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myocarditis 发音

英:[?ma?o?kɑ?r?da?t?s]  美:[?ma???kɑ??da?t?s]

英:  美:

myocarditis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 心肌炎


myocarditis 短语词组

1、Fiedler's myocarditis ─── [医] 菲德勒氏心肌炎, 特发性心肌炎

2、fragmentation myocarditis ─── [医] 断裂性心肌炎

3、myocarditis soccer ─── 心肌炎足球赛

4、acute bacterial myocarditis ─── [医] 急性细菌性心肌炎

5、interstitial myocarditis ─── [医] 间质性心肌炎, 纤维性心肌炎

6、fibrous myocarditis ─── [医] 纤维性心肌炎, 间质性心肌炎

7、acute isolated myocarditis ─── [医] 急性孤立性心肌炎

8、myocarditis virus ─── [医] 心肌炎病毒

9、myocarditis and pericarditis ─── 心肌炎和 ─── 心包炎

10、acute myocarditis ─── 急性心肌炎, ─── 急性病毒性心肌炎

11、scarlatinosa myocarditis ─── [医] 猩红热心肌炎

12、chronic myocarditis ─── [医] 慢性心肌炎

13、indurative myocarditis ─── [医] 硬结性心肌炎

14、idiopathic myocarditis ─── [医] 特发性心肌炎, 菲德勒氏心肌炎

15、rheumatic myocarditis ─── 风湿性心肌炎

16、coxsackie myocarditis ─── 柯萨奇病毒性心肌炎

17、bacterial myocarditis ─── 细菌性心肌炎

18、toxic myocarditis ─── [医] 中毒性心肌炎

19、parenchymatous myocarditis ─── [医] 主质性心肌炎

myocarditis 常用词组

viral myocarditis ─── 病毒性心肌炎

myocarditis 相似词语短语

1、myocardium ─── n.心肌;心肌层

2、myocardia ─── 心肌(层)(myocardium的复数)

3、pancarditis ─── n.全心炎

4、endomyocarditis ─── n.心肌膜炎

5、endocarditis ─── n.[内科]心内膜炎

6、carditis ─── n.心脏炎

7、myocardiopathies ─── n.[内科]心肌病

8、myocardial ─── adj.心肌的;n.心肌衰弱

9、endocarditic ─── adj.心内膜炎的

myocarditis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、viral myocarditis in children ─── 小儿病毒性心肌炎

2、A Study of Coxsakie B Viral Myocarditis In Harbin ─── 哈市地区柯萨奇B组病毒性心肌炎的研究

3、Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to protozoal myocarditis ─── 扩张性心肌病继发于原虫性心肌炎

4、Neonates infected with nonpolio enteroviruses are at high risk for developing significant illness, including sepsis-like illness, meningoencephalitis, myocarditis and or hepatitis. ─── 摘要新生儿感染肠病毒有较高危险性变成败血症,脑膜脑炎,心肌炎,肝炎。

5、Conclusion: The mortality of fulminant myocarditis is very high, but it can be controled if confirmed diagnosis could be made early. ─── 但如能及早确诊,病情可得到控制,患者有望获救成功。

6、Objective: To observe the anti-fibrosis effect of Tong xin luo on myocardial fibrosis in chronic stage of viral myocarditis, and offer important experiment gist to enlarge application of Tong xin luo. ─── 摘要目的:观察通心络对病毒性心肌炎慢性期心肌纤维化小鼠的抗心肌纤维化作用,为扩大通心络的应用范围提供重要的实验依据。

7、Chronic interstitial myocarditis ─── 慢性间质性心肌炎

8、Vasorel is as an effective drugs on acute myocarditis. ─── 在目前对急性病毒性心肌炎无特效药物治疗的情况下 ,万爽力不失为治疗急性病毒性心肌炎的有效药物

9、Woifgram LJ. Variations in the susceptibility to coxsackievirus B induced myocarditis among different strains of mice [J]. Jim mancl, 1986, 136(5): 1864. ─── 小儿病毒性心肌炎诊断标准(修正草案)[J].中国实用儿科杂志,2000,15(5):315.

