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moxa 发音

英:['m?ks?]  美:[?mɑ?ks?]

英:  美:

moxa 中文意思翻译



moxa 短语词组

1、calamus and moxa ─── 菖蒲艾条

2、electric moxa ─── [医] 电灸

3、moxa nport ─── 艾条口岸

moxa 相似词语短语

1、mocha ─── n.穆哈咖啡;穆哈(也门一港口);adj.用咖啡调味的;深咖啡色的

2、mona ─── n.莫娜(女子名);白腹长尾猴

3、mola ─── n.翻车鲀;n.(Mola)人名;(意、西、塞、土、乍、埃塞)莫拉

4、coxa ─── n.[解剖]髋;[无脊椎]基节(昆虫类或节肢动物的);无名骨

5、moa ─── n.恐鸟(一种产于新西兰的巨鸟,现已灭绝);n.(Moa)人名;(西、瑞典)莫瓦

6、mohwa ─── n.长叶雾冰藜木

7、mora ─── n.音节延长度;短音节;猜拳;调形;n.(Mora)人名;(法、捷、拉脱、罗、马达、尼日利、塞、葡、瑞典、泰、西、意、英)莫拉

8、modal ─── adj.模式的;情态的;形式的;n.莫代尔(一种新型纤维素纤维)

9、mohua ─── 墨华

moxa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Latter is conic form cover, there is one opening on, overspread the moxa cone at applying moxibustion over. ─── 后者为圆锥形罩子,上有一孔,罩于施灸的艾炷之上。

2、Keywords Moxa Stick Moxibustion;Moxa Cone Moxibustion;Moxibustion; ─── 艾条灸;艾炷灸;灸法;

3、Application of MOXA C218 Communication Card in DCS ─── MOXA C218通信板在分布式控制系统中的应用

4、Massage springs, 100 mile, will often do massage acupuncture, etc, or use moxa sticks a hub, can help improve the iciness of disease. ─── 按摩涌泉、百会、足三里等穴位,经常做做按摩,或用艾条灸一灸,可以帮助改善手脚冰冷症。

5、Roll the moxa wool with a sheet of paper into a moxa stick, apply a burning moxa stick with a certain distance apart over the selected point. ─── 是将艾炷直接放在穴位皮肤上施灸的一种方法。若施灸时需将局部组织烫伤、化脓、愈后保留有瘢痕者,称为瘢痕灸;

6、Objective: to observe the clinical curative effect of acupuncture plus moxa on treating lubar intervertebral disc protrusion. ─── 目的:观察针刺加艾箱灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。

7、moxa leaf volatile oil ─── 艾叶挥发油

8、A huge market that has ten population is in moxa division eye. ─── 艾科眼中是一个拥有十几亿人口的巨大市场。

9、moxa stick ─── 艾条

10、moxa stick fumigating ─── 艾条熏蒸

11、Clinical Study on Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia by Acupuncture with the Needle Warmed by Burning Cap Like Moxa Cone ─── 帽炷温针治疗高胆固醇血症的临床研究

12、Results: the production quality of thermo moxibustion moxa stick is in good condition. ─── 结论:本实验为热敏灸艾条的质量标准的完善提供了科学的依据。

13、moxa roll ─── 艾条艾卷

14、Hang branches of moxa and calamus around the doors of their homes ─── 挂艾叶菖蒲

15、Objective To explore the manipulation method, the range of indications and the characteristics of acupoint selection for "Taiyi miraculous moxa roll". ─── 目的:探讨“太乙神针”的操作方法、主治范围以及取穴特点。方法:运用计算机对文献进行检索统计,再用人工进行归纳分析。

16、electric moxa ─── [医] 电灸

17、Nutrient and Phosphate Removal from Domestic Wastewater Using an Artificial Ecological Greenbelt System of Moxa ─── 艾蒿人工生态绿地对生活污水中氮和磷的去除

18、Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of acupuncture plus moxa and TDP irradiation for the treatment of post-apoplectic paralytic limb swelling. ─── 目的观察针刺加艾绒、TDP照射治疗中风后瘫侧肢体肿胀的临床效果。

19、Study on Effect of Inactivation to HBsAg by Using of Moxa Fumigation in Baby friendly Ward ─── 爱婴病房艾条熏蒸对HBsAg灭活效果的研究

