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10-03 投稿


noel 发音

英:[n?u'el]  美:[no??el]

英:  美:

noel 中文意思翻译



noel 网络释义

n. 诺埃尔(姓氏);圣诞节

noel 短语词组

1、Sir Noel Pierce Coward ─── [网络] 诺埃尔·皮尔斯·考德爵士

2、george gordon noel byron ─── 深黄色雪棕色

3、joy noel ─── 平安夜

4、the first noel ─── 第一支圣诞歌

5、bushed noel ─── 毛茸茸的诺埃尔

6、Noel Coward ─── [网络] 科沃德;考沃德;诺埃尔·科沃德

noel 相似词语短语

1、noil ─── n.落棉;精梳短毛;刷屑

2、noll ─── 诺尔(人名)

3、Noel ─── n.诺埃尔(姓氏);圣诞节

4、noes ─── n.不(no的复数)

5、koel ─── n.噪鹃(产于印度、东印度群岛及澳大利亚的一种类似杜鹃的鸟);长尾噪鹃

6、novel ─── adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说;n.(Novel)人名;(法、西、英)诺韦尔

7、goel ─── n.(Goel)人名;(西)戈埃尔

8、Joel ─── n.(圣经中的)约耳书;约珥(圣经人物)

9、nowl ─── 现在

noel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The Neanderthal monobrow, famously displayed by Noel Gallagher, will soon be ancient history as alpha males look to cultivate dark, strong brows with the help of threading and dying. ─── 像诺埃尔?加拉格尔(译者注:英国“绿洲乐队”成员)那样很像原始人的一字眉很快将成为历史,男人们开始希望通过绞眉或染眉打造出又浓又粗的眉毛。

2、The identification of noel cell-type specific markers may lead to a better understanding of cell-type specific functions in the normal brain as well as in diseases in which particular brain cell types are dysfunctional. ─── 对新细胞型特异性标记的识别能帮助人们更好的理解健康人脑中细胞类型的特异性功能,从而与病脑或功能失调的的特殊大脑细胞型相区别。

3、Noel approach to cancer drug gien major boost ─── 新途径的肿瘤药物获得重大支助

4、Tutorials in measure theory, lebesgue integration and probability, by Noel Vaillant. ─── 介绍概率论以及测量方法方面的网站。

5、Inhibition of early steps of platelet adhesion to the ischemic endothelium and the subendothelial matrix may offer a noel and safe treatment strategy in acute stroke. ─── 在血小板黏附在血管内皮细胞及内皮下基层的早期进行抑制可能提供一种新的安全的治疗缺血性卒中的治疗方法。

6、Russia in the Battle of Tsushima[by] Noel F. ─── 书刊名/作者 The Emperor's sword/Japan vs.

7、Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes? --Pour nous faire croire au Pere Noel. ─── 为什么天使会有翅膀? --为了让我们相信有圣诞老人。

8、Beattie GM,Montqomery AM et al.A noel approach to increase human islet cell mass while presering beta-cell function.Diabetes.2002 Dec;51(12):3435-9. ─── 按照研究者的方法,似乎是可以将B细胞体外培养使其增殖并保留原有B细胞的特性啊,但为什么这样的培养方法没有广泛应用呢?

9、Noel Barrie Hooper ─── 何柏(1931-),英国人,曾任香港法官。

10、As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.--O,Hare Noel, American writer ─── 作为一个现代的父母,我很清楚重要的不是你给了孩子们多少物质的东西,而是你倾注在他们身上的关心和爱。美国作家诺埃尔

11、LIAM once said he was John Lennon reincarnated. So who does he think Noel could be? ─── 曾经说过他是约翰列侬二世。

12、Dr Noel Gomes, also a member of the association, said the practice of organ trading was barbaric and should be condemned and stopped. ─── 协会成员诺埃尔.戈梅斯(NoelGomes)医生表示,器官贩卖是野蛮行径,应该受到谴责及制止。

13、Noel Bas ─── 巴斯

14、Cain and Abel, Linus and Lucy, Liam and Noel. ─── 例如,该隐和亚伯[1],莱纳斯与露西[2],连恩与诺尔[3]。

15、Officials in the Dominican Republic say at least eight people have died in the fierce thunderstorms and flooding brought by Tropical Storm Noel. ─── 多米尼加共和国领导人声称在这次由诺尔热带风暴引起的猛烈的雷暴雨和洪灾中至少8人死亡,3人失踪。

16、New insights will hopefully pae the way for us to explore noel ways of treating this condition. ─── 新的知识将为我们探索应对这种情形的新方法铺平道路。”

17、IF Tony Blair told the Queen to give Noel a knighthood as his parting gesture before stepping down, would you accept it? ─── 封为骑士作为你们解散前的表彰,你会接受吗?

