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09-11 投稿


directrix 发音

英:[d??rektr?ks; da??rektr?ks]  美:[d??rektr?ks]

英:  美:

directrix 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 准线


directrix 词性/词形变化,directrix变形


directrix 短语词组

1、directrix def ─── 准线定义

2、directrix means ─── 准线意味着

3、directrix calculator ─── 准线计算器

4、directrix of parabola ─── 抛物线准线

5、directrix math ─── 准线数学

6、directrix of a cylinder ─── 圆柱的准线

7、directrix of a parabola ─── 抛物线的准线

8、directrix y ─── 准线y

9、directrix line ─── 准线线

10、directrix k-p ─── 准线k-p

11、directrix of ─── 直线

directrix 相似词语短语

1、directrixes ─── n.[数]准线

2、directrice ─── n.女指挥(等于directress);女董事

3、directories ─── n.[计]目录,名录;指南;计算机文件或程序的目录(directory的复数)

4、direct hit ─── 直接命中

5、directorial ─── adj.主管的;导演的;指挥的

6、rectrix ─── n.[鸟]舵羽(鸟尾上的硬毛)

7、direct tax ─── [税收]直接税(如所得税)

8、directrices ─── n.准线

9、bisectrix ─── n.等分角线;[数]等分线

directrix 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Constructing Directrix for Conic Curve ─── 圆锥曲线准线的几何作图

2、directrix line of a conic. ─── 曲线的准线。

3、directrix of a conic ─── 二次曲线的准线

4、A fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section. ─── 焦点一个与准线的关系决定圆锥形状的定点

5、9.The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix. ─── 摘要重力式码头沉箱安装的位置与施工准线的偏差过大,会影响上部结构胸墙的竖直度,进而影响到码头观感质量。

6、A fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section. ─── 焦点一个与准线的关系决定圆锥形状的定点

7、The directrix line of a conic. ─── 二次曲线的准线。

8、directrix of a linear congruence ─── 线性线汇的准线

9、Cure Guidance Directrix ─── 曲线导航线

10、Select the directrix of the new conic. . . ─── 选择新二次曲线的准线…

11、6.Based on the geometry characteristics of Bertrand surfaces, the complicated surface conjugation issue can be discussed with their directrix line. ─── 基于白川德曲面的几何特征,将复杂的曲面共轭问题归结到准线上来讨论。

12、The pity is that the first auxiliary directrix after modification is generally expressed in an algebraic form, because of the complexity of the vectorial expression. ─── 遗憾的是,由于其矩阵表达式有些复杂,一般都将修改后的第一辅助准线表示为代数形式。

13、directrix curve ─── 准曲线

14、a fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section ─── 一个与准线的关系决定圆锥形状的定点

15、The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix. ─── 锥面由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面

16、scroll directrix ─── 涡卷准线

17、The guidance signal of vision guidance system consists of the lateral deviation and the orientation deviation between the guidance directrix and the vehicle axis. ─── 视觉导航系统的导航信息是指导航线与车辆轴线的侧向位移偏差和角度偏著。

18、a solid bounded by two parallel planes and such a surface,especially such a surface having a circle as its directrix ─── 圆柱体,由两个平行平面和这样的表面,特别是有一个圆作为其准线的平面所形成的柱体

19、directrix plane ─── 准平面

20、Developable Surfaces Generated by a Directrix ─── 导线生成的可展曲面

21、The surface generated by a straight line,the generator,passing through a fixed point,the vertex,and moving along a fixed curve,the directrix. ─── 锥面由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面。

22、Developable Surfaces Generated by a Directrix ─── 导线生成的可展曲面

23、the surface generated by a straight line intersecting and moving along a closed plane curve,the directrix,while remaining parallel to a fixed straight line that is not on or parallel to the plane of the directrix ─── 柱面,一条直线与一个封闭的平面曲线相交及沿着平面曲线移动所形成的平面,准线则与一个不在此准线平面上或者不与此准线平面平行的固定直线保持平行

24、principal and subordinate directrix ─── 主从准线

25、The coastline is the base directrix divides the region of sea and land management. ─── 海岸线是划分海洋与陆地管理区域的基准线。

26、The directrix line of a conic. ─── 二次曲线的准线。

27、A solid bounded by two parallel planes and such a surface, especially such a surface having a circle as its directrix. ─── 圆柱体由两个平行平面和这样的表面,特别是有一个圆作为其准线的平面所形成的柱体

28、Constructing Directrix for Conic Curve ─── 圆锥曲线准线的几何作图

29、The surface generated by a straight line intersecting and moving along a closed plane curve, the directrix, while remaining parallel to a fixed straight line that is not on or parallel to the plane of the directrix. ─── 柱面一条直线与一个封闭的平面曲线相交及沿着平面曲线移动所形成的平面,准线则与一个不在此准线平面上或者不与此准线平面平行的固定直线保持平行

30、New Latin parametrum [a line through the focus and parallel to the directrix of a conic] ─── 现代拉丁语parametrum[通过焦点并与圆锥曲线的准轴线平行的直线]

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