20、Treatment of 86 Cases of Chronic Diarrhea by Acupuncture with the Warm Needle Through Burning Moxa Cone and Ginger Moxibustion ─── 艾段温针隔姜灸治疗慢性腹泻86例

21、Keywords Air disinfection;Hydrogen peroxide;Peracetic acid;Symclosene (Trichloroisocyanuric acid);Moxa stick;Air purifier;Ultraviolet rays; ─── 空气消毒;过氧化氢;过氧乙酸;氯氧三嗪;艾条;空气洁净器;紫外线;

22、Moxa Stick Moxibustion ─── 艾条灸

23、The way of making this sort of moxa stick is the same as that of the great monad herbal moxa stick, except that the ingredients in this moxa stick are different. ─── 其制做方法与“太乙针”相同,惟药物处方有异。

24、The teacher asks: "Small moxa, don't you want to help a fellow student? ─── 老师便问:“小艾,你不想帮助同学吗?”

25、" small moxa at once say: "I, I am to thinking, I am it is good to her to contribute a father, or is mom good? ─── 小艾连忙说道:“我,我是在想,我是捐个爸爸给她好呢,还是妈妈好呢?”

26、The Comparison of the Therapeutic Effect Between the Electric Heat Moxibustion Apparatus and Moxa Cone Moxibustion for Treating Stomachache ─── 电子艾灸仪和温和灸治疗胃脘痛的比较

27、In the meantime, moxa Madisi still will carry on the contract of company of Ying Hang fast ala, provide congener service to other airline. ─── 同时,艾玛迪斯还将承接英航快翼公司的合同,向其他航空公司提供同类服务。

28、Method: 56 cases of lubar intervertebral disc protrusion treated with acupuncture plus moxa. ─── 方法:运用针刺加艾箱灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症56例,并观察其近远期疗效。

29、moxibudstion by moving the moxa roll ─── 回旋炙

30、moxa cone moxibustion ─── 艾炷灸

31、The arm and hand can float after magnetism occurs. The healer feels his/her hand and moxa stick become one and they move automatically led by the force of magnetism. ─── 当磁场产生后,持艾条的手臂有悬浮感,手与艾条似乎融为一体,受磁场的牵引自然移动;

32、It requires the healer must be peaceful, concentrated and feel the leading force of magnetism so that the moxa stick can move itself naturally. ─── 整个过程施术者宁心静气,专心致志,细心体会磁场的牵引力以便让艾条自然移动。

33、pure moxa punk ─── 清艾绒:中医用

34、moxa leaf ─── 艾叶

35、HUANG Di-jun s moxibustion with seed-sized moxa cone; ─── 英文(英语)翻译 Preparation, manipulation and clinical application of Prof.

36、The decision-making layer of limited company of group of east wind tire faces up to reality, do not complain not moxa, sober analysis, search pathogeny. ─── 东风轮胎集团有限公司的决策层正视现实,不怨不艾,冷静分析,查找病源。

37、moxa cone ─── 艾柱, 壮

38、Cone-shaped Moxa Moxibustion Treating Herpes Zoster and Its Mechanism ─── 艾柱围灸治疗带状疱疹及其机理的探讨

39、taiyi moxa stick ─── 太乙神针

40、moxa floss ─── 艾绒

41、Keywords nitrogenous compounds removal;phosphorus compounds removal;domestic wastewater;ecological greenbelt;moxa;artemisia argyi; ─── 脱氮;除磷;生活污水;生态绿地;艾蒿;

42、Conclusion Moxa-cone moxibustion possesses homeostatic effect. ─── 结论艾灸具有调衡作用。

43、Ear candle is a hollow wax stick with special technics, with main ingredients as natural honey, Moxa grass and pure vegetation Essential oil. ─── 耳烛是什么?耳烛是一种空心的,经过特殊工艺制作而成的蜡棒,它在制作过程中加入含有天然的蜂蜜成分、艾天然物以及纯植物精油。

44、On Dragon Boat Festival, people put inserted moxa and calamus as one of important content. ─── 在端午节,人们把插艾和菖蒲作为重要内容之一。

45、Observation on effect of sphygmomanometer cuff disinfected by fumigating with moxa strip ─── 艾条熏烟消毒血压计袖带的效果观察