10、Objective: To disuss the diagnosis and treatment of severe atrioventricular block resulted from myocarditis in pediatrics. ─── 摘要目的:探讨儿科感染性心肌炎致严重房室传导阻滞的诊断及治疗。

11、Myocarditis may have been the result of a hypersensitive reaction to quetiapine. ─── 心肌炎可能是对喹硫平过敏引起。

12、experimental autoimmune myocarditis ─── 实验性自身免疫性心肌炎

13、Objective To study the value of dynamic electrocardiogram (DCG) in children suspicious viral myocarditis. ─── 摘要目的探讨动态心电图监测在小儿可疑病毒性心肌炎中的诊断价值。

14、Arrhythmias (23%); hypotension (14%); hypertension, phlebitis (11%); cardiac failure (6%); cardiac arrest, enlarged heart, heart murmur, ischemia, MI, myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary hypertension, secondary cardiomyopathy, stroke (3%). ─── 心脏血管:心律不整、低血压、高血压、静脉炎、心脏杂音、心脏扩大、缺氧、心肌梗塞、心包膜炎、中风与心跳停止等。

15、It is common knowledge that the influenza infection can have cardiac complications, such as myocarditis. ─── 众所周知,流感会导致诸如心肌炎的心脏并发症。

16、Myocarditis may have been the result of a hypersensitive reaction to quetiapine . ─── 心肌炎可能是对喹硫平过敏引起。

17、Abstract : AbstractObjectiveAnalyzing the clinical characteristics and the treatment in 17 children with complete atrioventricular block (CAVB) resulted from the infectious myocarditis. ─── 摘要 : 目的分析感染性心肌炎所致小儿完全性房室传导阻滞(CAVB)的临床特点及治疗,以提高对该病的认识。

18、immunity in Coxsackie virus B 3 induced murine myocarditis. ─── 免疫,冲剂,复方,病毒,细胞

19、METHODS One male patient with fulminant myocarditis, cardiac shock, acute cardiac failure and malignant arrhythmia was treated with emergency PCPS. ─── 摘要:目的 总结经皮心肺支持临床应用成功的经验。方法 应用经皮心肺支持救治1例男性急性重症暴发性心肌炎并心源性休克、急性心力衰竭及恶性心律失常患者。

20、Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to viral myocarditis ─── 扩张性心肌病继发于病毒性心肌炎

21、Syndrome Patterns of the Heart, Viral Myocarditis ─── 心系病证,病毒性心肌炎

22、Keywords myocarditis;viruses;cell differentiation;pathology;mice; ─── 心肌炎;病毒;细胞分化;病理学;小鼠;

23、Keywords Myocarditis;Rradionuclide Imaging;Nitrile; ─── 心肌炎;核素显像;腈类;

24、Abstract: Objective To observe the effects of Astragalus Membranaceus injection (AMI) on coxsackievirus 133 (CVB3) murine viral myocarditis. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:探讨黄芪注射液(AMI)对柯萨奇病毒133(CVB3)感染小鼠的保护作用。

25、infectious myocarditis virus of goosling ─── 幼鹅传染性心肌炎病毒

26、Objective: To study the expression of cardiac Troponin T in human viral myocarditis, the mechanisms of injury in myocardium structural protein in viral myocarditis and its significance. ─── 摘要目的:了解病毒性心肌炎心肌组织中肌钙蛋白下的表达情况,探讨病毒性心肌炎时心肌结构蛋白损伤的机制及意义。

27、On the basis of animal experiments, we proceeded to measure the markers in the sera from 42 patients with acute myocarditis. ─── 同时观察 42例临床拟诊急性病毒性心肌炎患者血清肌钙蛋白及血清CK -MB水平。

28、The positive rate of HRA absorption assay was significantly higher in rheumatic heart disease than that in primary myocardiopathy or viral myocarditis (P<0.01). ─── 吸附后风心病的阳性率明显高于原发性心肌病或病毒性心肌炎(P<0.01)。

29、Posttraumatic myocarditis usually occurs several days after injury. ─── 受伤数日后,通常发生伤后心肌炎。

30、The detection of cardiac Troponin T in cardiac tissues by immunohistochemistry is an available method helpful for the diagnosis of viral myocarditis in pathology. ─── 心肌肌钙蛋白下的免疫组化检查可以作为一种有效的手段,来辅助病毒性心肌炎的病理学诊断。

31、The patients had myocarditis, fulminant hepatitis, meningoencephalitis and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. ─── 病人有心肌炎,重型肝炎,脑炎和弥散性血管内凝血。

32、chronic chagasic myocarditis ─── 慢性锥虫病性心肌炎

33、Viral myocarditis in the video ads, phone Expanded popcorn so that people do not know if the phone can damage to the brain. ─── 在病毒性心肌炎的视频广告,手机膨化爆米花使人们不知道,如果手机可以损害到大脑。

34、The myocarditis may be severe enough to cause congestive heart failure. ─── 严重的心肌炎可能导致充血性心力衰竭。

35、Keywords myocarditis;virus diseases;myocardial infarction; ─── 心肌炎;病毒性疾病;心肌梗塞;