18、Noel approchant,les ventes sur Internet explosent. ─── 圣诞节临近,因特网上商品销售火爆。

19、This is the first in io eidence showing that an ACE inhibitor protects human myocardium, possibly ia PC-mimetics actions, a noel property that might explain the cardioprotectie actions of these drugs. ─── 本研究首次在人体试验中显示血管紧张素抑制剂的心肌保护效应,这类药物可能是通过拟缺血预适应机制产生心肌保护作用。

20、This inention relates to fishing bait, and more particularly to a noel composition useful in conjunction with the same as well as the means for aailing of such composition in use. ─── 本发明是有关一种垂钓鱼饵,更特别地,一种新式成分用于连接类似的,同时对这样的成分有利。

21、Noel Pong graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with First Class Honours in modern dance and joined CCDC in 1997. ─── 庞智筠1997年以一级荣誉毕业于香港演艺学院舞蹈学院现代舞系,同年加入城市当代舞蹈团。

22、I feel like we're in a Noel Coward play. Someone should be making martinis. ─── 我觉得我们像是在诺埃尔?考沃德的戏剧里。有人应该做些马提尼酒。

23、It suggested that the nitrites reaching 900 mg/kg in feeds caused poor performance and had ill-effect on health of ducks. The NOEL of nitrite in formula feed for ducks may be 600 mg/kg. ─── 因此 ,日粮中亚硝酸盐含量达到 90 0mg kg时 ,肉鸭健康状况明显受到不良影响 ,建议饲料中亚硝酸盐的无明显作用水平 (NOEL)定为 6 0 0mg kg。

24、"This emphasizes the need to deelop noel medical strategies based on a comprehensie understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying gliomagenesis. ─── “这就强调了发展新型治疗方案的必要性,而这些治疗方案需要建立在全面掌握胶质瘤形成的生物机制的基础上。”

25、Using a noel method to rank genes, they found that XOR was at the top of the list of genes that fit the profile of a fat generator. ─── 他们使用一种新方法将基因分类,发现XOR在基因目录的顶端,这符合对脂肪驱动因子的描述。

26、Credits Lyrics by Dolores O'Riordan Music by Dolores O'Riordan, Noel Hogan Lyrics If you, if you could return. ─── 如果你,如果你能回来,。

27、Noel decided to marry Ryan on the spur of the moment. She felt regretful later. ─── 诺埃尔在一时冲之下决定与赖安结婚,不久她便感到后悔了。

28、SNPs in fie noel independent loci exhibited strong and consistent eidence of association with breast cancer (P

29、SNPs in fie noel independent loci exhibited strong and consistent eidence of association with breast cancer (P

30、Noel Koch recently left his Pentagon office toting an overnight bag and rode to Washington's National Airport. ─── 埃尔·科克最近曾携带一只轻便旅行袋,离开国防部五角大楼办公室,驾车前往华盛顿机

31、Illustrations: Noel Stapleton and Bernard Tate, Sydney ─── 图案设计:诺尔·斯泰颇坦和伯纳德·泰特,悉尼

32、The Teessiders ran out 2-0 winners that day thanks to goals from Noel Whelan and Andy Campbell. ─── 主队凭借NoelWhelan和AndyCampbell的进球2比0取胜。

33、At the end of October, Tropical Storm Noel created serious flooding in the Dominican Republic, making tens of thousands of people homeless. ─── 十月底,诺艾飓风横扫多明尼加,在各地造成严重水灾,让上万人流离失所。

34、A green iguana is seen at the Noel Kempff Mercado Zoo in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Aug. 17. (Reuters ─── 八月十七日周日,一只绿色的鬣蜥蜴出现在玻利维亚圣克鲁兹的诺尔普夫梅尔卡多国家公园。(路透社照片)

35、Noel: Ok well, I'll stop interviewing you now and you can interview me. ─── 好吧我不再采访你了你可以采访我了。

36、George Noel Gordon | Lord Byron [England] ─── 拜伦[英

37、Despite the two and a half hour drive from Santo Domingo to Bombita in Barahona province, volunteers greet Tropical Storm Noel victims with the brightest smiles as soon as they get off the bus, hoping to cheer them up. ─── 尽管开车从首都圣多明尼哥,到巴拉欧纳省的蒙必达地区,需两个半小时的车程,志工一下车看到诺艾风灾的受灾户,立即展露笑容,给灾民最大的鼓励。

38、Noel Freeman ─── 弗里曼

39、The first multiprotocol routers were independently created by staff researchers at MIT and Stanford in 1981;the Stanford router was done by William Yeager, and the MIT one by Noel Chiappa; ─── 多协议路由器的第一个独立的科研人员创建的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学在1981年,斯坦福路由器是由威廉克耶格尔,以及麻省理工学院的一个诺埃Chiappa ;

40、Noel: The reason the band's stayed together is 'cos it has to, because basically I've got fuck all else. have not got anything else to look forward to. ─── 乐团不解散的原因是它必须这样,因为基本上我其他什麽都没兴趣。没任何别的东西可以盼望。

41、Pour nous faire croire au Pere Noel. ─── 为了让我们相信有圣诞老人.

