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trifolium 发音


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trifolium 中文意思翻译



trifolium 词性/词形变化,trifolium变形

异体字: trifoliated |

trifolium 短语词组

1、araneus trifolium ─── 三叶蜘蛛

2、Trifolium arvense ─── [医] 石苜蓿

3、Trifolium dubium ─── [网络] 钝叶车轴草;黄菽草;小黄三叶草

4、Trifolium alpinum ─── [网络] 三叶草

5、Trifolium repens ─── [网络] 白三叶;白车轴草;三叶草

6、trifolium repens l ─── 三叶草

7、Trifolium reflexum ─── [网络] 三叶草反射

8、Trifolium medium ─── 三叶草培养基

9、Trifolium prateose L. ─── [医] 红车轴草, 红三叶

10、trifolium subterraneum variety ─── 红车轴草品种

11、trifolium pratense variety ─── 红车轴草

12、Trifolium incarnatum ─── [网络] 绛三叶;绛车轴草;三叶草

13、Trifolium L. ─── [医] 三叶草属, 三叶豆属

14、Trifolium stoloniferum ─── [网络] 三叶草

15、Trifolium pratense ─── [网络] 红三叶草;红车轴草;红苜蓿

16、Trifolium repens L. ─── [医] 白三叶, 白苜蓿, 葡茎三叶豆

17、trifolium subterraneum ─── 地下三叶草

18、Trifolium fibrinum ─── [医] 睡菜

19、genus Trifolium ─── [网络] 三叶草属

trifolium 相似词语短语

1、triforium ─── n.教堂拱门上之三拱式拱廊

2、trifold ─── adj.三倍的,三重的

3、trillium ─── n.[植]延龄草;延龄草属植物

4、folium ─── n.薄层;叶形线

5、triennium ─── n.三年时间;三年之期间

6、trifoliums ─── n.三叶草

7、trisodium ─── adj.含有三钠的

8、trifoliate ─── adj.三叶的;有三叶的;三叶形饰的

9、trifling ─── adj.微不足道的;轻浮的;v.浪费,闲聊(trifle的现在分词)

trifolium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The accumulating amounts of nutrient element in Trifolium pratense population in different utilization periods ─── 不同利用期红三叶种群营养元素积累量的研究

2、Trifolium repens L. ─── [医] 白三叶,白苜蓿,葡茎三叶豆

3、Trifolium medium ─── n. 中间车轴草

4、Keywords Minshan Trifolium pratense L.;Chemical constituents;Isoflavone;Extraction process; ─── 岷山红三叶草;化学成分;异黄酮;提取工艺;

5、Trifolium repen L. ─── 白三叶草

6、Conclusion: This technical process is suitable for extract isoflavone in Trifolium pretense L. ─── 结论:此提取工艺适用于红车轴草提取异黄酮成分。

7、Any of various plants of the genera Trifolium, Lotus, and related genera of the pea family, having compound trifoliate leaves. ─── 车轴草任一种车轴属、莲属和其它豆科的相关属的植物,生有三个小叶的复合叶

8、Objective To identify the optimal harvest time for maximal contents of isoflavones in Trifolium Pratense. ─── 目的为确定红车轴草最佳采收期提供依据。

9、The effects of White clover (Trifolium repens),Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on vineyard Microclimate and wine quality in Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard were studied. ─── 以酿酒葡萄赤霞珠(cabernetSauvignon)为材料,研究了行间生草覆盖对葡萄园微气候和葡萄酒品质的影响。

10、Chromosome studies on two species of Trifolium l. ─── 两种车轴草的染色体研究。

11、The study progress in chemical ingredients of Trifolium L.and was summarized including some active ingredient with the pharmacological effect. ─── 对三叶草属植物的化学成分及其在抗癌、抗肿瘤、抗炎、抗自由基、调节人体激素平衡等方面的药理作用进行全面综述。