36、Objective: To discuss and understand the changes of electrocardiogram (ECG) and clinical manifestations of Fulminant myocarditis. ─── 摘要目的:了解和探讨暴发性心肌炎的心电图改变与临床特征。

37、It could elevate the SOD activity of viral myocarditis mice and lower the content MDA, which had the effect of anti-oxidative damage. ─── 提高病毒性心肌炎小鼠SOD的活力,降低MDA的含量,具有抗氧化损伤作用;

38、Yunnan endemic fulminant myocarditis ─── 云南地方性暴发性心肌炎

39、If myocarditis is confirmed, clozapine should be discontinued. ─── 一旦确定为心肌炎,则立即停药。

40、Multiple regression analysis showed ST-T depression in pure group was correlated with HF/LF, VLF, pNN50N and SDNNN; in myocarditis group, ST-T depression was correlated with VLF, LFN and LF. ─── 多元回归分析显示HF/LF和极低频带(VLF)分别与单纯ST-T改变组和心肌炎组的ST压低关系密切.

41、Objective To explore etiology and pathogenesis of viral myocarditis (VMC) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). ─── 摘要目的探讨病毒性心肌炎(VMC)和扩张性心肌病(DCM)的发病机制及相互关系。

42、Myocarditis due to acquired toxoplasmosis ─── 后天性弓形体病致心肌炎

43、DCG could improve detectable rate of arrhythmia in children suspicious viral myocarditis, meanwhile eliminate organic disease and increase diagnosis rate. ─── 动态心电图不仅可提高心肌炎患儿心律失常的检出率,对心律失常可作定性分析,也可排除器质性病变,提高诊断率。

44、But some symptoms are serious, and brings the burden to the heart cold to be very possible is the virulent myocarditis's preliminary symptom. ─── 但一些症状严重且给心脏带来负担的感冒很可能就是病毒性心肌炎的前期症状。

45、Chronic rheumatic heart disease with myocarditis ─── 慢性风湿性心脏病伴心肌炎

46、Stady on relationship of acute myocarditis with nitric oxide, oxidation, Lipoperoxidation. ─── 急性心肌炎与一氧化氮、氧化和脂质过氧化关系的探讨。

47、AS and AI have some protecting effects on myocardial injury of viral myocarditis mice. AS is the effective component of Astragalus membranaceus in treating viral myocarditis. ─── AS和AI对VMC小鼠心肌损害具有不同程度的保护作用,AS是黄芪治疗VMC的有效成分;

48、Objective: To explore the clinical characters of pyknosis insufficiency of ventricular myocardium with viral myocarditis. ─── 摘要目的:探讨心肌致密化不全合并病毒性心肌炎的诊治特点。

49、The results suggest that the synthetic analysis of notching counts and special picture of HFECG has a higher value to the accurate diagnosis of myocarditis. ─── HFECG的切迹计数和特殊图形的综合分析对心肌炎的准确诊断具有较高的临床价值。

50、Acute rheumatic fever with myocarditis ─── 急性风湿热伴心肌炎

51、Keywords Myocarditis;Diagnostic techniques;cardiovascular; ─── 心肌炎;诊断技术;心血管;

52、Keywords Xin An granule;Viral myocarditis(VMC);Myocardial enzyme; ─── 关键词心安颗粒;病毒性心肌炎;心肌酶;

53、Myocarditis Manifestation in Ultrasonic Cardiogram ─── 心肌炎超声心动图表现

54、Acute severe viral myocarditis ─── 急性重症病毒性心肌炎

55、Study on Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Viral Myocarditis ─── 儿童病毒感染相关性临界心肌炎的诊治研究

56、Rezkalla S, Kloner RA, Khatib G, et al. Beneficial effects of captopril in acute coxsackie virus murine myocarditis[J].Circulation,1990,81(3):1039. ─── 成建定,陈玉川,胡丙杰.病毒性心肌炎纤维连接蛋白的免疫组化初步研究[J].法医学杂志,1999,15(1):9.

