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09-11 投稿


wickedly 发音

英:[?w?k?dli]  美:[?w?k?dli]

英:  美:

wickedly 中文意思翻译



wickedly 短语词组

1、wickedly funny ─── 搞怪滑稽的

2、wickedly delicious ─── 美味极了

3、wickedly plotting ─── 密谋

wickedly 反义词


wickedly 同义词

unholy | worthless | sinful | infamous | prankish | ill | impish | repellant | yucky | evil | rugged | flagrant | atrocious | severe | vicious | hateful | accursed | hard | good | dreadful | vile | rotten | puckish | corrupt | cursed | cutting | rough | repellent | awful | loathsome | terrible | poor | unpleasant | distasteful | abandoned | mean | pixilated | great | disgusting | perverse | base | criminal | immoral | inexpiable | low | difficult | tough | disgustful | repelling | implike |bad | revolting | acerbic | terrific | mischievous | foul | distressing | black | cheeky | loathly | arch | contemptible | skanky | naughty | wrong

wickedly 词性/词形变化,wickedly变形

形容词最高级: wickedest |副词: wickedly |形容词比较级: wickeder |名词: wickedness |

wickedly 相似词语短语

1、forkedly ─── 分叉的

2、wickeder ─── 坏的;邪恶的;缺德的(wicked的比较级)

3、wingedly ─── 有翼的

4、biasedly ─── 偏颇地

5、giftedly ─── 天才的

6、wicked ─── 邪恶的

7、fixedly ─── adv.固定地;不动,不变

8、wickedest ─── 坏的;邪恶的;缺德的(wicked的最高级)

9、markedly ─── adv.明显地;显著地;引人注目地

wickedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the left were two other beds, one occupied by Mama Huang, an elderly servant whose hair was streaked with grey, the other by the sixteen-yearold bondmaid, Ming-feng. The girl was sitting up, gazing dully at the lamp wick. ─── 在左边也有一张同样的木板床,上面睡看头发花白的老黄妈; 还有一张较小的床,十六岁的婢女鸣凤坐在床沿上,痴痴地望着灯花。

2、The boss gets on my wick with his everlasting complaints about timekeeping. And he thinks nothing of rolling up to the office at ten o' himself. ─── 上司总是抱怨说我们不守时,真令我烦透了。可是他对自己10点钟才到办公室却一点不在乎。

3、Then when the smouldering wick of hope had almost lost its glow, He came to fan alive the flames of faith. ─── 于是,正当希望的光焰泯灭之际,祂来烧旺了那信心之火。

4、They also took away the pots, shovels, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, dishes and all the bronze articles used in the temple service. ─── 又带去锅、铲子、蜡剪、盘子、调羹,并所用的一切铜器、

5、The former Prime Minister Attlee became Earl Attlee, but Eden became Earl of Avon, Avon being the river flowing past the town of War wick, which he had represented in the House of Commons. ─── 如前首相爱特立被称为爱特立伯爵,而艾登被称为埃文伯爵,因为埃文是流经沃里克城的一条河流,埃文曾代表这个城市在下议院任职。

6、They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. ─── 8他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话。他们说话自高。

7、And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. ─── 作恶违背圣约的人,他必用巧言勾引。惟独认识神的子民必刚强行事。

8、Like thousands of Candle burning, faint flame ablation in Zhu Lei, the failure to burn the wick to stay is not seen signs of incurable trauma. ─── 像燃烧了千年的红烛,微弱的火光消融在烛泪中,未能燃尽的灯芯留的是不见痕迹、无法治愈的创伤。

9、They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. ─── 他们讥笑人,怀着恶意说欺压人的话,他们说话自高。

10、The light is getting weaker. Turn up the wick, please. ─── 光线越来越暗,你去挑挑灯芯。

11、The gloom of the room closed in on her as the wick again dwindled. ─── 周围的黑暗向她包围过来。 灯光因了灯花增大而变得更微弱了。

12、A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. ─── 主人公一位长期失散的兄弟,大家都以为死了,实际上一直活着,并且正在策划暗算主人公;

13、Madame Caravan at once turned up the wick, but the lamp gave a hollow wheeze, then a drawn-out gurgle, and the flame went out. ─── 哈乐翁太太立刻旋动了灯上那个升降灯芯的圆钮子,但是那盏灯发出了一道怪声音,一种拉长彷佛是漱口般的声音,最后灯光终于熄了。