12、Breeding and Cultivation of Trifolium repens L. Cv. 'Chuanyin Ladino'. ─── 川引拉丁诺白三叶品种选育及栽培利用。

13、Study on the distribution of isoflavone in Trifolium Pratense at different growth stages ─── 不同生长时期红三叶异黄酮含量变化的研究

14、Trifolium pretense is a kind of forage grass that of high utilization value. ─── 三叶是一种利用价值很高的牧草。

15、The HPLC method for the determination of daidzein,genistein and formononetin in the extract of Trifolium pratense L. ─── 建立了一种测定红车轴草提取物中大豆素、染料木素、刺芒柄花素含量的高效液相色谱分析方法。

16、Trifolium prateose L. ─── [医] 红车轴草,红三叶

17、Trifolium pratense isoflavone was extracted with the technique of ultrasonic wave. ─── 对利用超声波提取红三叶异黄酮的工艺进行了研究。

18、The relationship between inter-specific competition and quantification management index in Trifolium repens pasture ─── 白三叶种间竞争与草地数量化管理指数的关系

19、Trifolium lupinaster ─── n. 野火球

20、Genistein is a isoflavones compound which is extracted from soybean,trifolium,puerarin and etc..It is water-soluble and fatsoluble poorly and has a variety of physiological functions. ─── 染料木素是从大豆、三叶草、葛根等植物中提取出来的异黄酮化合物,水溶性和脂溶性都较差,它有多种生理学功能。

21、The effect of fertilizer application on content and accumulative amount of nutrient element in Trifolium pratense community. ─── 施肥对红三叶群落营养元素含量和积累量的影响。

22、Trifolium hybridum ─── 瑞典三叶草


24、In this paper, the chemical constituents and quality of Trifolium pratense L. ─── 本论文对红车轴草和川续断的化学成分及质量进行了系统的研究。

25、Determination of Iron and Manganese in Trifolium and its Extract by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ─── 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定红车轴草及其提取物中铁和锰

26、Performance of Trifolium repens L. In hill orchards in the west of Henan Province ─── 白三叶草在豫西丘陵果区的表现

27、The floral nectaries of Trifolium repens L.are located on the base of filaments. ─── 白车轴草花蜜腺位于雄蕊花丝的基部,属雄蕊蜜腺。

28、Trifolium pratense cv. Minshan ─── 岷山红三叶

29、We also discovered that slow growers and moderate slow growers of rhizobia form symbiosis with Trifolium, slow growers with Mimosa and fast growers with Crotalaria. ─── 分离自含羞草的根瘤菌的慢生菌株和分离自猪屎豆的根瘤菌的快生菌株 ,此项研究也进一步证实这两种研究方法在菌株归群上的一致性

30、Effects of planting Trifolium repens in fruit-orchard in down river of theancient Huanghe in Jiangsu Province ─── 江苏黄河故道地区果园种植白三叶效果研究

31、Sect. Trifolium fragiferum ─── n. 草莓车轴草

32、Study on pathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees and its symptom in Trifolium repens L. ─── 白车轴草病原菌链格孢菌及其症状研究。

33、Chromosome studies on two species of Trifolium L. ─── 两种车轴草的染色体研究。

34、Cultivation of Trifolium repens L. In pear orchard and its effects on the pear production ─── 梨园种植三叶草及对日本梨的影响

35、Study on the Factors of Influence the Regeneration Frequent of the Trifolium repens L. ─── 影响白三叶草高频率植株再生因素的研究。

36、Trifolium hydridum ─── n. 杂种车轴草

37、Objective:To screen the best method of extraction of total isoflavones from Trifolium pretense L. ─── 目的:筛选红车轴草中异黄酮的最佳提取条件,研究大孔树脂富集、纯化总异黄酮的工艺条件与参数。

