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10-03 投稿


neb 发音

英:[neb]  美:[neb]

英:  美:

neb 中文意思翻译



neb 网络释义

abbr. 噪声等效带宽(noise equivalent bandwidth)

neb 短语词组

1、dannebrog neb ─── 丹纳布洛涅布

2、wrasse neb ─── 濑鱼

3、andromeda neb ─── 仙女座neb

neb 词性/词形变化,neb变形


neb 相似词语短语

1、newb ─── 游戏新手的简称

2、Keb ─── abbr.酮保泰松(kebuzone)

3、Leb ─── abbr.局部等电位联结(localequipotentialbonding);黎巴嫩(Lebanon);黎巴嫩人(Lebanese);n.(Leb)人名;(俄)莱布

4、Reb ─── n.犹太人的尊称(相当于“先生”,与姓名连用)

5、Geb ─── abbr.谷物升运机委员会(GrainElevatorsBoard);n.(Geb)人名;(德)格布;

6、Feb ─── abbr.二月(February)

7、nebs ─── 扑热息痛

8、Heb ─── abbr.古希伯莱语(Hebrew);热电子辐射计(HotElectronBolometers);混合动力电动公交汽车(HybridElectricBus);人脑胶质细胞株

9、Neb ─── abbr.噪声等效带宽(noiseequivalentbandwidth)

neb 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lower reproductive performance of high producing dairy cows is associated with negative energy balance(NEB). ─── 高产奶牛繁殖性能下降与能量负平衡(NEB)有关。

2、"So, Neb, " said the reporter, "it was not you who brought your master to this place. " ─── “照这么说,纳布,”通讯记者说,“不是你把他带到这儿来的了?”

3、Without speaking a word, Harding, Spilett, Neb, and Herbert took theirplaces in the car, while Pencroft by the engineer's order detachedsuccessively the bags of ballast. ─── 史密斯、史佩莱、纳布和赫伯特一言不发地在吊篮里各自坐了下来,潘克洛夫按照工程师的指示把沙囊一一解开。

4、“I doubt it,” replied the sailor, shaking his head, “for neither Neb norCaptain Harding smoke, and I believe that Mr. Spilett would rather keep hisnote-book than his match-box. ─── “我看不一定有,”水手摇着头回答说,“纳布和史密斯都不抽烟,史佩莱是宁愿扔掉火柴盒也得留下他那个笔记本的。”

5、By comparing the calculated results getting from different models, it can be seen that NEB is better in explaining the conclusions from experiments. ─── 通过与用简单的模型计算得到结果比较得出:NEB模型能更好说明实验得到的结论。

6、But Pencroft assured him thatthat would be a useless course, that in the darkness and deplorable weatherhe could not find any traces of Neb, and that it would be much better towait. ─── 但潘克洛夫跟他说这是没有用处的,在黑暗和阴森森的天气里,不可能找到纳布的踪迹,还不如在家里等他回来。

7、neb (bish) ─── n. 乏味的人,性情古怪的人(从意第绪语中来)

8、/ burwell neb. ─── 家乡: casper, wyo.

9、Mr.Trott is from Union, Mo., and he shares Midwestern roots with Mr.Buffett, who is based in Omaha, Neb. ─── 特洛特来自密苏里州,与大本营位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈的巴菲特同属美国中西部出身。

10、“Captain Nemo did right to die,” said Neb. ─── “尼摩船长死得倒是时候。”纳布说。

11、Herbert, however, agitated by vague presentiments, several timesmanifested an intention to go to meet Neb. ─── 赫伯特不知为什么总是感到坐立不安,他几次表示要出去找纳布。

12、If Neb had not made his appearance by the next day, Pencroft wouldnot hesitate to join him in his search. ─── 假如到第二天纳布还不回来,潘克洛夫会毫不犹豫地和他一起去找的。

13、The engineer heard him. He recognized Neb and Spilett, then his other twocompanions, and his hand slightly pressed theirs. ─── 工程师听见了,他首先认出纳布和史佩莱,然后认出其余两个伙伴,他无力地握了握他们的手。

14、“However,” remarked Pencroft, “you must have been thrown on to the beach,and you must have had strength to walk here, since Neb found yourfootmarks! ─── “不管怎么样,”潘克洛夫说,“你一定是被海水冲上岸的,然后才鼓起余力走到这儿来,因为纳布找到了你的脚印!”

15、Canggui Cavity Geological scenery type; Seashore Scenery Geological age: Quaternary Locality: near the Wankou Neb ─── 地质景观类型:海岸景观地质年代:第四纪位置:位于湾口咀附近

16、Neb then recounted what had happened. ─── 于是纳布叙述了经过的情况。

17、This Neb knew, and he wished to see his master again for the last time. ─── 纳布知道这一点,他想和他的主人见最后的一面。

18、On Saturday, the partners will take their decades-old act back to the stage in Omaha, Neb. ─── 芒格不但是位精明的商人,还是位爱读书的人,他一星期能看好几本书。

19、Chem neb ─── 代森锰

20、“Then you will be able to discern the will of God,and to know what is good,acceptable and perfect”(Rom 12:2 NEB). ─── “叫你们察验何为神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。”(罗马书12:2)。

21、But that distant echo was the only response produced by Neb's shouts, while a heavy gloom hung over all the part east of the island. ─── 可是回答纳布呼唤的只是遥远的回声,而小岛整个的东部却是一片昏暗。

