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10-03 投稿


Muscovy 发音


英:  美:

Muscovy 中文意思翻译



Muscovy 短语词组

1、Muscovy duck ─── [禽] 美洲家鸭

2、muscovy ducks ─── [禽]美洲家鸭

Muscovy 相似词语短语

1、muscoid ─── n.苔藓状的无花植物;家蝇总科下的蝇;adj.苔藓状的

2、muscose ─── 苔藓状的

3、muscly ─── adj.强健的;肌肉的

4、Muscovy ─── n.俄国

5、muscovite ─── n.俄国人;莫斯科居民;adj.俄国人的;莫斯科居民的

6、muscovado ─── n.黑砂糖;粗糖

7、muscone ─── n.[有化]麝香酮

8、muscology ─── n.苔藓学;苔藓植物学

9、muscley ─── 马斯克利

Muscovy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The isolated virus was compareed with standard virus by RT-PCR in which both amplified specific band.It indicated that the isolated virus was a strain of Muscovy duck reovirus. ─── 分离毒经用RT-PCR方法进行检测,可与番鸭呼肠病毒标准株扩增出大小一致的特异条带,证实该分离毒为番鸭呼肠病毒。

2、It is showed that white-feather muscovy ducks had good meat performance according to carcass traits and meat quality,which was worth of being exploitation. ─── 综合产肉性能等多项指标,说明白羽番鸭具有较好的肉用性能,值得推广应用。


4、One hundred and eighty commercial muscovy ducks(22 day old) were used to study the effects of high solvent rice bran meal diets supplemented enzyme additive on growth performance. ─── 选择22日龄商品代番鸭180只,研究在高米糠粕日粮中添加酶制剂对其生长性能的影响。

5、Russia “Muscovy”, as its rulers have previously called it, is a sleeping giant, with age-old traditions and ways of doing things. ─── “沙皇俄国”,一如她的统治者早先称呼的那样,是一位沉睡的巨人,有着古老的传统和独特的行为方式。

6、The leg muscle rate of cherry valley duck was the lowest, while that of white muscovy duck was the best. ─── 白羽番鸭屠宰率、半净膛率、全净膛率最低,腿肌率最高;

7、The muscovy duck flower liver disease is a new disease, which led to much economic loss in muscovy duck industry. ─── 番鸭花肝病是一种新病 ,对番鸭养殖业造成了较大的经济损失 ,成为影响我国番鸭养殖业的一种重要疾病。

8、Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) reovirus (DRV) is the causative agent of Muscovy duck Liver white spots disease,a newly recognized Muscovy duck disease of economic importance,characterized by apathy,weak foot. ─── 禽(番鸭)呼肠孤病毒(Muscovy duck reovirus, DRV)是新近发现的番鸭“肝白点病或花肝病”的病原。

9、Domestic Life in Muscovy Martin, Janet. ─── 莫斯科公国国内的的生活状态。

10、Observe on Raise of the F. Kei Li Mo Muscovy ─── 法国克里莫番鸭饲养观察初报

11、percentage and belly fat percentage of 'France Muscovy' decreased by 2.39 % and 1.01 %. ─── 法国番鸭随着周龄的增加,皮脂率和腹脂率分别降低了2.39%和1.01%。

12、Two strains of Salmonella enteritidis were isolated from Cherry Valley Duck and Muscovy Duck flock died from an infectious disease with high morbidity and mortality. ─── 目的了解肠炎沙门氏菌在鸭群中的传播情况。某番鸭及樱桃谷鸭养殖场的鸭群发生一种高发病率、高死亡率的传染病。

13、Up close, she can see nodes that distinguish, say, a wren from a Muscovy duck. ─── 通过细微观察,她可以分辨出,比如,鹪鹩和美洲家鸭。

14、The Development of rapid diagnosis of poult Muscovy Duck Parvovirus disease ─── 雏番鸭细小病毒病快速诊断方法的建立

15、Long-term supply to the market a large number of goods and merchandise muscovy duck and geese. ─── 长期向市场大量供应商品番鸭及商品鹅。

