向地行进(angle的现在分词);n.(Angling)人名;(瑞典)昂林

9、gangling ─── adj.过分瘦长的;动作笨拙难看的;v.笨拙地移动(gangle的ing形式)

tangling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、having grown too large for its container,resulting in matting or tangling of the roots ─── 长大得超过了其容器,以致于根都纠缠在一起的

2、Creating actual source code out of a Leo project, or importing it thereto, is done by tangling and untangling the project. ─── 可以通过tangling和untangling工程来在Leo工程外部创建实际的源代码,或者将其导入到Leo工程。

3、Praise &Worship shall be done both active, motivated way as well as being contemplative.4 Sharing of the Bible isn’t something difficult when we get out of the literal tangling. ─── 今天的人生活在使人透不过气的消费社会里,很渴望着教会能实现它的真使命,给人带来救援。

4、of a potted plant; grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots. ─── 指盆栽;对容器来说长得太大结果根部缠成了一团。

5、At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes" . ─── 在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。

6、Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangling shrubbery. ─── 经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。

7、And because skunk numbers are up, there's more chance of a household pet tangling with one outside. ─── 因为臭鼬不断增多,家养的宠物和野外臭鼬接触的机会也变大。

8、of a potted plant; grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots ─── 指盆栽;对容器来说长得太大结果根部缠成了一团

9、Tangling City ─── 铜陵市

10、The aspect-oriented programming (AOP) separated crosscutting from system, solved tangling and scattering of code in object-oriented programming (OOP). ─── 摘要面向方面编程(AOP)把横切关注点从系统中分离,解决了面向对象编程(OOP)中代码纠缠、散射的问题。

11、Solving steel wire rope tangling for an imported tower crane ─── 进口塔机乱绳现象排除一例

12、The mystics weren't as polite, tangling their fingers in front of their eyes and hissing protective spells. ─── 神秘主义者们就没这么礼貌了,他们在眼睛前绞绕手指,从牙缝里嘶嘶些保护性的咒语。

13、Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangling shrubbery. ─── 经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。

14、They are one kind of contradiction,tangling with the self-admiration desire and self-matching desire. ─── 当那些骨感味美女在骚首弄姿时,石巍看到的却是一种纠缠不清的情绪。

15、Wiley lunges to his feet, pants tangling around his ankles. ─── 韦利猛得站起来,裤子缠在脚踝处。

16、Shaking off and Tangling--on Spiritual Image of Novels with Local Colour in New Period ─── 摆脱与纠缠--论新时期乡土小说的精神意象

17、A Study of Relationship between Tangling Strength an Weaving Process of Interlaced Yarn ─── 网络丝交络强度与织造关系的研究

18、Keywords hydrogen;tangling;pinch technique;optimization; ─── 氢;交络;窄点技术;优化;

19、New Air Interlacing Jet for Continuous Interlacing and"Soft Tangling" ─── 连续交缠和"柔性缠结"用新型空气交缠喷嘴

20、I was walking on my way to Tangling Mall for my lunch. ─── 今天是周一,中国放假,可新加坡不,要上课!

21、Dislocation pile-up and tangling around carbide particles were also observed after high degree of deformation. ─── 变形量大时在碳化物粒子周围形成位错塞积和缠结。

22、A silky coat could be fairly short and easy to brush, or heavily feathered and prone to tangling. ─── “顺畅的毛发”可理解为相当短和容易梳理,或者厚重的毛和倾向于纠缠。

23、Having grown too large for its container, resulting in matting or tangling of the roots.Used of a potted plant. ─── 根满盆的,盆缚的长大得超过了其容器,以致于根都纠缠在一起的。

24、The WINGS system incorporates the godets and the tangling unit into the winder, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency, according to Oerlikon. ─── 据该公司称,欧瑞康WINGS系统将导丝辊和缠结组件集合到络纱机里,提高了产量和效率。

25、Endless tangling and involvement ─── 丝丝拉拉

26、It is soon proved to Shawn that Mom can't fix the problem: before he ride the bike out of the complex, the wheel starts tangling around and Mom can't put it back--even with the help of "that thing". ─── 没出两分钟,双双和妈妈就认识到这中间的问题:还没骑出小区的院子,那个轮子就稀里哗啦的松开了,妈妈当然是把它弄不回去--即使有“那个东西”的帮助。

27、Even more instances contain the tangling of ethical and psychological concepts, like the gratitude for nurture, and the apprehension of destruction and fragility. ─── 甚至,哺育之类的感恩式概念、毁灭与柔弱之类忧虑性的感受都交织在一起。

28、"Split ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibres of the cortex unravel. The hair is dry, brittle, and prone to tangling, and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft." ─── 发梢开叉是角质层受损和皮层的纤维开裂所致。头发干燥、脆弱、易缠绕,会在发梢或发干的任何部位分叉。

29、76. Typically, this involves doing battle with evil demons as well as tangling with demonically-allied humans and Angel's own violent nature. ─── 而这通常都会包含与邪魔鬼怪进行战斗,以及与那些和恶魔结盟的人还有“天使”自身的凶残本性做斗争的内容。

30、Stationary Flanged Port Plate: Delivers air pressure to rotating component (Gripper) &eliminates Airlines from tangling. ─── 固定法兰港口板块:提供空气压力旋转组件(夹具)和消除了纠缠航空公司。

31、The result is sometimes known as code tangling, or more simply, "a mess." ─── 结果就是所谓的“代码纠缠”,或者更简单点儿说“一团糟”。

32、Monica frantically bursts into action as Rachel resumes winding, tangling Chandler's wool. ─── 当瑞秋重新结开缠绕钱德勒的毛线,莫妮卡快速织了起来。