14、Holubec I, Dobson J, Manson S.Design and construction of an earth dam on highly plastic clay using wick drain foundation[A].Canadian Geotechnical Conference[C].1993. ─── 作者简介:陈祖煜(1943-),男,浙江镇海人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事边坡工程和水利工程的研究。

15、It was for your sake I came; and it will be wickedly ungrateful if you refuse. ─── 为了你的缘故,我才来;如果你不肯的话,那太忘恩负义了。

16、He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly. ─── 亚哈谢也行亚哈家的道。因为他母亲给他主谋,使他行恶。

17、They are to take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand that is for light, together with its lamps, its wick trimmers and trays, and all its jars for the oil used to supply it. ─── 9要拿蓝色毯子,把灯台和灯台上所用的灯盏,剪子,腊花盘,并一切盛油的器皿,全都遮盖。

18、They also took away the pots, shovels, wick trimmers, dishes and all the bronze articles used in the temple service. ─── 又带去锅、铲子、蜡剪、调羹,并所用的一切铜器

19、But it was rather awkward.Krzysztof wickedly remarked: “If you fluff it, you must give me film for a retake. ─── 不过确实很尴尬,克日什托夫恶作剧般注释:“如果你说错了,你得重新拍一个镜头。”

20、Solder Wick: A band of wire removes molten solder away from a solder joining or a solder bridge or just for desoldering. ─── 吸锡带:用以去除焊点,桥接,或脱焊电熔融焊料的线带。

21、"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. ─── 但12:10必有许多人使自己清净洁白、且被熬炼.但恶人仍必行恶、一切恶人都不明白、惟独智慧人能明白。

22、To form(a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow. ─── 制造(蜡烛)把烛蕊反复在溶化的油或蜡中浸泡来制作(蜡烛)。

23、Indeed, when Captain Frederick Marryat saw her with a group of friends, she chased them into their room, laughing wickedly. ─── FrederickMarryat船长和一群朋友都看见了她,她邪恶地大笑着把他们赶进屋子。

24、He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor to do wickedly. ─── 亚哈谢也行亚哈家的道。因为他母亲给他主谋,使他行恶。

25、Improper Machining (bending, flattening and so on) after delivery may cause damage to container and wick structure, which results in poor performance or failure of heat pipes. ─── 不正确的操作,像弯曲或压扁等,可能会造成热管里面或结构的破坏,而这些又会导致热管性能不好或失去散热的功能。

26、A wickedly humorous, incise and poignant account of the vicissitudes of growing old. ─── 这是一个幽默尖锐讲述账户变迁的故事。

27、And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. ─── 19:7说,众弟兄,请你们不要作这恶事。

28、NIV] Its wick trimmers and trays are to be of pure gold. ─── 38[和合]灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘,也是要精金的。

29、The bulb of a thermometer is covered with a close fitting cotton wick, which is kept wetted with water. ─── 在温度计的球上,缠着一层配合紧密的棉芯,并用水使其保持湿润。

30、The performance of the wick is analyzed with two wicks which is normal wire-mesh screen and reversed groovy capillary structure. ─── 其中热管吸液芯分别采用普通不锈钢丝和反向槽道毛细结构,分析其工作性能。

31、And he said, Please, my brothers, do not act so wickedly. ─── 7说,我的弟兄们,请你们不要作这恶事。

32、But Mr McConnell ran wickedly entertaining campaign ads showing bloodhounds sniffing around Washington for his opponent, who had missed votes to give paid speeches in balmy resorts. ─── 且其曾风光一时的投票动员机制,与奥巴马的拉票机制相比起来,已经生锈过时。

33、To form (a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow. ─── 制造(蜡烛):把烛蕊反复在溶化的油或蜡中浸泡来制作(蜡烛)

34、The physician put a wick in the wound to drain it. ─── 医生把一个纱布条放在伤口中吸血。

35、She took off her skirt and laid it on the bed, then walked over to the desk, turned up the wick of the pewter lamp and sat down. ─── 她解下裙子放在床上,然后走到书桌前面,拨好了桌上锡灯盏里的灯芯,使坐在书桌前面的方凳上。

36、With porous wick condenser, the system pressure oscillation was reduced largely, even more eliminated. ─── 冷凝器中多孔芯很好的抑制了系统中的温度压力波动现象。

37、Birkin approached, smiling wickedly at seeing Ursula so nonplussed and frightened. ─── 伯金慢慢靠过来,看到尤索拉窘迫害怕的样子,幸灾乐祸地笑了。