38、Trifolium subterraneum ─── 杂三叶

39、Trifolium strepens ─── n. 黄车轴草

40、On the condition of natural raining, the effects of White Clover(Trifolium), Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on soil water content in Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard were studied. ─── 在生产园行间播种多年生黑麦草、紫花苜蓿、白三叶草,研究其对土壤理化性状和土壤含水量的影响。

41、trifolium repens ─── n. 白车轴草, 白三叶草

42、Trifolium dubium ─── n. 钝叶车轴草

43、Trifolium virus 3A ─── 三叶草病毒3A

44、Effects of Intercropping of Trifolium repens Linn. In Tea Plantation on Soil Temperature and Production in Subtropical Hilly Regions ─── 白三叶草间作对亚热带丘陵茶园地温及生产的影响

45、white clover ( Trifolium repens ) seedlings ─── 白三叶幼苗

46、The Photosynthetic changes of trifolium L. were studied at the full light and light shaded conditions. ─── 摘要以白车轴草为材料,在全日照和全遮荫的条件下,对白车轴草的光生理变化进行了研究。

47、Effects of interplantation of Trifolium repens in orchards on soil ecology and apple tree production ─── 果园间种白三叶草对土壤生态及果树生产的影响

48、A preliminary study on allelopathy in Trifolium repens on Lolium perenne and Eragrostis curvula ─── 白三叶对黑麦草、弯叶画眉草的化感作用初探

49、SHARMA S B.HANCOCK K R.EALIGN P M Expression of a sulfur-rich maize seed storage protein-zein,in white clover,(Trifolium repens)to improve forage quality 1998(4 ─── 吕德扬.范云六.俞梅敏.唐顺学.侯宁.汪清苜蓿高含硫氨基酸蛋白转基因植株再生[期刊论文]-安徽农业科学2000(4

50、Trifolium repen ─── 白三叶

51、Methods: Select the extract technology of Trifolium pretense L by Orthogonal Test techniques, the isoflavone Component is target. ─── 方法:以红车轴草中异黄酮成分为指标,用正交试验方法对提取工艺进行筛选。

52、any of various plants of the genera Trifolium,Lotus,and related genera of the pea family,having compound trifoliate leaves ─── 任一种车轴属、莲属和其它豆科的相关属的植物,生有三个小叶的复合叶

53、Trifolium repens 'Haifa' ─── 白三叶‘海法’

54、Trifolium eximium ─── n. 大花车轴草

55、Keywords Trifolium repens;defoliation;module density;architecture;foraging behavior;total production;energy allocation; ─── 白三叶;刈割;构件密度;构型;觅养生长;总产量;能量分配;

56、Intercropping of Trifolium repens Linn. ─── 白三叶草间作

57、Sect. Trifolium ─── n. 红车轴草组

58、This paper deals with the biocycling characteristics of 11 nutrient elements of artificial Trifolium pratense grassland in high mountain region of northern subtropical zone of China. ─── 本文研究了我国北亚热带高海拔地区红三叶人工草地11种营养元素的生物循环特征。

59、Abstract : The growth character of crofton weed in mixture transplanting with different green bristlegrass perennial ryegrass and Trifolium repens under different management conditions was studied. ─── 摘要 : 以狗尾草、黑麦草、白三叶为材料研究了混栽其中的紫茎泽兰在不同肥力条件下的生长状况。

60、Trifolium L. ─── [医] 三叶草属,三叶豆属

61、This paper reviews the composition and main physiological functions of isoflavone in Trifolium pratense. ─── 对红车轴草异黄酮的组成及主要生理功能进行了综述。

62、In Min county of Gansu province,Trifolium pratense cv.minshan was excellent legume to develop local forage industrialization. ─── 岷山红三叶Trifolium pratense 是甘肃省岷县的优良地方牧草品种,是集饲用和药用价值于一体的优质豆科牧草,是发展当地草产业的龙头产品。

63、The effects of pathogens on the growth and activate oxygen metabolism of Trifolium repens L. ─── 研究了病原菌对野外白车轴草生长及活性氧代谢系统的影响。

64、Biosystematics of Trifolium pratense L. in the east mountains in Heilongjiang Province, China. ─── 文章题目 黑龙江省东部山区红车轴草种内变异类型的研究.