22、In a story line that mirrors Buffett's, Sokol grew up in Omaha, Neb. , delivered newspapers as a child and worked at a small grocery store. ─── 索科尔的成长故事同巴菲特类似:在内布拉斯加州的奥马哈(Omaha)长大。孩童时代曾帮人送过报纸,也曾在一家小杂货店帮工。

23、NEB (National Energy Board) ─── 国家能源局

24、to neb a pencil ─── 给铅笔削出尖头

25、Neb and Ayrton were resigned to their fate. ─── ;纳布和艾尔通更是只好听天由命。

26、The schedule for the 2004 National Indoor Speed and Figure Skating Championships to be held at Pershing Center in Lincoln, Neb. ─── 为在珀欣要保持的溜冰的冠军在林肯,集中的2004国家室内的速度和图的时间表嘴。

27、“So, Neb,” said the reporter, “it was not you who brought your master tothis place. ─── “照这么说,纳布,”通讯记者说,“不是你把他带到这儿来的了?”

28、Neb and the reporter were leaning over him. ─── 纳布和通讯记者正俯伏在他身上。

29、The nonisothermal energy balance model (NEB), including the effects o f heterojunctions and lattice heating, is used to model the AlGaAs/GaAs HBT, whi ch is implemented in a 2D device simulator. ─── 本文探讨了包含异质结和晶格加热效应下非等温能量平衡模型(NEB),且将其用于AlGaAs/GaAsHBT的数值分析中,并在二维器件模拟器中实现。

30、ET 1 mRNA was mainly presented in free side of Clara cell and NEB of rat bronchus. ─── 慢性缺氧高二氧化碳大鼠支气管中ET 1mRNA主要定位于Clara细胞和神经上皮小体的游离面胞浆。

31、During this time Neb was struggling vigorously against the current. ─── 这时候纳布正和潮流激烈地搏斗。

32、“Go on, Neb,” said Spilett. ─── “说下去吧,纳布。”史佩莱说。

33、No, Neb," said the engineer, restraining his courageous servant. ─── 不行,纳布。”工程师拦住了勇敢的仆人。

34、Research on Non-enzymatic Browning (NEB) Reaction during the Drying Process of Litchi Fruit ─── 荔枝在干制过程中非酶褐变的研究

35、Thus NEB are postulated to function as O2 sensitive airway sensors involved in respiratory control, especially during adaptation to extrauterine life. ─── 这些NEB被假定具有氧敏感气道传感器的功能,涉及呼吸控制,特别是在生命初生的适应过程中。

36、Studies on the binary complexes of rare earth metal ions with NEB by potentiometry ─── 稀土元素与NEB二元配合物的pH电位法分析

37、NEB delays the time of first ovulation through inhibition of LH pulse frequency and low levels of blood glucose, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). ─── NEB可通过抑制LH脉冲频率、降低血浆葡萄糖、胰岛素和胰岛素样生长-1(IGF-I)因子浓度,从而造成奶牛分娩后首次排卵间隔延长;

38、nudged elastic band method (NEB) ─── NEB

39、This female Siberian tiger cub was born at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Neb. ─── 这只雌性西伯利亚虎宝宝出生在美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈市亨利多利动物园。

40、Why had Neb not returned? ─── 他满脑子想的都是纳布。

41、Omaha, Neb., saw the largest rise in vacancies, with the rate rising 1.1 percentage points to 7.4%. ─── 马哈租房空置率升幅最大,上升了1.1个百分点至7.4%。

42、“Neb,” said Herbert, running to him, “we will find him! God will give himback to us! But in the meantime you are hungry, and you must eatsomething. ─── “纳布,”赫伯特跑过去对他说,“我们一定能找到他!老天爷会把他还给我们的!现在你饿了,吃点东西吧!”

43、I wish I could've called my father, a Greek immigrant who had spent most of his life running a 24-hour diner in Kearney, Neb. ─── 我希望我可以给我的父亲打个电话,一位从希腊移民到卡尼的父亲,并且把自己一生大部分时间都花在一个24小事餐厅的运营上的父亲。

44、The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB. ─── 限制苺资料库取自新英格兰生物实验室公司。

45、"No, Neb, " said the engineer, restraining his courageous servant. ─── “不行,纳布。”工程师拦住了勇敢的仆人。

46、There are many factors affecting NEB (nonenzymatic browning) of Apple Juice during storage. ─── 苹果汁贮存过程中影响非酶褐变的因素很多。

47、potential to be promoted to the neb controller in 1-2 year) reporting to: neb controller direct rep... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1000人以上

48、Mr. Buffett has famously said that he sealed the name of his successor in an envelope in his office in Omaha, Neb. ─── 巴菲特广为人知的一句话是,他已将自己继任者的名字封入一个信封放在他位于奥马哈的办公室里。

49、Overall site Q&PI management.Compliance with TMG directives (NEB), local implementation. ─── 现场质量和过程改进管理,依据TMG(NEB)的指示,进行本土化实施.

50、According to branch-level management system of indicators,collect relevant data and information (NEB, SEB, Area, etc.), then analyze and provide conclusions for decision-making. ─── 1收集分公司相关数据信息(NEB,SEB,分公司面积等),根据分公司级别管理指标体系,分析并提供一定的结论供总部决策。

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