57、You'd better keep an eye on the underlying problems such as myocarditis. ─── 你最好是留心一下像心肌炎之类的潜在问题。

58、Keywords myocarditis;arrhythmia;Fufang Sishen Decoct ion; ─── 关键词心肌炎;心律失常;复方四参饮;

59、The diagnosis seemed evident upon his initial presentation and he was treated for what ended up being myocarditis. ─── 根据他最初的表现,他最后诊断为心肌炎并接受了治疗似乎是显而易见的。

60、AIDS with subacute myocarditis ─── AIDS伴亚急性心肌炎

61、Subacute interstitial myocarditis ─── 亚急性间质性心肌炎

62、The presence of Coxsackie virus B (CVB) specific IgM antibodies was detected by usingof immunoblot assay in 112 cases of acute viral myocarditis. ─── 为探讨柯萨奇病毒B特异性IgM(CVB-IgM)的病原学意义,应用免疫印迹试验测定112例病毒性心肌炎患儿的CVB-IgM,结果是阳性33例,总阳性率为29.5%;

63、This formula is often being used in arrhythmia, extrasystoles, coronary disease, rheumatoid heart disease, and viral myocarditis, and hyperthyroidism. ─── 干咳无痰,或咳吐涎沫,量少,形瘦短气,虚烦不眠,自汗盗汗,咽干舌燥,大便干结,脉虚数。

64、Myocarditis due to infectious agent ─── 感染因素致心肌炎

65、Experience in clinical treatment of myocarditis and myocardiopathy ─── 心肌炎、心肌病临床治验

66、Myocarditis due to chemical agent ─── 化学因素致心肌炎

67、Study of ventricular remodeling in acute myocarditis ─── 急性病毒性心肌炎心室重构的探讨

68、Acute Coxsackie Virus Myocarditis and Oxidative Stress ─── 急性柯萨奇病毒性心肌炎与氧化应激

69、Prescribers should be aware that potentially fatal myocarditis may deelop early after the commencement of clozapine. ─── 医师应该了解使用氯氮平的初期就能引起可能致命的心肌炎。

70、Comparative Study of Arrhythmia of Coxsackie B Viral Myocarditis ─── Coxsackie B组病毒性心肌炎心律失常的对照研究

71、Prescribers should be aware that potentially fatal myocarditis may develop early after the commencement of clozapine. ─── 医师应该了解使用氯氮平的初期就能引起可能致命的心肌炎。

72、The virus triggered myocarditis, a serious inflammation of the heart muscle. ─── 这些病毒引发心肌炎,对心脏肌肉造成严重的炎症。

73、Isolated diffuse granulomatous myocarditis ─── 孤立弥漫性肉芽肿性心肌炎

74、Nineteen cases had candida endocarditis, 11 cases had candida myocarditis and only one case had candida pericarditis. ─── 75%的病人在诊断出心臓念珠菌感染之前所做的培养有长出白色念珠菌。

75、Keywords DCG;Virus myocarditis;Children; ─── 动态心电图;病毒性心肌炎;儿童;

76、Keywords myocarditis;coxsackie virus B3;carvedilol;metoprolol; ─── 心肌炎;柯萨奇病毒;卡维地洛;美托洛尔;

77、Myocarditis due to radiation ─── 放射性心肌炎

78、The 68 patients of viral myocarditis are divided into observation group and control group The former is given Xin Kang He Ji besides the usual treatment. ─── 将68例病毒性心肌炎患者分为观察组和对照组,观察组除与对照组治疗相同外。另配中药心康合剂。

79、Small dose captopril adjuvant therapy for acute viral myocarditis ─── 小剂量卡托普利佐治急性病毒性心肌炎

80、Objective We used mice to test our hypothesis that in response to viral invasion, stem cells may migrate into the heart and attenuate the effects of viral myocarditis. ─── 摘要目的使用小鼠验证这样一个假设:外界病毒浸入诱发心肌炎时,机体的干细胞将进入心脏提高心肌的抗病毒能力。

81、Xiao Zhang suddenly got acute myocarditis and is in hospital for treatment. ─── 小张突然得了急性心肌炎,正在住院治疗。

82、Myocarditis is a complex disease because multiple pathogenetic factors play a role. ─── 摘要心肌炎是一种由多种致病因素所引起的复杂疾病。

83、Chronic rheumatic myocarditis ─── 慢性风湿性心肌炎

84、Clinical Study of Echocardiography in Acute Myocarditis ─── 急性病毒性心肌炎超声心动图的临床探讨

85、CASE REPORT2 cases of acute myocarditis have serious clinical manif estation, heart failure, and arrythmia.DIS CUSSI ONAcute myocardiditis must be carefully differentiated with AMI. ─── 2例急性重症病毒性心肌炎病人临床表现严重,发生严重心力衰竭及心律失常。

86、Keywords myocarditis;virus;cathepsin L;astragaloside; ─── 关键词心肌炎;病毒;组织蛋白酶L;黄芪甲甙;

87、Mouse embryonic stem cells attenuate viral myocarditis in murine model ─── 小鼠胚胎干细胞对病毒性心肌炎的影响

88、Pro.He's Experience in Treating Viral Myocarditis ─── 何立人教授治疗病毒性心肌炎经验

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