38、Bloodthristers appear as muscular giants, towering above mortal and Daemon alike, with snarling, bestial faces with long fangs, a wild mane and wickedly sharp horns. ─── 嗜血者外表看上去是个满身肌肉的巨人,塔立于凡人和恶魔之中,不停的犬嗥发自有着长长犬齿的口中,兽头上长着邪恶的双角和狂野的棕毛。

39、A wick connects it to a reservoir . ─── 一灯芯绳把它与水槽相连。

40、So were the People of Noah before them for they wickedly transgressed. ─── 以前,我毁灭了努哈的宗族,他们确是悖逆的民众。

41、To form(a candle)by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow. ─── 制造(蜡烛)把烛蕊反复在溶化的油或蜡中浸泡来制作(蜡烛)

42、She smiled wickedly. ─── 她不怀好意地笑着。

43、NIV] They made its seven lamps, as well as its wick trimmers and trays, of pure gold. ─── [和合]用精金作灯台的七个灯盏,并灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘。

44、A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. ─── 压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭;等他施行公理,叫公理得胜。

45、Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. ─── 好奇,是学习的原动力。

46、The ways of the scoundrel are also evil, scheming wickedly against the poor, destroying the needy with lies even when their plea is just. ─── 奸险者的手段毒辣,只筹划恶计,用诳言毁灭卑微的人,在穷人的案件上颠倒曲直。

47、"However, You are just in all that has come upon us; For You have dealt faithfully, but we have acted wickedly. ─── 在一切临到我们的事上、你却是公义的.因你所行的是诚实、我们所作的是邪恶。

48、Those who lived foolishly and wickedly, you tormented with their own abominations. ─── 因此,对那生活愚蠢,行为不义的人,你便用他们敬拜的丑恶之物来折磨他们。

49、A long - lost brother,who was presumed dead,was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. ─── 失踪了很久的兄弟,我们以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在居心叵测地密谋搞垮主人公。

50、A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out. ─── 压伤的芦苇他不折断,残的灯火他不吹灭。

51、He lives in Wick, wherever that is. ─── 他住在威克,谁知道那地方在哪儿。(不知道威克在哪里,也不感兴趣。

52、During the dark ages, the European custom of putting an oil-lighted wick lamp in the windows during the 12 Days of Christmas... ─── 在黑暗时代,欧洲人的习惯是在12天圣诞庆祝中在窗口上放一盏油灯...

53、He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counseller to do wickedly. ─── 代下22:3亚哈谢也行亚哈家的道.因为他母亲给他主谋.使他行恶。

54、Its small wick flickered weakly, illuminating only a small part of the room. ─── 一点豆大的暗淡的灯光无力地摇晃着,只照亮了这个房间的小部分。

55、Use of the product: Brush the wick in the weft direction so as to get rid of the short cotton, make the surface floss loose, and make it reach saturatiion. ─── 产品用途:对割绒的灯芯绒进行纬向横刷,以清除短棉、使之绒面绒毛松散、绒条饱和丰润。

56、"By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action. ─── 但11:32作恶违背圣约的人、他必用巧言勾引.惟独认识神的子民、必刚强行事。

57、The Mexico another day ascends on the paper, the Japan shade crossing shot, has the thioindigo red, burns by the stoneseed juice being contaminated lamp wick zhu. ─── 其墨他日登于纸上,日影横射,有红光者,则以紫草汁浸染灯心而燃炷者也。

58、A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. And so on. ─── 主人公一位长期失散的兄弟,大家都以为死了,实际上一直活着,并且正在策划暗算主人公;如此等等。

59、They force the Chinese people study Japanese Implements "three light "policy ,Burns ,kills ,plunders ,to snatch ,Does not have wickedly does not do . ─── 他们逼迫中国人民学日文。实行“三光”政策,烧、杀、掠、抢,无恶不做。

60、This letter is wickedly funny. ─── 这封信非常有趣。

61、A long lost brother, who was presumed dead,was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. ─── 一位失踪很久的兄弟,人们以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在居心叵测地密谋搞垮主人公。

62、You have shown yourself just in all that has happened, for you have faithfully fulfilled your promises, but we have acted wickedly. ─── 你使这一切降在我们身上,是公义的,因为你所行的是忠义,而我们所行的是邪恶。

63、With porous wick in the condenser, the system pressure oscillation was reduced. ─── 冷凝器中多孔芯很好地抑制了系统中的温度压力波动现象。

64、oh , it isn ther trial trip , " muttered daguenet wickedly . " perhaps she knows as much about it as he does . ─── 达盖内不怀好意地低声说道,“这对她来说,已经不是第一次尝试了,说不定她知道的不比他少。”