33、Fat vines ripped off the wall by themselves and grew suddenly longer.They whipped around the dark thing as it stood there, tangling all around it. ─── 膨大的藤蔓自行从墙上挪下,瞬间伸长,在它立足之地的四周高高扬起,将它缠绕得严严实实。

34、I stood trembling a few yards from him, surrounded by the darkness in the wind, where was no other sound except our deep breath tangling. ─── 无际的黑暗里,我与他默默对视着。周围静谧无声,仿佛只有彼此的呼吸起伏,缠绵难舍的纠结着。

35、The purpose of a story is to sound an alarm, to keep a light trained on The System in order to prevent it from tangling our souls in its web and demeaning them. ─── 故事的目的在于提醒世人,在于检视体制,避免它驯化我们的灵魂、剥夺灵魂的意义。

36、Having grown too large for its container, resulting in matting or tangling of the roots. Used of a potted plant. ─── 根满盆的,盆缚的长大得超过了其容器,以致于根都纠缠在一起的。用来指盆栽植物

37、Wiley lunges to his feet , pants tangling around his ankles . ─── 韦利猛得站起来,裤子缠在脚踝处。

38、dislocation tangling ─── 位错缠结

39、"The old say:"Ho,there is my father tangling whist my mather for smoking in he stoned. ─── 老人说:“哦,是我的爸爸喝醉了因为吸烟和我的妈妈在吵架。”

40、Unfortunatily, the actions what this persong had taken was so tangling and keeping on at her that she can not bear it in silence. ─── 我想,很多时候,我们不会真的去追究谁是不是漂亮美丽, 只要能看的顺眼, 就够了。

41、You can see the two Judo players tangling on the ground here. ─── 你可以看到两个柔道选手在地上缠斗。

42、Ground which can be abandoned but is hard to re-occupy is called...tangling. ─── 可以往,难以返,曰挂。

43、AOP is presented to resolve the problem of code tangling between crosscutting concerns and business logic in OOP. ─── 为了解决OOP中横切关注点与业务逻辑代码纠缠的现象,人们提出了面向方面编程(AOP)方法,以弥补OOP的不足。

44、Bryant has four technical fouls through 32 games and seems less interested in tangling with referees after collecting 14 technicals last season and 15 in 2005-06. ─── 在过去的32场比赛,科比有4次技术犯规,看起来没什么兴趣和裁判们争论了,上个赛季共14次,2005-06有15次。

45、One of Iran's only high-profile female filmmakers, she is forever tangling with the government. ─── 她是伊朗唯一高姿态的女性导演,从不与政府纠缠。

46、The relationship between thixotropy and inborn tangling disentanglement as well as anti-thixotropy and uninborn entanglement formation was studied. ─── 结果表明:PAN/DMSO原液具有触变性和反触变性,反触变性小于触变性;

47、Typically, this involves doing battle with evil demons as well as tangling with demonically-allied humans and Angel's own violent nature. ─── 而这通常都会包含与邪魔鬼怪进行战斗,以及与那些和恶魔结盟的人还有“天使”自身的凶残本性做斗争的内容。

48、Pluto will be in harsh aspect to that full moon, so there seems to be an element of unfairness or excessive force to whomever you are tangling with at the time. ─── 冥王星对满月显示出残酷严厉的一面,所以这就是导致这时候跟人争吵觉得不公平或者过分强迫的原因。

49、I miss you. My love knot, like green bines tangling the tree, grows quickly under rain and dew of spring. It's you that are the ivy in my heart. ─── 我想你,我的相思就像缠树的青藤一样,在春日的雨露中飞长,而你,就是我心中那棵常春树。

50、Aspect-Oriented Programming which succeeds in solving the code tangling and scattering deficiency with Object Oriented Programming,but the Aspect-Oriented concepts have not been well supported at the phase of software design. ─── 面向方面编程是一种基于关注点分离的新技术,它成功解决了面向对象编程中所存在的代码缠结和散射问题,但在软件设计阶段并没有得到很好的支持。

51、At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes". ─── 在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。

52、My visual and audile senses were tangling. ─── 我的视觉和听觉混合起来。

53、The effects of dimension, symmetry and tangling or nesting features on assemblability are discussed, and the recognition methods from CAD model of these geometric features are given. ─── 阐述了零件的外形尺寸、对称性以及嵌套和缠绕性等几何特征对零件可装配性的影响,并探讨了这些特征的自动识别方法。

54、Signature tangling is similar. ─── 签名纠结与此类似。

55、The hair is dry, brittle, and prone to tangling, and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft. ─── 头发干燥、脆弱、易缠绕,会在发梢或发干的任何部位分叉。

56、I didn't know the feeling of tangling and love until I met you. ─── 认识你才知道有一种心情叫做依恋,有一种感觉叫做爱。

57、This tangling of the field lines allows large amounts of plasma and magnetic energy to be transferred from the solar wind to the magnetosphere. ─── 两者的磁力线互相纠缠,促使大量的电浆和磁场能量从太阳风转移到地球磁层里。

58、Mayama's spirited classmate Ayumi Yamada has an unrequited crush of her own on Mayama.Five one-sided feelings are tangling, with no answer in sight... ─── 而对于一心一意一直迷恋自己的同级同学山田的心情,真山却没有注意到。

59、During match with football , sportsman is like tangling on the football field ─── 足球比赛时,运动员似在足球场上混战。

60、Also, the yarn must be supported to prevent it from dragging on the floor and tangling. ─── 另外纱线必须被支撑,使其不致垂向地面或相互纠缠。

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