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10-03 投稿


mendable 发音


英:  美:

mendable 中文意思翻译



mendable 网络释义

adj. 可修好的;可改正的;可改善的

mendable 相似词语短语

1、bendable ─── 可弯曲的

2、emendable ─── adj.可修订的

3、sendable ─── 可发送的(send的变体)

4、unmendable ─── 不可修理的

5、vendable ─── 可出售的

6、amendable ─── adj.可修正的

7、lendable ─── adj.可借贷的,可贷放的

8、amenable ─── adj.有责任的:顺从的,服从的;有义务的;经得起检验的

9、spendable ─── adj.可使用的;可花费的

mendable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You have better have your shoes mend. ─── 你最好把你的鞋修理一下。

2、Could you come and help me mend it? ─── 你可以过来帮我修一下吗?

3、Exploration and Application of the Mendable Method on the Conductive Circuit for PCB ─── 印制电路板铜导线断路修补方法的探索与应用

4、Are you trying to mend you kite? ─── 你在试图修好你的风筝吗?

5、He asked her to mend his socks. ─── 他叫她替他补袜子。

6、Fix@ and @mend@ mean the same thing. ─── 修理和修补意思是一样的。

7、He promised to mend his ways. ─── 他答应改过自新,重新做人。

8、He cannot possibly mend his own case. ─── 他不能改善自己的境遇。

9、To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour. ─── 东西真的太少,连面饼也没被放过。

10、Don't mend that tear by hand-stitch it up on a machine. ─── 不要用手工缝补那破口,用机器缝。

11、And how can you mend a broken heart? ─── 你如何修补一颗破碎的心?

12、You'll have to mend that leak or it will cause problems later. ─── 你得修补那个裂缝, 不然以后会出问题.

13、Things at the worst will mend. ─── 否极泰来。

14、You can't tell where the mend is. ─── 你简直看不出补丁在哪儿

15、The mend in your dress scarcely shows. ─── 你衣服上补过的地方几乎看不出来。

16、To make or mend(boots or shoes). ─── 修制造或修理(长统靴或鞋)

17、The will mend the car as soon as possible. ─── 他们将尽早将汽车修理好。

18、Can you mend the hole in my shirt ? ─── 你能补一下我衬衫上的洞吗?

19、Are you trying to mend your kite? ─── 你在试图修好你的风筝吗?

20、Will you let me try to mend it for you? ─── 你们肯让我试着替你们缝补吗?

21、Such a thing usually takes time to mend. ─── 修理这种东西通常需要时间。

22、A Passion, without warmth, cannot mend a broken heart. ─── 仅有热情而没有热心,不足以修补一颗受伤的心灵。

23、They tried to mend their fences with us. ─── 他们努力想与我们修好。

24、Jim went up the ladder to mend the roof. ─── 吉姆从梯子爬上去修理屋顶。

25、A: You should mend fences with your sister and apologize. ─── 你应该跟你妹和好,然后向她道歉。

26、How can you mend a broken heart? ─── 你如何修补一颗破碎的心?

27、They will mend the car as soon as possible. ─── 他们将尽。

28、Does he believe the economy's really on the mend? ─── 他相信经济确实在复苏吗?

29、Which parts of the clothes do you want to mend? ─── 你要改那些部分?

30、The relations among the fuzzy qualified event, the fuzzy unqualified event, the mendable fuzzy unqualified event and the non-mendable fuzzy unqualified event of the parts are analyzed. ─── 分析了零件模糊合格事件、零件模糊不合格事件、零件可修复模糊不合格事件和零件不可修复模糊不合格事件之间的关系。

31、If you want to mend the window, I can get glass cheap. ─── 你要想修理窗户,我能给你买到便宜的玻璃。

32、He gave me his coat to mend. ─── 他把上衣交给我,让我补一补。

33、Could you mend the puncture in the tyre at once for me? ─── 你能马上替我补胎吗?

34、Could you mend my bike for me? ─── 你能帮我修一下自行车吗?