65、For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God. ─── 因为我遵守了耶和华的道,未曾作恶离开我的神。

66、Because I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from my God. ─── 因我遵行了上主的正道,没有作恶离弃我的天主。

67、"And gently, he draped a shawl over my sister's eyes and lowered the wick of the lamp. ─── “他轻轻地用一块披巾蒙住我妹妹的眼睛,又把灯芯弄暗。

68、A long-lost brother ,who was presumed dead ,was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall . ─── 失踪了很久的兄弟,以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在邪恶地密谋搞垮主人公。

69、She drew a wickedly funny caricature of the teacher. ─── 她以老师为对象画了一幅淘气滑稽的漫画。

70、Stingy with his English though unfailingly polite to reporters, Wang, a native of Taiwan, is a wickedly funny teammate apparently immune to pressure. ─── 他的英文话少却对记者不失礼貌,王,来自台湾,极稀有的对压力免疫。

71、"My lord the king, these men have acted wickedly in all they have done to Jeremiah the prophet. ─── 主我的王阿,这些人向先知耶利米一味地行恶,将他下在牢狱中。

72、They mock and wickedly speak of oppression; They speak loftily. ─── 8他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话;他们说话高傲。

73、How wickedly you talk! ─── 你讲的多么不道德!

74、Martin grinned wickedly. ─── 马丁顽皮地咧嘴笑了笑。

75、In the straton model,the wave functions of the 0~- meson can be obtained numerical-ly from the Wick rotated Bethe-Salpeter equation. ─── 在层子模型中,0~-介子波函数可以利用经 Wick 旋转后的 Bethe-Salpeter 方程通过数字计算求解.

76、He seized the candle in his fist, and set it on the chimney-piece with so violent a bang that the wick came near being extinguished, and the tallow bespattered the wall. ─── 他一把抓起烛台,砰的一下把它放在壁炉上,他用力是那么猛,使烛芯几乎熄灭,烛油也飞溅到了墙上。

77、Kate: Edie Falco, she's also wickedly talented. ─── 她也是一个很酷的天才型演员。

78、Then with dragging feet she walked over to the table and trimmed the wick. ─── 她懒洋洋地走到桌子前、把灯芯朝外拨,灯花去掉。

79、Long-lost presume wickedly downfall A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall. ─── 主人公一位长期失散的兄弟,大家都以为死了,实际上一直活着,并且正在策划暗算主人公;

80、Surely, God will not act wickedly, And the Almighty will not pervert justice. ─── 伯34:12神必不作恶、能者也不偏离公平。

81、Because, had “the senior official background” this status label, he is equated in the playboys, terrorizes men and take their women the palace guard wickedly with the novel in little not different. ─── 因为,有了“高官背景”这个身份标签,他就被等同于纨绔子弟,和小说中欺男霸女的衙内恶少无异。

82、Will ye speak wickedly for God? And talk deceitfully for him? ─── 你们要为神说不义的话吗,为他说诡诈的言语吗。

83、A tallow candle with a great, smouldering wick stood on a bench in the further corner, by a bed, on which something was lying. ─── 在最里面的角落,在有什么躺着的床旁边的凳子上,立着一根烛芯结成一朵大烛花的脂油制的蜡烛。

84、said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. ─── 说,众弟兄,请你们不要作这恶事。

85、He examined the flame of the candle with a stupid air, and from around the wick he took some of the burning wax, which he rolled between his fingers. ─── 他呆呆地望着那支蜡烛的火焰,又从烛心旁边取出一点火热的蜡,在指间抟着。

86、I believe anyone would be perfectly right to interfere with you, so far as to free those you wickedly hold in slavery. I think I did right. ─── 我认为任何人都有权来干涉你们,只要能够解放那些被你们用奴隶制所牢牢掌控的奴隶们,我认为我们的所作所为是正确的。

87、Two people study have young Cheng, arrives at the gambling establishment again, clubs completely routed wickedly the audiences to . ─── 二人学有小成,再到赌场,将众恶棍打至落花流水………。

88、Will you speak wickedly on God's behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him? ─── 你们要为上帝说不义的话吗?为他说诡诈的言语吗?

89、In the female servants' room a wick floating in an earthen cup of oil sputtered feebly and grew dim, deepening the darkness of the humble quarters. ─── 在仆婢室里,一盏瓦油灯惨淡地发出微弱的亮光,灯芯上结着一朵大灯花,垂下来,烧得发出叫声,使这间屋子更显得黑魆魆的。

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