42、His noel was set in 2142. ─── 他的小说背景设定在2142年。

43、"Our analysis reealed potential mechanisms of irulence, which we hope will help us deelop noel antiiral strategies to both outwit the irus and moderate the host immune response. ─── 我们分析发现了病毒毒力的来源,有助于发展对付病毒以及降低宿主免疫反应的新型抗病毒药物。”

44、After the failure of his last noel, his reputation stands on slippery grounds. ─── 他的上部小说失败之后,声誉一落千丈。(不能译为"站在滑动的场地上了。"

45、The new genes do not immediately suggest any new therapy, but point to a noel biological basis for the disease, from which effectie treatments could emerge in time. ─── 新基因不会直接给出新治疗方法,但是会对疾病的生物学基础有新的基本认识,那么由此引出有效的治疗措施也将指日可待。

46、David Noel ─── 大卫·诺尔

47、Good night my darlings, I'll see you tomorrow. --Noel Cowad, American writer ─── 晚安,亲爱的人们,明天再见。

48、Noel: Oh, this is for China though right? ─── 可这是给中国做的采访对吧?

49、After Noel and the boat pulled away, the fading of the sound of its motor left behind a suddenly loud silence. ─── 诺埃尔开着船离开了,渐渐远去的马达声过后是一片巨大的沉寂。

50、a reasonably well - constructed duologue for two experienced performers(Noel Coward) ─── 两位有经验演员表演的组织合理的对白(诺埃尔 科沃德)

51、Noel: That all my songs and the rest are quite average. ─── 我的歌最好其他的都很一般。

52、Noel: Best song I've every written, I'd probably say, Rock and Roll Star, the most overrated Wonderwall. ─── 你到现在写的最好的歌是那首?最名不副实的是那首?

53、Allington ;illustrated by Noel Spangler. ─── 作者声明: by Richard L.

54、But the region is still bracing for heavy rains from Tropical Storm Noel. ─── 但是该地区仍旧做好准备以对付热带风暴“诺埃尔”所带来的强降雨。

55、Noel: I would rather kick my daughter out of the house than let her go and support Manchester United. ─── 我宁可把我女儿踢出去也好过看她支持曼联。

56、Was twice nominated for Broadway's Tony Award as Best Actor (Play): in 1987 for "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," and in 2002 for a revival of Noel Coward's "Private Lives." ─── 2次获百老汇托尼奖戏剧类最佳男演员提名,1987年的“危险关系”和2002年再版的“私生活”;

57、Product: Cacao Noel Fondue au Chocolat Pouch Supplier: LPS Industries The Cacao Noel Fondue au Chocolat Pouch entices the consumer with the promise of gourmet taste with minimal preparation. ─── 产品:可可诺埃太子港火锅巧克力袋 供应商:脂多糖产业 诺埃尔的可可巧克力芝士火锅太子港袋引诱消费者的承诺,美食品尝以最少的准备工作。

58、Residents of Andros Island, one of the least-developed in the Bahamas, hunkered down as Noel's winds howled and rain pelted window panes . ─── 巴哈马最不发达的地区—安德鲁斯岛上的居民在诺埃尔侵袭时蹲伏在地上以躲避的怒吼暴雨狂风。

59、Was twice nominated for an Laurence Olivier Award as Best Actor (Play): in 1987 for "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," and in 2002 for a revival of Noel Coward's "Private Lives". ─── 2次获得劳伦斯.奥利弗戏剧奖最佳男演员提名,1987年因为“危险关系”和2002年因为“私生活”;

60、Mr Noel was a whizz at marketing both his family and Mr Madoff's supposed expertise. ─── 在推销自己的家庭以及马多夫的所谓操作诀窍方面,诺埃尔是一个专家。

61、This noel correlation between thermal and cellular measurements in asthma suggests that both of these noninasie indices are sensitie to the degree of underlying chronic airway inflammation. ─── 在哮喘患者热量和细胞测量之间,这种新颖的相互关系表明:这两个非侵入性的指标对潜在的慢性导气管炎症程度是敏感的。

62、Patients with bipolar disease exhibited hyperactiity and a wide range of exploration when in a noel enironment, according to the researchers. ─── 按照研究人员所说,双相情感障碍病人在一个新环境中会表现出高度活跃和一系列的探究行为。

63、Noel Bruynooghe sunk the decisive 9-ball as he and partner Serge Das leapt in delight as they had recorded one of the biggest shocks ever in world pool. ─── 最后的9号球由诺欧打进。终场9比6取得胜利,终结了梦幻台湾队!诺欧和沙吉雀跃万分,无比兴奋。他们知道,比利时队或许已经写下了世界撞坛最惊人的一笔历史纪录!