65、Title: Chromosome studies on two species of Trifolium L. ─── 关键词:白车轴草;红车轴草;染色体数目;核型

66、16S rDNA PCR-RFLP analysis and numerical taxonomy for rhizobia Isolated from Trifolium,Crotalaria and Mimosa ─── 三叶草、猪屎豆和含羞草植物根瘤菌16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析和数值分类研究

67、By static adsorption experiments result show that D101 resin is better adsorption materials to purify isoflavones in Trifolium pratense. ─── 通过静态吸附实验,筛选出D101树脂是纯化红车轴草异黄酮较为理想的吸附材料。

68、Medicago ruthenicus and Trifolium lupinaster were new hosts, Euphorbia esula was new alterhate host. ─── 扁蓿豆、野火球是国内外未见报道的新寄主,乳浆大戟是国内尚未见报道的转主寄主。

69、Effects of Pathogens on Growth and Activate Oxygen Metabolism of Trifolium repens L. ─── 病原菌对白车轴草生长及活性氧代谢的影响。

70、Trifolium pratense ─── n. 红车轴草

71、The Effects of Cutting Frequency, Seeding Ratio and Nitrogen Fertilizer Level on the Yield of Mixture Pasture of the Hemarthria compressa and Trifolium repens. ─── 刈割频度、播种比例和施肥量对牛鞭草和白三叶混播草地牧草产量的影响。

72、Allelopathy of Trifolium repens L. On Abutilon theophrasti Medic . And Echinochloa crus galli L. ─── 白三叶草对苘麻和稗草的化感作用。

73、The superior weed species mainly included Viola yedoensis Makino, Geranium wilfordii Maxim, Taraxacum mongolicum Hand Mazz and Trifolium repens Linn. ─── 优势种杂草主要有紫花地丁、老鹳草、蒲公英和白三叶等。

74、Study on the result of planting Trifolium repens Linn. In the pear orchard ─── 梨园白三叶生草栽培的效果研究

75、Trifolium fibrinum ─── [医] 睡菜

76、Relationship between resistance and growth of Trifolium repens plants and their disease history ─── 植株抗病性和生长与植物病史的关系

77、Trifolium arvense ─── [医] 石苜蓿

78、Study on the Isozymes of Ladino Trifolium repens Linnaeus and Other Six T. Repens L. ─── 勒代诺白三叶与六个白三叶品种的同工酶比较研究。

79、Trifolium campestre ─── n. 草原车轴草

80、Quantification index of the management of Trifolium repens artificial pasture ─── 白三叶人工草地数量化管理指数的研究

81、Trifolium alexandrinum ─── n. 埃及车轴草

82、Trifolium gordejevi ─── n. 延边车轴草

83、Methods Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to determine the contents of isoflavones in Trifolium pratense. ─── 方法采用紫外分光光度法测定红车轴草不同采收期异黄酮的含量,同时计算各个生长期的产量。

84、And propose an enrichment and purification of isoflavones in Trifolium pratense new route. ─── 并提出了富集纯化红车轴草异黄酮的新路线。

85、a plant of the genus Trifolium. ─── 三叶草属的一种植物。

86、Trifolium repens L ─── 白车轴草

87、Allelopathy of Trifolium repens L. On Abutilon theophrasti Medic. And Echinochloa crusgalli L. ─── 白三叶草对苘麻和稗草的化感作用。

88、Trifolium repens lawn ─── 白三叶草坪

89、The growth character of crofton weed in mixture transplanting with different green bristlegrass perennial ryegrass and Trifolium repens under different management conditions was studied. ─── 以狗尾草、黑麦草、白三叶为材料研究了混栽其中的紫茎泽兰在不同肥力条件下的生长状况。

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