35、The repair man has come to mend the photocopier. ─── 修理工已经来修理这台影印了。

36、He have his pen mend yesterday. ─── 他昨天把钢笔拿去修理。

37、They tried to mend their differences. ─── 他们试图消除他们之间的分歧。

38、He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engines of the tender. ─── 他派了十个人去修理供应船发动机的齿轮。

39、But it is never too late to mend . ─── 不过想要补救,总没有来不及的。

40、He took the watch apart to mend it. ─── 他把手表拆开修理。

41、Look here,you two,you're always at loggerheads. Mend it or end it. ─── 喂,你们两人老是争吵。要么握手言和,要么决裂算了。

42、Can she wash and mend? If so she can help Gao Ma. ─── 不知道她会洗洗作作的不会,假若她能作些事呢,就让她帮助高妈;

43、A plumber is coming to mend the piping this afternoon. ─── 今天下午水管工会过来修管道。

44、You need to mend your ways or one day you'll be sent to prison. ─── 你需要改过自新,否则有一天你会蹲监狱。

45、He demonstrated how to mend a puncture. ─── 他示范如何修补车胎刺孔。

46、Don't let him mend your bike. He's sure to bungle the job. ─── 别让他修理你的自行车. 他肯定会弄得一团糟的。

47、Relations between these two countries are now on the mend. ─── 两国关系正在改善中.

48、They have turned off the water while they mend a burst pipe. ─── 他们修理爆裂的水管时,关上了水闸。

49、Studies in a new equipment shock mount and job team of mendable drilling tools with lathe ─── 钻具车修中心架和作业线装置的研制

50、Can you mend this split in my jacket? ─── 你能将我夹克衫上的裂缝补好吗?

51、He was determined to mend his ways and turn over new leaf. ─── 他决心改过自新,重新做人。

52、He's on the mend. ─── 他的病见好了。

53、He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engine's tender. ─── 他派了十个人去修理机车头的煤水车上的凹陷.

54、"The IPCC is certainly mendable, " he said. ─── “IPCC当然是可以改良的,”他说。

55、You didn't mend the boat properly, the water is still leaking in. ─── 你没有修好船,它还在漏水。

56、The husband gave up drinking to mend the broken marriage. ─── 为了使破裂的婚姻重归于好,丈夫把酒戒了。

57、One of fishermen's work is to mend their nets. ─── 修补渔网是渔夫的工作之一。

58、How can you mend this broken man ? ─── 你如何治愈这个心碎的男子?

59、And how can you mend a broken heart ? ─── 你如何抚慰一颗破碎的心?

60、They agreed to mend the machine immediately. ─── 他们同意马上修理机器。

61、You'll need a strong adhesive to mend that chair. ─── 你需要一种粘性很强的东西来修理那把椅子。

62、You've got a puncture? No problem! I'll soon mend that for you. ─── 你的车戳破了吗?没问题,我即刻为你补好。

63、You'll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it. ─── 你这样怎么能修好汽车--让我来试试吧。

64、Mend the fold after a sheep is lost. ─── 亡羊补劳。

65、Could you come round and mend a leak in my hot water tank? ─── 你能不能到我们家修补一下热水箱上的洞?

66、It won't take long to mend the car. ─── 修理这辆汽车用不了很长时间。

67、He pledged that he would mend his ways. ─── 他保证他将改过自新。

68、In the end, things will mend. ─── [谚]车到山前必有路。

69、It is not too difficult to mend the fuses. ─── 修理这些保险丝并不困难。

70、He was determined to mend his ways and turn over a new leaf. ─── 他决心改过自新,重新做人。

71、He offered to mend the wireless set for me. ─── 他主动提出要帮我修理收音机。

72、You won't mend the matter by being so impolite. ─── 你这么无礼是于事无补的。

73、You must mend your pace if you would reach home by dinner time. ─── 你如果想在吃晚饭前赶到家,就得加快步伐。

74、He took the engine apart to mend it. ─── 他把发动机拆开进行修理。

75、I don't think that could mend the case. It is not mendable . ─── 我认为那不能弥补此事,它是无法弥补的。

76、Have you been able to mend any fences? ─── 你们争取到了什么支持了吗?

77、You' ll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it. ─── 你这样怎麽能修好汽车--让我来试试吧.

78、You'll never mend your car like that,let me have a stab at it. ─── 你这样怎么能修好汽车,让我来试试吧.

79、He will have to mend his way if he wants to be invited to my house again. ─── 他要再想让我请他来我家做客,那就得好好改一改才行。

80、The doctor said that he was on the mend. ─── 医生说他的病情正在好转。

81、Nothing short of this could mend the case. ─── 不这样就不能挽回局面。

82、If they are to cooperate, they'll have to mend fences. ─── 一个妻子出于误会地把丈夫大骂一顿。第二天她说

83、He sent for someone to mend the broken window . ─── 他叫人来修补破窗子。

84、He will have to mend his ways if he wants to be invited to my house again. ─── 他要再想让我请他来我家作客,那就得好好改一改才行。

85、You did not mend the boat properly ,the water is still leaking in . ─── 你没有修好船,它还在漏水。

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