64、"Brian Barwick has been fantastic, the committee behind the chairman, Dave Richards and Noel White gave me tremendous support after the bad night in Andorra. ─── “布莱恩.巴威克很棒,总裁下属的委员会,戴维.里查德兹以及诺埃尔怀特都在安道尔那个糟糕的夜晚后给我了巨大的帮助。”

65、We are working on a noel approach to preent PKB actually binding to the cell membrane. ─── 我们在做的工作就是用一个新途径来抑制蛋白激酶与细胞膜的结合。”

66、Noel: We didn't have to get involved with any of it but we're never going to do another “best of”. ─── 我们过去没有必要做这种东西,不过以后也不会再出什么“精选”了。

67、Near where I live is Noel Gallagher, who was in the band Oasis. ─── 住在我附近的是诺埃尔·加拉格尔,他以前在绿洲乐队。

68、Pastor Noel’s children are blessed with a small television that there children need not to go to another house to watch TV. ─── 感谢主,让拿威传道的小孩拥有小电视看,而不需要到邻居家观看。

69、In an exclusive interview with SFTW, Liam, Noel, Gem and Andy answer what you wanted to know. ─── 在这次联合将回答你所想知道的。

70、Noel Brett, chief executive of the rsa. ─── 诺尔·邓普西rsa的长官。

71、Hooper, Noel Barrie ─── 何柏

72、Julian played "The First Noel", and other favorites. ─── 朱利安又演奏了“第一圣诞颂歌”以及几首最受欢迎的乐曲。

73、Little Noel Wants to Fly ─── 小诺埃尔想飞

74、At the end of October, Tropical Storm Noel created a major disaster in the Dominican Republic. ─── 十月底的诺艾风暴在多明尼加酿成严重灾情,中部波那省的白石地区是最严重的灾区之一;

75、Having lost three times in a row, Noel was ready to pull the plug on his running career. ─── 一连输了三回,诺亚就准备放弃他的职业跑步生涯了。

76、Adances in molecular biology technology allow DNA to be easily manipulated and make the implementation of noel DNA accine strategies possible. ─── 先进的分子生物学技术使得DNA容易被操纵,也使得实现新的DNA疫苗策略成为可能.

77、DAVI president Francis Noel appointed Dr.Crawford the first chair of the Archives Committee. ─── 二、数字化网络出版的标准化是建设数字图书馆的前提。

78、Brazil Father Christmas is called Papai Noel . ─── 巴西圣诞老人被叫做“圣诞阿爸”。

79、Noel de Mille ─── 德米尔

80、James Links is a 49-year-old space trucker anxious to return to Earth and reunite with his estranged children Leon and Noel. ─── 他们找到了旧火箭“咻”,与博物馆长合力修好后乘火箭冲出太空,但遭到埋伏。

81、A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents.--O,Hare Noel, American writer ─── 关心的态度不仅能帮你省下一笔可观的钱,而且甚至能使你感到一份欣慰,因为你花钱不多并且给予了胜过礼物的关怀。美国作家诺埃尔

82、George Noel Gordon ─── 拜伦[英]

83、"a reasonably well-constructed duologue for two experienced performers" (Noel Coward) ─── “两位有经验演员表演的组织合理的对白”(诺埃尔·科沃德)

84、"Clearly, we need much more information about the biological role of this protein prior to generating noel therapies for pre-eclampsia based around reducing its effects," he concluded. ─── 他补充说:在受孕最初几周胎盘形成时所发生的一系列事件会导致一些不良妊娠结局如重度先兆子痫及死产等,这些事件可能在孕妇第一次产前检查之前就已经开始了.

85、she shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play. ─── 她以一部诺埃尔·科沃德的戏在百老汇一跃成为明星。

86、Last season, Noel briefly believed he had impregnated his girlfriend, a story that might have been extremely compelling. ─── 在上一季中,诺对他的未怀孕的女友短暂的信任是一个可能令人很信服的故事。

87、Noel: I told Our Kid the band was shit, but he definitely had something as a frontman. ─── " Noel: 我告诉他(LIAM)乐团(OASIS前身Rain)很屎,但是他确实有主唱的味道。

88、Monique Noel De Titty Mayor, City of Brossard, Quebec, Canada ─── 加拿大魁北克省布鲁萨德市市长

89、AshleyMadison’s boss, Noel Biderman, thinks his site, andothers, are prospering for another reason: money problems. ─── 他说:“大部分婚姻关系的不和来自于经济纠纷。”

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