46、Keywords Abnormal Fetal Positions/acup ther;Point BL 67 (Zhiyin);Moxa Stick Moxibustion;Version;Fetal; ─── 胎位不正/针灸疗法;穴;至阴;艾条灸;倒转术;胎位;

47、moxa cautery ─── 加热急冷矫正法

48、The Moxa law, chooses the life gate, the dubhe (pair), Guanyuan, the foot three miles (pair) and so on acupuncture points to carry on Moxa. ─── 艾灸法,选命门、天枢(双)、关元、足三里(双)等穴位进行艾灸。

49、Monitoring and Control System for Medium and Small Hydraulic Power Station Based on MOXA Serial Device Servers ─── 基于MOXA串口服务器的中小型水电站监控系统

50、Keywords Infrared Rays;Moxa Stick Moxibustion; ─── 关键词红外线;艾条灸;

51、When magnetism accurs among the healer, moxa stick and patient, the moxa stick will be led to go along the meridian by the magnitsm to the places and points that need healing. ─── 是施术者、艾条与受术者身体之间产生磁场后,磁场会将艾条牵引到到病所腧穴以及相关经络上之腧穴实施补泻的一种治疗和保健方法。

52、A moxa cone placed directly on the point and ignited is called direct moxibustion. ─── 是将艾炷直接放在穴位皮肤上施灸的一种方法。

53、When the acupuncture point skin feels the ache, replacement moxa cone again moxibustion. ─── 当穴位的皮肤感到疼痛时,更换艾炷再灸。

54、Fortunately, moxa Li Xi Yayi's pedestrian goes unusually reliably, their dash against sunny downwind day. ─── 幸运的是,艾莉西亚一行人走得异常稳当,她们撞上了晴朗的顺风天。

55、Keywords Colitis;Ulcerative/tcm ther;Ulcerative/acup-mox ther;Electroacupuncture;Moxa Stick Moxibustion; ─── 结肠炎;溃疡性/中医药疗法;溃疡性/针灸疗法;电针;艾条灸;

56、Keywords Rheumatoid Arthritis;Moxa volatile oil;Acupoint thermoosmosis; ─── 类风湿关节炎;艾叶挥发油;穴位热透;

57、Application of MOXA intelligent serial communication card in power system stability control equipment ─── MOXA智能串行通信卡在电网稳定控制装置中的应用

58、Moxibustion with moxa stick ─── 艾条灸法

59、Bring the resident of moxa Lai island that feels proud with whiskey, hold whiskey every year orgiastic meeting. ─── 以威士忌酒引以为自豪的艾莱岛居民,每年都举行威士忌酒狂欢会。

60、Moxibustion is served as heat source,and carbonated moxa stick is selected for maintaining characteristics of traditional moxibustion therapy. ─── 结构简单、灵巧,使用方便,均可在专业人员指导下独立掌握。

61、The ignited moxa cone does not contact on the skin directly, but is insulated from the skin by the materials of ginger, salt, garlic, and monkshood cake. ─── 亦称隔物(药)灸,是用药物将艾炷与施灸部位的腧穴皮肤隔开,进行施灸的方法。临床常用的有隔姜灸,隔盐灸,隔蒜灸,隔附子饼灸等。

62、The Advantage of Moxa Roll Moxibustion in Treating Diarrhea Due to AIDS ─── 从艾灸治疗艾滋病腹泻看艾灸治艾优势

63、moxibustion with moxa cone ─── 艾炷灸法

64、Observation of the Curative Effect of Treating 50 Cases of Diarrhea of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome with Moxa Roll Moxibustion ─── 艾条灸治疗艾滋病腹泻症50例

65、Keywords Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/am ther;Spleen-Kidney Yang Deficiency/am ther;Immunocompetence/am eff;Moxa Stick Moxibustion; ─── 关键词获得性免疫缺陷综合征/针灸疗法;脾肾阳虚/针灸疗法;免疫活性/针灸效应;艾条灸;

66、Keywords Brain Ischemia/acup-mox ther;Moxa Stick Moxibustion;Diseaes Models;Animal;Superoxide Dismutase/acup-mox eff;Malondialdehyde/anal; ─── 脑缺血/针灸疗法;艾条灸;疾病模型;动物;超氧化物歧化酶/针灸效应;丙二醛/分析;

