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10-03 投稿


metaphysician 发音

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英:  美:

metaphysician 中文意思翻译



metaphysician 网络释义

n. 精神疗法家;形而上学者

metaphysician 词性/词形变化,metaphysician变形


metaphysician 相似词语短语

1、pataphysician ─── 体疗学家

2、metaphysicise ─── 形而上学

3、metaphysicised ─── 形而上学的

4、metaphysicist ─── n.玄学家,形而上学学家(metaphysics的变形)

5、metaphysical ─── adj.形而上学的;超自然的;玄学派诗歌的

6、metaphysicizing ─── v.形而上学地思考或写作

7、metaphysicians ─── n.精神疗法家;形而上学者

8、metaphysicize ─── v.形而上学地思考或写作

9、metaphysicising ─── 形而上学

metaphysician 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The modern and highly influential German metaphysician Martin Heidegger maintained that the FQP is the only genuine philosophical question. ─── 现代极具影响的德国形而上学思想家马丁.海德格尔认为,哲学基本问题是唯一真正的哲学问题。

2、In academic circles, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, considered to be most closed to Edmund Husserl, has been regarded as a mid-period metaphysician. ─── 学术界一般以为梅洛?彭迪与胡塞尔最接近,视他为中期形而上学家。

3、Perhaps no actual metaphysician has ever been, both in intention and effect, wholly the one thing or the other. ─── 也许实际上并没有任何一个形而上学家,无论是在意图上还是在效果上,曾经完全是这一种或那一种。

4、In academic circles, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, considered to be most closed to Edmund Husserl, has been regarded as a mid-period metaphysician. ─── 学术界一般以为梅洛?彭迪与胡塞尔最接近,视他为中期形而上学家。

5、And the reason for it is that when discussing Being, Aristotle was a metaphysician and logician on one hand, and he also was a scientist on the other hand. ─── 这一情况的出现是因为:亚里士多德在探讨存在问题时,一方面是作为一个形而上学家和逻辑学家,另一方面又是一个科学家。

6、French metaphysician,theologian and philosopher of action.Action(1893). ─── 法国形酉上学家,神学家及行为哲学家.(行动9(1893).

7、He was not religious, and was no metaphysician;but he wanted and expected men to evolve until they became like gods. ─── 克拉克并非虔诚的教徒,也非形而上学主义者,然而他认为,人类通过进化,最终可以达到神的境界。

8、He was not religious, and was no metaphysician; ─── 他不是修道士,也不是玄学家。

9、He was not religious, and was no metaphysician; but he wanted and expected men to evolve until they became like gods. ─── 他不信教,也不是玄学家;但他希望并相信人类会不断进化,直到变得像众神一样。

10、The modern and highly influential German metaphysician Martin Heidegger maintained that the FQP is the only genuine philosophical question. ─── 现代极具影响的德国形而上学思想家马丁。海德格尔认为,哲学基本问题是唯一真正的哲学问题。

11、They operate then as the ethical shadow within ontological language, as an aesthetic of the face-to-face relation otherwise threatened with suppression in the work of the metaphysician. ─── 他们那时是被作为本体论语言中的伦理阴影(影子)运用,被作为受到镇压所威胁的别样的“面对面”的审美关系而运转于这个形而上学家的作品中。

12、He was not religious, and was no metaphysician; but he wanted and expected men to evolve until they became like gods. ─── 他不是修道士,也不是玄学家;但他期望人类会一直进化直到拥有神的力量。

13、He was the master metaphysician who knew by direct perception that all phenomena are devoid of substance. ─── 他形而上学的大师,可以直接感知无形的现象。

14、The western metaphysician put forwards six ways to solve the problem. ─── 围绕这一问题西方形而上学家提出了六种不同的解答方式。

15、George Eliot- a metaphysician with a dramatic attachment. ─── 一个形而上学者,一个戏剧性的附属。

16、Ironist is an opposition of the traditional metaphysician, but they are not always oppose liberalism. ─── 反讽主义者与传统的形而上学家是对立的,但并不一定反自由主义。

17、Plato is no metaphysician of this imperfect type, still less Aristotle, although the contrary is generally believed. ─── 柏拉图并不是这种形而上学家,亚里士多德更不是,虽说有许多人常常以为他们也是这样的形而上学家。

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