16、The distribution and histomorphology of the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) of muscovy duck were studied by histological techniques. ─── 采用组织学方法研究了番鸭肠道相关淋巴组织(GALT)的分布和组织学结构。

17、In 1610 he set out again for America, this time on behalf of the Muscovy Co. and the English East India Co. ─── 1610年再次代表穆斯科维公司和英国的东印度公司出发,结果发现了哈得逊湾。

18、The results from this study indicate that the addition of nicotinamide to practical diets might influence lipid metaboliam and liver NAD content in Fujian Muscovy ducks. ─── 本研究结果表明,实用饲粮添加烟酰胺可能影响福建肉鸭的脂类代谢和肝中NAD含量。

19、The ducklings of MDRD group were inoculated for 0.2ml 100LD50 muscovy duck reovirus (MDRV), respectively, and the birds of control group were treated with the saline at the same time. ─── 对3日龄雏番鸭肌肉注射番鸭呼肠孤病毒液0.2mL/只(含100LD50/ mL病毒量),同时设肌肉注射0.2mL/只生理盐水对照组。

20、In the previous study goose parvovirus (GPV) was regarded to infect goose and Muscovy duck, and the Muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV) was considered to infect goose only but not Muscovy duck. ─── 摘要:在以往的研究当中,认为鹅小病毒(GPV)为感染鹅及正番鸭,正番鸭小病毒(MDPV),只感染正番鸭而不感染鹅。

21、During the infection of DRV,young Muscovy ducklings are the most susceptible,the mortality is high. ─── 在患病番鸭中,雏番鸭最为易感,死亡率很高。

22、By using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) technique,VP3-coding gene was amplified from the DNA of one field strain of Muscovy Parvovirus(M91G27) isolated in China. ─── 纯化番鸭细小病毒国内毒株(M91G27)病毒尿囊液,通过PCR技术,从病毒DNA中扩增出病毒结构多肽VP3完整编码基因。

23、These results showed that the muscovy duck reovirus can cause immunosuppreasion of Muscovy duck. ─── 上述结果提示,番鸭呼肠孤病毒能导致番鸭免疫抑制。

24、Of or relating to Moscow, Muscovy, or the Muscovites. ─── 莫斯科的莫斯科的、俄罗斯的或莫斯科人的

25、Study on Pathogenicity of Muscovy Duck"Flower Liver"Disease ─── 番鸭“花肝病"的病原研究

26、These results showed that the muscovy duck reovirus can cause immunosuppression of Muscovy duck. ─── 上述结果提示,番鸭呼肠孤病毒能导致番鸭免疫抑制。

27、The preliminary study of pathogen of "flower liver" disease in Muscovy ─── 番鸭"花肝病"病原的初步研究

28、Application of synthetic index selection in muscovy duck breeding ─── 综合指数法在番鸭选育中的应用

29、The incubation period was 29.5 days for muscovy X Cherry Valley mule duck while it was 30 days for muscovy X Cherry ValleyX Jinding mule duck and muscovy X Jinding mule duck. ─── 番樱半番鸭种蛋孵化期为29.5d,番金和番樱金半番鸭孵化期为30d。

30、Russia " Muscovy " , as its rulers have previously called it, is a sleeping giant, with age-old traditions and ways of doing things. ─── “沙皇俄国”,一如她的统治者早先称呼的那样,是一位沉睡的巨人,有着古老的传统和独特的行为方式。

31、Keywords muscovy duck;paddy;digestibility;resource;environment; ─── 番鸭;稻谷;代谢率;资源;环境;

32、I noticed the natives: a marsh deer, a Muscovy duck and ducklings, a pair of hyacinth macaws crossing the sky. ─── 我发现了一些本地的动物:一只鹿,一只鸭后面一群小鸭,一对鹦鹉飞过天际。

33、Russia was founded in the 12th century as the Principality of Muscovy. ─── 俄罗斯作为俄国公国在12世纪建立的。

34、Detection of Muscovy Duck Reovirus by RT-PCR ─── 应用RT-PCR技术检测番鸭呼肠孤病毒

35、Two hundred white-feather muscovy ducks of 70 days age were tested for the meat performance and meat quality. ─── 以200只70日龄白羽番鸭为素材,测定其产肉性能和肌肉品质。