67、London moxa poetry is an approved by national extension shoe industry related department approves registered enterprise. ─── 伦敦艾诗拓鞋业是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。

68、Keywords Aging/acup-mox eff;Moxa Stick Moxibustion;Aging/blood;Circadian Rhythm/acup-mox eff;Auricular Acupuncture; ─── 关键词衰老/针灸效应;艾条灸;衰老/血液;昼夜节律/针灸效应;耳针;

69、If the healer tries to change the direction of the moving moxa stick, he will feel resistance force. ─── 如果施术者不顺着磁场的牵引力擅自改变艾条的走向,会感到一股阻力;

70、Keywords moxa stick fumigating;chronic dermal ulcer;therapeutic effect; ─── 艾条熏蒸;皮肤慢性溃疡;疗效;

71、moxa cauterization ─── 艾灼法

72、moxa roll moxibustion ─── 艾卷灸

73、The speed of burning of moxa stick deponds on the patient's health condition. ─── 根据受术者的风、寒、湿、热状况,艾条燃烧的速度不同;

74、Home is the holiday, we get up early in the morning, bath, wash a moxa grass. ─── 我们家是这样过节的,一大早起床,洗一个艾草澡,。

75、Practitioners of Massage, Abdomen Judo, Bone Uniting, Moxa Cautery, and Accupunture were also supervised but not qualified as health industry practitioners. ─── 按摩术、柔道整腹术、接骨术、炙术、针术等,虽视同医疗相关事业予以管理,但从业者不属于医事人员。

76、Keywords baby-friendly ward;moxa fumigation;disinfectant dosage;disinfectant interval; ─── 关键词爱婴病房;艾条熏蒸;消毒剂量;消毒间隔时间;

77、Results and Conclusion The spectrum of moxa stick moxibustion was relatively discrete and several wave crests are appeared. ─── 结果和结论艾条灸光谱相对较离散,可出现数个波峰;

78、You don't have to take bitter medicine or stand for hot moxa treatment. ─── 你不一定要服用苦的药或用热的艾炙来治疗。

79、Medicated thread moxa in Zhuang folk medicine ─── 壮医药线点灸

80、The moxibustion group was treated with self-made moxa stick (0.6mmX 10cm) at RN4.The acupuncture group was needled in ST36 point and round the injecting cite. ─── 艾灸组采用自制0.6mm×10cm小艾条,各组每日处理一次,模型组和空白组进行与前五组相同程度的捉抓。

81、But, old Xu Gang handed in money to get data a week, heard of company of Er of Wuhan moxa humble to be missing. ─── 但是,老徐刚交了钱领了材料一个星期,就听说武汉艾菲尔公司失踪了。

82、See Qin Dynasty, that appearance, the smiling face of the moxa Xiao snow edge of mouth is more ravishing. ─── 看秦朝那愤世嫉俗地样子,艾晓雪嘴角的笑容更迷人了。

83、The writer think that the fire from moxa cone is Warm but not Dry,it is able to Resolve Phlegm,Soften Hard Masses,Remove Blood Stasis,Reduce Resuscitation and Recuperate Depleted Yang. ─── 古人认为艾火之性温而不燥,能化痰消积、活血化瘀,急救时又能开窍启闭、回阳固脱。

84、moxa rolls ─── 艾卷

85、Keywords Bladder;Neurogenic/acup ther Moxa Stick Moxibustion;Diabetes Mellitus/compl; ─── 膀胱;神经原性/针灸疗法/艾条灸;糖尿病/并发症;

86、79 Cases of External Humeral Epicondylitis Treated by Manipulation and Warming Moxibustion with Moxa Stick ─── 手法加艾条温和灸治疗肱骨外上髁炎79例

87、Implementation of Multiple Serial Port Communication Based on MOXA Multiport Serial Board ─── 基于MOXA多串口卡的多串口通信的实现

88、Method Bilateral points Zhiyin were acupunctured and then moxaed with moxa sticks in 152 pregnant women with fetal malposition. ─── 方法对152例胎位不正的孕妇,针刺双侧至阴穴后加艾条灸。

89、Keywords Electroacupuncture;Moxibustion with moxa stick;Acupuncture;Point;Back-Shu;Asthma; ─── 电针;艾条灸;针刺;穴;背俞;哮喘;

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