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10-03 投稿


mashy 发音


英:  美:

mashy 中文意思翻译



mashy 相似词语短语

1、masty ─── adj.讨人厌的;不易解决的;肮脏的;n.危险的人;危险的东西

2、dashy ─── adj.浮华的;时髦的

3、hashy ─── 皮疹

4、mushy ─── adj.糊状的;感伤的,多愁善感的

5、ashy ─── adj.灰白色的,灰色的;(脸色)苍白的;像灰的,含灰的,覆盖着灰的

6、mash ─── n.饲料;糊状物;麦芽浆;vt.捣碎;调情;n.(Mash)人名;(英)马什

7、massy ─── adj.(诗/文)巨大的,厚重的;n.(Massy)(法、美、加)马西(人名)

8、marshy ─── adj.沼泽的;湿地的

9、meshy ─── adj.象网的,网状的

mashy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

2、The Techniques of Reform for Water Turbogenerator of Mashi Hydroelectric Generation Plant ─── 麻石水电厂水轮机定子改造的工艺技术

3、Keywords Mashi granules;extraction process;area under curve of lowered temperature;chemistry composition content;the uniformity design; ─── 麻石颗粒;提取工艺;降温曲线下面积;化学成分;均匀试验;

4、 双语使用场景

5、Objective: To ascertain the process condition of extraction Mashi Granules(Herba Ephedrae, Gypsum Fibrosum, Radix Puerariae, Herba Methal, Semen Armeniacae Amerum, etc. ─── 目的:确定麻石颗粒(麻黄,石膏,葛根,薄荷,苦杏仁,等)提取工艺及制剂处方组成。

6、Research of MASHI granule quality standards ─── 麻石颗粒的质量标准研究

7、Mashi wentong (Ma's Grummer) ─── 马氏文通

8、The family of Da Mashi (Nu ethnic group) has lived on the cliff of Nujiang for 100 years. ─── 怒族打马石家在怒江的悬崖之上住了一百年。


10、Keywords Mashi water film separator;Dust rem oval efficiency;Cyclone; ─── 麻石水膜除尘器;除尘效率;旋风;

11、Her parents always support to her.And a boy named MASHI who loves her never left her alone. ─── “死亡并不可怕,可怕的是我们在死亡面前轻易就放弃自己。”

12、The Politics of the Late Wei Dynasty and Si Mashi's Approach to the Throne ─── 魏末政治与司马氏的称帝道路

13、Keywords Mashi Granules;extraction;area under curve of lowered temperature;the uniformity design; ─── 麻石颗粒;提取工艺;降温曲线下面积;均匀试验;

14、Enterprise Core Slogan: Mashi Media,top media for the city. ─── 企业核心口号:迈势传媒,都市中高端消费圈媒体。

15、It is the national well-known original Mashi Landholder Group Manor as well as the biggest national cave manor. ─── 是闻名全国的原马氏地主集团庄园,也是全国最大的窑洞庄园。

16、Analysis of design low water in planned water source of Mashi city on Yalujiang river ─── 鸭绿江拟建马市水源地设计枯水流量分析

17、Mashi Hezhong Granuces ─── 马氏和中颗粒

18、Application of Short Wave Communitation for Automatic Hydrologic Surveying Syst em in Mashi Power Station ─── 短波通信在麻石水电厂水情自动测报系统中的应用

19、Mashi manor is also called Fufeng stockaded village, locating Yangjiagou Village , 20km away from the southeast of Mizhi City with convenient traffic and communication condition. ─── 马氏庄园也即扶风寨,位于米脂城东南20公里的杨家沟村,交通通信条件良好。

20、My friend, Mashi and I, Maro are going to held a game which named over IQ-Exotica. ─── 游戏分为2人一组共同完成几个小单元,直到最后剩下的一组将会获得丰富的奖金!

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