36、Analysis on Meat Performance and Meat Quality of White-feather Muscovy Duck ─── 白羽番鸭产肉性能与肌肉品质分析

37、A pair of primers were desiged to amplify the major structural protein(VP2-VP3)gene of muscovy duck parvovirus(MDPV) isolate FS,according to nucleotide suquences of MDPV isolate FM. ─── 根据国外已发表的番鸭细小病毒(MDPV)FM株基因组核苷酸序列设计1对引物,应用PCR技术扩增MDPV FS株的VP2-VP3蛋白基因片段。

38、Genetic Parameter Estimation of Growth Traits in White Muscovy Duck ─── 番鸭生长性状遗传参数的估测

39、Muscovy Duckling Parvovirus(MPV) ─── 雏番鸭细小病毒

40、Pathology of Muscovy duck liver white-spots disease ─── 番鸭肝白点病病理学研究

41、A native or resident of Moscow or Muscovy. ─── 莫斯科人莫斯科或者俄罗斯公民或居民

42、Isolation and Identification of Avian Paramyxovirus 1 in Muscovy Duckling ─── 雏番鸭感染禽副黏病毒1型的分离鉴定

43、Studies on the Immunodepression of the Muscovy Duck Infected with DRV ─── 禽(番鸭)呼肠孤病毒感染番鸭的免疫抑制研究

44、The distribution and histomorphology of the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) of muscovy duck were studied by histological techniques. ─── 摘要采用组织学方法研究了番鸭肠道相关淋巴组织(GALT)的分布和组织学结构。

45、Keywords Muscovy duck reovirus;identification; ─── 番鸭呼肠孤病毒;鉴定;

46、Apoptosis inducted by the muscovy duck reovirus infection in young ducks ─── 番鸭呼肠孤病毒诱导雏番鸭免疫器官细胞凋亡的研究

47、Ultrastructure Observation of Muscovy Ducks Infected with Muscovy Duck Reovirus ─── 番鸭呼肠孤病毒病雏番鸭实质器官的超微结构

48、The White Necrotic Disease of Muscovy Duck (MDWND) is a new emerging acute infectious disease in recent years. ─── 番鸭“白点病”(Muscovy Duck White Necrosic Disease,MDWND)是近年来新发现的一种急性传染性疾病。

49、Diagnose and prevention of Muscovy Duckling Parvovirus disease ─── 雏番鸭细小病毒病诊断与防制

50、Muscovy duck was closed to Aix galericulata. ─── 番鸭与鸳鸯属的鸭亲缘关系最近。

51、Founded in 1584 as a monastery of Michael the archangel, it became a trading station of the Muscovy Co. ─── 1584年创立米迦勒大天使修道院,成为莫斯科公司的一个贸易站。

52、Plumage color mutations and variants in muscovy duck ─── 番鸭的羽色突变及变异

53、Study on the type of the cloacal epithelium in muscovy duck ─── 番鸭泄殖腔上皮类型研究

54、muscovy duck reovirus (MDRV) ─── 番鸭呼肠孤病毒

55、Muscovy duck parvovims (MDPV) ─── 番鸭细小病毒

56、During breeding, Muscovy Ducks were suffered from some virus diseases which lead to the Muscovy Ducks industry severe economic losses. ─── 番鸭饲养过程中受到多种病毒性疾病的危害,使番鸭养殖业遭受很大的经济损失,因此研制开发番鸭基因工程IFN用于鸭病毒性疾病的防治是行业的一种积极选择。

57、Sailing for the Muscovy Co. of London in search of the Northeast Passage to the Far East, he was blocked by ice fields. ─── 曾为穆斯科维公司远航寻找通往远东的东北航道,中途被冰原阻挡。

58、Study on the Inheritance of Feathering Genetype in Muscovy Duck ─── 番鸭快慢羽基因频率及伴性遗传的研究

59、This article is an example muscovy duck which meets to the practice process in vice-sticks the diagnosis which viral disease carries on. ─── 本文就是对实习过程中所遇到的一例番鸭副粘病毒病进行的诊治。

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